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Kaiser Martens

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[i]We most certainly can. We have got it all, from swiss knives to stealth aircraft. Please provide us with a list of the generic item amount that you might require and in which number, then for each category we will offer you a variety of weapons and equipment varying in price and purpose. Additionally, we can sell you too the modernization for different pieces of equipment you might already have, such as tanks, or we can try to optimize your current designs for example for your guns.[/i]

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[b][u]The Wanderers[/u]
[i]And the Investments[/i][/b]

The movement of the Germanic Peoples had continued enmasse, but seems to be drawing to a slow, grinding halt. It is estimated that by the end of the year - many million Germanians will have migrated to one of the neighboring friendly countries. The reason for this change lies in two factors, firstly, the ongoing investments in technology and secondly the gradual completion of the new Urban Centers throughout the Union, which although still far from done, have reached the state in which more and more areas become inhabitable.

If the trend continues, Germanic Union will be able to avoid the worst effects of the demographic crisis, although still much effort must be made, and time is required in order to heal the economic wounds of the Fatherland. The once-gigantic warchest still needs to be reconstructed in order to ensure long-term safety for the new adquisitions. Until then, migration in lesser numbers will exist.

The first estimated census of Wanderers has arrived. This covers only Emigration, not migration throughout the Union itself, which has been in fact very large and continues as people hunt the new cities for jobs:

[quote]Deutsche Bohemia: 3 Million
Livonia: 6 Million
Sweden: 5 Million
England: 1 Million
France: 8 Million
Austria: 1 Million
Dalmatia: 1 Million
Russia: 500k
Finland: 250k
Svalbard: 250k
Italy: 2 Million
Joined the Vikings: 250k
Other Lands: 1 Million[/quote]

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1307586427' post='2727517']

[i]We most certainly can. We have got it all, from swiss knives to stealth aircraft. Please provide us with a list of the generic item amount that you might require and in which number, then for each category we will offer you a variety of weapons and equipment varying in price and purpose. Additionally, we can sell you too the modernization for different pieces of equipment you might already have, such as tanks, or we can try to optimize your current designs for example for your guns.[/i]


Our Air force is looking for much more newer modern planes then our current models. The situation is the same with our common transport planes, tanks, transport trucks, and weapons. Currently we do not know what we want in terms of weapons but we would enjoy to know your opinion on what weapons you would suggest for our military?

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[i]The following is offered:[/i]

Leopard IV MBT - This tank represents the core of our armored units, and is without a doubt one of the best designs in the world.

Puma IFV - This is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle, used for allowing your infantry to keep up with your Panzers. Its weapon is sufficient to take onto nearly every target - every target but an Enemy Tank.

Wiesel AD Tankette - Standard issue high-mobility armored Air defense. If it flies, it will take it down. It can also engage ground targets in emergencies. It supports a variety of rockets, the most expensive ones are designed to reach the highest altitudes bombers sometimes will use.

Nebelwerfer Rocket Artillery - A simple enough concept from the past, we keep stacks of these everywhere in case that our militia or ad-hoc hurriedly assembled groups need artillery support.

210mm Kan. - Germanian Artillery is famous for fielding these guns as opposed to the world-standard 155mm. It shoots farther and harder, although it is more expensive to build.

Me 2.305 Richthofen Fighter-Interceptor - This was originally designed in Southern Germany and later given minor upgrades when again unified. Since then, it has become the majority in the Luftwaffe, and is able to approach any target at least on even odds.

PzH 2000 SPG - A tank. A cannon. Artillery that is quick enough to keep up with the pace of battle, and can move after every shot to prevent being hit by counterbattery fire. Comes in 155 and 210 varieties, 155 is the most common one as it can take with it more shells.

Heckler and Koch G3 - This weapon's unusual thing is that it utilizes caseless ammunition. What does this mean? That it is nearly impossible to jam. This design features also low recoil, high rate of fire, and because of these features we find it ideal for Militia use.

Tambar StG - Our force's assault rifle. Unlike the G3, it requires more careful maintenance and training is needed to be able to exploit it. But it is unique in the fact that one is able to fire one shot recoillessly and a second recoiling shot right away. This means that the two first bullets in a burst will hit the exact same spot on the enemy, which gives it a higher armor piercing capability than any other Assault Rifle.

