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Political Theory Papers


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Over the years, some really good papers examining the treaty web, political theory & application, color sphere analyses, foreign affairs, ect., have been put forth. [b]Many have not graced the OWF or have since been lost from it.[/b]

For my personal library, and for the general education of nations who might be interested in reading on such subjects here, I would like to compile them.

So, if any of you have run across any articles/papers that made a particular impact on your way of thinking & understanding and want to share them, [b]or if you are an author who would like to have your work more widely known[/b], please link or copy/paste them here. Please make the effort to ascertain if this paper is available for public consumption (i.e., not private) and of course provide the name of the author if it isn't in the piece already. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and the illumination of such knowledge will be a fantastic contribution to CN as a whole.

Be a shining beacon of truth and positive contributor today!

Thanks again.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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As an example of what I am looking for and to get the ball rolling, I will reprint this short but insightful piece by Delta1212.

[quote][size="5"]Evolving Politics[/size]
[i]By Delta1212, originally posted on his blog on December 24th, 2008.[/i]

Most people complain about the state of the current treaty web. For those of you living under a rock (although I don't know how you found this blog if you are) the current web could best be described as less of a web and more of a giant wad of twine. Essentially everyone with aspirations of political relevance is connected to it and most people are so tangled they can't seem to move. It has been charged for some time that this political landscape, such as it is, is stifling the game. I'm not going to talk about that. The subject is dead and the horse beaten into glue. Maybe I'll try breathing life back into it at a later time, but right now I'd rather focus on something more interesting, namely, how and why things developed to this point.

At its root, the current situation is an outgrowth of some very basic drivers and is almost certainly an inevitable result of this drive being left unchecked. To gain an understanding of what I'm talking about, let's look back to the dawn of time. All that exists is a scattering of small nations. No alliances or treaties of any kind. Now, let's take a look at one very special nation. We'll call it Smithtopia and its ruler's name will be Jack. All of the nations around Smithtopia are constantly getting into small battles as either the attacker or victim. Most nations that remain peaceful wind up victims and most attackers will fall prey to opportunists or a not quite victimy enough victim. There really is no secure strategy to guarantee the safety of his people.

But Jack is an innovator, he reaches out to a neighbor and they agree to protect each other. Now there is no single nation that can destroy either one. They begin bringing in more neighbors to strengthen their security and the first alliance is born. Jack is no longer just leader of Smithtopia, but the head of The Alliance with unprecedented strength set to defend him. Seeing this success, others follow suit and alliances begin to dot the landscape.

Of course, now Jack has a problem. The Alliance is no longer indomitable. There are other entities with the strength to challenge them. It requires more skill and a mentality more inclined to cooperation to build an alliance than it does a nation, so wars between alliances are fewer but much larger and more destructive than the simple one on one skirmishing. Now the number of alliances is significantly less than the number of nations. Peace treaties can be shopped around to individual alliances to help deter conflict as a fairly efficient tactic. Unfortunately, this only mitigates threats and does not secure against new or future opposition. Once again, Jack reaches out, this time to a neighboring alliance and an agreement to defend each other is reached. The Alliance now has an ally, and cannot be conquered by any single opposing alliance. Once again, others play catch up and begin pulling together allies.

The process continues building upon itself and Jack brings in a group of allies to form The Bloc. His enemies, unwilling to be left behind and exposed, quickly do the same. We're now back to square one of the cycle but on a much higher plane. Wars between allied blocs of alliances become truly massive and unbelievably devastating in their effects. Individual blocs begin to overlap and become tied together in an effort to keep from losing such devastating battles.

Now, this cycle could go on indefinitely. In CN, however, the resources ran out at the Superbloc level. There are only enough players and alliances in the game for a single Superbloc the size of the current web to exist. At this stage, the fictional Jack would now be sitting on top of the world, all but having ensured the security of Smithtopia for generations to come. Any future struggles would simply be directed at remaining on top and preventing it all from collapsing by weeding out any structural weaknesses, a much simpler task than building it from scratch.

Jack does not, of course, exist in CN. His role is encompassed by dozens of individuals from as many alliances over the course of the game. The pattern is still the same. Each stage makes wars larger and less frequent. Each stage collects more of the world's resources into collective groupings. Unfortunately, the resources are finite, and the competition which drives this process begins to die when there are no longer enough resources left to feed competing entities. Because humanity thrives on strife, the death of this arms races between separate entities brought about the end of what so many viewed as their entertainment, the public drama of opposing sides.[/quote]

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Way back when I attempted to write an unabridged military manual for the Entente. While most of it is long since obsolete information, I had a couple of bits in there on how war in CN is fundamentally a clash of assets and methods of psychological warfare. Unfortunately, I no longer have a copy of it. If VE still has a copy (or anybody who copied stuff down from Sponge's publication of guides back in Vox) I'd love to have it and revise it to be standalone for you.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1285090593' post='2460078']
Way back when I attempted to write an unabridged military manual for the Entente. While most of it is long since obsolete information, I had a couple of bits in there on how war in CN is fundamentally a clash of assets and methods of psychological warfare. Unfortunately, I no longer have a copy of it. If VE still has a copy (or anybody who copied stuff down from Sponge's publication of guides back in Vox) I'd love to have it and revise it to be standalone for you.

