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Skull and Bones Society

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[center][size="7"][b]N[/b][/size]ever in the history of planet Bob has there been a true Secret Society.
Unlike Fraternities these Secret Societies conceal their actions as they mold the leaders of the future.
The most Powerful Secret Society has always, and will always be, The Skull and Bones.[/center]

[size="7"][b]C[/b][/size]harter of the Skull and Bones Society

[quote][quote]In all of history, there have existed those groups who’s memberships and activities are so exclusive that they are referred to as secret societies. This is one.[/quote]

[b]Initiation Ceremony - Being Tapped[/b]
The Skull and Bones Society is an invite only group. If we want you, we will make it known.
Should one feel the need to take it upon oneself to search us out in order to obtain membership, said person will have to prove themselves to the Power Elite.
Our application process and Initiation Ceremony are a closely guarded secret of the Brotherhood. Knowledge of such is limited exclusively to our members.
Should one be tapped for the Skull and Bones Society, they should immediately seek out a member of the governing body to confirm whether or not that they accept the invitation.

[b]Codes of Conduct[/b]
Our laws supersede those of the outside world, as such any member found to be in violation of any one of our laws will be subject by punishment by the Power Elite.
No member shall divulge any knowledge of the inner dealings, activities, or special rites of the Brotherhood. this is the highest law of the Skull and Bones Society. Should one knowingly break this law, they will be brought up before the Power Elite immediately for expulsion.
No member shall divulge information regarding membership of the Skull and Bones Society. Members themselves, are allowed to deny their own membership and even the very existence of the Brotherhood, if questioned by an outsider.
No member may allow an outsider to observe and or see any rites, ceremonies or activities of the Brotherhood.

[b]Organization of The Skull and Bones Society[/b]
The members of the governing body of the Skull and Bones Society are a closely guarded secret, Known only to the Governing body themselves, and the members.

[b]Power Elite[/b]
The Power Elite of the Skull and Bones Society is made up of the five(5) most elite members of the Brotherhood. these members are known to the members as the Crypt Keepers. Should a Bones Man find himself in need of anything they shall seek the Wisdom of the Power Elite. The Power Elite alone may revoke the membership of any Bones Man with a majority vote. The Power Elite also are the heads of not only the Skull and Bones Society but also the heads of each of the 5 major departments within the Brotherhood. Which include, but are not limited to, Foreign Affairs, Military Affairs, Recruitment, Education, and Finance.

[b]Advisory Board[/b]
Each department of the Skull and Bones Society shall have at least one(1) Eldar who is in charge of maintenance of day to day duties, organization, and tasks of members working in each of the five(5) departments. These Eldars answer only to the Power Elite themselves. The Advisory Board shall determine any and all changes to the charter of the Skull and Bones Society, which are objected to approval by the Power Elite. Maintenance, Approval, and Proposal of Treaty Agreements involving the Skull and Bones Society will be the task of the Advisory Board.

[b]Bones Men[/b]
The title of Bones Man goes to those with full membership to the Brotherhood. As a member to the Skull and Bones Society, Bones Men are expected to keep and maintain full secrecy about any and all knowledge concerning the members, rites, laws, activities, as well as any and all other information concerning the Brotherhood. Upon completing the Initiation Ceremony, and gaining full membership into the Skull and Bones Society, Each Bones Man will be assigned a Soulmate. The two Soulmates will be each other's partner throughout their life in the Skull and Bones Society. Should any Bones Man have a problem, question, advice, or need to discuss anything they should first contact their Soulmate before anyone else. Soulmates are expected to be responsible for each other and work as a cohesive unit.

Should the Brotherhood find the need to wage war on any other alliance, the decision shall be made by the Power Elite with an unanimous vote. The membership of the Brotherhood may decide to retract said decision of war with a majority vote throughout the entire Brotherhood.


The First Power Elite of the Skull and Bones Society


Public IRC Channel:

Edited by the masheen
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I assume PC is late announcing their protectorate over you guys? Anyways, There has been several secret societies in CN, but... I don't think that one alliance is going to be able to keep anything a secret. Good luck out there.

First, for the first time in a long time. Lol.

Edited by Emporor
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[quote name='Emporor' date='20 April 2010 - 12:38 AM' timestamp='1271745468' post='2267592']
I assume PC is late announcing their protectorate over you guys? Anyways, There has been several secret societies in CN, but... I don't think that one alliance is going to be able to keep anything a secret. Good luck out there.

First, for the first time in a long time. Lol.

Way to ruin our dramatic DoE with your logic!!! sheesh :lol1:

And yes, PC should be making an announcement soon.

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Letting all members know that I am one of the 5 members of the Power Elite. I am responsibly for the recruitment part of our alliance. If anyone wants to send me a message please do so in game; http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=324750

I look forward to hearing from anyone of you.

