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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284304528' post='2450954']
Maybe small numbers of defenseless nations who have the odds heavily stacked against them shouldn't declare war on large alliances.

Why not? :huh:

Rising up and fighting in the face of insurmountable odds seems like a pretty awesome thing to do, to me.

Are you seriously trying to say what people should and shouldn't do in this [ooc]game[/ooc] now?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1284305198' post='2450962']
Why not? :huh:

Rising up and fighting in the face of insurmountable odds seems like a pretty awesome thing to do, to me.

Are you seriously trying to say what people should and shouldn't do in this [ooc]game[/ooc] now?

From what I have seen the goonS need to ensure they have all the odds stacked in their favour and are so scared of 8 rogues they feel the need to request sanctions.

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When you declared on us, the GOONS, you honestly didn't expect a fair fight, did you?

I mean seriously, if there's one thing people should know about us at this point, it's that we like fighting a lot, but we like winning even more and will do whatever is in our power to do so. You went after us because we were all evil blights on Planet BOB, but ever since then you have (with the exception of thekirbyfake and a couple others, who have handled this with admirable style) whined about us not playing fair.

Take your medicine, go up in a ball of atomic fire like you planned to, and [i]deal with it[/i]. Stop embarrassing yourselves. Be more like thekirbyfake.

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[quote name='Whyohwhy' timestamp='1284306292' post='2450983']
From what I have seen the goonS need to ensure they have all the odds stacked in their favour and are so scared of 8 rogues they feel the need to request sanctions.

I never get tired of people calling sanctions an act of cowardice. Please keep doing it. It tickles me.

It's also an act of cowardice to take the safety off my gun and it's an act of cowardice to reload after I'm out of ammo. And while I'm at it, the fact that I have a bigger knife than the guy attacking me shows that I'm SOOOOO SOOOOO scared.

Edited by Dr Beefstupid
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I mean seriously. One of the main reasons you declared was because you didn't like how we dealt with microalliances. We define you as a microalliance too. How did you expect any different treatment?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1284305198' post='2450962']
Why not? :huh:

Rising up and fighting in the face of insurmountable odds seems like a pretty awesome thing to do, to me.

Are you seriously trying to say what people should and shouldn't do in this [ooc]game[/ooc] now?
No, I'm saying people shouldn't complain that the small defenseless groups are being beat up when they started the conflict.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284309209' post='2451025']
No, I'm saying people shouldn't complain that the small defenseless groups are being beat up when they started the conflict.

This conflict started [i]as a result[/i] of your alliance beating up small defenseless groups.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1284309566' post='2451038']
This conflict started [i]as a result[/i] of your alliance beating up small defenseless groups.
Your posts reads "I don't know all the details of this conflict but I'm going to state my opinion anyway."

The leader of the group already admitted that A) they're rogues, B) they intended to go out with a bang anyway, C) they already intended to attack GOONS before the tech raid incident, D) even if it wasn't GOONS they were going to go rogue on SOMEONE.

Please tell us more about how GOONS started this when the leader of UOKMB already said that we didn't.

EDIT: Typo.

Edited by Beefspari
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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1284309976' post='2451050']
Your posts reads "I don't know all the details of this conflict but I'm going to state my opinion anyway."

The leader of the group already admitted that A) they're rogues, B) they intended to go out with a bang anyway, C) they already intended to attack GOONS before the tech raid incident, D) even if it wasn't GOONS they were going to go rogue on SOMEONE.

Please tell us more about how GOONS started this when the leader of UOKMB already said that we didn't.

EDIT: Typo.

This conflict is integrated into a bigger picture here, but for the topic's sake, I'm not going into it.

Keep the pain up UOKMB. Recruitment and propaganda ftw.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1284322231' post='2451313']
I read the title of this topic, and my first thought was "Funny, I just saw their NS graph and was thinking the exact opposite..."

You seem to think we care about our NS. We stated from the very beginning that our objective was to hurt Goons. One objective. One.

As of this morning UOKMB has fired 121 successful nukes at Goons and allies.

I can only speak for my own battles but I've taken 42,002 NS and lost 17,449.

Interesting that you've finally appeared on a UOKMB thread, ktarthan, given it was you that bravely nuked a non-nuclear nation during a "raid" which effectively secured Goons as the target for the nukes.

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[quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1284372534' post='2452148']
You seem to think we care about our NS. We stated from the very beginning that our objective was to hurt Goons. One objective. One.

THis morning my wife said to me "Oh, look at the state of your NS; it's revolting"
I replied "I couldn't care less. Im not cleaning it again. I did it at CHristmas and given how much it gets used nowadays, what with the 3 kids and all that- it's not worth the effort."

