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How much does TOP and IRON hate Polaris right now?


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There was a reason. They assumed you were going to hit them when they entered the war via treaties they had with nations already in the war and wanted to get the drop on you. Like wise your side was aware of this plan when they ramped up efforts to get \m/ to accept the peace terms on the table from day one. They went to checkmate you and your guys turned the table, good for you, but don't act like this was some unexpected or disgusting act on their part.

Mind telling me how C&G was going to enter this war again?

Also, \m/ .gov was already going to accept peace, before efforts were "ramped up."

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It's not their fault that IRON and TOP decided to attack us, for no reason.

Sure there was zero communication between Polaris, TOP and IRON. Polaris knew what was happening (the imminent attack) and didnt tell TOP & IRON of their intentions of getting out of the war.

Edited by Alterego
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Sure there was zero communication between Polaris, TOP and IRON. Polaris knew what was happening 9the imminent attack) and didnt tell TOP & IRON of their intentions of getting out of the war.

You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? No? I thought not. Don't make assumptions about situations you have no part in and present it as the truth.

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Sure there was zero communication between Polaris, TOP and IRON. Polaris knew what was happening (the imminent attack) and didnt tell TOP & IRON of their intentions of getting out of the war.

Well unless TOP and IRON had told NpO of their plans to enter then what reason would NpO have to tell them of their plans for peace?

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Everyone here knew white peace was possible at any time given the fact that all it took was for \m/ to admit where they were wrong.

If you want to be mad at an alliance or even some alliances, be mad at \m/ for agreeing to the terms when they did. Or be angry with how they now are trying to use them for political gain. You can even cast an evil eye at those in C&G who chose to do nothing about \m/'s behavior when it counted.

Or you can reflect on how C&G openly supported and defended \m/ here, and some were very mouthy about their desire to enter the war in \m/'s defense. It's not at all surprising to see certain parties try to make this into something it is not now by claiming a "new" war suddenly exists that is unrelated to the first.

\m/ knows this war united most of the cyberverse against them. C&G knows their inaction in this war made them look incompetent. It makes perfect sense that they now are grasping at anything to change these impressions.

Edited by Fantastico
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Everyone here knew white peace was possible at any time given the fact that all it took was for \m/ to admit where they were wrong.

If you want to be mad at an alliance or even some alliances, be mad at \m/ for agreeing to the terms when they did. Or be angry with how they now are trying to use them for political gain. You can even cast an evil eye as those in C&G who chose to do nothing about \m/'s behavior when it counted.

Or you can reflect on how C&G openly supported and defended \m/ here, and some were very mouthy about their desire to enter the war in \m/'s defense. So it's not at all surprising to see certain parties try to make this into something it is not now by claiming a "new" war suddenly exists that is unrelated to the first.

\m/ knows this war united most of the cyberverse against them. C&G knows their inaction in this war made them look incompetent. It makes perfect sense that they now are grasping at anything to change these impressions.

Basically you're saying \m/ just ruined the game for TOP and friends. I'm sure they'll be proud of that.

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Everyone here knew white peace was possible at any time given the fact that all it took was for \m/ to admit where they were wrong.

If you want to be mad at an alliance or even some alliances, be mad at \m/ for agreeing to the terms when they did. Or be angry with how they now are trying to use them for political gain. You can even cast an evil eye as those in C&G who chose to do nothing about \m/'s behavior when it counted.

Or you can reflect on how C&G openly supported and defended \m/ here, and some were very mouthy about their desire to enter the war in \m/'s defense. So it's not at all surprising to see certain parties try to make this into something it is not now by claiming a "new" war suddenly exists that is unrelated to the first.

\m/ knows this war united most of the cyberverse against them. C&G knows their inaction in this war made them look incompetent. It makes perfect sense that they now are grasping at anything to change these impressions.

Wait let me get this straight:

1) CnG has friends on both sides of the war. We fail to enter immediately because we would rather things be resolved peacefully in this case, as was evidently close to happening judging by the peace that came about last night. This makes CnG incompetent.

2) TOP IRON and TORN attack CnG with no CB except "we think you might enter against us, maybe, if we enter against someone else, so we're going to hit you first. Btw go NpO you show those \m/ !@#$%^&*". This is somehow construed to still be a part of the NpO \m/ war despite TOP not yet being involved and CnG not yet being involved.

