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The Coincidence Coalition

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Tbh the whole rishk situation has a lot of questionmarks before you really reach a CB (or rather a good one). No one knows when he got that nation, or if he had it from the start (something i seriously doubt). We won't get any answers to those questions simply because there is no one left to ask.

Hoo did the only thing he could that being: Apologize and make clear that he is no longer welcome in Rok. Aside from that he can't do anything. Contrary to popular rumors Advisor is not a high goverment member in Rok.

The TPF situation on the other hand is connected to the head honcho, frankly i find the comparison insulting.

Ps: We've seen how well diplomacy with TPF works haven't we?

There's a lot of circumstantial evidence on both sides of this conflict. Simply because Hoo apologized, doesn't mean that he didn't benefit from the situation. The lack of any real proof is the only thing that's saved RoK from having a rock solid CB against them, as there's a lot of circumstantial evidence and coincidences, and in times gone by, that would have been more than enough to make a connection between ability and culpability.

Now, TPF should have come clean during the karma war, they should admit wrongdoing now. Athens on the other hand, should have attempted diplomacy first.

No one is innocent in this situation right now. Not TPF, not Athens, not RoK, not TPF's allies who declared during peace negotiations, everyone's covered in !@#$ right now.

[edit:] I forgot the word the. and I changed a but to as.

Edited by astronaut jones
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so its better to "turn the other cheek" thing

I think not...

Not really. Anyone can see that Totila posted without reading past the OP, and that kind of thing rarely needs to be pointed out. I would merely suggest that it would be prudent to not have 32 pages of the old "You mean XXX right?!"

Of course, personal opinion, and I now realize I am guilty of de-railing. Please continue on with the drama.

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I think the rationalization is that the war is undeserved in the first place and that Athens et al cannot be allowed to get away clean.

Then again, I'm not privy to the councils of war, so I don't know what happened.

I think this about sums it up :)

Also, my first Great War. Should be fun!

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Please continue on with the drama.

Better than those that would be:

A: Hailing a coalition that delayed their DoW untill peace had been reached

B: Hailing a coalition that supports spying in order to destroy alliances from the inside with said drama

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Yes because us dirty hegemony scum are not capable of being equal friends with anyone, but can only be lapdogs.

Your attitude disgusts me.

If IRON at some point began exhibiting non-canine characteristics I guarantee our attitudes towards you would change.

Edited by der_ko
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Better than those that would be:

A: Hailing a coalition that delayed their DoW untill peace had been reached

B: Hailing a coalition that supports spying in order to destroy alliances from the inside with said drama

A: You do realize that even your side acknowledges that no peace had ever been reached?

B: Judging from your alliance tags, it does appear to me that you have in fact not read anything of importance lately.

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A: You do realize that even your side acknowledges that no peace had ever been reached?

B: Judging from your alliance tags, it does appear to me that you have in fact not read anything of importance lately.

A: Not from our doing. They demanded white peace. We offered white peace. They walked away.

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When has anyone actually stopped a war already in progress when peace talks start? Now you're just reaching for something not even there.

Nobody that I know of.

Sending TPF to conduct peace talks, and then saying that it would have been impossible to stop the attack is basically arguing against yourself.

However, you two's allies appear to want to have your cake and eat it too. If the war is in progress, then other alliances may join it.

Apparently white peace is no longer good enough. Nice try though.

You know, the longer that an unjust war is prosecuted, the more damages tend to accumulate. TPF just got done paying a very large reparations amount that we were told was because they fought for so long.

I thought that was a dangerous precedent to set, but you guys set it.

i thought CC was all about diplomacy? why is it suddenly okay for TPF to walk out of peace talks once white peace, which they wanted, was offered?

mhawk has always wanted reps.

So it went from "where are TPF's allies, bunch of cowards" to "BUT WHY DID YOU ATTACK NOW?"

This is a comedy show.

And that is why I love OWF. Humour par excellence.

God forbid you weren't going to get in those 20 wars before update. It might even decide the outcome of the entire war so I can certainly see why you'd be in a hurry to declare war.

