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Freedomland creates most unbreakable constitution ever

President PJ

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In order to protect the citizens of Freedomland from interference with their rights, a constitution has been established. This is a constitution which is very tough to interfere with either directly, or indirectly (by making laws such as the U.S.A.'s Patriot Act), with explicit punishment for the President if he/she interferes with it.

Freedomland Constitution
1. No person shall hold the office of President, unless they meet the following requirements:
a) they are in general agreement with the Wiccan Rede
b) they have lived in Freedomland for one full year
c) they are not part of any organisation, religious or not, which promotes anything which is against the Wiccan Rede.
d) they are mature enough to run Freedomland effectively

2. The national religion is, and will remain, Wicca or Voodoo.

3. No part of this constitution shall be changed, modified, altered, deleted (or any similar term) (hereafter 'changed etc.), either directly or by way of an act the effect of which is to change etc. part of this constitution unless:
a) over 50% (rounded upwards only) of the population agrees to this, having been properly and fully informed of any proposed change etc., subject to articles 4 and 5.

4. In an emergency, part of this constitution may be changed etc. in an emergency, without the consent of 50% of the population, so long as over 50% of the government agree to this change, and:
a) the change etc. lasts for no more than 14 (fourteen) days.
b) The change etc. may last for more than 14 days if, before the change etc. expires, over 50% of the population, being properly and fully informed, agree to this change lasting for the proposed longer period.

5. In an emergency which would be exacerbated by waiting for a government vote, the President may make an Emergency Order which will change etc. part of this constitution for no more than 7 days. In order to extend the length of the order, a government vote must be taken as in article 4, which will only extend the order for a further 14 days. If the order is to be extended past 14 days, a population vote must be taken as in article 3.

6. The whole constitution can also not be changed etc. without following article(s) 3, 4, and 5, as relevant.

7. Each person has an absolute right to be free of clothes in any place, regardless of whether arousal appears to be present, and regardless of age or the ages of those present, so long as:
a) their nudity is not aimed to cause alarm or distress, and
b) they are hygienic - this means, in part, washing the bum after excreting feces.
c) The following exception applies: A person must wear safety equipment when necessary due to a potentially dangerous activity being undertaken.
d) This does not apply to private dwellings.

8. If a person is arrested, they have a right to a lawyer. If they can not afford one, one will be provided for them free of charge. They also have the right to remain silent. They must be informed of these rights and informed that anything they say may be used as evidence against them.

9. A person has an absolute right to practice their religion freely, whatever that religion is, so long as their religion does not preach harm.

10. No person may be punished without having first been tried by a jury.

11. A person who has been detained as a result of an accusation of a crime must be provided with one opportunity to contact a judge at any time of the day or night, in order to determine whether their detention is legal.

12. No person who has been accused of a crime may be held longer than 48 hours without charge, or up to 72 hours on the order of a judge.

13. No person may be treated negatively for exercising any of their constitutional rights as detailed above, or for any fantasy, regardless of how vile that fantasy may seem, so long as it remains a fantasy. The exception to this is:
a) if a person's behaviour suggests that they may carry out their fantasy, they may be treated negatively as far as is necessary to protect another person.

14. Each person within Freedomland, citizen or not, has an absolute right to use as much force is necessary to:
a) prevent an imminent, or stop, an attack upon that person
b) prevent an imminent, or stop, an attack upon another person
c) protect property.

15. Articles 3, 4, and 5 apply also to creating a new law.

15. The constitution applies equally to animals and humans - all persons. For the purposes of this constitution and all other laws and acts, a person refers to any living being which can breathe and has feelings.

16. Except in the case of a conviction against the President, the President may pardon a convicted person after all legal options have been exhausted by that person, at the discretion of the President.

17. The President is not above the law. If the President, or someone authorised by the President (either explicitly or implicitly) breaches any article of this constitution, the President shall be immediately arrested and, subject to the law, charged, tried, and punished if found guilty. Punishment is permament removal from office plus 5 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine. If any other person breaches any article of this constitution, they shall be treated the same except that the punishment will be 1 year imprisonment plus a maximum £50,000 fine.

18. The spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law, but this statement does not negatively affect anything in this constitution.

19. Apart from where specified, no government official may interfere with any right or freedom or liberty mentioned in this constitution.

The National Coalition for Establishing Laws in Freedomland (N.C.E.L.F.) has broadly welcomed the constitution. A spokesman told the Freedomland Messenger: "We are very happy that the President has esbalished this written constitution. Although there has been an unwritten constitution for a while, a written one sets our rights down in black and white and, whilst I'm not so sure about allowing kids to run Freedomland if they are thought to be mature, as the first article seems to suggest, I am happy that there are controls in place even during emergencies. Of course, we need more laws, as we are not of the same culture as Antarctica, but this is a great start."

Edited by President PJ
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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1280546379' post='2395642']
Okay, what now?

What the !@#$. Oh and you can't count apparently.
Seems pretty self-explanatory. Animals can't appear nude in public unless they have washed their bums since their previous bowel movements.

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I have a question here:

7. Each person has an absolute right to be free of clothes in any place, regardless of whether arousal appears to be present, and regardless of age or the ages of those present, so long as:
a) their nudity is not aimed to cause alarm or distress, and
b) they are hygienic - this means, in part, washing the bum after excreting feces.
c) The following exception applies: A person must wear safety equipment when necessary due to a potentially dangerous activity being undertaken.
d) This does not apply to private dwellings.[/quote]

So there is an absolute right to public nudity, but not in private dwellings? This sounds tricky...should one bring a change of clothes to slip into when entering a private domicile? Are places of business exempt, and if so, what happens to casual Fridays?

And a followup: I've often been told that my nudity causes alarm and distress. However, this is not intentional. May I disrobe?

Edited by Schad
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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1280552760' post='2395761']
What happens if the leader is mute, though?

Then you kill the leader, and become the wise one.

[b][u][size="7"]By Force[/size][/u][/b]

Edited by Owned-You
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[quote name='Nelchael' timestamp='1280545647' post='2395632']
I could drive Roseanne through some of those loopholes.

Perhaps, but that's not very nice. And only temporarily as a vote would be necessary for it not to be temporary. Try using the Patriot Act (U.S.A.) (or the Terrorism Act - U.K.) on this one.

[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1280546379' post='2395642']
Okay, what now?

What the !@#$. Oh and you can't count apparently.

Animals are given equal status in Freedomland, as far as reasonably practical. But see below.

[quote name='Nelchael' timestamp='1280546633' post='2395650']
Seems pretty self-explanatory. Animals can't appear nude in public unless they have washed their bums since their previous bowel movements.

See below

[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1280546737' post='2395654']
I have a question here:

So there is an absolute right to public nudity, but not in private dwellings? This sounds tricky...should one bring a change of clothes to slip into when entering a private domicile? Are places of business exempt, and if so, what happens to casual Fridays?

And a followup: I've often been told that my nudity causes alarm and distress. However, this is not intentional. May I disrobe?

Article 7(d) makes it clear that people don't have an absolute right to nudity in private dwellings. This doesn't mean they can't be nude, but that it is up to whoever lives there. This is because a private dwelling is a place where you should be able to feel comfortable, and not everyone would feel comfortable with a nude person in their own dwelling. Additionally, as long as they are not acting imorally or/and illegally, people can have their own rules in their own place.


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