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The Horde Conquers Orange.

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[quote name='Newhotness' date='07 March 2010 - 06:48 PM' timestamp='1267987989' post='2217015']
[i]not to sound like a dick[/i], but with a mindset like that, no wonder you couldnt find trades. Apparently you werent willing to explore all options and work with the rest of your sphere-mates to find trades.

Haha, way to fail. Added to that, clearly you haven't a notion considering you have three trades on the most populated sphere in Planet Bob. Clap, clap, clap.

Glad to see TGH off the sphere if they had to try and deal with people like the ones somewhere above... Obviously if there are less people on a sphere such as yellow there are going to be less chances for trades.

Good luck to TGH!!!
o/ CP
o/ Billy

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@ Balder, my comments were in no way aimed at running down yellow, the sphere has many good friends of mine and i fail to see how activly bashing yellow would help me in any way. however i do find it remarkable that you care so much about yellow unity or w/e, in the 7 months i spent on yellow working in FA one constant was the shear lack of any form of unity for the most part, barring one or 2 alliances to my knowledge there have been many attempts to set up some form of unity trade bloc, 2 attempts of which i was activly involved with, and dispite all efforts it was almost impossable to get more than 5 alliances on board. Yellow isn't an easy place to be no matter how you spin it. And don't dare try to dirty my reputation you know nothing about me and judging by your attitude and approach to this announcement thread i'd like to keep it that way. i dont think i have ever even spoken to you in regards to anything, and considering the size of yellow, that kind of speaks worlds about the state it is in. There are few alliances who truely care about yellow, you may well belong to one but i fail to see any evidence of that. I can understand why you would defend your sphere its a thing of honour but instead of wasting your time in this thread go do somehting constuctive and you may change some minds about yellow. good luck.

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[quote name='Balder' date='07 March 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1267992276' post='2217108']
In addition, seeing as you're the government member of an alliance and also involved with Foreign Affairs, certain trade aspects do fall under your domain. One of the biggest things about finding trades on any sphere (regardless of population) is working with the other alliances in your sphere and improving cooperation amongst you so that your members can benefit with an improved list of trade candidates. [b]Seeing as you said you've never done any work in that regard[/b], it's not a huge leap of faith to assume that your trouble finding trades were a result of your own doing (or lack of doing to be correct.)[/quote]
I like your spin :ph34r:
CombatPope pointed out that he [b]personally[/b] did not do any work in regards to trades. Perhaps we had other members in another department conncentrating on that issue. During our existence we have tried to work on cooperation between multiple yellow alliance numerous times. Besides that we have also worked with other alliances on a smaller scale. Please do get your facts straight before making false assumptions.

[quote]I do respect that you have left my sphere, believe me, I do. I wasn't hating either, simply pointing out some inconsistencies in your statement which attempted to rundown the team we've made a home for ourselves in and have flourished as a result.[/quote]

I fail to see how the OP attempts to rundown yellow. Perhaps you could point that out to me?

[quote]When you're on a sphere such as ours, your actually more inclined to have permanent, stable sets than on any other where there's a high degree of foot traffic in and out. While yes, initial set up may take a little bit of effort, it's well worth it in the end. The benefits of elbow grease and motivation should never be forgotten.[/quote]

Perhaps percentual you have more consistent trade circles on a smaller sphere. On the other hand however, you will find more active nations on larger spheres simply because of the amount of nations. The chances of getting a circle up or repairing a circle are just bigger.

[quote]No trolling, simply pointing out inconsistencies as I stated earlier. You know I like you, Lucas Perry and I know you're capable of doing good things wherever you are. [b]I'd just rather see you somewhere else where your efforts might be recognized.[/b] [/quote]

Well done on not trolling :unsure:

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i fail to see how activly bashing yellow would help me in any way.[quote]

So do I. That's why I'm astonished.

