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One More for the Road

Stonewall Jaxon

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You have to be the most whiny, obnoxious, and attention-craving girl I've ever seen. Keep crying, it won't rewrite history.

Fact remains that you're nothing but a petulant child. Keep bawwing, this game will be better without your tears and lies.

Edited by Balder
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[quote name='Balder' date='06 June 2010 - 10:13 PM' timestamp='1275887613' post='2327464']
You have to be the most whiny, obnoxious, and attention-craving girl I've ever seen. Keep crying, it won't rewrite history.

Fact remains that you're nothing but a petulant child. Keep bawwing, this game will be better without your tears and lies.

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='06 June 2010' timestamp='1275789601' post='2325550']After the crumbling of ACV, I, not knowing much about the other alliances out there, decided to join ACV's closest ally: MHA. I was pulled there mostly by my connection with gfloyd2002, a guy I had known from our times in NADC, who had excelled massively in MHA. I cannot remember whether I joined MHA intending to spy on them or whether that had happened later, but my whole time there I railed against NPO and supported white peace with FAN. I continued to do foreign affairs work there, mostly because doing internal affairs work had never yielded good results for me when it came to gaining respectability in an alliance or abroad. There, I worked loyally for MHA and climbed to the rank of Minister under the respectable Triumvirs of Sorum, Crushtania, and WCR (despite WCR's furious attempts to block every advance I made there). From that position, I provided information and screenshots to Shantamantan and electron sponge, who used them in some installments of This Week in Pacifica. Of course, I felt bad about betraying the trust of my alliance, particularly Floyd, who had put his own reputation on the line to avidly declare that I could not possibly be the spy. However, I knew as well as anyone else that the Continuum was going down, and I knew that by helping Vox divide the bloc I could help to save MHA.[/quote]
It's not a revelation that you were (a/the) Vox spy as "everybody" already knew it, and AFAIK you've also been forgiven long ago by the MHA, so... What I never understood is why you've been that obsessed by the MHA, and hostile against her, afterwards.

Also: obligatory admiration for WRC that ([i]another[/i] time) was right from start to end! :awesome:

Anyway, as I've always said, no bad feelings here SJ: I'm sorry to see you leaving and I wish you well in RL. Don't forget to come back and say hi from time to time. :)

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[quote name='Balder' date='07 June 2010 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1275940529' post='2328022']
Quick Note to All: If you'd like to find out why Stonewall was [b]actually[/b] fired by the Corporation, shoot me a PM. It's a lot more graphic than he makes it out to be.

Well, that's not very nice. But it is a good time to remind people, as I exit, that my inbox is going to remain open for inquiry. Also, to remind you, iClean, NADC and ACV have already proven you time and time again to be an untrustworthy opportunist.

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='07 June 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1275941449' post='2328047']
Well, that's not very nice. But it is a good time to remind people, as I exit, that my inbox is going to remain open for inquiry. Also, to remind you, iClean, NADC and ACV have already proven you time and time again to be an untrustworthy opportunist.
1) Pretty sure he's not an "untrustworthy opportunist."
2) Even if he was, he's obviously turned over a new leaf with Corp.
3) I, and many others, will trust him until this fine world implodes. :)

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='05 June 2010 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1275789601' post='2325550']
Though I had left the ACV with sour grapes, iClean convinced me that things would be different in the Corporation, so I decided to give it a shot. Admittedly, I felt the alliance had a real shot. Though I started out in a very low position (remember, the ACV leadership only thought of me as a worker, not an alliance leader), a rapid series of retirements and desertions catapulted me to the position of "COO," or third-in command. After a few weeks of contributing little to nothing to the alliance in that position (iClean and Kevin designed the government so that the guys at the top had to do no work, and all decisions were made by Kevin and iClean without having to consult anyone else), I became heavily disgruntled and, once again, left with my usual steaming fashion. Needless to say, I don't think any of my former alliances would have me back, as thankful as they all were at the time to have me working for them. Go figure.

Stonewall, you know that is not how the Corporation is run. iClean and Kev have always consulted not only the rest of government but the entire membership of the Corporation before making the important decisions. iClean and Kev have been the most open leaders I’ve had the pleasure of working under.

Your claim that the “guys at the top” do no work is completely wrong aswell. Nobody in the alliance works harder to further the alliance than iClean, and after all his hard work, I don’t appreciate you trying to paint him as a leader who has all the power and does no work. Kev also works very hard as well with his FA work.

[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='07 June 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1275941449' post='2328047']
Well, that's not very nice. But it is a good time to remind people, as I exit, that my inbox is going to remain open for inquiry. Also, to remind you, iClean, NADC and ACV have already proven you time and time again to be an untrustworthy opportunist.

I trust iClean implicitly. iClean has proven time and time again that he has the best interest of the alliance at heart.

Edited by Bungalo Bill
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I laughed on and off for half an hour after one occasion that I decided to fight you about something to do with Karma in some thread, and I got a query from Mega or somebody saying to chill out that you had been a spy; I had no clue (I never really bothered about trying to discover real identities of the agents).

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I don't know you, but from what I gathered in this post, you sound like a bitter !@#$%^& who is obsessed with himself. If you were so great, you would have been recognized eventually. You were not so great. You will not be missed.

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='05 June 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1275789601' post='2325550']

After the crumbling of ACV, I, not knowing much about the other alliances out there, decided to join ACV's closest ally: MHA. I was pulled there mostly by my connection with gfloyd2002, a guy I had known from our times in NADC, who had excelled massively in MHA. I cannot remember whether I joined MHA intending to spy on them or whether that had happened later, but my whole time there I railed against NPO and supported white peace with FAN. I continued to do foreign affairs work there, mostly because doing internal affairs work had never yielded good results for me when it came to gaining respectability in an alliance or abroad. There, I worked loyally for MHA and climbed to the rank of Minister under the respectable Triumvirs of Sorum, Crushtania, and WCR (despite WCR's furious attempts to block every advance I made there). From that position, I provided information and screenshots to Shantamantan and electron sponge, who used them in some installments of This Week in Pacifica. Of course, I felt bad about betraying the trust of my alliance, particularly Floyd, who had put his own reputation on the line to avidly declare that I could not possibly be the spy. However, I knew as well as anyone else that the Continuum was going down, and I knew that by helping Vox divide the bloc I could help to save MHA.[/quote]

You caused me no end of grief when you left MHA suddenly and tried to join FAN right as we finalizing peace with them. I was running up and down swearing to everyone in MHA that you were not a spy and here it turn's out you WERE a spy, just not one of ours!

I am sorry to see you have a bad feeling for FAN, however since it seems like you have a bad feeling for every alliance you have ever been in then maybe it was not us, it was probably you.

Also, if you are going to leave then just leave. Wall's of text saying how bad everyone else has been is not required.

Good Bye.

Edited by Bad JuJu
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Hey a Bad JuJu sighting!

Too bad it will be the last one. We'd need more dirty scammers, aid thieves and perpetrators of unnamed genocides against unarmed mothers with babies hanging from the teat!


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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' date='07 June 2010 - 08:38 PM' timestamp='1275957520' post='2328362']
Good luck, StT.
My thoughts exactly Kev.

Good luck in real life StT. While I never truly knew you, I know you were a great RPer, and someone who was missed from the NADC.

...And on the off-chance that this develops into some sort of debate on the past or iClean, I'm requesting that no NADC member below Atlantic Councilor post in this thread. Accept for good-bye purposes of course :P

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