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An Ordo Paradoxia Announcement

the wompus

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When we decided to declare war on an alliance with 20 more nations than us, it was pretty clear in our planning that this would be '[u]an uphill battle[/u]'.

It turns out that '[color=blue]fighting an uphill battle[/color]' is an idiom.

id·i·om   /ˈɪdiəm/ Show Spelled[id-ee-uhm]
1. an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements, as kick the bucket or hang one's head, or from the general grammatical rules of a language, as the table round for the round table, and that is not a constituent of a larger expression of like characteristics.
2. a language, dialect, or style of speaking peculiar to a people.
3. a construction or expression of one language whose parts correspond to elements in another language but whose total structure or meaning is not matched in the same way in the second language.
4. the peculiar character or genius of a language.
5. a distinct style or character, in music, art, etc.: the idiom of Bach.

A lot of DoW's in this game are a [color=blue]dime a dozen[/color]. This may [color=blue]go down like a lead balloon[/color], but here it goes:

[color=blue]Make no bones about it[/color], we don't really have an [color=blue]axe to grind[/color] or anything and we tried to [color=blue]let bygones be bygones[/color], but last round LE pulled a [color=blue]doozy[/color] and engaged us in a war in a [color=blue]New York Minute[/color]. Of course, our [color=blue]knee jerk reaction[/color] was to [color=blue]keep our chin up[/color] and give them [color=blue]a taste of their own medicine[/color]. We gave it the [color=blue]whole nine yards[/color] and we all fought[color=blue] until the cows came home[/color] and [color=blue]went for broke[/color].

[color=blue]To make a long story short[/color], after prolonged and intense fighting, we decided to[color=blue] pull the plug[/color] and went [color=blue]back to the drawing board[/color].

We've had 2 wars already this round, [color=blue]and a leopard can't change its spots[/color]. We love wars and [color=blue]to add fuel to the fire[/color], we don't care much about flags or our infra. Most of our nations were [color=blue]on pins and needles[/color] and we were [color=blue]on the fence [/color]as to where our next war would be.

I guess I'll just [color=blue]get down to brass tacks[/color]. [color=blue]Drastic times call for drastic measures.[/color]

[color=blue]It takes two to tango[/color] and our nations are [color=blue]wild and wooly [/color]and ready to [color=blue]bend over backwards[/color] at [color=blue]the drop of a hat[/color]. Even though LE has substantially more nations than us, we don't feel we're [color=blue]biting off more than we can chew[/color]. Overall, things should be [color=blue]on a level playing field.[/color]

[color=blue]Actions speak louder than words[/color]. We are well aware that this is not [color=blue]in the bag [/color] but we like to think that [color=blue]the bigger they are the harder they fall.[/color]

Enough [color=blue]beating around the bush[/color], lets [color=blue]cut to the chase[/color].

[color="#FF0000"][size="7"]OP Declares War on LE[/size].[/color]

It may seem like [color=blue]we're not playing with a full deck[/color] but [color=blue]variety is the spice of life[/color], so[color=blue] break a leg[/color].


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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280470251' post='2394836']
I'm a little hurt that the DoW did not include LE Cadet.
That said, we did have incoming from OP and as such assume we have an official invite from OP.
Please don't cry foul if we swap out our alliance.
You guys started swapping your AA before the war even began. I have a feeling this is going to be a fun war.



Edit: Thomasj_tx is correct, no member of OP attacked LE Cadet, the person who attacked an LE Cadet is an Applicant, you can tell from his seniority. And yes it's me. However, I don't see the problem since you guys swapped your AAs before the war even began, well some of you, anyways.

Edited by Confusion
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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280470251' post='2394836']
I'm a little hurt that the DoW did not include LE Cadet.
That said, we did have incoming from OP and as such assume we have an official invite from OP.
Please don't cry foul if we swap out our alliance.

IF you swap out your AA?!?!

No OP member attacked an LE Cadet. We honor the supposed 2 alliances and never ordered any attacks against your "alliance".

But seeing how you want to [i][b]make a mountain out of a mole hill[/b][/i], so be it.

And can we now take it for granted that "swap out our alliance" actually means what everyone has always known what it meant?

[b][i]Fighting an uphill battle[/i][/b] is just now a little more uphill. I guess it is just your [b][i]knee jerk reaction[/i][/b]

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280470251' post='2394836']
I'm a little hurt that the DoW did not include LE Cadet.
That said, we did have incoming from OP and as such assume we have an official invite from OP.
Please don't cry foul if we swap out our alliance.

