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POT sprouted - DoE People's order of Truth


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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Cyberverse:

"A new alliance has sprouted from the green, grassy ground of Planet Bob, and shall be known as People's Order of Truth" POT. We have been working on this for weeks and to be honest it is budding nicely. Here our the stats for POT if interested: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance...er%20of%20Truth

Well lets get some trivial stuff out of the way, I can’t be funny anyway. Here is our charter:


This charter is hereby created in order to unify the nations of the People’s Order of Truth, and to establish a active and respected community. The People’s Order of Truth is hereby established as a Green Sphere alliance of nations, which will show the ideals of honor, respect and pride throughout cybernations at all times.

Article I: The General Assembly

Section 1: Admissions

Upon acceptance into the People’s Order of Truth, member nations shall automatically receive admittance to the General Assembly. Members of the General Assembly are expected to be active on the forums and if possible on IRC. The General Assembly is expected to help the People’s Order of Truth in any way that they see fit.

Section 2: Rights

The General Assembly may amend this document with a two thirds majority of vote. The General Assembly shall act as an unofficial forum for the discussion of the direction of the People’s Order of Truth and the President should try and follow these guide lines to the fullest of his ability.

Article II: Government

Section 1: Executive Government

The President

The President shall be the leader of the People’s Order of Truth, while having absolute power over all matters that concern the alliance. The President shall work with the Council to decide alliance matters, set foreign policy, and always serve to protect the alliance. The President may remove, move and replace members of the Council at his/her leisure, with 100% vote from the Council.

The Vice President

The Vice President is second-in-command of the People’s Order of Truth and shall assist the President in his/her duties. The Vice President shall take the position of the President if the current President is unavailable. The Vice President shall assume the President ship upon a President’s resignation, and shall appoint a new Vice President that he/she chooses.

Section 2: The Cabinet

Secretary of the Interior

The Secretary of the Interior Affairs shall be considered the head of the internal affairs, and as such shall be charged with jurisdiction over recruitment, admissions, membership activity, internal security and media, and the education of the membership. Secretary of the Interior may appoint deputies, and shall have the power to replace them at his/her leisure.

Secretary of Defense

Secretary of Defense shall be considered the head of the military, and as such shall be charged with the jurisdiction to organize wars and coordinate rogue responses with fire teams. The maintenance, efficiency and performance of the People’s Order of Truth’s military shall be the responsibility of Secretary of Defense. Secretary of Defense may appoint deputies, and shall have the power to replace them at his/her leisure.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Secretary of Foreign Affairs shall be considered the head of foreign affairs, and as such shall be charged with the jurisdiction to pursue treaties and submit them for discussion to the Council, as well as to receive and entertain foreign diplomats. Secretary of Foreign Affairs shall also be responsible to making the alliance image a positive image. Secretary of Foreign Affairs may appoint deputies, and shall have the power to replace them at his/her leisure.

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of the Treasury shall be considered the head of the Treasury and trade, and as such shall be charged with organizing tech deals and trade circles on the Green Sphere. Secretary of The Treasury may appoint two deputies, and shall have the power to replace them at his/her leisure.

Article III: Expulsion from the People’s Order of Truth

Any member of the People’s Order of Truth may be expelled by a majority vote of the Council with viable proof. An expelled member may not re-apply for membership to the People’s Order of Truth until a period of 90 days has passed, at which point Secretary of the Interior will decide on his admission status.

Article IV: The War Code

The People’s Order of Truth may declare war on an alliance with a majority vote of Secretary of Defense, Vice President and President majority is the ruling. The People’s Order of Truth may declare war on an alliance, upholding treaty obligations with approval from either the Chancellor or Vice President. The People's Order of Truth will not conduct tech raids either. The People’s Order of Truth shall not accept terms of surrender which require the removal and/or expulsion of any Government member. There will be no “zero infrastructure” decisions against other members in the alliance or other alliances. Nuclear weapons will be used if war is declared.

Article VI: Amendments

As stated in Article I, the General Assembly alone shall have the jurisdiction to amend this document. Any member of the General Assembly shall have the right to propose an amendment, and such a proposal shall proceed to a vote after a 72 hour discussion period has passed. Following this discussion period, the proposal shall proceed to a vote, which shall last for 24 hours. The amendment shall be enacted immediately should, after the voting period has passed, a majority of the voters endorse the proposal.

Signed by,

President: KOwens06

Vice President: Bluebirdmatt

Secretary of the Treasury: 1972Ford

Secretary of the Interior: Pinkiwi and President Harris

Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Peshmerga

Secretary of Defense: Trumpkin

So yeah we have a couple more announcements around the corner protectorate etc... If you can’t guess our color I might be a little sad on the inside. If you would like to visit us we have a couple places you can talk.

Forums: http://www.order-of-truth.com

IRC: toke on up to #pot

So light up come over and have a talk, Im sure you will find out were all pretty damn chill. If you can’t tell by the name :P. We hope our alure spreads far and wide with every exhale we take.

Oh also will you buy our next sack just donate an AID slot to any of our open ones lol!

I will answer any questions, I promise.


President of POT

P.S: Thanks for all the support I got getting this started. Love all you guys.

P.P.S: We have temp protection from VE until we get full protection.

Edited by KOwens06
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You're trying too hard for an acronym...

Good luck nonetheless.

Thank you and it wasn't hard took 5 minutes. Haha its fun.

Personally i think POOT is a much cooler acronym :P

haha, Well I still think the other one is better no matter how much we argue about it.

This alliance is awesome, seriously.

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Reminds me of Pinnacle of Truth that was created once...

I was wondering if anyone remembered us.. We was so close to 4-20 that we got slammed for not waiting to announce..

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;hl=rattlehead Here was our try at it , I hope yours last longer seeing we burned out in a little under a month. I will swing by and get to know the new POT Best of Luck

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