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\m/ Announcement \m/

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Well, I mean this was one of the reasons many were happy to see you go. You'd think that if you were gonna come back to the game, it'd be with a better attitude. Of all of the alliances that have disbanded, I was happy to see You and GOONS go. Now, on some level, you're both back. I would respect each of you more if you had pulled a FAN and just stuck around in peace mode until you could get white peace. Instead, you gave up and decided to come back years later. Now, instead of coming back on some positive level, you're doing the same stuff that got you where you were when you left the game. Seems like decent strategy. Way to win..

Doing things that got us banned was the problem last time. We're trying to avoid that this time around.

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Doing things that got us banned was the problem last time. We're trying to avoid that this time around.

I honestly hope you do, both avoid acts the anger the gods (OOC: mods) and still maintain the rest of what made you \m/. Bel Air+Rage Co. with a fancy name would be...ehh, but if you can actually revive \m/ as it was, it'd be a great deal more interesting.

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Well, I mean this was one of the reasons many were happy to see you go. You'd think that if you were gonna come back to the game, it'd be with a better attitude. Of all of the alliances that have disbanded, I was happy to see You and GOONS go. Now, on some level, you're both back. I would respect each of you more if you had pulled a FAN and just stuck around in peace mode until you could get white peace. Instead, you gave up and decided to come back years later. Now, instead of coming back on some positive level, you're doing the same stuff that got you where you were when you left the game. Seems like decent strategy. Way to win..

By all accounts, the new GOONS has changed in attitude/overall behaviour to a degree, so, good on them. \m/ however, has an attitude that they've done absolutely nothing to earn, and I hope they burn, and burn quickly, especially if they attempt to tech raid jerusalem, when it's clearly state in a few of their nation bios that they are protected by an alliance already.

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How long until we see OOC attacks? I'd put my money on no longer than a month

Hold on there hotshot, if you are going to come in here and complain about \m/'s attitude toward weaker alliances then all the power to you but when you start making unfounded and false accusations you are crossing a line.

Get your head out of your $@! and get your facts straight.

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Well, I mean this was one of the reasons many were happy to see you go. You'd think that if you were gonna come back to the game, it'd be with a better attitude. Of all of the alliances that have disbanded, I was happy to see You and GOONS go. Now, on some level, you're both back. I would respect each of you more if you had pulled a FAN and just stuck around in peace mode until you could get white peace. Instead, you gave up and decided to come back years later. Now, instead of coming back on some positive level, you're doing the same stuff that got you where you were when you left the game. Seems like decent strategy. Way to win..

  • everyone's always complaining that everything's so boring now and how "things were better in the old days"
  • \m/ is an alliance from "the old days"
  • you claim \m/ is doing things the same way they did them in "the old days"

Sounds fantastic to me. I'm not going to pretend I was a fan of \m/'s resurrection, but if this new rendition is doing things in a pre-UJP War manner, more power to 'em.

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You all loved the Unjust Path. Once you killed us, Bob went down the Crapper. The only people to thank for the Stagnancy of Bob since the UJW is ~.

I laugh at everyone who is attempting to get under our skin with petty insults. You'll have to try and do better than that. And AJ, stop talking crap and actually do something.

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You all loved the Unjust Path. Once you killed us, Bob went down the Crapper. The only people to thank for the Stagnancy of Bob since the UJW is ~.

I laugh at everyone who is attempting to get under our skin with petty insults. You'll have to try and do better than that. And AJ, stop talking crap and actually do something.

Seems like I've gotten under your skin pretty good.

And, as I've stated before and which no one in \m/ has even bothered to address, are you REALLY going to be raiding an alliance that already has a protectorate in place already?

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Seems like I've gotten under your skin pretty good.

And, as I've stated before and which no one in \m/ has even bothered to address, are you REALLY going to be raiding an alliance that already has a protectorate in place already?

Can you really not read between the lines?

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Seems like I've gotten under your skin pretty good.

And, as I've stated before and which no one in \m/ has even bothered to address, are you REALLY going to be raiding an alliance that already has a protectorate in place already?

I mean, I almost hope they DO raid the alliance, considering their protector doesn't look that prepared to protect them. *

*I don't know what, if any, treaties their protector might have, however.

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I mean, I almost hope they DO raid the alliance, considering their protector doesn't look that prepared to protect them. *

*I don't know what, if any, treaties their protector might have, however.

something tells me that, with the kind of negative attention \m/ has already received, if they did attempt it, the world at large would not react as kindly to this transgression as \m/ would hope for.

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At least when \m/ say they do something, they do it. I mean, how can they ruin this game any more than it already has been over the past few days? I'd rather be miserably interested than safe and bored; just my personal preference.

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