Einherjar Class Armor - This is nearly our uniform. When people see this, they think of Martens and Mannelig and even Nordland. This body armor looks externally the same than much older models, but the latest one utilizes nanotechnology to provide far stronger armor than before. The googles that come with it are able to use heat vision, infrared vision, and night vision. This is what a soldier needs in order to be a real, modern soldier. It also has a built in computer to assist aiming and communication. It is a one-pack solution.

BM-30 - Nebelwerfer plus truck. A cheaper alternative to the PzH 2000 and gets the job done - excepting against enemy armor. Always good to have some emergency reserves.

Me 2.522 Irminsul (B2 bomber type) - This is our standard stealth bomber. Almost all of our bomber groups utilize this technology. They often carry some bunkerbusting bombs with them if needed. They move in fast to hit the foes in the face before they know what is going on.

Mercedes-Benz Transport Trucks - Simple transport trucks. Their engines are similar to those used in our tanks, they are therefore quite powerful as well as reliable, and they have a strong suspension in order to transport our heavy 210mm. If you want a reliable truck that will not let you down in the middle of nowhere, this is it.

Panzerfaust IV - Every infantry needs one of these. Unlike the first Panzerfaust, these are not descardable units. They are RPG launching systems of the highest quality. Remember, most tanks nowadays have active defences, so a high amount of these weapons is needed in order to wear them out and then get to do damage.

Panzerjäger Perkunos - This was developed jointly with Finland. It is an extremely low profile tank destroyer sporting a very high velocity 155mm gun, built custom for this vehicle. It has a very daring frontal slope and is quite quick. It was designed to ambush enemy armor, and there are two versions. The most expensive version has a complex mechanism allowing the gun to move upwards separately from the chasis, so that the vehicle can fire from a hull-down position without exposing itself. Ideal for elite Tank Hunter Units, while the normal version without this mechanism is meant to be used for spamming as it is easier to manufacture than an all-out MBT.

We are also creating a new Transport Plane soon. We would like to create the first factory to build it over in your land, as doing so is cheaper than doing it in our own country. That will make it much cheaper for you to purchase it, and the same can be said for any other military or civilian products by the intended plant. It will be the transport plane Mjöllnir, a very large cargo and troop transports aircraft literally shaped like an aerodynamic version of Thor's Hammer, with a very high autonomy range meant to allow it to make direct trips to Niflheim, our antarctican territory. This also means that it is suitable for extreme temperatures. Or will be. We only have a few prototypes as of yet.

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These weapons are perfect, just perfect! Fine works of Germanic ingenuity! We would like to request the following:

[b]Tanks:[/b] 100 Leopard IV MBT

[b]Artillery:[/b] 20 Wiesel AD Tankette, 40 PzH 2000 SPG, 10 Nebelwerfer Rocket Artillery, 30 Panzerjäger Perkunos

[b]Aircraft:[/b] 5 Me 2.305 Richthofen Fighter-Interceptors, 5 Me 2.522 Irminsul

[b]Weapons:[/b] 80,000 Heckler and Koch G3, 80,000 Tambar StG, 50,000 Panzerfaust IV

[b]IFV:[/b] 100 Puma IFV

[b]Transport:[/b] 100 Mercedes-Benz Transport Trucks, 100 Mjöllnir planes(when ready)

[b]Armour:[/b] 80,000 Einherjar Class Armor

We also accept your offer of creating the factory to produce the Mjöllnir planes in Bohemia. We look forward to working closely with you in this matter. Please forward the bill for these weapons and the materials necessary to build the factory. We expect delivery of these weapons by the end of the week. Pleasure doing business with you.

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"The delivery will be complete within 48 hours maximum, as we keep stacks of this all in our depots, which we later replenish. We are also adding for free as courtesy of the General Staff one Mannelig Heavy Tank, a slower vehicle meant to be used for shock and fortification storming. It features two 100mm Cannons which are able to converge and fire at once so as to have both shells hit the exact same spot. It is bigger and has greater armor than a MBT, but of course is considerably slower. We are also sending ten officers and some crews to demonstrate the capabilities of each item and to help train your crews. A few engineers have been dispatched to give an introduction to maintenance and repair."

"The new factory will be a joint venture of Messerschmitt and Nordlandische Waffenwerke, which is our main state weaponry company. Production of the Mjöllnir will begin at the end of the month, a smaller part of the factory will be dedicated to the making of the specialized ammunition for the weapons that you have purchased, and will be available accordingly to schedule a few weeks earlier. The outskirts of Karlsbad seem like a good place for this factory, so that your economy can benefit by having your own workers in the complex."

"It is a honor to help one of our Brother Nations."

