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I Think Bob Hates my guts right now!

Lord Zymeth

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[quote name='Opethian' date='23 February 2010 - 04:45 PM' timestamp='1266965321' post='2199862']
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be so venomous towards a guy I've never even heard of, but if you [i]insist[/i] I suppose I'll make an effort.

Booo! I don't care for your manner of behavior!

Opethian has done my job for me. He read my mind word for word, and just won as he always does.

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You don't seem like a horrifically bad guy or anything, but it would've probably helped if you'd mentioned to someone that you don't really want to get involved in wars, then they could've directed you to neutral alliances like the Grey Council, TDO and GPA where you can (theoretically anyway) live in peace because they don't get involved in alliance politics and wars (again, theoretically). Aside from those alliances, they will all (MHA included) expect you to be ready to go to war for them at a moment's notice with no questions asked like a good little footsoldier.

So yeah, I'd re-roll so you don't have to be constantly looking over your shoulder wondering whether Legion is gonna come get you, and then go join one of the neutral alliances.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' date='24 February 2010 - 01:12 AM' timestamp='1266974177' post='2200199']
Why does everyone hate neutrals so much?

I wouldnt wish this guy on my worst enemy.
Does he have plague or something? I am not seeing what the big problem is, so he doesn't like getting shoved into wars he has no interest in, seems pretty normal to me. It's a much more reasonable attitude than 'wars don't happen around [i]your[/i] schedule, only a privileged few who spend inordinate amounts of time on IRC are allowed to decide these very important matters', anyway.

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If it makes you feel any better, I'm a pretty opinionated person and yet I don't hate you. That's probably because I have no idea who you are. But to be honest, I think I'd hate someone more for being a member of the legion, than for having deserted the Legion.

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the reason your on our "bad list" is that you decided to jump ship when things got rough and then decided not to tell us in our designated resignation thread. This is widely considered an act of spying. Personally, I don't really care where you go and I'm sure most of my alliance members agree with me. Just don't expect many alliances who go to war from time to time to accept you ue to your previous actions.

That said, best of luck wherever you go next

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='24 February 2010 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1266974737' post='2200221']
Does he have plague or something? I am not seeing what the big problem is, so he doesn't like getting shoved into wars he has no interest in, seems pretty normal to me. [/quote]

War sucks, but having the people who are supposed to watch your back desert you at the first sign of trouble sucks more.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' date='24 February 2010 - 08:19 PM' timestamp='1267006996' post='2201215']
He left when the war was over.

Isnt this the guy that went to PM instead of hitting his targets?

Whether he is or not, "leaving" your alliance by deleting your nation without signing out is pretty unforgiveable too, and his attitude obviously stinks.

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[quote name='SiCkO' date='24 February 2010 - 06:28 AM' timestamp='1266993118' post='2200842']
*sigh* the reason your on our "bad list" is that you decided to jump ship when things got rough and then decided not to tell us in our designated resignation thread. This is widely considered an act of spying. Personally, I don't really care where you go and I'm sure most of my alliance members agree with me. Just don't expect many alliances who go to war from time to time to accept you ue to your previous actions. That said, best of luck wherever you go next
Anyone who considers that as spying is just looking for an excuse to put on their super-duper important member of government hat and flex their e-muscles over a nation that has scorned them by leaving ("how dare he not enjoy my beloved alliance!"). Hey, did you know that lashing out in anger is a pretty common way of dealing with rejection? Anyway... just because someone left without telling you (not exactly an uncommon occurrence, especially when the reason for leaving basically boils down to 'I don't know what's going on here and am sick of it'), that doesn't mean that you are suddenly absolved as alliance leadership of the responsibility to maintain your masks properly. Of course this job would be easier for you if he told you he was resigning, and not letting anyone know does display a lack of common courtesy, but ultimately it is still your job, and if you don't do that job as a govt member then you are more to blame than the guy who left.

[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' date='24 February 2010 - 11:19 AM' timestamp='1267010573' post='2201248']
Isnt this the guy that went to PM instead of hitting his targets? Whether he is or not, "leaving" your alliance by deleting your nation without signing out is pretty unforgiveable too, and his attitude obviously stinks
His attitude stinks for alliance leaders in the sense that he isn't a drone who will blindly do what he is told for all eternity, but personally I prefer players who have minds of their own who can recognise when an alliance isn't for them and then do something about it. Way too many people in CN are happy to just 'get along' in their alliances without ever checking out some of the competition and seeking out greener pastures. It means players don't experience the different communities on offer and alliance leaders get complacent with their docile and static core of members, thinking that they're doing an amazing job as the core grows when in reality they just can't be bothered to move or don't care enough to.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='24 February 2010 - 07:00 AM' timestamp='1267023815' post='2201445']
Anyone who considers that as spying is just looking for an excuse to put on their super-duper important member of government hat and flex their e-muscles over a nation that has scorned them by leaving ("how dare he not enjoy my beloved alliance!"). Hey, did you know that lashing out in anger is a pretty common way of dealing with rejection? Anyway... just because someone left without telling you (not exactly an uncommon occurrence, especially when the reason for leaving basically boils down to 'I don't know what's going on here and am sick of it'), that doesn't mean that you are suddenly absolved as alliance leadership of the responsibility to maintain your masks properly. Of course this job would be easier for you if he told you he was resigning, and not letting anyone know does display a lack of common courtesy, but ultimately it is still your job, and if you don't do that job as a govt member then you are more to blame than the guy who left.

I'll give you an example why i characterized it as spying, when he was demasked he posted this in his MHA app:

[quote]Darn, they found out. I got the royal boot from the forums. At least they can't attack me, since I'm in Peace Mode; not that they would, since they're too busy trying to rebuild after their part in the war. Oh well, I guess I just have to hope to get accepted here once applications start getting reviewed and accepted again whenever you guys get out of the war... At least I can say that I'm currently not part of any alliance at this time...

While I don't really care what happens to him, it's definitely a poor show to decide to pack up an leave in a war and then decide to keep your mask. There were other anti - war legionnaires who remained in the fight and quietly voiced their concerns, and while I may have disagreed with them I respect their opinion and definitely would not verbally abuse them. He was demasked shortly after he left so no real damage was done.

Also, I'm not Legion Government, just a member

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What part of that quote suggests that he is a spy?

And again with the masks... it is not his job to decide what mask he has on your forums. If he still has a member mask after leaving your AA then blame the admin/whoever controls the masking at your gaff, since they are the ones who control it.

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='24 February 2010 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1267057469' post='2202264']
What part of that quote suggests that he is a spy?

And again with the masks... it is not his job to decide what mask he has on your forums. If he still has a member mask after leaving your AA then blame the admin/whoever controls the masking at your gaff, since they are the ones who control it.

when he knew how to resign and decided not to

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This is typical of MHA, our new aggressive global hegemons, not allowing innocent victimised nations like that of Soviet Belleviastan to join their ranks. I demand more threads about this great injustice until the matter is resolved by all out alliance warfare!

P.S. Was The Democratic Order made aware of this thread and the one on the MHA's forums when they reviewed your application?

Edited by Ch33kY
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