[quote]however i do find it remarkable[/quote]


[quote]in the 7 months i spent on yellow working in FA one constant was the shear lack of any form of unity for the most part, barring one or 2 alliances to my knowledge there have been many attempts to set up some form of unity trade bloc, 2 attempts of which i was activly involved with, and dispite all efforts it was almost impossable to get more than 5 alliances on board.[/quote]

The lack of Yellow alliances vying for color supremacy through blocs is one of the finest qualities of the sphere. The fact that I can work with the Federation of Armed Nations as well as Veritas Aequitas without having to have a large, unnecessary treaty dictating it is something that can't be overlooked as well. I am indeed thankful that your ill-conceived bloc failed. You'll find that most of the alliances on our sphere are happy to co-exist peacefully without struggles for Senate or resources. Seeing as it seems you weren't satisfied with just peaceful co-existence, I can only believe that the Yellow sphere is now better off as a result of your departure.

[quote]Yellow isn't an easy place to be no matter how you spin it.[/quote]

Oh yes, the barren, inhospitable landscape of the Yellow team is so harsh and inhumane that it has scared off the illustrious and proven leaders of the Golden Horde. The fact that that's a true statement says a lot.

[quote]And don't dare try to dirty my reputation[/quote]

I care not about neither you, nor your reputation. Even still, I think you've done enough to damage your [b]OWN[/b] reputation thusfar in this announcement. Kudos to you on that note.

[quote]i dont think i have ever even spoken to you in regards to anything, and considering the size of yellow, that kind of speaks worlds about the state it is in.[/quote]

No, it says nothing about the Yellow sphere. It does, however, speak miles about you and your alliance. Couple that with your lack of Foreign outreach in your "attempt" to find trades and I believe that I can rest at night knowing who the blame rests on in this case.

[quote]There are few alliances who truely care about yellow, you may well belong to one but i fail to see any evidence of that.[/quote]

So your telling me that attempting (and failing) to create new sphere unity blocs without the majority of the sphere is evidence that you "[s]truely[/s] truly care about yellow"? If that's your ruler, don't bother measuring our commitment.

[quote]I can understand why you would defend your sphere[/quote]

The facts*

[quote]CombatPope pointed out that he personally did not do any work in regards to trades. Perhaps we had other members in another department conncentrating on that issue. During our existence we have tried to work on cooperation between multiple yellow alliance numerous times. Besides that we have also worked with other alliances on a smaller scale. Please do get your facts straight before making false assumptions.[/quote]

No, he stated that he's been in government for quite a long time, and in a Foreign Affairs position. As such, I was noting the specific job of the Foreign Affairs Officer and how it intertwines with that of trades. In addition, you've stated that you tried on a much smaller scale. How difficult is it to cooperate with others? I see no false assumptions here, though your inferring that I do was a clever way of trying to deflect attention.

Perhaps percentual you have more consistent trade circles.[/quote]

Yes, statistically speaking, we have more permanent trade circles. That would be the point of what I had to say. In addition, I already addressed the second part of your thought, so I'm not going to bother quoting it.

[quote]Well done on not trolling :unsure:[/quote]

Thank you, kind sir.

Edited by Balder
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i fail to see how activly bashing yellow would help me in any way. (Originally posted by Combat Pope)

So do I. That's why I'm astonished.

[quote]however i do find it remarkable[/quote]


[quote]in the 7 months i spent on yellow working in FA one constant was the shear lack of any form of unity for the most part, barring one or 2 alliances to my knowledge there have been many attempts to set up some form of unity trade bloc, 2 attempts of which i was activly involved with, and dispite all efforts it was almost impossable to get more than 5 alliances on board.[/quote]

The lack of Yellow alliances vying for color supremacy through blocs is one of the finest qualities of the sphere. The fact that I can work with the Federation of Armed Nations as well as Veritas Aequitas without having to have a large, unnecessary treaty dictating it is something that can't be overlooked as well. I am indeed thankful that your ill-conceived bloc failed. You'll find that most of the alliances on our sphere are happy to co-exist peacefully without struggles for Senate or resources. Seeing as it seems you weren't satisfied with just peaceful co-existence, I can only believe that the Yellow sphere is now better off as a result of your departure.

