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FnKa's re-DOE

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[quote name='Yankees Empire' date='16 June 2010 - 06:43 PM' timestamp='1276710179' post='2339635']
Yes, I remember that. And don't put agreed in quotation marks, like one side forced the other. In fact, if anyone forced anyone's hand, it was the people who currently are residing on the FnKa AA. And there was a reason why TPE was a sticking point in the merge talks. Namely, Fury decided to give the go ahead for the protectorate without an official vote, when MOON had issues with you guys.

If I am not mistaken you were in FnKa at the time and if you were not pro-merge you should not have gone through with it, because that's how its coming across to me and probably everyone else reading your post. With our protectorate nulled after your merger, we found a great friend and ally in ODN.

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[quote name='Homeboy' date='16 June 2010 - 01:51 PM' timestamp='1276710681' post='2339642']
If I am not mistaken you were in FnKa at the time and if you were not pro-merge you should not have gone through with it, because that's how its coming across to me and probably everyone else reading your post. With our protectorate nulled after your merger, we found a great friend and ally in ODN.

I was in FnKa, and I was very pro-merge. As were a lot of people. We wanted it. Some people didn't, and they left. Some eventually came back, only to leave again. Some came back, left, then tried to sabotage our alliance. Some of those people, we don't like.

To clarify my last post: You said that FnKa "agreed" to merge. Like MOON forced FnKa to merge with them. This was not the case. If anyone "forced" the merge, it was some of the people who are right now, currently, in FnKa. People who were tired of waiting for the merge, and wanted it to move along, and threatened to call it off, and threatened to leave if the merge didn't go precisely as they wanted.

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[quote name='Yankees Empire' date='16 June 2010 - 06:43 PM' timestamp='1276710179' post='2339635']
Yes, I remember that. And don't put agreed in quotation marks, like one side forced the other. In fact, if anyone forced anyone's hand, it was the people who currently are residing on the FnKa AA. And there was a reason why TPE was a sticking point in the merge talks. Namely, Fury decided to give the go ahead for the protectorate without an official vote, when MOON had issues with you guys.

Yankees is right, we did agree to the merge into them. At least I did. I can admit, however, that it was the worst decision in CN we have ever made and highly regret it. We are correcting that terrible mistake in our past now. Being in the same alliance as them was absolutely draining. They brought their poor and stubborn leadership to the former FnKa nations and no progress was ever made.

Dear everyone, never merge into an alliance equally if they are smaller and have inactivity problems.

Edited by Skap Q
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[quote name='Yankees Empire' date='16 June 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1276711028' post='2339650']
I was in FnKa, and I was very pro-merge. As were a lot of people. We wanted it. Some people didn't, and they left. Some eventually came back, only to leave again. Some came back, left, then tried to sabotage our alliance. Some of those people, we don't like.To clarify my last post: You said that FnKa "agreed" to merge. Like MOON forced FnKa to merge with them. This was not the case. If anyone "forced" the merge, it was some of the people who are right now, currently, in FnKa. People who were tired of waiting for the merge, and wanted it to move along, and threatened to call it off, and threatened to leave if the merge didn't go precisely as they wanted.

[quote name='Skap Q' date='16 June 2010 - 07:01 PM' timestamp='1276711261' post='2339653']
Yankees is right, we did agree to the merge into them. At least I did. I can admit, however, that it was the worst decision in CN we have ever made and highly regret it. We are correcting that terrible mistake in our past now. Being in the same alliance as them was absolutely draining. They brought their poor and stubborn leadership to the former FnKa nations and no progress was ever made.Dear everyone, never merge into an alliance equally if they are smaller and have inactivity problems.

Heh sounds like you guys had a blast setting up that merge <_<

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[quote name='Skap Q' date='16 June 2010 - 02:01 PM' timestamp='1276711261' post='2339653']
Yankees is right, we did agree to the merge into them. At least I did. I can admit, however, that it was the worst decision in CN we have ever made and highly regret it. We are correcting that terrible mistake in our past now.[b] Being in the same alliance as them was absolutely draining. They brought their poor and stubborn leadership to the former FnKa nations and no progress was ever made.[/b]

Dear everyone, never merge into an alliance equally if they are smaller and have inactivity problems.