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[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' date='20 April 2010 - 08:49 AM' timestamp='1271749727' post='2267641']
Oh my. Not another DoE.


The more the merrier mate ;) Good to see this come to fruition Masheen, congratulations, and good luck.

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[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' date='20 April 2010 - 01:49 AM' timestamp='1271749727' post='2267641']
Oh my. Not another DoE.


"For this whole world has seen the worst of us
It's love worn thinner by the day
And every ounce of havok that we wreaked upon it got
The best of us...
And the rest's for us
Let it rain..."

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It's not that secret if we know about it.

It's also not that secret if you've put out information about yourselves. There's a ninja based alliance (I think called Ninjas) that kinda has the whole 'secrecy' thing..

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[quote name='Masonic Handles' date='20 April 2010 - 09:56 AM' timestamp='1271746567' post='2267611']
Letting all members know that I am one of the 5 members of the Power Elite. I am responsibly for the recruitment part of our alliance. If anyone wants to send me a message please do so in game; [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=324750"]http://www.cybernati...ation_ID=324750[/url]

I look forward to hearing from anyone of you.

One of the best recruiters i've seen until now. Good luck with your new alliance. And PC is a great protector, congrats!

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[quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' date='20 April 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1271749727' post='2267641']
Oh my. Not another DoE.

What do you mean? This is great for you. You get to flex your razor sharp wit, while at the same time showing us what a dashing personality you have.

[quote name='Olliee' date='20 April 2010 - 09:00 AM' timestamp='1271779213' post='2267679']
It's not that secret if we know about it.

It's also not that secret if you've put out information about yourselves. There's a ninja based alliance (I think called Ninjas) that kinda has the whole 'secrecy' thing..
Thanks for rehashing that point. I don't think anyone understood the first several posts about this, but you have a talent for clarity.

Anyway, it's good to see this DoE. Welcome to the family, guys.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' date='20 April 2010 - 03:13 AM' timestamp='1271751182' post='2267661']
IRAN, that's what that flag reminds me of.

Anyway, good luck and have fun.

I, Cpt Nugs, a member of the former IRAN Council of 5, made the flag for IRAN. When IRAN disbanded last year I contacted the current leaders and let them know I would not let my image die with the alliance. I have edited and resurected the flag for Skull and Bones Society, [322].

[322] o/

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[quote name='CptNugs' date='20 April 2010 - 01:53 PM' timestamp='1271785971' post='2267815']
I, Cpt Nugs, a member of the former IRAN Council of 5, made the flag for IRAN. When IRAN disbanded last year I contacted the current leaders and let them know I would not let my image die with the alliance. I have edited and resurected the flag for Skull and Bones Society, [322].

[322] o/
Well that seems to be false because I was never notified of this.

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[quote name='King Xander the Only' date='20 April 2010 - 05:40 PM' timestamp='1271781593' post='2267727']
What do you mean? This is great for you. You get to flex your razor sharp wit, while at the same time showing us what a dashing personality you have.

Thanks for rehashing that point. I don't think anyone understood the first several posts about this, but you have a talent for clarity.

Anyway, it's good to see this DoE. Welcome to the family, guys.
I sense sarcasm. From an American. I know, it's like.. totally unbelievable. Like.

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[quote name='James Maximus' date='20 April 2010 - 11:58 AM' timestamp='1271786319' post='2267826']
Well that seems to be false because I was never notified of this.

We only wake you up for the important meetings.

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[quote name='James Maximus' date='20 April 2010 - 12:58 PM' timestamp='1271786319' post='2267826']
Well that seems to be false because I was never notified of this.

James, I did not ask your permission, because I did not think you would care. You were in IRAN for a relatively short period of time. And you were also the largest voice behind IRAN merging, with your former alliance. I did not think you would have a problem with me using my image. Which brings me to another valid point, its my image and I will do with it as I please. Thanks for your support, long live [322]

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[quote name='the masheen' date='20 April 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1271787000' post='2267842']
We only wake you up for the important meetings.

[quote name='CptNugs' date='20 April 2010 - 02:22 PM' timestamp='1271787758' post='2267860']
James, I did not ask your permission, because I did not think you would care. You were in IRAN for a relatively short period of time. And you were also the largest voice behind IRAN merging, with your former alliance. I did not think you would have a problem with me using my image. Which brings me to another valid point, its my image and I will do with it as I please. Thanks for your support, long live [322]
Truth be told I don't really care that you're using it, I was just wondering what was going on.

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[quote name='King Xander the Only' date='20 April 2010 - 07:40 PM' timestamp='1271788809' post='2267879']
I'm not American. Thanks for your concern, though.
Swear down you hail from North America.

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