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Announcement from the Grämlins


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I hope you are willing to provide proof of those spying allegations. That's a pretty heavy thing to level against someone with absolutely no proof. Feel free to PM me. Stop buying all the crap Crymson tells you. He's never liked me.

And did you say the same thing about me when I was taking nukes for TOP from my BAPS target while Crymson and a lot of TOP was cutting deals with the enemy to not go nuclear. It seems it's TOP that is scared to lose infra, not me.

Leveling OOC attacks on me (do you even know my age?) is par for the course at TOP I guess. Classy as always.

Steve: This makes me sad. I enjoyed fighting alongside you in the Karma War, I thought we made a good team and I could always count on you to be there to coordinate for the most efficiency. After Karma, you seemed to go a little wonky until eventually you became somewhat of an outcast in TOP, only ever showing up to sporadically criticize just about anything the rest of us could agree on, and then taking your leave again. Coming from someone I so proudly fought beside during the war, this was disheartening. I am surprised you stayed so long.

Now, days after you leave TOP, I see you taking it upon yourself to take shot after shot at us. Steve, no matter how right or wrong you might be (and trust me, you are wrong), that is not honour, class, nor is it the same Steve I got to know under a hail of nuclear fire on the frontlines of Karma. You are bent on trying to hurt the very place you called home and helped to fight for for so long. Let it go man.


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As has been pointed out, Point 1(a) and Point 1(b) contradict each other. Further, Point 3(b) contradicts Point 1(a) and Point 3(a) contradicts Point 1(b). Also Points 4(a and b) contradict all your other Points.

Things would be easier if you'd pick a side instead of dancing in the middle while pretending you've picked a side. Or, alternatively, not said anything.

So that there is no ambiguity ...

There's ambiguity.

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I've a question.

NATO recently apologized to BAPS for the criminal acts of espionage conducted by one of its members. The individual left NATO and joined BAPS with the intent of gather information. One member of NATO government was clearly shown to have known about the member's intent and accordingly stepped down. BAPS, very cordially, accepted NATO's apology and to this day the two maintain strong relations. Allies and friends of the two, including IRON and TOP, praised the resolution of the controversy.

Ragnarok was recently called out publicly by NATO, IRON, TOP, and NSO when one of its members was revealed to have participated in some rather shady activity. There was no evidence that any other members of Ragnarok knew of his activity, but such was suggested by the offended parties. They demanded an apology and a condemnation of the individual's actions. Ragnarok very promptly did just that, despite the bad blood between it and the group of offended alliances.

Do you still feel that NATO would be justified in prosecuting RoK on the grounds of the recent multi revelation. Wouldn't a refusal to recognize RoK's apology render them hypocrites, given they recently enjoyed just such a benefit of the doubt, especially given the only demand was for an apology and condemnation? Would IRON and TOP be hypocrites for prosecution after praising resolution of a more convincing situation? Or do you feel that the current conflict between TPF and RoK over a failed sabotage plot changes the standards against which RoK may be judged?

EDIT: Adjusted to be more welcoming to general public response.

As Haflinger pointed out, we went to extreme measures to rectify the situation.

Also, you are correct at least in my personal opinion. That said, NATO has no plans to attack RoK over this. RoK-NATO relations are not good in the slightest, but I have no reason to believe they would be stupid enough to do something like this. There are many other alliances more worthy of attention than NATO. Also, we do not attack Aqua alliances and in order to do so, something that was extremely egregious and concrete would need to be provided. This situation leaves to many question marks for my taste.

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