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An Annoucement From The German Empire And Octava Orden

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The Octava Reich Treaty!

The German Empire


The Octava Orden




The German Empire and Octava Orden, henceforth known as TGE and OO, have both agreed that we like each other! In order to express our mutual feeling, we decided "hey, why not sign a PIAT?" and here we are. :D

Section 1. Sovereignty

TGE and OO shall both remain soveriegn alliances.

Section 2. Peace

TGE and OO shall exist in a state of peace. If a member of either alliance attacks the other, they both agree to work out reps.

Section 3. Intelligence

TGE and OO agree to never share the other's sekrits with another alliance, and if either alliance recieves information regarding the other's safty, this must be passed on.

Section 4. Aid

While at peace or war, either alliance may request monetary aid from the other, but the other may give it, if they feel so inclined..

Section 5. Equality.

As long as this treaty is in effect, both alliances are held to it on equal standing.

Section 6. Termination

If either alliance decides they don't wanna be friends anymore and would like to end this treaty, they must notify the other 48 hours before. If either alliance dissolves or merges into another alliance, the treaty is automatically terminated.


TGE Government,
Emperor President Chris
Chancellor Karl Augest von Hardenberg
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nils von Leipzig

OO Government,
Ezequiel, Emperador de la Orden

Edited by Nils von Leipzig
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[quote name='pimpleman' date='13 February 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1266115212' post='2180106']
[size="2"]Not to offend you, but, skimming through that, it actually sounds like you two are dating instead of making a treaty.
Wait, you might be making a 'treaty', just not that kind of 'treaty'...[/size]

Make love, not war! :smug:


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[quote name='Randalla' date='13 February 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1266120632' post='2180204']Why don't we keep this on the more positive note that it began on, shall we?

Congratulations, folks. Good to see that life does go on outside of the cool green glow of rising global radiation. ;)[/quote][quote name='Omniscient1' date='13 February 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1266122197' post='2180224']congrats on the treaty
[/quote][quote name='arani' date='14 February 2010 - 12:42 AM' timestamp='1266126167' post='2180341']Congratz guys! Nice to see allies make friends.

o/ TGE
Any friends of TGE must be pretty good guys, so o/ OO[/quote][quote name='Fantastico' date='14 February 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1266126498' post='2180354']That's what I was thinking. :)

Congrats to both alliances![/quote]
Apparently Randalla has magical powers or something. :blink:

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[quote name='Alfred von Schliefen' date='14 February 2010 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1266201304' post='2181913']
Congrats, my old friends! Hope the war is going well for you. :)

A fun time was had by all. All those incessant roll calls and endless alerts paid off on the battlefield.

See - we brought back pictures !! (That's the victory parade going through the Brandenburg Gate at 2:07)


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