I checked with VE for you and Il Impero Romano was kind enough to look into it but unfortunately said it wasn't there. If you'd like to reconstruct the best parts and have the time/inclination to do so, I'm sure it would make for some enlightened reading. Regardless, thanks for the interest in this small project.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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"Altaic Ethics"

My piece "Tyberion Philosophy"

The basic seed from which the concept of Tyberia originally sprung, and which has guided its development from a dream into a reality, is simply this: success. The Tyberion Covenant is designed for the sole purpose of delivering success to its membership. Granted, there's typically some disagreement as to what exactly constitutes success in Planet Bob, but the cold, hard fact remains that everybody knows it when they see it.

In the low-level buzz of chaos that constantly surrounds international politics, it's inevitable that alliances will routinely experience conflicts with one another. Perhaps a rogue member will step out of line, or perhaps some harsh words get out of hand. Most often such individual issues are smoothed over quietly, behind the scenes. But when that doesn't happen, the alliance that gets its way - the alliance that forcefully advances its sovereign claims and enforces them without fail - is rightfully seen as the winner. This is true whether the issue was settled in back rooms, through public media, or on the battlefield. That's success.

This alliance was born from a desire to achieve success for its own sake, as well as a clear-eyed analysis of why some alliances invariably win while others fail. Everything else follows naturally and inevitably from this simple approach.

From time to time, someone starts a discussion on what factors are involved in winning at large scale inter-alliance war. Typically a variety of things get suggested, with more and more added to the list as things go along. But no matter how detailed or wordy the analysis, there's still one glaring answer which we've never seen publicly mentioned:


It's faith that wins wars.

The alliances that are invariably successful in war and in politics are those who enter it with supreme confidence, carrying with them the unquestioned assumption that they will be victorious, and that they will rapidly recover from any damage suffered.

Regardless of relative NS, member experience, organization or the many other factors involved, any conflict ultimately comes down to this: you win when you keep logging in to fight every update, night after night, for as long as it takes. The other guy loses when he gets tired of fighting you and gives up on it. When your enemies lose their nerve and you don't, they surrender and the victory is yours. That's all there is to it.

Everything else is just details. Target lists can be drafted, attacks can be coordinated, supply chains can be organized, nations can be rebuilt, and so forth. Those things are all important, and we intend to do an exceptional job at them. But regardless of such details, the fact remains that any alliance that enters into war with the absolute faith that they shall prevail will nearly always defeat an alliance that isn't so sure.

Given the central role of an alliance's faith in itself, one of the key steps that any successful alliance must focus on from the beginning is to create a coherent internal culture. Then it must constantly reinforce that culture among its members, so that they are endlessly reminding one another why they fight, explaining to each other what their alliance stands for, and discussing why that's important.

This development and reinforcement of alliance culture is hardly just "frills." Rather, it serves to create an environment conducive to fostering a dedicated, engaged and confident membership base. And that is central to success in everything else that an alliance needs to do. As such, it should be done intentionally, with as much forethought, planning and purposeful drive as any other program.

As with everything else we do, our culture will be focused on achieving success. To that end, we will be uncompromising in everything that we do, reaching for no less than perfection in our thoughts, words, teamwork and actions. No hyperbole can be too much when describing the standards that we expect of ourselves. We reject the notion that an alliance can't excel in all areas of activity equally; there are no trade-offs, no choices to be made between being effective in this way or that. We will have it all, completely.

A strong alliance culture also enhances the CN experience of each member, helping each get as much enjoyment and fulfillment out of their participation as possible. Immersive titles and terminology will help to define a "language" of our own, which will bind us together in thought as well as by oath. A constantly evolving and developing, coherent body of native political theory will help to guide us in line with our founding ideal.

Charters, Rights and Democracy
A great many alliances attempt to import an alien ideology from the so-called "Earth" and apply it to the political realities of Planet Bob. With some of them, such as the so-called "Leftist" alliances, this agenda is obvious. But even concepts such as individual rights and democracy are not native to Digiterra, nor are they a good fit - at least, not if success is your goal.

No matter what any charter says, regardless of how magnificent its legal subclauses are, it can be nothing more than a mere collection of words. It always begs the question - who decides? Who interprets it? Who is responsible for executing it, and who decides whether they did so correctly? The answer, of course, is that you have to trust people to do these things. And if they're not trustworthy, then your charter will fail no matter what it says. However, if your leadership is trustworthy, then you didn't really need a charter to begin with! The word of a truly trustworthy person that they will dedicate themselves to your well being would do just as well, and in fact better in many circumstances.

Another problem with charters is that you withhold something of yourself when you sign them. To sign a charter is to say "I'm loyal to the alliance provided it works the way this document says." The trouble is that no language is perfect enough to cover all eventualities. Loopholes occur, the alliance missteps, and (provided it survives) it revises its charter. Over time, the evolving and growing body of complicated legal documents binding the leadership of most longstanding democratic alliances can become enormous, as well as enormously complex. Those alliances which enshrine the demands of their members in a binding charter inevitably handcuff their leadership to such a degree that they simply can't serve their membership at all well in return.

To maintain individual rights is also to withhold part of yourself. In doing so, you say "you can have only so much power from me, but this I reserve for myself." As the strength of any alliance is only the sum of the dedication invested by its membership, an alliance based upon the expectation of total loyalty from its members will always have a distinct advantage over any alliance that can only ask for some.

Alliances that function democratically are at worst laughingstocks, and at best irrelevant. Most of them fall somewhere in between those two extremes. But in neither case is their membership well served by this state of affairs. Democracy takes an inordinate length of time to produce a decision which is nothing more than an average of all its members' opinions, typically uninspiring. But sometimes, swift, decisive and drastic action is required. It's during such times that the flaws of democracy on Planet Bob become glaringly evident.