Where did all your cadets go? 2 days ago you had 8 or so iirc, and now there's only 2 on the cadet AA. Looks like at least 3 cadets have joined LE in the last 2 days, including 1 [i]after[/i] this war started. Did you guys perhaps have a feeling something was coming and drop your cadet AA's so you could switch over? I mean your alliance went from 19k NS to 6k NS in 2 days.

[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1280473256' post='2394857']
IF you swap out your AA?!?!

No OP member attacked an LE Cadet.[/quote]

Actually, "Princess Rosalina" hit Son of Taeper. But I suspect it may have been more of a personal venture.

Edited by Owney OSullivan
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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1280475979' post='2394872']
Where did all your cadets go? 2 days ago you had 8 or so iirc, and now there's only 2 on the cadet AA. Looks like at least 3 cadets have joined LE in the last 2 days, including 1 [i]after[/i] this war started. Did you guys perhaps have a feeling something was coming and drop your cadet AA's so you could switch over? I mean your alliance went from 19k NS to 6k NS in 2 days.

Actually, "Princess Rosalina" hit Son of Taeper. But I suspect it may have been more of a personal venture.

It's not, I've never fought Son of Taeper, and since I saw LE Cadets had already started moving to the LE AA (I figured it out by looking at the seniority). I thought I might as well hit him since either way he'd end up in LE. My mistake, I guess. Anyways, Good Luck once again to all my opponents.



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[quote]Actually, "Princess Rosalina" hit Son of Taeper. But I suspect it may have been more of a personal venture.[/quote]

Princess Rosalina is not a member of the OP. He applied a day or two ago and is going through the same process that all applicants go through. Y'all know me and can take my word for it. But if you don't, you can go to our forum and see his application thread. It is open to the public. He is being processed like all applicants are (how about you, ferrie? :P )

But anyway...

[b][i]Fighting an uphill battle[/i][/b] is just now a little more uphill. I guess it is just your [b][i]knee jerk reaction[/i][/b].

We take it [b][i]with a grain of salt[/i][/b].


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7/30/2010 12:01:46 AM

Mushroom Kingdom
Ruler: Princess Rosalina
Ordo Paradoxia

Son of Taeper
Ruler: Son of Taeper
LE Cadet

Looks like he was OP when he declared from where I'm standing :blink:

Sure, you guys know my name from last round. I don't mind the hit on Cadet, I'm just dropping off some info so LE will not be accused of bringing in extra guys at a later stage.

The "personal venture " comment is sweet when we look at the DoW which suggests there was no axe to grind from last round.
What "personal venture " would an OP applicant have?
I sure never fought him last round and there is no axe to grind according to the original poster.

As for where did all the cadet go, they came home or are in the process. 5 not 8. We have been on 6 for the last week.
If you guys had given us some warning we would have brought them home earlier. That said, you knew they existed and built them into your war plan.
All I'm saying is don't whinge when you see Cadet numbers decrease and LE members increase by the same number when it's obvious they were part of your plan from day 1.
It's no more [b]uphill[/b] now than when you declared. It is not an excuse that can be used at a later stage.

Edit - Good hit anyway Mushroom. I don't think you did anything wrong by hitting Cadet as OP knew we would have to defend an attack against LE.
Forward thinking <_<

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I dont see any problem in LE Cadet moving over to LE for the war. You might as well fight from where you are though? Its a given that LE and LE Cadet roll together, no? It also works the other way IMO, if we want to hit LE Cadet nations and anarchy them for strategic reasons.

Anyways, theres no point debating this any further. LE are strong fighters, and I look forward to what you dish up in the next few days. I sense both our stockpiled uranium cookies are going to be severely diminished shortly :P

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1280501778' post='2395013']
I dont see any problem in LE Cadet moving over to LE for the war. You might as well fight from where you are though? Its a given that LE and LE Cadet roll together, no? It also works the other way IMO, if we want to hit LE Cadet nations and anarchy them for strategic reasons.

Anyways, theres no point debating this any further. LE are strong fighters, and I look forward to what you dish up in the next few days. I sense both our stockpiled uranium cookies are going to be severely diminished shortly :P
I like mine with a cold glass of milk....mmmm

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1280501778' post='2395013']
I dont see any problem in LE Cadet moving over to LE for the war. You might as well fight from where you are though? Its a given that LE and LE Cadet roll together, no? It also works the other way IMO, if we want to hit LE Cadet nations and anarchy them for strategic reasons.