If the attacks have no effect on the alliance war in progress, then I don't see them having much effect on the peace talks either.

Ha. If you can't see or haven't heard that TOP wants SF and CnG dead, then you are both deaf and blind.

Yeah, TOP hates SF so much they activated an ODP to come to R&R's defense. Those !@#$%^&*.

Actually what happened was, after lengthy peace talks, concessions were being made by 'Suplercomplaints' (hereafter called The Beatles). Desperado said white peace or nothing, then the entire TPF delegation walked out save for him. The Beatles were agreeing to white peace, at which point Desperado said things were going nowhere and also walked out.

Really the only parallel is what happened during the early negotiations of the last war.

Similarly, Moo's offer of peace was rejected in the early days of the Karma War, after it became clear that the defending coalition had enough strength to take on NPO and her allies.

Anyone who supported NPO being denied peace in the first day of the Karma War - when they were offering reparations - has absolutely nothing to stand on here. Athens + Ragnarok had been fighting for five days, and were not willing to cover the damages caused by their sneak attack without any negotiations whatsoever.

We never asked for reps or gov removals or any other non-white terms.

That's plenty big of you to start an unprovoked tech raid-style war without demanding reparations for peace on top of the tech and land you stole.

rish actually spied, and tried to start a war between NSO and TOP. Explain me why he'd do it, if not for Ragnarok?

[21:14] <@dontcareaboutmyid[fark]> from what I see an NpO back NSO against TOP looks delicious

[21:14] <@dontcareaboutmyid[fark]> backed

[21:43] <@Goose|warmonger|> So, I guess the question is, how can we get ourselves sorted out with NSO?

[21:43] <@Goose|warmonger|> Well, not NSO, but C&G so as to get us with them against TOP.

Well, to be fair, neither of those are in RoK. So maybe he wasn't spying for RoK after all. ;)

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A: You do realize that even your side acknowledges that no peace had ever been reached?

B: Judging from your alliance tags, it does appear to me that you have in fact not read anything of importance lately.

A: Allright then, Peace Talks still, this is a fail

B: People go Rogue, this one was kicked from PB, No longer welcome in RoK, wasnt our leader... as far as I know mhawk is still welcome in TPF, point ignored

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A: You do realize that even your side acknowledges that no peace had ever been reached?

B: Judging from your alliance tags, it does appear to me that you have in fact not read anything of importance lately.

A: You do realize that you are acknowledging that such peace talks were occurring, albeit in bad faith by your side?

B: :facepalm:

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A: Not from our doing. They demanded white peace. We offered white peace. They walked away.

sorry my bad, should of said "close to being reached" as we were offering what they wanted and they stormed off, again in Hegemony style

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A: Not from our doing. They demanded white peace. We offered white peace. They walked away.
A: You do realize that you are acknowledging that such peace talks were occurring, albeit in bad faith by your side?

B: :facepalm:

Uh, no?

They demanded white peace, Desperado walked away, after which Londo agreed to white peace (in an negotiation room absent of any TPF representatives). They walked away before you offered white peace.

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So have I.

mhawk was at some points willing to accept peace without reps. That doesn't change what he wants.

If he was willing to accept peace without reps, yes it does change what he wants. I mean.. really now, peace with reps and peace without reps aren't the same thing.

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So have I.

mhawk was at some points willing to accept peace without reps. That doesn't change what he wants.

It also still makes your post a lie. Mhawk wants white peace, while what he wants may have changed over the course of the conflict, he hasn't "always wanted reps" as you have said. And the conversations with him and the peace negotiation logs I have seen prove this. Again I say you are a liar.

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It also still makes your post a lie. Mhawk wants white peace, while what he wants may have changed over the course of the conflict, he hasn't "always wanted reps" as you have said. And the conversations with him and the peace negotiation logs I have seen prove this. Again I say you are a liar.

I really don't get how you connected "at some points willing to accept peace without reps" to "always wanted reps".

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I really don't get how you connected "at some points willing to accept peace without reps" to "always wanted reps".

If you read Haflingers original statement he said "Mhawk always wanted reps."

mhawk has always wanted reps.
Edited by AirMe
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