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[quote name='YoshiRevoultion' date='07 April 2010 - 05:18 AM' timestamp='1270631913' post='2251479']
So how exactly is this any different then OUT?

No offense, I (despite my alliance tag) was a big supporter of of OUT but after some deep looking into I see the flaws. Those boards were extremely inactive, and even when they were started up again, after the hacking and all, they remained that way. I'm all for "inter-alliance corporation" but only when I know all alliances cooperating haven't tried the same thing over and over again.

But hopefully 3 times the charm. :)
Best of luck to all alliances involved, especially my former alliance RnR.
(I use the n' because I'm a rebel yo.)
The reason that OUT didn't stand up to your expectations, is because no one made it their primary goal in foreign affairs. An Economic bloc with an ODP clause is rarely active at all.

Ven, way to become the biggest fine gentleman in the room. I think you should probably read Airme's posting guides so you don't look like such a fool again.

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[quote name='Venizelos' date='07 April 2010 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1270650802' post='2251624']
as a former ON member, i think i know what i'm talking about.

shilo, if i read correctly there is a restriction on sanctions that includes voting on whether the member alliances agree with it. in a treaty which membership is basically TOPs sphere of influence that means effectively taking away your senator's sovereignity.
It's a trade agreement, so obviously sanctions have to be part of it. And imho it makes sense that a lose form of agreement is included in a treaty on how to handle sanctions. This however only concerns sanctioning individual members of another member alliance.
Getting approval before sanctioning another nation from the government of the respective alliance doesn't seem illogical or restricting the sovereignty of anyone. Wouldn't you agree that before putting sanction on another nation, except in the cases where it is a deliberate act of war, should be handled by the party handing out the sanction as well as the alliance of the nation receiving the sanction?
Even without any kind of agreement, I believe pretty much every alliance on Bob consider that common courtesy.

Regarding this being TOP's sphere of influence: well, right now TOP doesn't even have a OT Senator, and while I consider TOP great friends and was honored to fight besides them in the past conflict, I am pretty sure TOP as well as anyone else of the current signatories would point out that each alliance, is by all means acting as a sovereign and independent entity, and no one is in the "Sphere of Influence" of another party.

Infact this treaty could very much accomplish to overcome such ancient thinking, afterall, every signatory is equal to another, without attempting to interfere in the politics of one another at the same time.

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[quote name='Venizelos' date='07 April 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1270651893' post='2251641']
shilo that all sounds great on paper but it doesnt seem to me that its real.
and hey if it really is like that good luck with it.
Veni, this is a brandnew treaty, so how it's put into reality is up to everyone who wants to be part of it. It is exactly that reason why I wish that every alliance in the OT interested in furthering the economic improvement of their own as well as other joins it. By joining it and working together with others, said party will have a lot of influence on how this treaty will be implemented in reality.

Thanks for the well wishes anyways, maybe in time more individuals as well as alliances will consider such forms of cooperation in the OT.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' date='07 April 2010 - 08:54 AM' timestamp='1270644837' post='2251568']
/me slaps Yoshi for using the n :)

The difference is that CTI lost all the deadweight OUT had, OUT tried to arrange everything, and by that succeeded at nothing for the most part. It wanted to maintain peace on orange and political cooperation and in the end it failed. Trades where just a side dish for OUT.

CTI however is purely trade based, it works on the fact that all of orange no matter what side of the treatyweb you are connected to has one thing in common, trades. It set's some guidelines about trades (Standards for trade circle set-ups, 48 hour notice before canceling a trade, no mass trade cancellations etc.) and every signatory has to dedicate at least one member to set up trades and work for the good of all trade on orange.

Any political agenda that has been mentioned has been dragged in by non signatories who probably don't even really understand the concept. CTI is not made to replace out, just to do the one thing OUT failed so hard at, arranging trades.

As a side effect it also keeps signatory alliances talking which is never a bad thing. But don't expect it to turn out into another OUT like structure with defensive clauses and senate arrangements or anything like it.
Sounds alot what Juslen told me what was going to happen with OUT back in 2007. lol

Seems like everything might work out then, can't wait to see the results.

Edited by YoshiRevoultion
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[quote name='Coursca' date='02 April 2010 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1270184835' post='2245054']
...during which OUT unanimously (minus Vanguard) attacked GLOF, right?

A god awful move that I regret not campaigning more vigorously against and I wish TOP had never a part of.


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[quote name='soccerbum879' date='07 April 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1270676200' post='2252105']
So, I'm going to assume that you no longer use your own boards to set up trade circles?
No, we're using the official [url="http://z7.invisionfree.com/CTI/index.php?act=idx"]CTI forum[/url].

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[quote name='shilo' date='08 April 2010 - 11:47 AM' timestamp='1270741629' post='2253126']
No, we're using the official [url="http://z7.invisionfree.com/CTI/index.php?act=idx"]CTI forum[/url].
The banner looks depressing. :(

Edited by YoshiRevoultion
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