[quote]Yellow isn't an easy place to be no matter how you spin it.[/quote]

Oh yes, the barren, inhospitable landscape of the Yellow team is so harsh and inhumane that it has scared off the illustrious and proven leaders of the Golden Horde. The fact that that's a true statement says a lot.

[quote]And don't dare try to dirty my reputation[/quote]

I care not about neither you, nor your reputation. Even still, I think you've done enough to damage your [b]OWN[/b] reputation thusfar in this announcement. Kudos to you on that note.

[quote]i dont think i have ever even spoken to you in regards to anything, and considering the size of yellow, that kind of speaks worlds about the state it is in.[/quote]

No, it says nothing about the Yellow sphere. It does, however, speak miles about you and your alliance. Couple that with your lack of Foreign outreach in your "attempt" to find trades and I believe that I can rest at night knowing who the blame rests on in this case.

[quote]There are few alliances who truely care about yellow, you may well belong to one but i fail to see any evidence of that.[/quote]

So your telling me that attempting (and failing) to create new sphere unity blocs without the majority of the sphere is evidence that you "[s]truely[/s] truly care about yellow"? If that's your ruler, don't bother measuring our commitment.

[quote]I can understand why you would defend your sphere[/quote]

The facts*

[quote]CombatPope pointed out that he personally did not do any work in regards to trades. Perhaps we had other members in another department conncentrating on that issue. During our existence we have tried to work on cooperation between multiple yellow alliance numerous times. Besides that we have also worked with other alliances on a smaller scale. Please do get your facts straight before making false assumptions.[/quote]

No, he stated that he's been in government for quite a long time, and in a Foreign Affairs position. As such, I was noting the specific job of the Foreign Affairs Officer and how it intertwines with that of trades. In addition, you've stated that you tried on a much smaller scale. How difficult is it to cooperate with others? I see no false assumptions here, though your inferring that I do was a clever way of trying to deflect attention.

Perhaps percentual you have more consistent trade circles.[/quote]

Yes, statistically speaking, we have more permanent trade circles. That would be the point of what I had to say. In addition, I already addressed the second part of your thought, so I'm not going to bother quoting it.

[quote]Well done on not trolling :unsure:[/quote]

Thank you, kind sir.

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Nice double post you got there, makes you look twice as childish and correcting my spelling? Talk about hitting me where it hurts. It amuses me that you feel my reputation is the one being tarnished for doing what I feel necessary for the betterment of my alliance. You however have hijacked a perfectly cordial alliance announcement in order to attain the attention you so obviously crave. And if the monopoly on senate seats you refer to as not having to argue about it satisfies you, then that is your MO, i think you'll find that all spheres have the same senators cropping up all the time. I do thank you however for shining a light on the type of people that TC have in government, and how they go about conducting themselves the list is hijacking announcement threads, ic attacks on alliances, ic attacks on government members of another alliance and many more obvious childish flaws. i only hope there is someone in your alliance who actually spends time running it, rather than spending time browsing the OWF for threads to troll.

I have no further time for children tugging at my shirt for attention. enjoy your time on CN :)

edit: ic =/= ooc

Edited by Combat Pope
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[quote name='mdnss69' date='07 March 2010 - 03:04 PM' timestamp='1267992527' post='2217112']
Haha, way to fail. Added to that, clearly you haven't a notion considering you have three trades on the most populated sphere in Planet Bob. Clap, clap, clap.

Glad to see TGH off the sphere if they had to try and deal with people like the ones somewhere above... Obviously if there are less people on a sphere such as yellow there are going to be less chances for trades.

Good luck to TGH!!!
o/ CP
o/ Billy
You should do your research before making statements like that. I was on pink sphere, which happens to be the least populated sphere, for the longest in RAD and Bel Air. So i think i know what im talkin about. Next time research your target before speaking.