Can I please get some of the hallucinogenics you are using? They must be strong and hell I could use them about now.

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Remember guys, this is an OOC forum, so the answer is without a doubt one. This is a game and a lot of you people would do well to remember that. No one wins every game, and sometimes you lose some. I'm honestly still confused about what happened, but I'm sure in couple of days it will all come. Some of you people take this game way too seriously, yelling about delicious tears in a OOC forum? lol

Here's how I see it


TOP: Yeah, it was a good move, you win some you lose some whatever, this will be fun (and isn't having fun the point of a game anyway?)

MK: SUCK IT! SUCK IT! USA! USA! CRY MORE BABIES, CRY! *mimes frantic fornication

TOP: Yeah...*slowly walks away*

Edited by Kaiser
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Wait let me get this straight:

1) CnG has friends on both sides of the war. We fail to enter immediately because we would rather things be resolved peacefully in this case, as was evidently close to happening judging by the peace that came about last night. This makes CnG incompetent.

2) TOP IRON and TORN attack CnG with no CB except "we think you might enter against us, maybe, if we enter against someone else, so we're going to hit you first. Btw go NpO you show those \m/ !@#$%^&*". This is somehow construed to still be a part of the NpO \m/ war despite TOP not yet being involved and CnG not yet being involved.

Can I please get some of the hallucinogenics you are using? They must be strong and hell I could use them about now.

1. If you were truly stuck between friends, why did you chose to defend one set of friends over another in this forum? Wars are waged with ink as much as bullets and your side used plenty defending \m/ and those who entered the war on their "side."

2. I'll leave it to you to tell us what C&G was or was not planning to do next. If someone constantly tells me I am wrong and that I will pay for disagreeing with him, I usually take him at his word. In the end, all I see is C&G was more concerned with staying together as a bloc than standing for anything.

Sorry, that's just the way this looks.

ooc: Kaiser, I was hoping this thread would magically reappear in World Affairs since I see no reason to treat this subject in an OOC way. :P

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Remember guys, this is an OOC forum, so the answer is without a doubt one. This is a game and a lot of you people would do well to remember that. No one wins every game, and sometimes you lose some. I'm honestly still confused about what happened, but I'm sure in couple of days it will all come. Some of you people take this game way too seriously, yelling about delicious tears in a OOC forum? lol

Here's how I see it


TOP: Yeah, it was a good move, you win some you lose some whatever, this will be fun (and isn't having fun the point of a game anyway?)

MK: SUCK IT! SUCK IT! USA! USA! CRY MORE BABIES, CRY! *mimes frantic fornication

TOP: Yeah...*slowly walks away*

What are you talking about Kaiser? Every night I make my wife cry so I can add her tears to my nightly cocktail. Doesn't everyone?

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Both sides had plans to fight each other the second TOP/IRON entered to defend NSO anyway. The 10 minute counter blitz on IRON doesn't exactly mask that fact. I don't see why everyone is acting like TOP/IRON entering early is some gross molestation of morality on their part. We knew they were coming, they knew we were ready - they preempted our side (although they chose the worst target possible) in an effort to gain an advantage militarily. Ya it's a dick move but it was the most tactically sound strategy available to them.

Do I still dislike TOP and IRON? yes.

Do I blame them for what they did? not at all.

Do I find it hilarious that the best move they could do turned out to be the worse move in CN history? abso-freakin-lutely.

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Remember guys, this is an OOC forum, so the answer is without a doubt one. This is a game and a lot of you people would do well to remember that. No one wins every game, and sometimes you lose some. I'm honestly still confused about what happened, but I'm sure in couple of days it will all come. Some of you people take this game way too seriously, yelling about delicious tears in a OOC forum? lol

Here's how I see it


TOP: Yeah, it was a good move, you win some you lose some whatever, this will be fun (and isn't having fun the point of a game anyway?)

MK: SUCK IT! SUCK IT! USA! USA! CRY MORE BABIES, CRY! *mimes frantic fornication

TOP: Yeah...*slowly walks away*

What is wrong with you? First off, MK does not equal USA.

Second off. rofl

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1. If you were truly stuck between friends, why did you chose to defend one set of friends over another in this forum? Wars are waged with ink as much as bullets and your side used plenty defending \m/ and those who entered the war on their "side."