It's also a common feature of many democratic alliances to end up becoming essentially "internet communities that happen to have a game attached," rather than engines driving towards the single purpose of real success in Digiterra. Their activity inevitably turns inward upon itself, and away from the realm of global politics. In the end, they become little more than another discussion group, such as can be found anywhere, except one which has allowed itself to become isolated from its topic of discussion.

The Tyberion Covenant
We categorically reject the concept of power for its own sake. In the Tyberion Covenant, autocracy exists only to serve the individual to the greatest extent possible. Each member is not "ruled," but is rather served by the Keeper and his appointees. They exist for no other reason than to support and promote the success of each member. The power they wield is nothing more or less than a tool to be used for that purpose.

Our covenant, the agreement that transfers authority to the alliance, is breathtakingly simple. It doesn't specify or guarantee any rights. It doesn't explain how the government is structured, or lay out the rules by which it will all work. It merely expresses the unreserved and unconditional transfer of power from member to Keeper. The Keeper then delegates that power, establishing the alliance structure by edict.

As that power flows back to the membership through delegation, it becomes transformed. No longer is it undirected, or without purpose. Now that member has a reason to fight, as well as to get the most satisfaction possible out of ruling his nation on Planet Bob. Now that member has been given something in which he can have faith.

Not only that, but each member will find that their power has been vastly magnified through this process. Each individual Tyberian receives not a small portion of its glory, but rather all of it; for glory, like love, is not diminished or lessened by sharing. Tyberia's successes are your successes, because you are Tyberia.

All that we ask is that you give us your all, and we will give you the world.[/quote]

And last but not least, our charter/edict of establishment:


hope you enjoy.

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[url="http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=64163&st=0&hl="]Why the NPO is the best socialist alliance in CN[/url] -- EuroSoviets

[Since it's a complex piece I made an attempt to explain it [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=104&showentry=555"]here[/url].]

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[quote name='Vladimir' timestamp='1285121139' post='2460497']
[url="http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=64163&st=0&hl="]Why the NPO is the best socialist alliance in CN[/url] -- EuroSoviets

[Since it's a complex piece I made an attempt to explain it [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=104&showentry=555"]here[/url].]

I admit I initially frowned reading comrade Vladimir's above statement, (as OOC I am a rightist), but upon reading the article I found it very informative and correct. I encourage all rulers to read it.

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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285123392' post='2460529']
I admit I initially frowned reading comrade Vladimir's above statement, (as OOC I am a rightist), but upon reading the article I found it very informative and correct. I encourage all rulers to read it.

Comrade Vladmir fills the shoe's from such famous individuals like Joseph Goebbels & Karl Rove. He knows exactly what to say to motivate the masses.

OOC: Thats a compliment Vlad, your [i]very[/i] good at what you do, I remember when you rattled off a 1000 word synopsis in minutes ( I forget the situation ) and your final comment was " The working man is a sucker" I thought to myself, good gwd no wonder The NPO rules this planet.

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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285442465' post='2464445']
I hardly believe I qualify as "the masses," nor do I believe comrade Vladimir to possess special powers of influence, [b]he merely argues correctly in a consistent manner[/b]... which won me over in time.

Opinion's vary, however Vladimir does in fact have something special, I bolded your own answer, while you may deny the fact, it's a talent not many have. He does it with pure precision.

Edited by Freelancer
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Might as well throw this in there if you think its up to par, at the time it got a fairly favorable reception. Thanks for doing this Kzop, it will be a nice little time capsule of political thought in CN, hopefully we'll get some more good ones

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89326&st=0"]The More You Know!: The Myth of The Ex-Hegemony[/url]


[center]The Myth of the Ex-Hegemony[/center]

Greetings Bobians, I'm here to discuss the current debate over the Ex-Hegemony, and whether it exists as a "power bloc" or "sphere of influence" or not. On one side you have heavyweights such as Vladimir spouting rhetoric stating that the assertion of a cohesive Ex-Hegemony to be ludicrous, while others such as Lord Brendan counter with various points and statistical analysis'. Personally, I was more than happy to eat my popcorn and watch from the sidelines, however, the dialogue that developed later on in the [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88833&st=0 ]"Which alliances are the most likely to start the next big war?"[/url] thread, piqued my interest enough to put some effort into research/thinking about the topic to offer my own analysis, as someone who served as a high ranking government member in one of the "Ex-Hegemony"'s largest alliances, and someone who has since helped founded an alliance firmly in the SF-C&G sphere of influence, and who now resides in the RIA, a member of the so-called SuperGrievances.

I'll begin my dissertation by quoting Olaf Styke, King of Sparta, whose post inspired me to begin this thread.

[quote name='Olaf Styke' date='15 July 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1279233825' post='2373645']
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. It's Darwinism. C&G-SF have found that sticking together and waiting for the enemy to make the first move means they're more likely to win, which is true, the aggressor is at a disadvantage simply because of how treaties work. [b]Now the so called "Ex Heg" alliances are smart cookies, they can come up with a way to balance the terms of the next engagement, and they'll undoubtedly try again[/b], and eventually C&G and SF will break, and there will be a new interregnum in CN, and another group will take it's place. This is how CN works.[/quote]

I'm focusing mainly on the bolded section, wherein you see what seems to be a prevailing attitude, that there is a horde of "Ex-Hegemony alliances" sitting in the dark recesses of Planet Bob waiting and plotting for the day to gain their righteous revenge with NPO as the vanguard. Unfortunately, I'll have to disagree with the prevailing attitude, and regretfully inform the masses that the "Ex-Hegemony" as you know it effectively died in this last war, much like Aegis/The League died after losing both Great War II and Great War III, "Ex-Heg" died after losing both Karma and the BiPolar War.