Edited by Newhotness
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[quote name='Combat Pope' date='07 March 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1268005740' post='2217324']
Nice double post you got there, makes you look twice as childish and correcting my spelling? Talk about hitting me where it hurts. It amuses me that you feel my reputation is the one being tarnished for doing what I feel necessary for the betterment of my alliance. You however have hijacked a perfectly cordial alliance announcement in order to attain the attention you so obviously crave. And if the monopoly on senate seats you refer to as not having to argue about it satisfies you, then that is your MO, i think you'll find that all spheres have the same senators cropping up all the time. I do thank you however for shining a light on the type of people that TC have in government, and how they go about conducting themselves the list is hijacking announcement threads, ooc attacks on alliances, ooc attacks on government members of another alliance and many more obvious childish flaws. i only hope there is someone in your alliance who actually spends time running it, rather than spending time browsing the OWF for threads to troll.

I have no further time for children tugging at my shirt for attention. enjoy your time on CN :)
1) You do realize that putting an announcement on the OWF means people are allowed to comment on it no matter if you like their opinion or not, right? Because you seem to have a real issue understanding that.

2) He's the hardest worker in our alliance. He also happens to like commenting on the OWF. The two really aren't mutually exclusive.

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[quote name='Lenex' date='08 March 2010 - 02:28 AM' timestamp='1267979602' post='2216898']
Welcome to the most dysfunctional sphere on planet bob.
Pretty much this.

Have fun on Orange xD. Don't be surprised if you're fighting your trade partners O.o

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[quote name='Combat Pope' date='07 March 2010 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1267993727' post='2217126']
however i do find it remarkable that you care so much about yellow unity or w/e, in the 7 months i spent on yellow working in FA one constant was the shear lack of any form of unity for the most part,

Two things.

1) Balder never mentioned yellow unity. Yellow works so well because we have a symbiotic relationship (those of us who stay, anyway), however I wouldn't call it "unity." Nor, do I believe, did Balder ever mention about whether or not he cares about yellow unity.

2) I have also been working FA on the yellow sphere for about 7 months. Guess what? I would say 90% of my alliance has full, workable trade sets (at least before the current war.) We have neither gone out of our way to set up relationships with other yellow alliances, nor do we have a single yellow treaty. The fact of the matter is, yellow is full of friendly, active people always willing to help. Resources may not be abundant, but they definitely exist in a volume that allow many people to benefit from them.

That said, you as a sovereign alliance have the right to go where you want, and I wish you the best of luck, but please do not blame any of your choice to leave yellow on anything other than you weren't willing to spend the time to make yellow work for you.

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[quote name='Combat Pope' date='07 March 2010 - 06:44 PM' timestamp='1268005740' post='2217324']
Nice double post you got there, makes you look twice as childish[/quote]

Seriously. I've kept rather on topic with all of my arguments being relevant to your IC persona and that of your alliance. Glad to see that's been kept up. [OOC: Yes, my internet connection may not be as good as yours. What's your point?"]

[quote]It amuses me that you feel my reputation is the one being tarnished for doing what I feel necessary for the betterment of my alliance.[/quote]

You'll note that I have not once disagreed or argued that you are not doing what you feel necessary for the betterment of your alliance. You'll also note that I did not argue that what you were doing wasn't the correct course of action [b]for your alliance.[/b] I remain steadfast in my belief that this is actually a good move for all involved.

[quote]You however have hijacked a perfectly cordial alliance announcement in order to attain the attention you so obviously crave.[/quote]

Wrong. There is a reason I don't post very often on the OWF anymore, any "craving for attention" certainly isn't one of them. In addition, I started off in this thread merely only wishing to correct some errors in the initial post. It was only after your hostility that I took a true interest to your announcement.

[quote]And if the monopoly on senate seats you refer to as not having to argue about it satisfies you, then that is your MO, i think you'll find that all spheres have the same senators cropping up all the time.[/quote]

What Senate monopoly? That FAN controls two senate seats? We vote for FAN for one of the two actually. The Federation has a long history of using the senate seats in a positive manner. As for the third seat, held by ROCK, they are a great bunch of guys and girls whom we have had the pleasure of speaking with a time or two. I am not concerned with the senate. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

[quote]I do thank you however for shining a light on the type of people that TC have in government, and how they go about conducting themselves[/quote]

I'm not just a government member of The Corporation (we have no acronym, so I'm not sure where you came up with TC). I am actually one of the founders and a co-leader of the Corporation.

