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Operation Goatherd


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Where the order had originated was still a matter of rumours. But an order was an order, and before long, 700 fresh troops, who had barely set foot on the soil of the Ormara base were promptly handed kit and turned back onto the commercial jet that had brought them. Beneath them fliht crews bustled duffels into the hold. Each was stencilled with a soldier's name, rank, and number, and contained all of their technical kit. Even before the jet had lifted off from Ormara, the procedure was being replicated, a total of ten times, back in New South Wales.

The flight from Ormara to Dushanbe would take under two hours, during which time the soldiers on board would be treated like royalty. It would be better treatment than they would get for some months. This special flight would be replacing the previously scheduled one. They didn't expect any trouble getting onto the ashpalt, and once there, taking control of the terminal would be a piece of cake. From there, more troops could be flown in, and the radius of control could be expanded.

As they made their final approach, everyone on board reflected that it was not too late to back out. Until the weapons had been drawn, they would have done nothing that could not be taken back. The plane jolted as it touched down, and taxied to an unused piece of ashpalt, close enough to the terminal to facilitate a blitz, but far enough away to avoid prying eyes while they prepared.

The Invasion of Kriegland had begun

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OOC: It doesn't say classified anywhere, so...
[right][b]Federal Union of Slavic Republics Announcement[/b][/right]
The FUtSR has been working in conjunction with Krieglandian forces in protecting the Russian ethnic minority from a rebel terrorist group that was attempting to conduct ethnic cleansing of Slavic minorities. As a result, a full battalion of FUtSR soldiers have been in the sparsely populated western regions of Kriegland since December 2009. We hope that the New South Wales will respect our presence in Kriegland.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' date='04 February 2010 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1265332692' post='2159926']
OOC, fizzy, you flew two of your planes across the world to the middle of Eastern Europe/Western central Asia
across like ten countries to film a fight?.
bad dog


OOC: I am sorry for my mistake and have edited. I did not realize these two vital facts.

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[quote name='comrade nikonov' date='04 February 2010 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1265332285' post='2159914']
OOC: It doesn't say classified anywhere, so...
[right][b]Federal Union of Slavic Republics Announcement[/b][/right]
The FUtSR has been working in conjunction with Krieglandian forces in protecting the Russian ethnic minority from a rebel terrorist group that was attempting to conduct ethnic cleansing of Slavic minorities. As a result, a full battalion of FUtSR soldiers have been in the sparsely populated western regions of Kriegland since December 2009. We hope that the New South Wales will respect our presence in Kriegland.
OOC: They haven't attacked anything yet, so why would you even worry about them? And he DID use a civilian liner, so how do you even know they are soldiers? It's called common sense. Even I don't know about it IC.

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[quote name='JEDCJT' date='05 February 2010 - 01:43 AM' timestamp='1265334193' post='2159974']
OOC: I forget where Kriegland is... :unsure:

OOC: Right below Caucasia and to the west of Cochin

IC: As the troops were in a civilian liner, Caucasia did not do anything.

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[quote name='Drakedeath' date='04 February 2010 - 05:44 PM' timestamp='1265334268' post='2159978']
OOC: Right below Caucasia and to the west of Cochin

IC: As the troops were in a civilian liner, Caucasia did not do anything.

OOC: Ah, thanks. :)

Hm...Sil's plan seems interesting. Perhaps I should do the same for North Carolina and Florida? :awesome:
/[i]goes off to make planz[/i]

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OOC: I still lurk...

Silhoutte, that sounds incredibly silly. If you decided to stuff soldiers and weapons inside a commercial airliner, then any air control crew would realize that there was something wrong (major plane coming towards airport and is not scheduled? hmmm) and contact the pilot (and what would he say? rofl) then immediately inform authorities, who would probably have the time to send a fighter plane to "escort" the incoming jet.