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[quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1284372534' post='2452148']
You seem to think we care about our NS. We stated from the very beginning that our objective was to hurt Goons. One objective. One.

As of this morning UOKMB has fired 121 successful nukes at Goons and allies.

I can only speak for my own battles but I've taken 42,002 NS and lost 17,449.

Interesting that you've finally appeared on a UOKMB thread, ktarthan, given it was you that bravely nuked a non-nuclear nation during a "raid" which effectively secured Goons as the target for the nukes.
[/quote]ktarthan is a GOONS hero. He's been abstaining from this because he's too busy basking in the adoration we shower him with.

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[quote name='Heinlander' timestamp='1284390638' post='2452299']
ktarthan is a GOONS hero. He's been abstaining from this because he's too busy basking in the adoration we shower him with.

That says everything. Your hero is someone who managed to start a war with 8 rogue nations.

Good to see how low your self esteem is. :lol1:

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[quote name='Whyohwhy' timestamp='1284390815' post='2452302']
That says everything. Your hero is someone who managed to start a war with 8 rogue nations.

Good to see how low your self esteem is. :lol1:
[/quote]Why not? This is clearly the most interesting interlude going on in the world right now, banal as it may be. GOONS luvs2fite, and we adore anyone who can make this happen.

We also love you guys too :wub:

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[quote name='Whyohwhy' timestamp='1284390815' post='2452302']
That says everything. Your hero is someone who managed to start a war with 8 rogue nations.

Good to see how low your self esteem is. :lol1:

You guys were more than likely going to rogue on us anyway, so your point is moot.

Anything else?

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1284392904' post='2452329']
You guys were more than likely going to rogue on us anyway, so your point is moot.

You were the top of a list, that much is true. Somebody in Umbrella tried to talk us out of it and he'd succeeded which moved you off the list entirely.

Then brave [color=#1C2837][size=2]ktarthan decided to nuke one of us and ensure Goons became the list.[/size][/color]

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[quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1284393488' post='2452340']
You were the top of a list, that much is true. Somebody in Umbrella tried to talk us out of it and he'd succeeded which moved you off the list entirely.

Then brave [color=#1C2837][size=2]ktarthan decided to nuke one of us and ensure Goons became the list.[/size][/color]

Good thing we're all getting stomped into oblivion over his actions :(( GOONS :((

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[quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1284393488' post='2452340']
You were the top of a list, that much is true. Somebody in Umbrella tried to talk us out of it and he'd succeeded which moved you off the list entirely.

Then brave [color=#1C2837][size=2]ktarthan decided to nuke one of us and ensure Goons became the list.[/size][/color]
The fact that he got you to rogue us is what makes him a GOON hero.

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[quote name='thekirbyfake' timestamp='1284372534' post='2452148']
You seem to think we care about our NS. We stated from the very beginning that our objective was to hurt Goons. One objective. One.

As of this morning UOKMB has fired 121 successful nukes at Goons and allies.

I can only speak for my own battles but I've taken 42,002 NS and lost 17,449.

Interesting that you've finally appeared on a UOKMB thread, ktarthan, given it was you that bravely nuked a non-nuclear nation during a "raid" which effectively secured Goons as the target for the nukes.
Good job. You did it. You inflicted damage on GOONS. Damage which we are already recovering from as shown by the fact that our NS is already rising again. I give it a week before we're back to where we were. I have to say though. You boys inflicted 120k NS damage and took 200k NS damage. Not really the best nuclear bang to go out on considering most usually deal more damage then they take when they decide to leave in a mushroom cloud flash, but so long as you tried your best, and don't really care about all the numbers. I had fun. Thank the Admin for ktarthan. We should make him a badge or something. Curing every GOONS case of boredom is deserving of a medal right? Oh and thekirbyfake one thing:

Join GOONS and we could rule the n00bz together. Give in to your e-rage and strike them down with all of your might! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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[quote name='Raider' timestamp='1284439814' post='2453306']
Join GOONS and we could rule the n00bz together. Give in to your e-rage and strike them down with all of your might! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Unfortunately I think TheKirbyFake is likely to decline your offer for the following reason.
Our proud alliance has 4 rules and four rules only. Set in stone.
1) Die attacking with little enthusiasm
2) Never have any dealings with the sort of person who thinks a picture of a cat with hilariously misspelled words written on it is funny
3) Never have any details with the kind of person who, as an adult, still thinks that "mwahahahahaha" is a word
4) If you ever encounter anyone who is guilty of both 2) and 3) then wash yourself thoroughly in bleach and makes sure your children are somewhere that you can keep an eye on them.

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