[quote]ooc attacks on alliances, ooc attacks on government members of another alliance and many more obvious childish flaws.[/quote]

Point out where I did any of that. Obviously blatant lies and straw-man arguments is a childish flaw with your ENTIRE government. Am I doing it right? :awesome:

[quote]i only hope there is someone in your alliance who actually spends time running it, rather than spending time browsing the OWF for threads to troll.[/quote]

That would be me as well. In fact, I work my rear end off for the benefit of the Corporation along with my other leaders and Employee's.

Edited by Balder
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[quote name='Balder' date='07 March 2010 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1267992276' post='2217108']
Now it isn't. Thank the Lord for that. In addition, you [b]should[/b] feel glad. It's always a good thing to get recognized in a negative light.

In addition, seeing as you're the government member of an alliance and also involved with Foreign Affairs, certain trade aspects do fall under your domain. One of the biggest things about finding trades on any sphere (regardless of population) is working with the other alliances in your sphere and improving cooperation amongst you so that your members can benefit with an improved list of trade candidates. Seeing as you said you've never done any work in that regard, it's not a huge leap of faith to assume that your trouble finding trades were a result of your own doing (or lack of doing to be correct.)

I do respect that you have left my sphere, believe me, I do. I wasn't hating either, simply pointing out some inconsistencies in your statement which attempted to rundown the team we've made a home for ourselves in and have flourished as a result.

When you're on a sphere such as ours, your actually more inclined to have permanent, stable sets than on any other where there's a high degree of foot traffic in and out. While yes, initial set up may take a little bit of effort, it's well worth it in the end. The benefits of elbow grease and motivation should never be forgotten.

No trolling, simply pointing out inconsistencies as I stated earlier. You know I like you, Lucas Perry and I know you're capable of doing good things wherever you are. I'd just rather see you somewhere else where your efforts might be recognized.

Who cares and why are you arguing about our decision...We made this move because we did some research and found this sphere to help TGH grow...If it bites us in the %&* then we take and we keep moving...And no one really cares what you think or say...

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[quote name='Balder' date='08 March 2010 - 02:44 AM' timestamp='1268016562' post='2217498']
Seriously. I've kept rather on topic with all of my arguments being relevant to your IC persona and that of your alliance. Glad to see that's been kept up. [OOC: Yes, my internet connection may not be as good as yours. What's your point?"]

You'll note that I have not once disagreed or argued that you are not doing what you feel necessary for the betterment of your alliance. You'll also note that I did not argue that what you were doing wasn't the correct course of action [b]for your alliance.[/b] I remain steadfast in my belief that this is actually a good move for all involved.

Wrong. There is a reason I don't post very often on the OWF anymore, any "craving for attention" certainly isn't one of them. In addition, I started off in this thread merely only wishing to correct some errors in the initial post. It was only after your hostility that I took a true interest to your announcement.

What Senate monopoly? That FAN controls two senate seats? We vote for FAN for one of the two actually. The Federation has a long history of using the senate seats in a positive manner. As for the third seat, held by ROCK, they are a great bunch of guys and girls whom we have had the pleasure of speaking with a time or two. I am not concerned with the senate. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

I'm not just a government member of The Corporation (we have no acronym, so I'm not sure where you came up with TC). I am actually one of the founders and a co-leader of the Corporation.

Point out where I did any of that. Obviously blatant lies and straw-man arguments is a childish flaw with your ENTIRE government. Am I doing it right? :awesome:

That would be me as well. In fact, I work my rear end off for the benefit of the Corporation along with my other leaders and Employee's.

I do apoligise, i will admit to geting my ooc tags mixed up with IC, i've edited it for you there, i'm sure yoou wouldnt resort to ooc attacks not many in CN would.

However as for your first post not being hostile? the whole glad your off the sphere bit isnt exactly the kind of thing i will stand for.

After stating clearly that i had no intention of hurting yellow in any way with my OP i would have thort a btter man would have accepted that, you obviously are not a better man.