Bolded for my emphasis. Like you did anything. :lol1:

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[quote name='Skap Q' date='16 June 2010 - 02:01 PM' timestamp='1276711261' post='2339653']
Yankees is right, we did agree to the merge into them. At least I did. I can admit, however, that it was the worst decision in CN we have ever made and highly regret it. We are correcting that terrible mistake in our past now. Being in the same alliance as them was absolutely draining. They brought their poor and stubborn leadership to the former FnKa nations and no progress was ever made.

Dear everyone, never merge into an alliance equally if they are smaller and have inactivity problems.
The MOON guys did more good for us than most of the FnKa guys put together. FnKa had inactivity too. Don't forget that.

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[quote name='Yankees Empire' date='16 June 2010 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1276711497' post='2339657']
Bolded for my emphasis. Like you did anything. :lol1:

I did stuff for FnKa, but once they merged, there was no place for anyone to do any work accept for the leaders. Also I had a 40 hour a week job that started 2 weeks before the merge and was busy with RL. The moment I got back to school I gave it 100 percent.

If I recall correctly MOON wanted to merge because of inactivity, we did it to be stronger, TY.

I recall long periods of time in both alliances that you sat in the minsters seat and did absolutely nothing at all.

Edited by Skap Q
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[quote name='KingEd' date='16 June 2010 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1276707875' post='2339590']
Time for KingEd's longest 2 cents ever[/quote]

[quote name='KingEd' date='16 June 2010 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1276707875' post='2339590']
Their very upset, even more so furious at us. [/quote]
I wouldn't give yourself that much credit. Although we've had our differences and tR has raised issues with TPE, we have decided to change both our perspective and our direction given our political climate.

In plainer words, "lolk".

[quote name='KingEd' date='16 June 2010 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1276707875' post='2339590']
The merger which dates back to last year was never really a "both sides agreed completely" merger. FnKa were our first protectors, and since then we have always stayed in touch with the ex-Govt of FnKa---many of them joined us, and now they are re-forming their alliance. How could we not offer them protection ? [b]What kind of people do you think we are...[/b] :smug: [/quote]

[quote name='KingEd' date='16 June 2010 - 12:04 PM' timestamp='1276707875' post='2339590']
I love the effort your putting into this, it's great. Maybe you should divert this effort into helping your own alliance instead of flaming others. [/quote]
Spare me. There has been equal amounts from both sides. Don't play the innocent card.

As this is not about us and barely about TPE, I'll ask that there be no more responses from members of The Resistance.

Good luck.

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This is pathetic. Pointing the finger now you guys separated wont do anyone any good. Leave it be. FnKa surely did not handle this situation well in my eyes, but they seem like a decent bunch, so best of luck to all parties involved. You will all be better off by the sound of it.

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[quote name='Smittay' date='16 June 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1276723638' post='2339877']

I wouldn't give yourself that much credit. Although we've had our differences and tR has raised issues with TPE, we have decided to change both our perspective and our direction given our political climate.[/quote]

If this is true I commend you for changing your perspective and direction, but I'm not naive, we both know your full of it.

[quote name='Smittay' date='16 June 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1276723638' post='2339877']
Spare me. There has been [b]equal[/b] amounts from both sides. Don't play the [i]innocent[/i] card.


What innocent card ? I don't understand how you think tR has the right to be aggressive and expect us to not turn aggressive as well. Ill indulge your idea by reminding you that we are not quick at forgetting the past, specially a past in which you planned to roll us; just because you changed your stance, doesn't mean that wasn't your stance 2 weeks ago---so please, spare me. We're pretty much entitled to be as aggressive as we damn well please from now on.

Edited by KingEd
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I hate the owf but, this is the time for FnKa.

Honestly guys i hope it works for you and you finnaly find a niche thats comfortable. The attacks on both sides here isnt helping anything for the future. Now were all little oranges in the bigger grove, let move beyond the past to a civil point.