We didn't. Nothing was done to defend \m/ by MK, at all. MK doesn't support \m/ in any way, shape or form or even like them.

In terms of forum posts, note how no government was among those posting, except for SirWilliam who was trying to correct issues with STA.

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Remember guys, this is an OOC forum, so the answer is without a doubt one. This is a game and a lot of you people would do well to remember that. No one wins every game, and sometimes you lose some. I'm honestly still confused about what happened, but I'm sure in couple of days it will all come. Some of you people take this game way too seriously, yelling about delicious tears in a OOC forum? lol

Here's how I see it


TOP: Yeah, it was a good move, you win some you lose some whatever, this will be fun (and isn't having fun the point of a game anyway?)

MK: SUCK IT! SUCK IT! USA! USA! CRY MORE BABIES, CRY! *mimes frantic fornication

TOP: Yeah...*slowly walks away*

I like the implication that apparently now I am MK. Thanks for taking me so seriously, I look forward to more of your posting! ^_^

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Both sides had plans to fight each other the second TOP/IRON entered to defend NSO anyway. The 10 minute counter blitz on IRON doesn't exactly mask that fact. I don't see why everyone is acting like TOP/IRON entering early is some gross molestation of morality on their part. We knew they were coming, they knew we were ready - they preempted our side (although they chose the worst target possible) in an effort to gain an advantage militarily. Ya it's a dick move but it was the most tactically sound strategy available to them.

Do I still dislike TOP and IRON? yes.

Do I blame them for what they did? not at all.

Do I find it hilarious that the best move they could do turned out to be the worse move in CN history? abso-freakin-lutely.

I think that had more to do with CnG knowing, or at least being really sure, that TOP/IRON were gonna jump 'em. Wouldn't be the first IRON blitz that got countered.

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1. If you were truly stuck between friends, why did you chose to defend one set of friends over another in this forum? Wars are waged with ink as much as bullets and your side used plenty defending \m/ and those who entered the war on their "side."

If some members decided that they agreed with \m/ rather than NpO it is their right to air those views. Unless you have an official statement from a government member you can't say we defended either side.

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1. If you were truly stuck between friends, why did you chose to defend one set of friends over another in this forum? Wars are waged with ink as much as bullets and your side used plenty defending \m/ and those who entered the war on their "side."

Bit of selective reading there. Many of us were being pretty reasonable, especially our government members who were trying to remain as neutral as possible given the situation. The one thing that pissed most of MK off to the point where we may have entered was the rejection of peace over the wording of "not appropriate" vs "wrong".

As we have seen in the back rooms this was resolved and we have peace. Well except for TOP IRON etc, cause I doubt we'll be giving them peace any time soon after an unprovoked preemptive attack.

2. I'll leave it to you to tell us what C&G was or was not planning to do next. If someone constantly tells me I am wrong and that I will pay for disagreeing with him, I usually take him at his word. In the end, all I see is C&G was more concerned with staying together as a bloc than standing for anything.

Sorry, that's just the way this looks.

ooc: Kaiser, I was hoping this thread would magically reappear in World Affairs since I see no reason to treat this subject in an OOC way. :P

Not my place to say what the alliance, let alone the bloc, was planning on doing next. But I can say you seem to be reading a whole lot into a little, and making some pretty big assumptions, then pretending that CnG is incompetent because of it.

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We didn't. Nothing was done to defend \m/ by MK, at all. MK doesn't support \m/ in any way, shape or form or even like them.

In terms of forum posts, note how no government was among those posting, except for SirWilliam who was trying to correct issues with STA.

If some members decided that they agreed with \m/ rather than NpO it is their right to air those views. Unless you have an official statement from a government member you can't say we defended either side.

I recognize this with the MK. I am thinking mostly of posts by Denial, who, incidentally also call \m/'s action stupid, but instead of continuing that path, he chose to berate allies who were attacking \m/ rather than condemn or punish \m/.

Diplomacy was tried with \m/ from many corners before this war started. I know alliances in C&G, as well as the Superfriends, tried to get \m/ to settle this without war. Sadly, those attempts failed.

When diplomacy fails over and over again, it's time for action. I recognize that we disagree on this.

Edited by Fantastico
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