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Joint NATO/IRON/TOP Announcement


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He was leader and a minister in his own alliance as 2 different nation's/persona's ?

I think its obvious that the nation was given to him and was not always in his possession; this also explains why after 1200 days they have suddenly been detected and deleted and not earlier.

Edited by foxodi
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From the OP, Rishnokof spied on you, not RoK and you are speculating that RoK was aware of the malicious attacks.

Now, by all means if there is proof that RoK orchestrated this whole mess, please do share.

Hold on let me get this straight, a member who was a former trium for said alliance, and was in good standing with said alliance and I'm sure had friends along the way, kept secret an alternate account from these people.

Do you even believe the things you are typing?

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So it's reasonable that the multi made for spying was kept on the same AA for over a year? Why? Fun? RoK has been at war a few times in that time. If Rish was wanting to use Magee as a spy he had plenty of opportunity in that year. It's not a stretch at all. it's blatantly obvious that they were seperate people until just recently. The best part? You damn well know it. :)

Who cares why it was created. He ran it and it was ran on other AAs his motivation isn't important unless the psychology of someone who becomes a spy/saboteur is something that interests you.

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He was leader and a minister in his own alliance as 2 different nation's/persona's ?

I think its obvious that the nation was given to him and was not always in his possession; this also explains why after 1200 days they have suddenly been detected and deleted.

Be careful you dont pull a muscle reaching for that response

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It is quite amusing to watch you guys on both sides argue back and forth that neither have proof of anything. Have any of you stopped to actually analyze what your allies are claiming or analyze what your own government is telling you instead of blindly following it? I have yet to see a single IRON member or not even just specifically IRON, anyone from that hemisphere with a treaty with TPF speak out against them. And the same goes for anyone with a treaty with Athens or any of the alliances involved with that side of the war.

This is merely no coincidence, someone is wrong and a whole lot of people are doing a whole lot of blind following and disagreeing with the other side. There needs to be a lot less talking and whining about who has no proof and a lot more action if you feel that strongly about whatever it is you feel strongly about.

Edited by Lenex
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Now, since I actually quite liked RoK before this unfortunate mess exploded, I'll say this:

If I were a person who discovered this multi and their activities I wouldn't release all the information at once. Instead, I would release a little at a time to see just how far the guilty party would go in their denial. The final pieces of evidence could make for the killing blow and quite an entertaining spectacle, wouldn't you say?

Not saying that is the case here, but...


Edited by Kzoppistan
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Who cares why it was created. He ran it and it was ran on other AAs his motivation isn't important unless the psychology of someone who becomes a spy/saboteur is something that interests you.

His motivation isn't important? :lol1:

So there is no importance on if his motivation was being told by Hoo to do these things or if he was motivated just by having fun out on his own?

Sure thing man...........

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It is quite amusing to watch you guys on both sides argue back and forth that neither have proof of anything. Have any of you stopped to actually analyze what your allies are claiming or analyze what your own government is telling you instead of blindly following it? I have yet to see a single IRON member or not even just specifically IRON, anyone from that hemisphere with a treaty with TPF speak out against them. And the same goes for anyone with a treaty with Athens or any of the alliances involved with that side of the war.

This is merely no coincidence, someone is wrong and a whole lot of people are doing a whole lot of blind following and disagreeing with the other side.

To be fair, the burden of proof is on the accuser. It's hard for Ragnarok to prove a negative. Based on the Unspeakable Evil's data set and the application screen shots, so there's no reason to think that Ragnarok government knew of this at all. That's what Ragnarok and her allies are saying, and it's a pretty logical thing to say.

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Hold on let me get this straight, a member who was a former trium for said alliance, and was in good standing with said alliance and I'm sure had friends along the way, kept secret an alternate account from these people.

Do you even believe the things you are typing?

Actually, that makes perfect sense. If he truly felt endeared to RoK why would he want to bring down its downfall with a spying scheme??

Look, my alliance is allied to RoK, so I am not going to pass judgment condemning them as I take a little more than pretty words and speculation to have my loyalty waver. You either bring up solid proof that RoK was in on this or give up the speculation they were. Simple enough.

I can understand the frustration the events have caused as it would suck to have my alliance deceived etc, but just because my panties are bunched up I am not going to throw a tantrum and start throwing rocks at anyone.

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It's actually quite amusing to see MK's usually good PR team try and spin the unspinnable. The evidence is irrefutable, the crime uncondonable. Keep up the good work lads.