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[quote name='Lakeyatlarge' date='16 June 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1276746940' post='2340289']
I hate the owf but, this is the time for FnKa.

Honestly guys i hope it works for you and you finnaly find a niche thats comfortable. The attacks on both sides here isnt helping anything for the future. Now were all little oranges in the bigger grove, let move beyond the past to a civil point.

Needs more GOAT! :smug:

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What this comes down to is the fact that a lot of important people on both sides of this issue ended up not getting along, and one side decided to leave. I’m gonna go with clearly things could have been handled better by all parties. In this sense, I wish you all best of luck, and hope that we all can just move on.

My only real issue in all this is this idea that the ex-moonies in tR gov were the sole problem. OK you don’t like some or all of them, fine. But tR gov was always made of members from both merging alliances. Clearly the 35 or so (?) of you that left for TPE, Gondor and now the new and improved FnKa could have BEEN the tR gov had you all voted and most importantly not repeatedly resigned once in office. Instead, from my perspective as an active but non-gov tR member, it felt more like a good third of our alliance was never even interested in making a new alliance out of two old ones. The publicly silent but well-coordinated en masse departures at the same time to the same alliances, coupled with the nuke roguery, would seem to confirm this.

It is an understatement that the merger was a bad idea but the silver lining is that everyone wins in the divorce. You all get to be in the new improved FnKa, or wherever else you may be, free from those in tR you don’t like, and so you are now happy. tR is happy too. We got rid of a bunch of unhappy members, a good portion of which were inactives, aid thieves or ghosts, not to mention those inclined to spying and nuclear roguery, etc. Meanwhile we keep lots members from both sides of the merger who are actually committed to the alliance they are currently in as opposed to the one they used to be in.

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[quote name='denkimon' date='17 June 2010 - 05:18 AM' timestamp='1276748307' post='2340299']

My only real issue in all this is this idea that the ex-moonies in tR gov were the sole problem. OK you don’t like some or all of them, fine. But tR gov was always made of members from both merging alliances. [b] Clearly the 35 or so (?) of you that left for TPE[/b], Gondor and now the new and improved FnKa could have BEEN the tR gov had you all voted and most importantly not repeatedly resigned once in office. Instead, from my perspective as an active but non-gov tR member, it felt more like a good third of our alliance was never even interested in making a new alliance out of two old ones. The publicly silent but well-coordinated en masse departures at the same time to the same alliances, coupled with the nuke roguery, would seem to confirm this.


Whoa whoa whoa, we have been established for quite sometime with the same range of numbers for quite sometime.

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[quote name='Le Pieux' date='17 June 2010 - 12:01 AM' timestamp='1276747266' post='2340291']
Needs more GOAT! :smug:

Holy crow Pieux u ended up with IRON? Great bunch of folks over there, your lucky to be with em

Now cant we all just molest a goat and get along. Im willing to share mine with ya but I get to go first

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[quote name='Lakeyatlarge' date='16 June 2010 - 11:38 PM' timestamp='1276753109' post='2340380']
Holy crow Pieux u ended up with IRON? Great bunch of folks over there, your lucky to be with em

Now cant we all just molest a goat and get along. Im willing to share mine with ya but I get to go first
Yeah I came back to IRON felt its where I belonged. Also tR and their goats lol :smug:

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[quote name='denkimon' date='16 June 2010 - 09:18 PM' timestamp='1276748307' post='2340299']
Clearly the 35 or so (?) of you that left for TPE, Gondor and now the new and improved FnKa could have BEEN the tR gov had you all voted and most importantly not repeatedly resigned once in office.

Well that is a pretty big number. I like how TPE was mentioned first too.

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[quote name='Homeboy' date='16 June 2010 - 09:21 PM' timestamp='1276752095' post='2340366']
Whoa whoa whoa, we have been established for quite sometime with the same range of numbers for quite sometime.

ya you're right i guess- if they don't stay in TPE they don't count in the end. i suppose the few notable TPE exits inflated that in my mind, as did all the moving around between the alliances mentioned.

in my defense, i did add the '?' mark and was including all three alliances in the number.

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