And i will generalise here because i really dont have the energy to quote all of the corperation posts, I couldn't care less that your members all have trades, it may mean that you have taken alll the good ones? and if you have found a way to create and maintain trade circles on yellow then good for you. and as for not giving yellow a chance? 7 months is more than long enough, i was on yellow personally for around 2 months if that and as i stated earlier had 3 broken trade circles.and you can bleat on about how your alliance has good trades and blah blah blah, the facts are there, not enough reasorces exist on yellow for our alliance to have a full set of trades, and as a 3rd of your alliance isnt on yellow that should stand as testiment to that if trades are so abundant why have they not after, in some cases months, switched to yellow? i'm sure if you ask they would mention something about the sphere they are currently on having more available trades than yellow.

oh and forgive me for not careing enough to type out your full name last night, it was late and as i say i really dont care.

i'd also like to add [quote]I've kept rather on topic with all of my arguments being relevant to your IC persona and that of your alliance. Glad to see that's been kept up. [OOC: Yes, my internet connection may not be as good as yours. What's your point?"]

lol and correcting my spelling? way to hypocrite

Edited by Combat Pope
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[quote]No, he stated that he's been in government for quite a long time, and in a Foreign Affairs position. As such, I was noting the specific job of the Foreign Affairs Officer and how it intertwines with that of trades.[/quote]
You will find altered definitions of jobs everywhere in the 'verse. While in corp FA may intertwine with trades, in another alliance this might very well be different. It's nice to see that you know all about TGH's internal workings though.

[quote]In addition, you've stated that you tried on a much smaller scale. How difficult is it to cooperate with others? [/quote] I stated we tried it, not that it was a complete faillure. The Cooperation went smoothly and we had some success. The issue however, was still the same: We lacked the resources neccessary to build up good circles for our members.

[quote]I see no false assumptions here, though your inferring that I do was a clever way of trying to deflect attention.[/quote] Taking a look at the fact that you're making a false assumption one sentence above I'd say that refutes this argument.

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[quote name='Newhotness' date='07 March 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1268005837' post='2217326']
You should do your research before making statements like that. I was on pink sphere, which happens to be the least populated sphere, for the longest in RAD and Bel Air. So i think i know what im talkin about. Next time research your target before speaking.

I love this guy! You should get him posting on the OWF more often. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was simply easier. More people = More trades = More opportunity = Duh. Yes you can have two alliances on a remote sphere who trade, but that is limited opportunity. Please keep posting so you can embarrass yourself further.

[quote name='Balder' date='07 March 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1268002060' post='2217270']
How difficult is it to cooperate with others?

You in particular cracked me up with that one.

[quote name='Combat Pope' date='08 March 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1268045434' post='2217882']
I couldn't care less that your members all have trades,

Don't mean to be patronising CP, but ~1/2 of them have full trades. Wonder why. :)

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[quote name='mdnss69' date='08 March 2010 - 12:44 PM' timestamp='1268052545' post='2217916']
I love this guy! You should get him posting on the OWF more often. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was simply easier. More people = More trades = More opportunity = Duh. Yes you can have two alliances on a remote sphere who trade, but that is limited opportunity. Please keep posting so you can embarrass yourself further.

You in particular cracked me up with that one.

Don't mean to be patronising CP, but ~1/2 of them have full trades. Wonder why. :)

:o how dare you!!! I'll be having words with you mister :P

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[quote name='mdnss69' date='08 March 2010 - 07:44 AM' timestamp='1268052545' post='2217916']
I love this guy! You should get him posting on the OWF more often. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it was simply easier. More people = More trades = More opportunity = Duh. Yes you can have two alliances on a remote sphere who trade, but that is limited opportunity. Please keep posting so you can embarrass yourself further.

Completely understandable. I was in no way saying that since i did it, they should be able to do it too. The point i was making was that you shouldnt be speaking on which color sphere im on and how my trades are going when you dont know anything about me. I know the struggles they have gone/are going through. And i also know it can be done if you put enough work into it. Reading comprehension ftw. Theres no point in me continuing past this post since you probably wont actually read this one either. so have fun with whatever remarks you have, cuz they will fall on deaf ears

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