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Who is taking the biggest beating in this war?



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[quote name='alkicker' date='10 February 2010 - 11:22 PM' timestamp='1265840534' post='2173273']
Yeah ok blaah blaah blaaah. The fact is if we are so poorly organized and cant fight ,Then why are you involved in this war??[b] If your going to talk crap on the board at least be out of anarchy[/b].
You don't know how nukes work do you? Sigh....

I would advise you guys to surrender, but you clearly don't want to. Good luck getting wrecked. And yes we helped through a chaining treaty. Please explain to me why that is such a bad thing, you would have hailed if you were on FOK's side of the fence, so don't be a hypocrite.

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[quote name='thaone' date='10 February 2010 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1265840846' post='2173281']
I know everything I'm going to say will sound like propaganda, but I have to speak my mind about MCXA's warstrategy.

When I read the topic which was going about the few surrenders which were done. Immediately MCXA came to mind as an alliance who apparently just doesn't want to surrender, purely because its surrendering. Our blitz on you guys was one of the most efficient ones I have ever seen and every nation worth attacking, except two or three in peace mode, got a guaranteed anarchy on the next day.
It was then already clear you would lose 400K NS a day while you would be able to barely put a dent in FOK. I don't know what you guys are planning on doing when this round of wars is finished, because while I'm confident some nations will be able to slip in peace mode. Peace mode will not really be a relief for your situation as most FOK nations will also be out of Nuke anarchy at the earliest moment your nations will be able to leave peacemode.

I expected you guys to surrender in three days and I'm still really wondering why you keep this fight up?

Wow i get to speak with someone who has a head on strait. This war isn't our war. We are here just like evryone else. To hold up to there end of a treaty. This war isn't about FOK vs MCXA or MCXA vs MHA. We didn't do anything to you and mha didn't do anything to us personally. We knew the odds were against us. And we also knew what we were getting into. Considering how this was playing out we also knew we had an obligation. And we are and will continue to fight for that cause. Let it be known that we might not be the strongest and we might not be the biggest but we have obligations that brought us here. We might get destroyed we might fall down in ranks we might have our stats depleting. But We are still here and plan on being here till this is resolved. When you sign a treaty with us it will be honored to the fullest. That's what makes us different then alot of alliances. We don't care about stats and if we are losing or winning. We care about holding true to our word. Are there really any winners out of this. As far as i know we all have to rebuild. So until this gets resolved we will be flinging our cm's and turtling our unorganized alliance. see ya on the battle field my friend

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[quote name='erikz' date='10 February 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1265841464' post='2173298']
You don't know how nukes work do you? Sigh....

I would advise you guys to surrender, but you clearly don't want to. Good luck getting wrecked. And yes we helped through a chaining treaty. Please explain to me why that is such a bad thing, you would have hailed if you were on FOK's side of the fence, so don't be a hypocrite.
TOP has helped FOK out in the past, I'm surprised you guys would be so eager to try making sure they get rolled real hard in this. Why even chain back in?

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[quote name='ChimpMasterFlash' date='10 February 2010 - 04:51 PM' timestamp='1265838673' post='2173214']
I know TMF was but they surrendered so it doesn't count.
Yeah, we'd probably win if we were going by percentage of NS lost.

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[quote name='Methrage' date='10 February 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1265841845' post='2173310']
TOP has helped FOK out in the past, I'm surprised you guys would be so eager to try making sure they get rolled real hard in this. Why even chain back in?

We like war :)

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[quote name='Methrage' date='10 February 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1265841845' post='2173310']
TOP has helped FOK out in the past, I'm surprised you guys would be so eager to try making sure they get rolled real hard in this. Why even chain back in?
I'm no govt, so I don't know whats being done diplomacy-wise, but believe me if I tell you that I still love TOP dearly.

Also, I'm happy we aren't engaging TOP directly, but instead the MCXA, Echelon and Molon Labe - who came to TOP's side aid in an agressive war, we were called upon to act defensively, and that is what we did.

[OOC] I'm off to bed now, l8r. [/OOC]

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[quote name='NemaK' date='10 February 2010 - 02:44 PM' timestamp='1265841843' post='2173309']
Sparta, all the way.
[quote name='Nedved I' date='10 February 2010 - 02:46 PM' timestamp='1265841985' post='2173316']
Sparta. Of course, I'm a bit biased.

Ahaha, you realize that was TOP's nukes, not you guys, right?

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[quote name='Methrage' date='10 February 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1265841845' post='2173310']
TOP has helped FOK out in the past, I'm surprised you guys would be so eager to try making sure they get rolled real hard in this. Why even chain back in?
And we have helped TOP in the past too :)
In this war they willingly choose to go against FOK and even ignored a MDoAP treaty with Umbrella while doing so, we don't owe them anything.
We aren't making sure they get rolled hard, thats not our objective as I still have friends in TOP.
We are helping out our friends in MHA, Gremlins, stickmen, MK, FARK, Guru Order, LEO, Umbrella and PC who are all supporting C&G. We have no treaties to the side who supports TOP and haven't broken a single treaty while fighting. What do you want from us?

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[quote name='Timmehhh' date='10 February 2010 - 05:16 PM' timestamp='1265843788' post='2173352']
And we have helped TOP in the past too :)
In this war they willingly choose to go against FOK and even ignored a MDoAP treaty with Umbrella while doing so, we don't owe them anything.
We aren't making sure they get rolled hard, thats not our objective as I still have friends in TOP.
We are helping out our friends in MHA, Gremlins, stickmen, MK, FARK, Guru Order, LEO, Umbrella and PC who are all supporting C&G. We have no treaties to the side who supports TOP and haven't broken a single treaty while fighting. What do you want from us?

