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We Are Perth Army Press Conference


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RoA recruiting from alliances. You gonna stand for that WAPA? We've got your back if you want to attack them.

Normally we'd be up in arms, but it's only Burnsey ;)

And with reference to a bit of coversation earlier, we are very keen for tech sellers... just pop along to our forums or PM myself! :J

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I have a question. Do you think that Shmeestar and Devilish will be pissed at you for calling them guys?

Fireworks are here! Actually had Mayz not Mentioned it I wouldnt have nnoticed that he referenced guys. But now that you've brought it to my attention, BURNSEY! <_<

You know where to find me, I can hook you up with a couple of sellers if you're desperate.

Mayz why have you not given me this information before, I'm sure I can find buyers for your sellers!

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I ordered haggis off of your website...and I didn't get it in the mail yet... :P. Where is it?

On a more serious note, why haven't u guys been on CCC's channel to share the scotch? :P

Point 1... damn postal-service, they are forever eating our Haggis food-parcels!! You can't blame them, paid peanuts and then expected to deliver that delightful sheep guts, eyes, brains and oat snack, who wouldn't indulge!? We find the 'neeps and tatties' tend to get through, would you take a free delivery of these side dishes as compensation?

Point 2... share it?!? Are you crazy... many of us have been snowed in lately we need it for heating!!

Edited by Saintkev
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Burnsey, what movie is your avatar from, I forgot? D:

I believe it's from Pulp Fiction, but Burnsey will have to confirm.

Auctor the answer to all three: Get Hassman nuked like you want :P

Had trouble getting into your Channel CCC but it kicked me, apparently I was trying to get in the wrong channel, there now, hallooooo

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Personal Opinions follow, not necessarily the opinions of WAPA as a whole

Our alliances have an incredibly long and friendly history, and yet we seem to have drifted away. How does WAPA feel about GATO, want to share some chocolate cake?

I love chocolate cake, which means sharing....well I'm not sure they'll be any left after I'm done with it. I think a general Buffet of Food would be safer and I wont hog all the cake.

Were any of you around when WAPA was an \m/ division? That was pretty cool to see...

I was not though I have heard of it. This new \m/ is quite different from what I gather.

What are your opinions of Superfriends, C&G, and Citadel?

I have not had much contact with any of the above Blocks/alliances and there I cannot form an opinion. But I do like new friends. And you can come to the Buffet (Cause I have a problem sharing Cookies/Cake)

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1TF: Why?

They don't have you.

FGT, good sir. FGT.

Yes Cairna, I'm the reason people like 1TF better. It's got nothing to do with you and your confrontational attitude. I'll wait for a response from WAPA on this one. They have better taste than you anyway.

Edited by Pyroman
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