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The Global Peace Summit

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(Washington,D.C.) - The United States hereby invites all nations of the world to send a delegation to the White House for the Global Peace Summit. Our planning committees have been doing extensive work renovating D.C. and preparing its security for your attendance. All nations are welcome. Standard diplomatic ethics rules apply. No weapons are to be brought into the city. There will be the opportunity for serious discussion, a great masked ball, and a huge banquet. Please be advised the masked ball and banquet are formal affairs.

The city of Washington will be decorated in white doves and ribbons. The U.S. Peace Corps will be having a parade in the honor of the delegations arriving from around the globe. Each Delegation is welcome to display a float in the parade which details the culture of their nation and its arts. A full schedule of events will be made available to all visitors. Events will begin in 5 days. (1 day real-time)

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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A representive from The Romonov Foundation was sent to attend the peace summit arriving onboard an ice breaker that coasted into the D.C harbour and slowly made its way to its assigned berth. From there the representative took a local cab to the White House leaving the taxi driver a large tip of roughly hundred american dollars as a gift.

Leaving the cab driver behind the representative walked up to the White House in a formal suit along with a briefcase. After allowing security to run any checks they wanted barring blood and DNA tests as well as any cavity search he made his way to where the summit was expected to be held.

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I shall attend the summit in person, however due to the fact floats are banned in my country after the tragic float accident of 2010 in my country in which several people received minor injuries we will not be bringing a float.

King Timmy

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Those arriving would be subject to a full body scan, however no cavity searches were being conducted. (Think current real U.S. Airport security. Except with more disciplined professionals doing the checks. Expect some delays.)

Guests would first be escorted to the the White House's [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_Reception_Room_%28White_House%29"]Diplomatic Reception Room[/url]. Where President Caudill was waiting to welcome his visitors. He'd shake the hands of the arriving dignitaries as they were introduced. As the representative of the Romanov Foundation entered, he shook the man's hand. "I'm William Caudill, you can call me Bill if you like. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='09 June 2010 - 03:47 PM' timestamp='1276116459' post='2330565']
Those arriving would be subject to a full body scan, however no cavity searches were being conducted. (Think current real U.S. Airport security. Except with more disciplined professionals doing the checks. Expect some delays.)

The Romonov Foundation representative allowed himself to be scanned as well as passing his suitcase through an x-ray machine which would show that he possessed only a black biro pen and a large note pad inside of the case. After the scan was complete he took back his suitcase.

Shortly afterwards he met President Caudill who seemed to be quite a well mannered person. Taking the President's hand the representative shook it before replying. "My name is John Stuart Mr President but please call me John if you would be so kind".

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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Minister of Foreign Affairs Alain Ramiaramanana arrived in DC on a Boeing Business Jet with his wife and the staff who carried his luggage.

He had no issues with the scan. No one from the delegation was carrying any weapons. Ramiaramanana carried a suitcase marked with the Ministry's seal. Inside was a laptop, notepad and writing utensils. On his person The Minister had a ballpoint pen and a cell phone. His luggage consisted of a tuxedo to change into from his business suit when the banquet/ball began.

Additionally, a few hundred Arcticans arrived on commercial flights to watch the parade.

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The United States of China will be represented by the Chinese Ambassador to America Zhang Yesui.


Moving past the press line he expressed his hopes for the conference.

"We are happy to see this being hosted by our American allies. We hope to see this conference stand up for human rights and respect for all groups at this conference." he said.

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After receiving the invite, Señora Agueda Rosé Reynaldo, El Presidente's wife, will attend the meeting. She is depicted below.


She will have three unarmed associates, who along with the Lady, know karate(OOC: Yeah, you've been warned :P). After landing, they get into a limousine and head off to the next point as directed by the Americans.

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As part of city restorations the [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willard_InterContinental_Washington"]Willard Continental[/url] Hotel had been restored. All arriving diplomats, but not civilian guests as there were not enough rooms to go around, would receive accommodations arrangements for this Hotel for the duration of the Global Peace Summit which was slated to run for a full week. D.C. had turned the summit into a mix of a festival and a diplomatic meet as an act of good will and to help those attending enjoy their time there. The National Mall had a fair area, though the Ferris Wheel was a bit short due to the building restrictions preventing everything in downtown D.C. from being any taller than the Washington Monument.