We willingly choose to go against you? Who attacked who? Are we even talking about the same thing? From what i understand MHA asked you guys to help them out with us. You didn't have a direct treaty with MHA so the only way you could help out was a protectant of fark. Who declared on us but never attacked us. Then you declared on us protecting fark who was never attacked. How does that work? I could see if fark was getting hammered and needed help. Or if your dow was to help out MHA a friend. But you said you were there on a treaty protecting fark. We didn't even have one battle against fark.

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We willingly choose to go against you? Who attacked who? Are we even talking about the same thing? From what i understand MHA asked you guys to help them out with us. You didn't have a direct treaty with MHA so the only way you could help out was a protectant of fark. Who declared on us but never attacked us. Then you declared on us protecting fark who was never attacked. How does that work? I could see if fark was getting hammered and needed help. Or if your dow was to help out MHA a friend. But you said you were there on a treaty protecting fark. We didn't even have one battle against fark.
I was referring to TOP in that post. We still consider MHA our friends, and we don't want to see them hurt. And we have a soft spot for FARK too :)

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Proportionately, Invicta. IRON & TOP shouldn't be considered as they a large membership and would be expected to lose more NS due to probability or wars and nukes. Invicta on the other hand, have a small number and are being pounded on pretty evenly. Hence, Invicta are taking the biggest beating in this war.

Albeit, I'm biased as one delivering the pain.

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[quote name='Timmehhh' date='10 February 2010 - 05:42 PM' timestamp='1265845346' post='2173406']
I was referring to TOP in that post. We still consider MHA our friends, and we don't want to see them hurt. And we have a soft spot for FARK too :)

Sorry about that Timmehhh. Thought you were referring us about that :P .

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[quote name='Drai' date='10 February 2010 - 06:06 PM' timestamp='1265843160' post='2173339']

Ahaha, you realize that was TOP's nukes, not you guys, right?
nope that was us, TOOL and OMFG
(sorry can't get the link to work)
Unless around 25 wars are what caused at drop off

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[quote name='Matthew The Great' date='10 February 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1265851156' post='2173545']
nope that was us, TOOL and OMFG
(sorry can't get the link to work)
Unless around 25 wars are what caused at drop off


Either that's us, or TOP's nukes can do days worth of damage.

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[quote name='Jimmy2e' date='10 February 2010 - 07:40 PM' timestamp='1265848838' post='2173483']
Haha I am going to vote MCXA, but as a member I am damn proud of it!


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I think the reverse of this poll would have been a lot better. It is easy enough to find out who has lost the most total NS, and who has lost the most proportional. Arguing over who's doing the most damage would be more intersting and leave more room for debate.

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[quote name='Style #386' date='10 February 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1265838544' post='2173210']
I would be interested in hearing the rationale behind this.
I have nothing against ODN personally and don't think less of you guys, although I can see the war already straining some of ODN's relations with quite a few alliances and as it drags on I only see that increasing. So that combined with the heavy damage you are taking is my rationale, although I personally hope you'll be able to patch things up with fellow orange alliances at least once this is over. Although considering you are in CnG, not sure what options you have other than to stick with CnG now.

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I still don't see anything that's strained our relations with alliances any more so than most other alliances at war. Feel free to find me on IRC [Arsenal] or respond here if you can elaborate. I'm genuinely curious.

As for CnG, I can assure you that we have options available to us, but why would we want to separate from CnG? We're a fairly new addition, and we like it here. :]

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[quote name='Kijuna69' date='10 February 2010 - 09:09 AM' timestamp='1265821762' post='2172761']
Because you rushed head first into FAN and then got piled on. While being in the most wars per nation is good for bragging it's very bad for the actual war. Most other alliances are either launching a ton of offensive wars without much worry of being hit, or are being piled on and thus are phasing their attacks to minimize their losses while keeping a constant stream of offensive resources directed at the enemy. Valhalla just got one nice wave off against FAN and then proceded to get stomped. The only thing that saved you guys from a total failure was that some of your enemies are war-crazed killers and in their bloodlust they messed up a few staggers, so you might be able to put something of a second offensive, though not much and for sure not enough for anyone to really feel it.

Valhalla has represented themselves quite well on the battlefield. There have been multiple comments to this point made withing FAN's confines.

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[quote name='Baden-Württemberg' date='10 February 2010 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1265840749' post='2173278']
NpO, cause of the diplomatic consequences.


And I will post something here to keep it from being a one word post when really "this" was all I had to say because it was said so perfectly in the post that I am quoting that it would be stupid to rewrite it just so I wouldn't have to say "this". I am also editing it now because I made a typo in the add-on paragraph. A paragraph that I would not have had to have written if I could have just posted "this" in the first place.

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In terms of overall political and reputation damage, I'd have to say NpO. I'd wager that a lot of alliances will never take them seriously again.

I'd also have to say NEW. They're refusal to back TPF during the preshow to this war really hurt my belief in them.

Finally, UPN. Sitting out why your allies are being blasted is bad. UPN are ignoring 7 MDP+ treaties:

- MADP with Invicta
- MDoAP with FEAR
- MDoAP with GGA
- MDoAP with the Legion
- MDoAP with UCN
- MDoAP with Quantum
- MDoAP with TFD
*** Along with CDT.

In favor of 1.5 MDPs on the other side:

- MDoAP with NpO
- MDoAP with ODN

I for one am very disappointed, UPN always seemed like solid allies.

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