Godmode, man.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='04 February 2010 - 09:23 PM' timestamp='1265343821' post='2160234']
OOC: Who would godmode? To the best of our knowledge, there IS no nearby airforce.
OOC: What I'm saying is that Silhoutte somehow bypassed any possible, wholly plausible defense mechanism Kriegsland might have and made it to the airport unscratched and unseen - which is laughable at best. Krieg needs to respond to the aircraft coming near the airport.

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[quote name='V The King' date='05 February 2010 - 06:09 AM' timestamp='1265350186' post='2160836']
OOC: What I'm saying is that Silhoutte somehow bypassed any possible, wholly plausible defense mechanism Kriegsland might have and made it to the airport unscratched and unseen - which is laughable at best. Krieg needs to respond to the aircraft coming near the airport.
OOC: I'm pretty sure Kreig is inactive, which is why Sil is doing all this. :awesome:

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[quote name='V The King' date='05 February 2010 - 06:52 AM' timestamp='1265352764' post='2161022']
OOC: oh $%&@ me, disregard my ravings then.
OOC: But we love your ravings. You being here is like you never left in the first place. Please come back :(

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OOC: I also did mention that it was replacing a scheduled flight. Seeing as nobody bothers to RP such mundane things as commercial air travel, one can assume that such flights would exist. If Shidner responds, no trouble, the edit button exists for a reason.

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OOC: to my knowledge, Schnider is inactive due to the fact that he can only go on CNRP forums at school, and since it is finals week, I believe you should give him the benefit of the doubt. Consider my above post active when you make a military action large enough to be noticed by 1,500 FUtSR soldiers in the country and the two squadrons I'm operating inside Kriegland.

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OOC: If he continues his inactivity he will go into anarchy on 9th when the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment of Royal Cochin Army would move into Kriegsland and reclaim it as Cochin Protectorate under Lhasa Doctrine. Any foreign nation present there at that time would be forced to leave the premises. So forget about annexing the land if and when Sgt. Shidner is inactive. The land shall remain a protectorate for new nations like Sgt Shidner to start RPing.

IC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed the King about the looming anarchy in Kriegsland due to nearly an year old absence of any communications from the Kriegsland Government. The 2 ACR has been alerted for possible deployment if indeed Kriegsland falls into anarchy.

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[quote name='king of cochin' date='06 February 2010 - 12:19 AM' timestamp='1265433598' post='2163070']
OOC: If he continues his inactivity he will go into anarchy on 9th when the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment of Royal Cochin Army would move into Kriegsland and reclaim it as Cochin Protectorate under Lhasa Doctrine. Any foreign nation present there at that time would be forced to leave the premises. So forget about annexing the land if and when Sgt. Shidner is inactive. The land shall remain a protectorate for new nations like Sgt Shidner to start RPing.

IC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed the King about the looming anarchy in Kriegsland due to nearly an year old absence of any communications from the Kriegsland Government. The 2 ACR has been alerted for possible deployment if indeed Kriegsland falls into anarchy.

OOC: Don't forget that RA has the RA Protectorates Act that does the same thing (reclaiming the area that is).

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' date='07 February 2010 - 10:42 AM' timestamp='1265519570' post='2166050']
OOC: Don't forget that RA has the RA Protectorates Act that does the same thing (reclaiming the area that is).

OOC: I know. The area was RA/Cochin Protectorate. It would revert to RA/Cochin protectorate as and when Kriegsland falls into anarchy.

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As news from the kriegland of a soon to come decednt into anarchy is heralded the Kyraylia military is ever vigilent on the border between with Kyraylia. The Armed forces are prepared to offer assistence to the Cochin and Rebel Army goverment in establishing order should the nation fall. Refugee camps have been erected inside Kyraylia on the border should some families with to flee for a period until peace is resumed.

To our neighbours we wish you good luck with saving the nations of Kreigland.

OOC: One of my friends would be interested in taking the protectorate who should i talk to RA or cochin?

Edited by Shamshir
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OOC: Who do you ask? Both of them.

IC: ***Private***

While it was noted that Kreigland was threatening anarchy, there was really nothing australia could or would do. They wouldn;t attack, because of certain interests, but neither were they oibligated to help.

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