The bill was, for a small nation, a bit expensive. However, Germanic Union gave it the option to pay within five years monthly without any rate of interest.

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We look forward to the arrival of your weapons. The Kaiser appreciates your gift of the Mannelig Heavy Tank, such a weapon is most appreciated. Your officers and engineers will be welcomed with open arms. Our own officers and engineers will look forward to learning much from them.

The outskirts of Karlsbad are perfect for the weapons factory. You may begin setting it up as soon as possible. We shall pay for the cost of the materials used to construct it, if it is alright with you.

The honor is all ours, we appreciate your help.

If you can send us the cost of the weapons we are buying it will help in deciding whether to pay for the weapons over 5 years.

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Construction begins as the weapons finally arrive.
Deadline for the factory construction was set in two months, and it all begins already while construction machinery arrives from Germania. It would grow to be a symbol of modernization of Bohemia, and a small ceremony would be heald upon its innauguration. The first item manufactured, one Mjöllnir plane would be presented to the Bohemian Leader after having been tested successfully.

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[u][b]Teutonic Knights Forbidden[/b]
[i]Scandal in Kauen[/i][/u]

Following an investigation by the Gestapo, the truth was revealed about the Teutonic Knights, and several hidden-camera videos were also released. The investigation concluded that this religion is detrimental to Germania, as it aims to bring non-european values, religion and philosophy to our Nation, and it in facts supports some type of world-unity directly in opposition to all National and Cultural Identities - a type of Abrahamic Socialism.

"The religions of the desert god should remain where they belong. We do not bring them the odal, yet they bring us their beliefs, and their doctrine clearly states that their values are to be adopted by all of the world. We find that this is betrayal." - Said Hussing.

A large cache of arms was seized, and video proof shows that the creation of a Christian pseudostate was one of the goals that weaponry would eventually be used for. Much was documented about the ascetic ideals and practices of this religion, which viewed not only the body but "Germanness" altogether as a cultural concept as an enemy. Finally, authorities were pushed to their limit when one of the members decided to crucify himself in a special mass recently, while others watched, approved, and even endorsed this.

"The cults of the cross are religions of death that worship weakness, and when our soldiers stormed their complex in Kaunas, we found several graves of those formerly crucified. What is worse, people begged for mercy as our operatives appeared, and refused all chances to be allowed to defend their honor by arms. This religion has brainwashed people into promoting cowardice, mercy, fear, meekness of action and spirit, patience, self-slavery, humility, and weakness as the primary values of a "good" human being. They criticize greatly our pride, ambition, justified selfishness and strength. We cannot allow such a disease, which aims to undermine our core values, to spread." - said Kaiser Martens.

Several pictures show ritual self-torture chambers used by this religion, some still with bloodstains on floors or walls. One priest was seen stating that one of the paths to spiritual freedom is nullification of the body, like "our savior Christ".

Shortly thereafter an enraged horde of both Pagans and Atheists joined in the destroying of the Teutonic Knights' Temple using the slogan: "NEVER AGAIN!" The Grandmaster of the Teutonic Knight was, however, not found. A dozen christians died, some ritually suicided, some executed for treason, the majority however have been condemned to Penal Thralldom or Penal Batallions.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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OOC: I lost track of how insanely long my neighbor had been idle for. I should have probably done this earlier.

[b][u]In Germania's Embrace[/u]
[i]The return of the Crown[/i][/b]

Some time ago, Sweden had sunken back into anarchy while Germanic Union had continued its recovery process alongside its other kinsmen of Austria and Bohemia. Some of these countries had not only been in anarchy, but in civil war as well, and Germanic Union itself for some time was nearing destruction, having had to invest much of the warchest in order to safeguard its people's futures - an economic war.

Yet the tide of disaster that has struck Germanic Europe has turned back. Dierik Martens has returned from Osterbotten (Swedish Finland), emerging victorious from within Korsholm, where Magnhild of Nordland had been held prisoner and died, and has retreived with him the Royal Regalia of Nordland - The Zamoyski Family Sword, the Martens Family Sword, the Crown of Nordland and additionally Magnhild's Battlearmor, still stained in blood.

