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Ordo Paradoxia Declaration of Love

Titus Pullo

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Declaration of War

[17:07] Longbowe: Hey Tibs

[17:07] Tiberius12: hows it going?

[17:07] Longbowe: Good, how about yourself?

[17:08] Tiberius12: been busy, haven't been around much...at all, lol

[17:08] Longbowe: busy can be good sometimes

[17:08] Longbowe: I hate being bored, myself

[17:10] Tiberius12: I wanted to talk about TE

[17:10] Tiberius12: I've noticed a distinct lack of drama lately

[17:10] Tiberius12: or, correction

[17:10] Tiberius12: drama from people other then marcus

[17:11] Longbowe: What kind of drama did you have in mind?

[17:11] Tiberius12: anything to get people interested in TE

[17:12] Longbowe: We might be able to arrange something.

Ordo Paradoxia hereby declares war against The Phoenix Federation to "get people interested" and for fun in general.

Also, "<BurningGlory[TPF]> see i have friends in some of them AA's", we don't like people spying on us and our friends.


SigCampaign.png, Grand Master of Ordo Paradoxia

Edited by Titus Pullo
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