Anyways, theres no point debating this any further. LE are strong fighters, and I look forward to what you dish up in the next few days. I sense both our stockpiled uranium cookies are going to be severely diminished shortly :P
Agreed my friend, both LE Cadet are fair targets.
Go get.

Edit- Long time Paul, how goes?

Edited by Son of Taeper
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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1280508256' post='2395117']
I was wondering how the next round of wars would shake out...very interesting.

Best of luck to you both.

Naughty bunny.
Just pay rent on the Nukes :D

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1280488449' post='2394918']
7/30/2010 12:01:46 AM

The "personal venture " comment is sweet when we look at the DoW which suggests there was no axe to grind from last round.
What "personal venture " would an OP applicant have?
I sure never fought him last round and there is no axe to grind according to the original poster.

All I'm saying is don't whinge when you see Cadet numbers decrease and LE members increase by the same number when it's obvious they were part of your plan from day 1.

Man, I should choose my words more carefully before they get taken out of context. What I meant by personal venture was he "ventured" off on his own and hit you for whatever reason, without being specifically instructed to. Perhaps because you've been a prominent member of LE? Or maybe he remembered your name from the OWF? I didn't suggest you guys had fought before, or even that this was a vendetta. Also since LE cadets were [i]not[/i] part of our plan from day 1 as you have stated, that gave me even more reason to believe that. I was just trying to say that he took a little initiative and decided to hit you on his own. Wanted to stress this point before someone complained that we were hitting the cadet AA.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter now, what's a few extra nations? You've got us outnumbered by 23 already. This should be a fun war, I wouldn't wanna be fighting anyone else! Looking forward to the counter attacks guys! o7

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Great blitz, guys. Always a pleasure fighting such worthy foes! Hopefully, this will get us back on track diplomatically.

Salute! OP o/

PS: Just wanted to say thank you to Mustard for the declaration. Here I thought I was a nobody this round. :) Made me feel special.

Another PS: [B]Cowboy!!![/B]I have one defensive slot open still. I think you might still be in range... Wouldn't be right if we didn't battle(not that I have much to offer)!

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[quote name='Ferrie' timestamp='1280574275' post='2395887']
Great blitz, guys. Always a pleasure fighting such worthy foes! Hopefully, this will get us back on track diplomatically.

Salute! OP o/

PS: Just wanted to say thank you to Mustard for the declaration. Here I thought I was a nobody this round. :) Made me feel special.

Another PS: [B]Cowboy!!![/B]I have one defensive slot open still. I think you might still be in range... Wouldn't be right if we didn't battle(not that I have much to offer)!
We were definately on track towards rebuilding our diplomatic ties until the use of sanctions against one of our members on Black. There is an LE member on Blue but OP will not use sanctions in reprisal.

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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1280527706' post='2395434']
Man, I should choose my words more carefully before they get taken out of context. What I meant by personal venture was he "ventured" off on his own and hit you for whatever reason, without being specifically instructed to. Perhaps because you've been a prominent member of LE? Or maybe he remembered your name from the OWF? I didn't suggest you guys had fought before, or even that this was a vendetta. Also since LE cadets were [i]not[/i] part of our plan from day 1 as you have stated, that gave me even more reason to believe that. I was just trying to say that he took a little initiative and decided to hit you on his own. Wanted to stress this point before someone complained that we were hitting the cadet AA.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter now, what's a few extra nations? You've got us outnumbered by 23 already. This should be a fun war, I wouldn't wanna be fighting anyone else! Looking forward to the counter attacks guys! o7

No worries, just hurt that you guys forgot Cadet.
Nice to see you remember me though.
Initiative is good so you guys have one smart cookie in Mushroom ( the applicant that was not an OP member but managed to fight outside OP orders while OP was engaged in war with another alliance).

The extra nations are your doing, not Cadets. Please don't insult us by suggesting we are bringing extra nations in.
34 against 2 might be a closer approximation as there are only 2 Cadet members.

Search me out a bit makes me feel good but you guys should have me in A by now.
All my outgoings are full but I only have 2 incoming. You guys have some spare slots being wasted. I need to feel worthy of fighting or I'll just hang up my boots.
That said, I'm close to hanging them anyway for next round so if you want a slice you ought to cut it while it's on the table.

Edited by Son of Taeper
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