At the time of the WWE and early Bi-Polar, the connections were loose and fraying, although there certainly still was an attitude of "Us vs. Them" with Ex-Heg trying to overthrow SG. At this point those aforementioned ties are in many cases nonexistent or tenuous at best. Large portions of "Ex-Heg" do not like each other, and have no interest in being tied together to get beat down again. Any observant OWF visitor can view this, with prominent "Ex-Heg" members taking potshots at each other where-ever possible, treaties being cancelled, and harsh words tossed around. Some of these arguments and tensions are longstanding issues that have been around for years, others arose from the conduct of alliances during Karma, while yet others arose out of WWE/BiPolar actions, with claims of back stabbing, cowardice, opportunism, and the like.

"Ex-Heg" is no long a collective political identity, rather they're splintering off to either the SF or C&G area of influence, if you paid attention to the OWF you would notice the "Ex-Heg" treaties being cancelled left and right, and many old school NPO allies now having little love for them, and no interest in tieing themselves to the NPO banner. I'd encourage someone to try to name me an "Ex-Heg" alliance in the top 20 besides the NPO. Perhaps TOOL considering they have a secondhand link to NPO via TPF and they are also tied to FEAR who is in a bloc with two direct NPO MDoAP partners, however, thats a rather tenuous link. The Legion is the only true Ex-Heg top 20 alliance left besides NPO, but with these recent cancellations, it looks like they're off to suck the power teat of someone else, so that could bring their Ex-Heg status to an end soon. In essence, SF and C&G won, congratulations, the larger Superfriends and Complaints and Grievances cluster is utterly unopposed, no I'm not trying to trick you into letting your guard down and getting killer by those evil Ex-Heggers, I'm a member of your new world order, its in my interest to see it continue. To use a Aegis/League example again, you saw ODN and Legion and GATO forming up a large part of the core opposition to WUT, the 2006/2007 equivalent to SuperGrievances, and then just months later in the UJW, you had ODN, Legion, and GATO all fighting on the side of the NPO. History repeats itself, Ex-Hegemony alliances are splintering off to either SF or C&G, notable example, UPN has clearly aligned itself with C&G/Blue 2.0, and other examples will be soon to come.

Many people are probably now stating "But just look at Bob's treaty web! Theres clearly an Ex-Heg side!". Instead of making my own rebuttal for that, I'm going to borrow a very effective one from Letum.

[quote name='Letum' date='17 July 2010 - 11:40 PM' timestamp='1279424437' post='2376633']
You need to be careful with the conclusions you draw from the interpretation of a 3D model.

After all, you can rotate it to this and conclude that NPO is in MK's sphere and there is a divide between SF and CnG! (And there is no conspiracy there, the fact MK has so many ex-NPO people is a coincidence).


I won't argue that there appears to be a larger Ex-Heg group with limited ties to outside alliances, however, that larger Ex-Heg group has splintered, primarily into four distinct power clusters. TOP/IRON, the Peace and Love Train bloc, Poseidon/Peace, and the Iron Curtain bloc, and each of these blocs respective hanger-ons. I'll now discuss each power cluster independently and give some general predictions based off casual observation of treaties, recent FA moves, grudges, and conversations I've had with various members of each of these mini power clusters.

1. The Order of the Paradox and the Independent Republic of Orange Nations, or TOP/IRON for short

As anyone who paid attention to the last war would be able to tell you, TOP/IRON were the core of the "Ex-Heg" side last war, with the war coalition referred to as TIFDTT, prominently featuring the two of them as the first T (TOP) and I (IRON) of that acronym. TOP fought against the Hegemony in Karma, holding little love for much of the Ex-Hegemony, with only their ties to IRON and paranoia regarding C&G tieing them to the Ex-Heg side in WWE/BiPolar. Now with that paranoia satiated, and many of IRON's ties to the former Ex-Hegemony now cancelled, this power cluster of TOP/IRON and their close allies (such as Argent or TORN) is clearly moving away from what was the Ex-Heg, and taking the lions share of its strength and organizational skills with it. With TOP/IRON still under terms for quite some time, you can probably put money on them being neutral in any upcoming summer/fall conflicts, however, further down the line I wouldn't be surprised to see them drift over towards SF, if only due to IRON's R&R tie, and the fact that although C&G-TOP/IRON relations have improved, they still fought a vicious war against each other and I wouldn't expect an IRON-MK MADP anytime soon.

2. Peace and Love Train

Composed of the CCC, Europa, TFD, NADC, UBD, and GUN, this little bloc is primarily located on the blue sphere. With fairly minimal ties to anyone besides themselves, I'd predict them likely moving closer towards the Blue 2.0 sphere and by that association to C&G. Said prediction largely stems from multiple ties to NV, and the recent addition of the CCC who is strongly tied to NpO and GR.