While there was a mild amount of protesters outside the White House, they were down from normal counts as most of them were to busy enjoying themselves now and many didn't want to offend the foreign dignitaries. During the meal hours, the town was bathed in the smell of cook-outs and barbecues.

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As Diplomats arrived and were greeted by President Caudill, they were informed that the first officially scheduled activity would begin the next day. To get everyone in a good mood for the meetings the first day had been left clear for people to go out, enjoy the festivities and the warm welcome of the people of D.C.

Diplomats and their entourages who presented a special pass would be provided their meals and entertainment free for the duration of their visit. Their passes were also distributed by President Caudill.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='09 June 2010 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1276131150' post='2330907']
As Diplomats arrived and were greeted by President Caudill, they were informed that the first officially scheduled activity would begin the next day. To get everyone in a good mood for the meetings the first day had been left clear for people to go out, enjoy the festivities and the warm welcome of the people of D.C.

Diplomats and their entourages who presented a special pass would be provided their meals and entertainment free for the duration of their visit. Their passes were also distributed by President Caudill.

Dominican Republic representative, Zoe Saldana shook hands with President Caudill and with a slight spanish accent, [i]"It is an honor to make your acquaintance Presidente Caudill. I am here representing the people of the Dominican Republic, free nation of the Caribbean islands. I have never been in a nation like your American States, and it is a pleasure to be able to share in this experience. I'd like you to have this.[/i] she handed him a pin of a Cuban flag engraved with the words [i]"May Freedom Reign"[/i] in english.

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Agueda walked up to the President and start to speak and offer her hand 'It is nice to meet you Mr. President, thank you for inviting me to your beautiful city. It has been a joy so far, and I hope it to be the same for the rest of the trip.'

After receiving the pass, Agueda and her associates walked down a bloc to the area to get the final touches on the float for the parade. After finishing the float they then got on board and drove to a blocked off street to start speeches about Spain, her beauty, and her culture to the citizens of Washington D.C until it was time to eat.

Edited by Ezequiel
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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' date='09 June 2010 - 04:52 PM' timestamp='1276116708' post='2330571']
The Romonov Foundation representative allowed himself to be scanned as well as passing his suitcase through an x-ray machine which would show that he possessed only a black biro pen and a large note pad inside of the case. After the scan was complete he took back his suitcase.

Shortly afterwards he met President Caudill who seemed to be quite a well mannered person. Taking the President's hand the representative shook it before replying. "My name is John Stuart Mr President but please call me John if you would be so kind".

"Mr. Stuart, feel free to take these passes.. and enjoy the welcome of the people of D.C. Tomorrow we'll be convening in the Capitol Building where the congress will be in recess to permit us the use of their floor for more formal talks."

He then greeted Ms./Mrs? Saldana.

"Indeed Madame, may Freedom Reign." He gladly accepted the pin as photos were taken of him and the Dominican diplomat, a broad smile on his face. He put the pin on immediately beneath his own flag pin on his Lapel. "I hope you enjoy your time while you are in town Miss.. is it Miss? Saldana."

Atop the Washington Monument a lone Eagle perched and quietly watched the National Mall.. occasionally stretching out his wings to hold himself steady in brisk winds.

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The President of Bohovia, stepped out of a private jet as he arrived in Washington, and was later greeted by the President of the United States of America. He was then sent to a luxurious hotel, recommended by the Global Peace Summit Committee back in Bohovia. President Aruj Sampson, began picking out suites he was going to where for tomorrow's summit.

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The Emperor attended the conference, delayed by metal detectors repeatedly setting off due to the machine components of his body. The delay had put him in a slightly irritated mood, which would gradually go away as the eve wore on. He was escorted to the President and stuck his hand out to shake. When the man reached it, he would feel not only the strength behind the grip but several fingers made of metal and various other components, lost in various wars for the Empire and her predecessors.

"How are you, Mister President?" English was unfamiliar to the Emperor, having spoke Imperial his entire life. The two languages were based on entirely different systems of conjugation and word order.

(OOC: Imperial = High Latin.)

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