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The Casualty Race!


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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281929793' post='2417434']
I feel you l2eaper, I did that one round where I started out at the top, but when you lose so much of your nation's start it's hard to catch up in infra and get that soldier number high enough for more casualties.

there was a point i was on 6 of the cyber nation awards, all 3 casulties, most popular player (senate votes), Most Money Earned, top 7 days nation gains.

was fairly impressed with those, then lost the spot in top 7 days nation gains and had it replaced with top 7 days smallest nation gains at #1 for 3 days, then the rest started slipping

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Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 24,186 Attacking + 75,595 Defending = 99,781 Casualties
Casualty Rank: Ranked #15 of 1,501 Nations (1.00%)

I'm making a comeback!

Now if only my opponents would stop turtling so my attacking didn't look so pathetic.

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1281966231' post='2417882']
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 24,186 Attacking + 75,595 Defending = 99,781 Casualties
Casualty Rank: Ranked #15 of 1,501 Nations (1.00%)

I'm making a comeback!

Now if only my opponents would stop turtling so my attacking didn't look so pathetic.
Funny coming from NB I am fighting Nordic turtles right now!

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1281966231' post='2417882']I'm making a comeback![/quote]
I'm helping :P

I'm also totally delaying updating this until that lazy went-to-bed-early rogue nukes me.
I nuked him after all. It's only fair!

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[quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1282063595' post='2419792']
Funny coming from NB I am fighting Nordic turtles right now!

Next time maybe declare up instead of declaring down on people 60% of your NS then, but thanks for wasting your offensive slots on guys who were small and largely inactive.

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[quote]Most Attacking Casualties

1) 90,922 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 72,213 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
3) 69,137 Soldiers Lost - Marsellus of Fox Force Five - Black Team
4) 62,042 Soldiers Lost - colonel mustard of Mustardville - Blue Team
5) 58,091 Soldiers Lost - Atomic Muffin of Platypus Island - Black Team[/quote]
I still have a slight prayer of a chance on catching JimKong for the attacking casualties title, thus breaking his hold on all three categories.
Unlikely - but possible. Imma try tho.

[quote]Most Defending Casualties

1) 183,653 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 145,573 Soldiers Lost - Fishmaster of Fish Land - Blue Team
3) 120,400 Soldiers Lost - Corporate Merger of Corporate Merger - Blue Team
4) 102,937 Soldiers Lost - Neranwen of Rangerville - Black Team
5) 99,464 Soldiers Lost - Sonic of Sonic Boom - Aqua Team [/quote]
I would never ride in a car with both JimKong and Fish in it. Something is going to hit it and hit it HARD. Another car, lightning, a meteor, nuclear weapon, something. Might as well just go ahead and play with a toaster in the bathtub and save God the extra work.

[quote]Total Soldier Casualties

1) 274,575 Total Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 176,208 Total Soldiers Lost - Corporate Merger of Corporate Merger - Blue Team
3) 166,300 Total Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
4) 158,025 Total Soldiers Lost - Fishmaster of Fish Land - Blue Team
5) 134,166 Total Soldiers Lost - Vena Sera of Str8 Jacket Fashion - Black Team [/quote]
Jim's out of reach and CM's still gonna get nuked and whatnot before the end of session. If I can hold off Fish, I can hang at 3rd, which isn't too bad I guess. I don't think I'm going to make it over 200,000 unless people space out their attacks enough so I can buy troops back in between. Heh. You people need to coordinate this stuff! Get with it!

Congrats to all the killers out there.
We've got one more day of pixelated bloodshed to go - so make it a good one!

o/ Casualties!

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1282151228' post='2421718']
I still have a slight prayer of a chance on catching JimKong for the attacking casualties title, thus breaking his hold on all three categories.
Unlikely - but possible. Imma try tho.

I would never ride in a car with both JimKong and Fish in it. Something is going to hit it and hit it HARD. Another car, lightning, a meteor, nuclear weapon, something. Might as well just go ahead and play with a toaster in the bathtub and save God the extra work.

Jim's out of reach and CM's still gonna get nuked and whatnot before the end of session. If I can hold off Fish, I can hang at 3rd, which isn't too bad I guess. I don't think I'm going to make it over 200,000 unless people space out their attacks enough so I can buy troops back in between. Heh. You people need to coordinate this stuff! Get with it!

Congrats to all the killers out there.
We've got one more day of pixelated bloodshed to go - so make it a good one!

o/ Casualties!

Clash is now less than 1k behind CM thanks in large part to the 8500 or so casualties I just dealt him. Unofortunately, I beat him so badly I barely grabbed the 5th slot. I also pushed Clash in front of me in defending casualties where he's now in 4th. I'm not certain I can catch anyone but Clash at this point as Fishland, as noted, is likely to keep pressing forward.

In other news, the turtling, infra hugging !@#$%^&* of the Nordic Ballers clan have #5, 6 and 7 in total casualties, #5 in defending, and #3 in attacking.

Damn NB ruining TE.

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1282153733' post='2421773']
I knew I should have gotten the damn pentagon.

bahahaha. It's doin work for me. Well worth the 1/4 of my remaining warchest.

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Upset defeats to infra-huggers like NB THAT NEVER FIGHT *cough* aside, I'm not allowed to complain how the battle math is working out for this session. I've won more than I should have, overall odds-wise. Offensive or defensive. I'm still reprimanding some of my generals anyways, on general principle alone. Generally speaking of course.