Out of his own accord, he headed firstly towards the neighboring Sweden, and at its capital city, Stockholm, which was then engulfed in riots as Berlin hesitated about getting involved he rose and spoke in the National Television and Radio,


It is time for us to rise and put an end to the problems that struck us in our very spine, to rise against the government's failures, and to re-establish our traditions. Behold! I have brought with me the Crown and Swords of Nordland! Retreived from the tortured, dead body of our Empress, from the depths of a former Finnish deathcamp facility! We are rescuing our Fatherland, and I ask you to, on this day, go back to the Path of Silver Ravens!"[/i]

He puts on the crown and raises one of the swords. [i]"Today, Sverige joins our Germanic Union again!"[/i]

Sure enough, as it happened, the news spread like wildfire. In the countryside, several improvised regiments combined with the Military Leftovers grouped up to secure the country and put down the rioters. It was a sea of flags, some Kalmar, some Germanian, some even Nordlandic. Berlin seemed to be at a loss of what to do when leftover and then improvised Authorities across those two countries seemed to want to join - they were surprised although some divisions had been much earlier allocated for such an eventuality. As the Swedes were pacified, a sense of relief was brought upon the region, and many started to migrate to this new land of opportunities. Germania seemed to finally jump out of its depression, national spirit seemed to rise once more and with it so did the economy. Sweden had been the Germanian's serendipity.

Sweden disbands, Germanic Union's troops move on to restore order and annex. The little independence experiment had failed completely, and enough Germanic Union Citizens had migrated to Sweden that national identities were, at best, blurry, and the government's weakness and eventual collapse only made things worse. This expansion of the territory would come to be great breathing room for the until recently crammed Germanian Citizens, as Sweden was relatively underpopulated. The news would probably received mixed feelings throughout the world, due to the prevalence of Nordlandic flags - the entire country basically seemed to be in denial about using the Germanic Union flag proper, even if they supported the Government and its [i]other[/i] policies.

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[u][b]Althing Couped![/b]
[i]New Germanian Visarism[/i]

Earlier today in Berlin, another change of leadership surprised the nation. A Nordlandic Wars Veteran,Haakon Birgitson Haas, has driven up with his Panzer Division of "The Loyal" as the rising group decided to call themselves and stormed the Reichstag while the Althing was having regular sessions. There was virtually no oppposition as this was the group that was supposed to provide protection for the leadership to begin with, and the Althing Triumvirate was quickly dealt with. The majority of the people there attempted to resist the arrest, therefore some casualties were seen on both sides, but were ultimately captured even if Svea Driesen by herself held out on her office for almost an hour before finally being disabled.

Throughout the Germanic Union's Depression, several politically motivated groups arose, and this one seemed to have been of the most effective kind. Their platform basically states the following, among other things:

[i]-That the New Germanian Leadership are traitors by having allowed the creation of many Germanic States as opposed to having only one Germanic Country.

-That the Nordlandic Wars were lost due to such traitors, that victory in reality was closer than ever and due to cowardice, the Germanic Folk were robbed from such a victory.

-That having negotiated Sovereign Germanic Territory with Finland had been another act of betrayal to the Finnmarkers and to the non-Ostrobothnian Swedes, as had much earlier been the sharing of Elsass-Lothringen with France. The same can be said about Belarus/Valkurheim

-That the efforts to remove some of the Kaiser Martens Influence and the Visari Influence from postwar Nordland constituted an ultimate act of betrayal, especially the policies to undermine Nordlandic Language.

-That the lenient policy towards the re-christianization of Austria undermines Europe's autonomy as a whole.[/i]

...And many more other complaints, basically demanding a return to "the Nordic Ideology" and favoring militarism.

Their first official measure was to bring back the Nordland Flag to replace the Germanian Flag - Not as a state flag, but as the flag for the Germanian Armed Forces...


Dierik and Kaiser Martens have made no comments, and in fact, cannot be at all found. It is rumored that they may also have been attacked by General Haas's Regime yet kept secret. The utopic Germania seemed to end.

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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The United Federation of the East strongly hopes that the Germans won't attempt to interfere with the internal affairs of Austria. Any attempt to interfere with the Austrians internal affairs will do serious harm to UFE-Germanic Relations.

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[quote]-That the New Germanian Leadership are traitors by having allowed the creation of many Germanic States as opposed to having only one Germanic Country.
-That the efforts to remove some of the Kaiser Martens Influence and the Visari Influence from postwar Nordland constituted an ultimate act of betrayal, especially the policies to undermine Nordlandic Language.

Ireland would like to remind the Germans that their self-proclaimed Germanic sphere/language area contains England, and if they try to undermine the English state or in any way obtain English land to create "one Germanic country" would be tantamount to declaration of war on Ireland.