3. Poseidon/Peace

Comprised of Valhalla, BAPS, and Olympus, as well as several smaller purple alliances who are part of the ODP economic bloc. Although there are several indirect ties here to the NPO, as well as a direct one in the form of the Olympus-NPO MDoAP, I'm still skeptical on them holding out as hardcore NPO-ers. If I had to take a guess I'd say moving slightly towards SF, if only because of Val's past SF ties

4. Iron Curtain, comprised of Hydra, NATO, NSO, and FEAR. With two of its four members MDoAP'ed to NPO if you really wanted to you could refer to the Iron Curtain/NPO power base as "Ex-Heg", but it really would be a misnomer. There is a small "NPO and Friends" group that IC could be considered a part of, along with TPF, Legion, and others, but such a group is hardly a threat or potent power on the world stage, no force that will break the SF-C&G power sphere for sure

At some point SF and C&G are going to split, its nigh a certainty, regardless of whether they like each other or not. At some point one of SF's entourage is going to have a problem with someone in C&G's entourage (or maybe even an actual member of SF having a problem with a member of C&G's entourage, and vice versa), and a war is going to break out because of it. Not because SF and C&G dislike each other, although that may happen at some point in time, but because [b]first and foremost[/b] their allegiance is to their respective bloc and friends first, and the other bloc, whether it be SF or C&G depending on whose perspective you're looking from, is second. I highly doubt that it will come down to a direct SF-C&G confrontation, with GOD fighting Athens or something to that extent, relations are to good overall and members of each bloc would tactfully resolve the issue. However, as several incidents over the past months have highlighted, such as Tilton, IAA-GOD, OO-TIO, and others, the potential for such a war to break out is certainly there, and its only a matter of time before another similar incident pops up and someone is a little to trigger happy.

To close my little analysis,

TLDR: There is no cohesive Ex-Hegemony, rather those groups that composed the Ex-Hegemony have splintered off into four distinct clusters, of which some will likely drift towards C&G, others to SF, and others to the NPO. I'd also like to emphasize when I say that IRON/TOP may move towards SF or PnL towards C&G/Blue 2.0, I'm not saying there is going to be a slew of treaties, or that they are going to be joined at the hip, just that in the event of the eventual SF-C&G war, the current minimal connections they have to a respective side would likely draw them in, and that if SF/C&G are clever they will probably endeavor to strengthen existing ties to bring the more competent and palatable "Ex-Heg" alliances to their side.




Edited by Lord Fingolfin
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[quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1285444618' post='2464487']
Opinion's vary, however Vladimir does in fact have something special, I bolded your own answer, while you may deny the fact, it's a talent not many have. He does it with pure precision.
I cannot deny that arguing the truth is a talent many here don't exercise.

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I wrote this 14-page monster--feverishly--from midnight to 3:00 AM in October of 2008. I poked at it for another week and this is where I left it on Nov 7th of 2008.

Before everyone gets all [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=27968"]The Scholar[/url] about it: I never finished writing it; there will be sentences that end abruptly, it will not be entirely cohesive; in summation it's still a draft.

[color="#8B0000"][b]Red = Title[/b][/color]
[color="#FF8C00"][b]Orange = Section[/b][/color]
[color="#006400"][b]Green = Subsection[/b][/color]

Table of Contents


Terminology, Definitions, Usage

Control Apparatuses of the Power Superstructure[/b][/color]
[color="#006400"][b]I. Alliances
II. The MDP Web
III. Super-Bloc
IV. Team Senates
V. Individual Rulers[/b][/color]

[b][color="#FF8C00"]Means of Control[/color]
[color="#006400"]I. Information
II. Communication
III. War/Threat of War
IV. Aid
V. Sanctions
VI. Treaties
VII. Morality[/color][/b]

[b][color="#FF8C00"]Utilization of Control Apparatuses to Fulfill the Dual Nature[/color]
[color="#006400"]I. The MDP Web
II. The Super-Bloc[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Traits of the Power Superstructure[/color]

[color="#FF8C00"]Dangers of the Power Superstructure[/color]
[color="#006400"]I. War[/color][/b]

The Power Superstructure[/b][/color]

Since the beginning of the Vox Populi movement, Digiterra has been witness to many new ideas, terms, and definitions. Some are easily understood, like mental and physical liberation. Some seem obvious on their face, like Global Despotism. Others are new, like “Anarchic Collective,” while other pre-existing terms have been given new definitions or contexts.
During my involvement with the Vox Populi movement, I have begun to use a term, “Power Superstructure,” which is a concept that has existed on Digiterra in rudimentary form for quite a long time, but that has only in the recent past become a truly cohesive and functional entity. Past failures include The Coven and the myriad alliance blocs prior to The Continuum. But, while it is easy for those unfamiliar with my terminology to mistake my meaning for nothing more than a veiled allusion or synonym for pre-existing ideas or bodies like “Ebil NPO,” “The Continuum,” or “MDP Web” the truly mentally awake must be made aware of the true depth of meaning this term holds.

[color="#FF8C00"][b]Terminology, Definitions, Usage[/b][/color]
The term Power Superstructure refers to an overarching political system made up of several Control Apparatuses by which nearly all aspects of an alliance or nation’s behavior are controlled. The Power Superstructure encompasses and seamlessly integrates prior forms of physical, intellectual, financial, and extradigiterrestrial control, exerting them simultaneously or individually on an as-needed basis.
The Power Superstructure is the greater sum of its parts, and as such its use as a term is not interchangeable with its individual control apparatuses, but only as that sum of their cohesive use; however, its overriding hand can be seen in the exercise of less than all of its control apparatuses where such limited force is sufficient. Indeed, the use of only one control apparatus of the Power Superstructure is one way in which those that utilize or benefit from it try to mask or deny its existence.
The Dual Nature of the Power Superstructure is self-preservation and self-replication. Self-preservation and self-replication go hand-in-hand; it is preserved by replication, and replicated by the processes of preservation.
The Power Superstructure governs the means, methods, and norms of communication, and both beneficial and detrimental contact be it physical (military) or otherwise between alliances and individual nations through utilization of its control apparatuses toward its dual nature. It even sets and controls the prevailing morality of Digiterrans, of you.