I can get another wonder on the last day of session!
Hmmm, whatever shall it be?

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1282156536' post='2421830']
You better buy it at 12:00:00.[/quote]
...and I did :P

[quote]Most Attacking Casualties

1) 93,001 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
2) 91,698 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team [/quote][quote]Total Soldier Casualties

1) 276,067 Total Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 214,283 Total Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team [/quote]

YES! I had to deploy every troop I had to get there. It's not self-anarchy if I was already in nuclear anarchy right? That's more like Anarchy Light - copies great, pastes filling. When you don't want all those extra troops holding you back.

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One more post just before reset update, for posterity.
There's always those last second spoiler nukings and whatnot.

[quote]Most Attacking Casualties

1) 93,001 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
2) 91,698 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
3) 72,254 Soldiers Lost - Marsellus of Fox Force Five - Black Team
4) 64,636 Soldiers Lost - colonel mustard of Mustardville - Blue Team
5) 58,091 Soldiers Lost - Atomic Muffin of Platypus Island - Black Team [/quote]
I rool, y'all drool.

[quote]Most Defending Casualties

1) 184,426 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 145,573 Soldiers Lost - Fishmaster of Fish Land - Blue Team
3) 130,873 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
4) 120,400 Soldiers Lost - Corporate Merger of Corporate Merger - Blue Team
5) 115,254 Soldiers Lost - Neranwen of Rangerville - Black Team [/quote]
Fish and JimKong both have big fat targets on them every session.
Commendations to them both for not being the hidey-cowardly types.

[quote]Total Soldier Casualties

1) 276,124 Total Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 223,874 Total Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
3) 176,208 Total Soldiers Lost - Corporate Merger of Corporate Merger - Blue Team
4) 158,025 Total Soldiers Lost - Fishmaster of Fish Land - Blue Team
5) 151,478 Total Soldiers Lost - Neranwen of Rangerville - Black Team [/quote]
Didn't think I'd pass Corporate Merger, much less get over 200,000. I had a good final warchest tho, and I was able to get enough infra to keep on buyin' enough troops. Good times for the glowing soldiers of Discord! Congrats to CD - not "cross-dresser," that's Cellardoor - who received my last quads of the session and got himself on the scoreboard.

All right people! The countdown is on!
Post your final casualty stats of this session :)

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Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 29,513 Attacking + 39,255 Defending = 68,768 Casualties
Casualty Rank: Ranked #59 of 1,478 Nations (3.99%)

damn ending the round being #1 overall on score, and every CN award (individual and alliance) except oldest nation at some point, then finishing the round at #59 for casulties and at this

Nation Rank: Ranked #1,054 of 1,478 Nations (71.31%)
Nation Strength: 712.410

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57,993 Attacking + 84,217 Defending = 142,210 Casualties. Barring a late push by one of the other second-tier casualty contenders, it looks like that'll be good for 7th...and I'll miss fifth place in attacking by 98. Congrats to those who topped me, those who didn't, and all who had fun in the chase!

Edited by Schad
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Current Time: 8/19/2010 11:57:17 PM

[quote]Most Attacking Casualties

1) 93,297 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
2) 92,222 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
3) 72,422 Soldiers Lost - Marsellus of Fox Force Five - Black Team
4) 65,161 Soldiers Lost - colonel mustard of Mustardville - Blue Team
5) 58,091 Soldiers Lost - Atomic Muffin of Platypus Island - Black Team [/quote]
I feel like Buster Douglas. Google him if you gotta.
The people who like to fight :)

[quote]Most Defending Casualties

1) 184,426 Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 145,573 Soldiers Lost - Fishmaster of Fish Land - Blue Team
3) 131,154 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
4) 120,400 Soldiers Lost - Corporate Merger of Corporate Merger - Blue Team
5) 116,829 Soldiers Lost - RogerRabbit of HoleintheGround - Yellow Team[/quote]
The people you just loveeee to nuke.

[quote]Total Soldier Casualties

1) 276,648 Total Soldiers Lost - JimKongIl of Raidon - Blue Team
2) 224,451 Total Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team
3) 176,208 Total Soldiers Lost - Corporate Merger of Corporate Merger - Blue Team
4) 158,830 Total Soldiers Lost - Fishmaster of Fish Land - Blue Team
5) 151,925 Total Soldiers Lost - RogerRabbit of HoleintheGround - Yellow Team [/quote]
Nice variety on alliances here. Some people did get out and do some damage.
o/ Jim, Champ once again!


Some guy hit me late today, filling my last war slot. War reason: "End rounds payback for attack." He threw a couple cruise missiles at me and ground attacked once, losing. ONCE!?! You had less than 6 hours of life left in your nation, Erico Fermi. Admin's going to destroy it anyways, right? You didn't even bother to switch out your banks - which would never collect again - for guerrilla camps, and those are cheap! Grounded me ONCE!?! All your soldiers and all your nation's cash is deleted at reset, with everything else! FIGHT, DAMN YOU!

I'm very proud of underdoging him with the last remnants of my final deploy.
I killed more than infra his missiles did :P

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1282281072' post='2424053']
You had less than 6 hours of life left in your nation, [b]Erico Fermi[/b]. Admin's going to destroy it anyways, right?
Aha, I know him. I wonder if I should direct him towards this post :lol1:

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