No, it really isn't All the evidence shows is that Rish had a multi who was flying the Ragnarok AA for a long time and then he attempted to use this multi after having left Ragnarok gov to try and infiltrate alliances. Nothing shows Ragnarok as being culpable at all. And yet, you seem to still think this. Why? What specific log/screenshot/etc. makes you think Ragnarok government was involved?

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It's actually quite amusing to see MK's usually good PR team try and spin the unspinnable. The evidence is irrefutable, the crime uncondonable. Keep up the good work lads.

We haven't been spinning anything. Like we've said, this isn't MK's war, this is MK's allies war. And we back our allies no matter what.

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Now, since I actually quite liked RoK before this unfortunate mess exploded, I'll say this:

If I were a person who discovered this multi and their activities I wouldn't release all the information at once. Instead, I would release a little at a time to see just how far the guilty party would go in their denial. The final pieces of evidence could make for the killing blow and quite an entertaining spectacle, wouldn't you say?

Not saying that is the case here, but...


Reminds me of this story


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Facts seem to be getting lost in the shuffle, so let's refresh. The following things are all confirmed as happening -

October - President Magee begins ghosting ODN AA.

November - President Magee nukes Grey Council and possibly others.

November - President Magee ghosts the NSO AA and sends NSO recruitment messages to TOP nations.

November 21st - President Magee applies to IRON. GC shares his history and IRON denies the application.

November 27th - President Magee applies to NATO and is accepted.

December 31st - President Magee ceases to exist.

During this span of time President Magee was under the control of rishnokof.

All of these are facts. You can debate other things but not these things.

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Prove RoK orchestrated this. Because right now common sense points to one of two answers: NATO organized this (all the convenient timings and AA changes right when a spy would become useless to them, then getting caught RIGHT when they needed dirt on RoK the most ;)), or, worst case scenario, something a former triumvir of RoK did on his own.

Stop being a Yes Man, please.

At least they didn't wait 6 months.

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Facts seem to be getting lost in the shuffle, so let's refresh. The following things are all confirmed as happening -

October - President Magee begins ghosting ODN AA.

November - President Magee nukes Grey Council and possibly others.

November - President Magee ghosts the NSO AA and sends NSO recruitment messages to TOP nations.

November 21st - President Magee applies to IRON. GC shares his history and IRON denies the application.

November 27th - President Magee applies to NATO and is accepted.

December 31st - President Magee ceases to exist.

During this span of time President Magee was under the control of rishnokof.

All of these are facts. You can debate other things but not these things.

Fair enough Heft, but this only makes Rish culpable. Ragnarok as far as I can tell didn't know of this at all. I'm not seeing anything suggesting that Ragnarok gov was involved in anything President Magee/Rish were doing.

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Facts seem to be getting lost in the shuffle, so let's refresh. The following things are all confirmed as happening -

October - President Magee begins ghosting ODN AA.

November - President Magee nukes Grey Council and possibly others.

November - President Magee ghosts the NSO AA and sends NSO recruitment messages to TOP nations.

November 21st - President Magee applies to IRON. GC shares his history and IRON denies the application.

November 27th - President Magee applies to NATO and is accepted.

December 31st - President Magee ceases to exist.

During this span of time President Magee was under the control of rishnokof.

All of these are facts. You can debate other things but not these things.

For a spy he sure operates under the radar. Or maybe he just likes to nuke the radar.

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Facts seem to be getting lost in the shuffle, so let's refresh. The following things are all confirmed as happening -

October - President Magee begins ghosting ODN AA.

November - President Magee nukes Grey Council and possibly others.

November - President Magee ghosts the NSO AA and sends NSO recruitment messages to TOP nations.

November 21st - President Magee applies to IRON. GC shares his history and IRON denies the application.

November 27th - President Magee applies to NATO and is accepted.

December 31st - President Magee ceases to exist.

During this span of time President Magee was under the control of rishnokof.

All of these are facts. You can debate other things but not these things.

I don't think anyone is. I'm certainly not. Rish is a total $@! for this and the fact that he involved you guys is disturbing to me being an ally and if you guys can prove that Hoo or other RoK gov was in on it I'll back you guys 100% but this all looks like Rish getting gifted a nation that was going to quit and going out and acting the fool on his own.

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Why do you not think after seeing our evidence. What is your IQ level?

All I see is that Rishnokof is culpable. Rather than insult me, how about you link to what evidence you think implicates RoK gov?

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