[color="#FF8C00"][b]Control Apparatuses of the Power Superstructure[/b][/color]
A key notation in the definition of the Power Superstructure is its existence as a sum of parts; the parts are “Control Apparatuses,” specifically, Alliances, the MDP Web, the Super-Bloc, Team Senates, and Individual Rulers.

[color="#006400"][b]I. Alliances.[/b][/color] An alliance is a group of individual nations bound together in common goals, usually as set forth in a charter; each member nation has, in effect, affixed its signature to the charter of the alliance, thereby submitting to the collective goals of the alliance. Within the Power Superstructure, alliances become a control apparatus through which individual national knowledge, speech (private and public), finances, prosperity, trade, and safety are regulated.
[color="#006400"][b]II. The MDP Web.[/b][/color] The “MDP Web” is both the actual tangle of inter-alliance treaties at the level of compulsive mutual defence – or “higher” – pacts (treaties), and its various visual representations (the most notable being that maintained by Lord Sharpe).
[color="#006400"][b]III. Super-Bloc.[/b][/color] While blocs are treaties with more than two signatory alliances that concentrate large amounts of power, super-blocs control military and economic power to a degree utterly beyond that of all other blocs. There is only one super-bloc, The Continuum, twelve alliances bound together by the Mobius Accords. While the MDP Web passively ensnares alliances into service and observance of the Power Superstructure, super-blocs are an active force of the Power Superstructure.
[color="#006400"][b]IV. Team Senates.[/b][/color] Every “Color Sphere” has a “Team Senate” comprised of three Senators elected from among the top 10% of nations on that sphere (as measured by nation strength). A Senator with at least 10 votes can post team messages. A Senator with at least 30 votes can impose trade, aid, or trade-and-aid sanctions against any nation on the color sphere, or lift such sanctions. (“none” is a sphere, grey is the visual representation of “none;” there is no “grey sphere”).
[color="#006400"][b]V. Individual Rulers.[/b][/color] Individual rulers are at once the smallest and most important component of the Power Superstructure. In choosing to affiliate themselves with alliances within the superstructure, individual rulers empower alliances and alliance leaders with a false but apparent “majority.”
Means of Control[/b][/color]
Means of Control are tools wielded by the Control Apparatuses as needed in fulfillment of the Dual Nature.
[color="#006400"][b]I. Information.[/b][/color] Individual rulers that are ignorant of global happenings are susceptible to the myths perpetuated by the superstructure, eager to be “winners,” and quick to surrender wit and reason to attain a sense of accomplishment. Where individuals are kept in the dark, the Power Superstructure’s grip upon them is tightest. What members of alliances are told by their leaders is carefully calculated; what cooperating alliance governments are told by their allies is calculated to a greater degree.
[color="#006400"][b]II. Communication.[/b][/color] The unwritten code of conduct of the Power Superstructure has entire chapters dedicated to communication. What communication is acceptable, who may speak to whom, means of communication, modes of communication, and shifting-sands decorum.
[color="#006400"][b]III. War/Threat of War.[/b][/color] War as a means of control needs no explanation; bodies within the superstructure perpetuate their position there to both make and avoid war, and bodies outside the superstructure are controllable through war or the threat of war. Despite the central role of buzzwords like “peace,” “growth,” and “prosperity” in alliance charters and recruitment messages and phrases such as “Pax Pacifica” in explaining the need of hegemonic super-blocs, “Cassus Belli” is the only phrase on the minds of diplomats working within the Power Superstructure.
[color="#006400"][b]IV. Aid.[/b][/color] As a means of control, aid can be applied or denied. Aid restrictions are placed on individuals or groups that threaten the Power Superstructure, aid can be liberally applied to individuals or groups that serve the Dual Nature.
[color="#006400"][b]V. Sanctions.[/b][/color] Like aid, senate sanctions are a financial means of control. The power to enforce its will by denying a nation trade or foreign aid is a potent one for the Power Superstructure, especially in context of conflict between individuals or very small groups against the Power Superstructure.
[color="#006400"][b]VI. Treaties.[/b][/color] Treaties are key to three Control Apparatuses – Alliances, the Super-Bloc, and the MDP Web – and play a role in Team Senates. These agreements between alliances guide war, sanctions, trade, communication
[color="#006400"][b]VII. Morality.[/b][/color] Morality as a means of control is not as visible or actively utilized as others; however, its grip is constant and deeply rooted.
[color="#006400"][b]VIII. Extradigiterrestrial Intervention.[/b][/color] Admin’s hand is even and steady, the Mods execute his will and orders. Where they are summoned, they survey and rule without bias; the prayers of apparatuses are many. Beyond Admin and his host, the superstructure draws upon archives of the spiritual essence of rulers, tracing their reincarnations beyond the grave.
Distinguishing Control Apparatuses from Means of Control[/b][/color]
Due to the ways in which they are used in real-world scenarios, in looking over the lists of apparatuses and means, one might easily see no difference between some, or become confused as to why some are categorized as they are.
Control Apparatuses are physical entities utilized by the Power Superstructure in order to fulfill its Dual Nature; Means of Control are the ways in which apparatuses effect that fulfillment. In some instances, the superstructure may tap an apparatus to use a means that is not directly accessible to it; for example, Team Senates apply Sanctions as a means of control; however, Alliances and the Super-Bloc utilize Team Senates [to access Sanctions]. Team Senators within the superstructure can directly apply Sanctions, but an Alliance seeking to apply a sanction must do so through a Team Senate. Because all apparatuses work together as part of the Power Superstructure, no intra-superstructure disagreement occurs when one apparatus must be drawn upon by another, no coercion is needed – as integrated parts of the superstructure, use of one apparatus by another is entirely cooperative.
Further examples of apparatus cooperation
An Individual cannot apply war on an alliance, but Individuals can utilize Alliances to apply war on an alliance.