Edited by Sargun
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"England is a part of Germanic Europe, they speak a Germanic Language and come from Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia. Because of this, they remain a part of our sphere - the sphere which we protect, while the rest of the British Islands, Celtic in spite of the Germanic Influence, are not covered. If you would attempt to seize England based on your own doctrines, [i]we[/i] would be the first to answer."

"Germanic Union strongly hopes that the Chinese won't attempt to interfere with the internal affairs of Germanic Europe. Any attempt to interfere with the Germanic internal affairs will do serious harm to Germanic-UFE Relations."

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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1308718221' post='2738202']
"England is a part of Germanic Europe, they speak a Germanic Language and come from Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia. Because of this, they remain a part of our sphere - the sphere which we protect, while the rest of the British Islands, Celtic in spite of the Germanic Influence, are not covered. If you would attempt to seize England based on your own doctrines, [i]we[/i] would be the first to answer."
"People have inhabited England for far longer than Germanic culture or language has even existed; in fact, Germanic peoples were not the first nor the last to arrive in England and can not under any real evidence claim England to be part of the "Germanic sphere". The people of England have fought and beaten Germans several times in history and recently has seen Scottish and Proxian rule - the past several decades have been a mixture of English and non-English rule and a mixture of cultures. The British Isles are under the protection of the Irish and are part of the British sphere, and if you would attempt to seize England based on your own doctrines, [i]we [/i]would be the first to answer.

"You can't even run your own damn country properly - stay out of the British Isles, where you don't and never will belong."

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1308718221' post='2738202']
"England is a part of Germanic Europe, they speak a Germanic Language and come from Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia. Because of this, they remain a part of our sphere - the sphere which we protect, while the rest of the British Islands, Celtic in spite of the Germanic Influence, are not covered. If you would attempt to seize England based on your own doctrines, [i]we[/i] would be the first to answer."

"Germanic Union strongly hopes that the Chinese won't attempt to interfere with the internal affairs of Germanic Europe. Any attempt to interfere with the Germanic internal affairs will do serious harm to Germanic-UFE Relations."

"If it were possible to interfere in the internal affairs of Germanic Europe we would not. However, this is not possible, because Germanic Europe is not a country but a collection of several sovereign states each with the right to determine their own destiny and affairs between them are in fact external rather than internal."

Private instructions were to expedite the upgrading of the Austrian Self Defense Forces and have military advisers increase the training.

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"East France should review our policies. They are not included in the sphere."
"We have been the long-standing protectors of England and will continue down that path. Had it not been for us, your own Celts would have overrun our brother country. You should be ashamed by your words after England itself granted your nation freedom."
"Austria is a country that has turned away from the right path, therefore their sovereignty is only a secondary concern for us. We will rectify the situation soon, Austria shall have to join us willingly or otherwise. And then there will be peace."

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"Its been many years since we've marched on Greater Nordland, but if this is your will, we shall not hesitate again. It is a shame that you have so little regard or recognition of who your friends are and have been. But we shall defend Austria's freedom no matter the cost. I will not permit Austria to be banished into a vassaldom of another country, simply because its leadership has a delusional view of history and is obsessed with cultural demagoguery.

The second you cross the Austrian Border in anger, you better win fast and rush your army back to Berlin quickly, because I will come at you with a force so mighty, that the jingoist band of hoodlum has-beens you call an army will shall have their trouser smell even more like !@#$ than usual."

-August Imperator Jia

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1308723837' post='2738279']
"Its been many years since we've marched on Greater Nordland, but if this is your will, we shall not hesitate again. It is a shame that you have so little regard or recognition of who your friends are and have been. But we shall defend Austria's freedom no matter the cost. I will not permit Austria to be banished into a vassaldom of another country, simply because its leadership has a delusional view of history and is obsessed with cultural demagoguery.

The second you cross the Austrian Border in anger, you better win fast and rush your army back to Berlin quickly, because I will come at you with a force so mighty, that the jingoist band of hoodlum has-beens you call an army will shall have their trouser smell even more like !@#$ than usual."

-August Imperator Jia
"Isn't vassalization exactly what you are doing to your neighbor?"

- Korean Representative in Germany

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1308724061' post='2738282']
"Isn't vassalization exactly what you are doing to your neighbor?"

- Korean Representative in Germany
"When your nation stops falsifying documents to ignite wars you can talk."

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1308724350' post='2738284']
"When your nation stops falsifying documents to ignite wars you can talk."
"Just because some pitiful nation such as Britain claims we've falsified records when we clearly gave the originals to the British doesn't mean we're guilty."

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