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ADI Declaration of Support

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If (correction: when) aqua on aqua violence occurs, it will be due to the actions of one John Warbuck.

I think this will most likely be the case. Most of us old(er?) Aqua alliances know the importance of Aqua peace, even in the face of global war. Anyone breaking our long standing tradition will not be looked kindly upon.

As for Hoo you're just proving all of us against you in MHA right. Over zealous arrogant war mongering leader. RoK is a shadow of what it was in the past and its a shame to see it really fall this low. Frankly im glad we dropped our treaty there is no friendship to be had with an alliance like yours.

As for ADI, good show guys enjoy your position o/

We all have our own opinions and make up our own minds.

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ADI until you manage to rock up on this OWF with an actual DOW no one will do anything but roll their eye's at your many many declarations of "support".

Words are cheep (yours arguably more so then others)... show up with actions or nothing at all.

You ever find it odd that you guys have publicly bashed ADI for being "that alliance that doesn't support their allies" for over a month now mind you, and then when we do, you continue to bash us for the same reasons? Just a thought.

Pretty sure im first in line..and since im Kronos, you guys will have to wait..or team up

Please dont forget, ill even help remind you

and please, go try it and find out ;)

I was just exhibiting the double standard. Thanks for clarifying it even further.

Edited by John Warbuck
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Its totally amusing at the sheer arrogance of RoK in this thread, trolling something they don't even have to comment on. As for Hoo you're just proving all of us against you in MHA right. Over zealous arrogant war mongering leader. RoK is a shadow of what it was in the past and its a shame to see it really fall this low. Frankly im glad we dropped our treaty there is no friendship to be had with an alliance like yours.

As for ADI, good show guys enjoy your position o/

An alliance posting aggressively in an announcement of a bitter enemy? My god! How horrific! Rok! How could you do such a thing?

Now, I understand that Rok's posts in here haven't necessarily been... the most enlightened, but they have good reason to be angry with ADI.

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I was just exhibiting the double standard. Thanks for clarifying it even further.

well i dont really see double standards on that subject..every alliance deals with rogues its own way

but if you say its double standards, so be it. do something about it :P

Edited by Da DreadLord
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You ever find it odd that you guys have publicly bashed ADI for being "that alliance that doesn't support their allies" for over a month now mind you, and then when we do, you continue to bash us for the same reasons? Just a thought.

Im sorry where in this announcement are you actually suporting your allys?

I saw a bunch of wishfull promises (again)... when your pixals are on the line then you can say your actually supporting them.

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Im sorry where in this announcement are you actually suporting your allys?

I saw a bunch of wishfull promises (again)... when your pixals are on the line then you can say your actually supporting them.

Well, it says so here:

Thanks ADI :)


o/ ADI

We appreciate your support! :)

and here.

Cheers, ADI! :)

I'm sure there are some more posts around that show the same thing, but these will have to do.

As long as our allies acknowledge our support, I'm pretty sure there's something there to support what they said. Aren't you?

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Our Stance

ADI will grant the requests of their allies in NATO, Invicta and FEAR, and will provide public support, financial support, and military support if our allies choose to call on us. We will wait on our allies to call upon us when we are needed, and we will respond to their call. Regardless of anything, we will fight valiantly for what we believe in- win, lose, or tie. We also wish all the alliances involved in this conflict the best of luck. You are defending your friends, and that cannot be held against you, regardless of whether ADI agrees with your position or not.

I believe it says we are supporting them right there.

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This was really just asking for the predictable negative comments from people still hurt over a past issue, so I'm not sure why you posted it. You could (and presumably did) communicate your support to your allies in private channels, and had you not posted until you declare war, no-one would have even remembered about ADI.

I hope that, if you do get called upon, you enter against a non-Aqua alliance – despite RoK's attempts to bait you into hitting them (which they would then presumably blame you for again).

Edit: In fact it appears RoK is outright threatening you and attempting to provoke Aqua violence. Poor show, Hoo.

Edited by Bob Janova
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I believe it says we are supporting them right there.

"ADI will grant the requests of their allies in NATO, Invicta and FEAR, and will provide public support, financial support, and military support if our allies choose to call on us."

Might have sounded better with a "WHEN"

Juz saying'

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The biggest joke of all, Warbuck, is that you still consider yourself important and that this was necessary.

You fail at reading-

ADI is a humble alliance in the grand scheme. We are not comprised of a overly large amount of members. We contribute just over 1.1 Million total strength. We may not be looked upon as anything special, but we have resolve and a definiteness of purpose.

When did I ever claim I was special or important?

I think it is rather appropriate considering ADI hasn't "Defended" any aqua alliance with anything other than pretty posts on the OWF.

Hence, Aqua Declaration of Support Initiative is much closer to the ideals of your alliance.

I see you are mad that you can no longer sit in ADI's IRC channel making remarks about your bodily fluids. All I saw was a poor attempt at a troll.

Edited by John Warbuck
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I think it is rather appropriate considering ADI hasn't "Defended" any aqua alliance with anything other than pretty posts on the OWF.

Hence, Aqua Declaration of Support Initiative is much closer to the ideals of your alliance.

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Except it's the truth. When is ADi going to grow some balls and actually fight in a war? You are Aqua DEFENSE Initiative right?

Well considering there have only been two opportunities in ADI's history to do so and the first one involved conflicting treaties that kept us out, I believe that when our allies call us in, this would be when.

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You fail at reading-

You fail at leading. I look forward to the day your nation, along with the rest of ADI, is a smoldering pile of rubble. I only wish Aqua on Aqua violence had a precedent and RoK could do the honors.

Edited by tamerlane
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You fail at leading. I look forward to the day your nation, along with the rest of ADI, is a smoldering pile of rubble. I only wish Aqua on Aqua violence had a precedent and RoK could do the honors.

Thats a day you will never see my child, i and a whole line of others would never stand for it.


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