A “means of control” is always applied by a control apparatus, but a control apparatus cannot be applied by a means of control. In the previous example, Team Senates, the Super-Bloc, and Alliances can all apply Sanctions, but a sanction cannot apply any control apparatus. As shown in the example, most means of control can be applied by multiple control apparatuses.
Further examples:
Alliances cooperate with Individuals to apply war, but war cannot utilize Individuals or Alliances.

A simplified distinction may be phrased “Control Apparatuses are things, means of control are actions,” Apparatuses work in cooperation, while means are tools to be wielded.

[color="#FF8C00"][b]Utilization of Control Apparatuses to Fulfill the Dual Nature[/b][/color]
[color="#006400"][b]The MDP Web[/b][/color]
In understanding the Power Superstructure, we must look at its dual nature as set out in the definition. What about the Power Superstructure makes it successful as a whole where its parts have failed to exert total control individually in the past? What about the Power Superstructure brings these parts together? The Dual Nature; self-preservation and self-replication – the cohesive use of its control apparatuses drives its success.
The MDP Web is the control apparatus by which the superstructure replicates itself. This expanding mass of treaties serves the Power Superstructure’s dual nature by governing conflict, controlling public and private speech, forcing intelligence-sharing, and passively drawing alliances into its alliance control apparatus. Alliances that are not linked into the Power Superstructure are left at its [lack of] mercy; therefore, they pursue skin-deep relationships with as many alliances that are part of the superstructure as possible. Hordes of “diplomats” establish embassies on behalf of their alliances in paradoxically feverish drives to gain treaties that will link them into the Power Superstructure.
The paradox? Although the pace of embassy proliferation is feverish, the ever-decreasing meaning behind the resulting treaties means little to no effort beyond embassy establishment and light banter.
While alliances sign reams of cheap treaties for their own personal volume to compensate for cheapness, cheap treaties cement the Power Superstructure by virtue of volume. The volume of treaties creates exponentially more binding power (control) for the Power Superstructure. This abundance of power creates an ever-escalating need for integration of alliances and individuals into the Power Superstructure to avoid that power, ensuring a feedback loop of replication and preservation.
[color="#006400"][b]The Super-Bloc[/b][/color]
Just as the Power Superstructure has existed as individual control apparatuses prior to the Continuum, it is wider and deeper than the Continuum, a super-bloc, or any other of its parts. In speaking about “the Power Superstructure,” “state of the world,” “stagnation,” “curbstomp” or generally in terms of “what’s wrong” those that benefit from the existence of the Power Superstructure quickly attempt to stop all negative discussion with specific tactics to discredit the validity of the discussion by equating “Power Superstructure” with derisive “lol ebil NPO” or “bawwwww Continuum!” memes. Still others fail to understand the composition of the Power Superstructure and erroneously blame its separate control apparatuses for the collection of their woes, discussing the negative effects of only the Continuum, or only multi-team sanctions; however, a nation molested by a super-bloc like the Continuum can retreat to peace mode, a nation hounded by sanctions can fall back to the None Sphere.
No, the Power Superstructure is the sum of all control apparatuses. A nation in conflict with the Power Superstructure is sanctioned on every color, locked into peace mode, denied intellectual voice on the global stage by a cacophony of superstructure voices, and cannot join any alliance.
Discussion of one part of the Power Superstructure, super-blocs, presents an unfortunate muddying point. At present, while there are many blocs, there is but one super-bloc, the Continuum.
The nature of the Power Superstructure is to draw on the super-bloc, but its dual nature demands that there be only one super-bloc. This demand of only one dominating bloc for the existence of the Power Superstructure is evident in the failures of past emergences of power-superstructure-like environments, as seen in the past in instances of multiple blocs each possessing great power.
The most recent example of the Power Superstructure’s necessity of but one super-bloc is the war against NpO-BLEU and their allies. As this potential secondary super-bloc grew in power, opposition to it by the Power Superstructure itself grew in kind. This is contrary to the vernacular belief that the NpO-BLEU pole was reduced in power solely by physical intervention of the Continuum; in fact, this emerging, competitor super-bloc was the victim of the Power Superstructure. As the NpO-BLEU pole grew in power, its senate grew in independence, its involved and linked alliances grew in distance, and its individual nations gained information apart from that supplied by the superstructure. This amounted to a threat to the Power Superstructure by splitting its control apparatuses – independent Blue and Aqua senators, a tight group within the MDP Web, individuals identifying with NpO-BLEU over Power Superstructure. As this division of units of its control apparatuses grew, the Power Superstructure utilized the whole of its parts in unison to maintain itself. The Power Superstructure’s preservation erupted in a manifestation of senate sanctions, physical alliance-to-alliance violence, exertion of information dissemination and withholding in private and public, active super-bloc involvement, and passive MDP Web cold-shouldering of those pieces of the Power Superstructure’s alliance control apparatus that had begun to threaten the replication and preservation of the Power Superstructure.
As noted in the definition of Power Superstructure, “its overriding hand can be seen in action in the exercise of only one of its control apparatuses” but it is deeper than any one of its parts, in the case of the super-bloc, it is deeper than the Continuum, and in the case of the example given, all parts were used where use of anything less was not sufficient.
Another clear utilization of parts toward the dual nature is the dictation of morality on alliance, individual, and bloc part levels. Codifying the Power Superstructure’s morality is made difficult by its shifting stance based on the needs of the dual nature. As the needs of the dual nature shift, the moral stances of sentient control apparatuses shift in tandem to account for the dual nature’s needs. Examples of the Power Superstructure’s shifting morality are most easily spotted where sentient control apparatuses have issued broad moral statements; for example, the popular adages “spying is bad for your health,” and “private channels for the win.”
In the case of spying, where spying threatens one of the Power Superstructure’s parts – the unity of the MDP Web or super-bloc, or an alliance’s security – yes, spying will result in utilization by the Power Superstructure of one or more of its parts to the detriment of the spy. Where spying benefits one of the Power Superstructure’s parts, however, spying is rewarded and encouraged. Some specific occurrences stand out. When the same detriment-or-benefit filter is applied to standards of other alliance-to-alliance, alliance-to-individual, and individual-to-individual contact such as aid or senate campaigning. Alliances outside the Power Superstructure will be subjected to a full used of its parts against it, while alliances within the Power Superstructure that violate a moral standard will either be forced back into line by use of some superstructure parts, or removed from the Power Superstructure and subjected to its full wrath. The popular trend in thought is to bemoan the Power Superstructure’s excess of force in enforcing its morality, but constant excess by the superstructure can threaten the superstructure; therefore, at times great mercy is shown as a function of preservation, while at other times great wrath is shown as a function of replication.
Perhaps the most oft repeated Power Superstructure moral is “might makes right.” The conviction of many that this is true is a success of the Power Superstructure in use of its Information, Alliance, Super-Bloc, and Individual parts. This mantra is easy to repeat and remember, it is easy to demonstrate, and the individual is happy to eat it up as he shouts “lol ur infras are gone, your techs is mine.”

[color="#FF8C00"][b]Traits of the Power Superstructure[/b][/color]
An interesting trait of the Power Superstructure is its age. While the Power Superstructure has only begun to perfect itself within the past twelve months during the time of the Continuum, it has emerged as clumsy prototypes at various times in the past when some of its control apparatuses were utilized in unison, but not all of them, and is older than the Continuum.
The greatest factor of failure can be divined in the wording regarding its growth and power – in speaking about the current, completed Power Superstructure no group or persons are assigned control or credit. The Power Superstructure is an entity made up of many parts, all of them controlled by alliances or individuals, but, like a re-animation experiment gone wrong, it is its own monster – created, but not a creature. In the past, groups crowning themselves with the abilities held by the Power Superstructure have tried to wield various control apparatuses of the Power Superstructure to their own ends, but each has fallen. Perhaps the earliest example is The Coven, a group of individuals who positioned themselves in offices of power for the purpose of driving Digiterran politics and war to their own whims by utilizing a few of the Power Superstructure’s control apparatuses. Other failed forerunners of the Power Superstructure have come under attempts to wield its parts by blocs, such as the World Unity Treaty.
The distinguishing factor between apparent previous emergences of the Power Superstructure and the Power Superstructure as it has truly emerged is where the control lay. The Power Superstructure can be ridden or even manipulated by an individual or alliance or group of alliances for benefit, but the Power Superstructure is the result of an aligning of actions on Digiterra by Digiterrans, but it cannot be completely yoked by them – The Power Superstructure is of its own self, its parts having been existent longer than it.

[color="#FF8C00"][b]Dangers of the Power Superstructure[/b][/color]
As seen in the utilitarian use of its parts of due to its nature, the Power Superstructure’s existence represents a real and heretofore unparalleled danger to all individuals, alliances, and non-super-blocs, most especially those outside it. Some of these dangers, specifically, are war, control of minds, and the depopulation of Digiterra.
As has been demonstrated, the Power Superstructure’s dual nature does not allow for competition for its control apparatuses. Because Digiterra is a world populated by politicians hungry for intrigue, diplomacy is almost always given a

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Heh, I wasn't kidding when I said it wasn't finished. The last sentence: "Because Digiterra is a world populated by politicians hungry for intrigue, diplomacy is almost always given a " that's not a forum character-count cut-off; that's just where I stopped writing mid-sentence.

I haven't read that in 2 years and--at the risk of sounding pompous--wow! I wish I had finished it. It's a little disheartening to see how much still applies.

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[quote name='Freelancer' timestamp='1285441566' post='2464432']
Comrade Vladmir fills the shoe's from such famous individuals like Joseph Goebbels & Karl Rove. He knows exactly what to say to motivate the masses.

Goebbels revolutionized propaganda/advertisement and is largely responsible for the aggressiveness we have on TV ads today (commercially). Vladimir plays with theories and creates good-standing pieces based on works of different authors and his own opinion, it's hardly comparable to constant, subliminal propaganda.
But nice try at being a partisan hack!

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[quote name='deSouza' timestamp='1285515093' post='2465179']
Goebbels revolutionized propaganda/advertisement and is largely responsible for the aggressiveness we have on TV ads today (commercially). Vladimir plays with theories and creates good-standing pieces based on works of different authors and his own opinion, it's hardly comparable to constant, subliminal propaganda.
But nice try at being a [b]partisan hack![/b]
You say that like it's a bad thing (in this thread, no less).

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