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An Address from the Grandmaster


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Who cares if a war is a winning or losing one? It's about defending your allies and having fun.

We showed concern for our allies in a slightly different method by helping them avoid a war. We didn't do it for our own sake. But, again, why are you constantly bringing this up? It has nothing to do with the thread at hand?

And, what's all this about the truth? You haven't spoken a word of it all morning. How can I hope for any from you in the future? We deal with the consequences of every action, as we always have, as they approach us. Different methods at different times, yes, but all with the same purpose - the safety of our allies. Whether it be war or negotiations. By all means, though, continue speculating incorrectly. I don't get to post often enough as it is.

Yet, we didn't mock you for that...see the difference hedge?


I have spoke nothing but truths, and if you don't see that you are either manipulating, or naive.

Edited by Chalaskan
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Yet, we didn't mock you for that...see the difference hedge?


I have spoke nothing but truths, and if you don't see that you are either manipulating, or naive.

Yeah the difference is that MK helped Athens avoid a war before any war happened. If Athens came under attack I would bet my nation MK would have backed them up.

Now IRON on the other hand is avoiding a war in which there ally is already being destroyed.

MK was smart

IRON are cowardly

That is the difference.

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Funny, I remember both MK and Athens entering wars, even if they were to get their @#$% kicked. TOP on the other hand seems to have always been on the winning side, much because of their well know ability to weasel out of tough spots.

Anyone else notice by chance that Bob Janovas departure was well timed?

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MK was smart

IRON are cowardly

That is the difference.

Indeed, there's no way we would enter the war now, we just rebuilt all our infra and tech, we are OBVIOUSLY in no shape for a war.

Sorry TPF, we like you but we'd rather build again and then merge with MK sothat they can show us how to play.

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Or I can see my edit was more than you could handle.

Your edits are slower than my replies. Get what you want to say right the first time.

Yet, we didn't mock you for that...see the difference hedge?


I have spoke nothing but truths, and if you don't see that you are either manipulating, or naive.

The only way to know the truth is to know both sides. You have done nothing but speculate on the goings on of a past event that bears no relevance, and have consistently been wrong in your speculations.

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Indeed, there's no way we would enter the war now, we just rebuilt all our infra and tech, we are OBVIOUSLY in no shape for a war.

Sorry TPF, we like you but we'd rather build again and then merge with MK sothat they can show us how to play.

Oh noes! IRON - our dearest betrothed - hath betrayed us in our most dire our!

Not only have the Thought Police destroyed our infras, they've destroyed our marriage, too!

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Indeed, there's no way we would enter the war now, we just rebuilt all our infra and tech, we are OBVIOUSLY in no shape for a war.

Sorry TPF, we like you but we'd rather build again and then merge with MK sothat they can show us how to play.

I don't think MK would take you ;)

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The only way to know the truth is to know both sides. You have done nothing but speculate on the goings on of a past event that bears no relevance, and have consistently been wrong in your speculations.

No. The truth is well known. All the logs support the same thing. It was an idea that never went into action.

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Oh noes! IRON - our dearest betrothed - hath betrayed us in our most dire our!

Not only have the Thought Police destroyed our infras, they've destroyed our marriage, too!

It had to come to and end you see, us being ex-Hegemony and all (Protip : it means we're evil).

But rejoice!

Surely we will become friends again once both our alliance become part of MK like Vanguard is planning to!

Edited by Alter Leader Nabla
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No. The truth is well known. All the logs support the same thing. It was an idea that never went into action.

You are working on the assumption that this is about you. Our dearest Chalaskan has made this thread about him, his alliance and Athens' and MK's behavior during the Ni! incident.

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well, doitz did say this little war is just to keep IRON low on ns and still rebuilding somewhere in the OP so why not use hypocrisy to do that beats me. it's a good tactic. worked before, it's probably going to work in the future too.

That's only part of it. It's also a thinly veiled attempt to either destroy or split Citadel via a massive war based on defending a not-so-well liked (among Citadel anyway) alliance, thus making the world safe for the new Hegemony (not so much different from the old, as is becoming obvious to everyone).

Meh. Same excrement, different day.

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I don't think MK would take you ;)

I disagree, there are plenty of alliances that would love us to be slave.

Just look how we played so far, we just never come on the OWF, we're quiet slaves of our TOP overlords (it was NPO before) but once you destroy them, we'll have plenty of time to convince you that we're a cool obedient dog to have!

You can also keep us as a meatshield alliance like ODN, that would work pretty well!

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You are working on the assumption that this is about you. Our dearest Chalaskan has made this thread about him, his alliance and Athens' and MK's behavior during the Ni! incident.

Ummm... Oh, I guess I'm just so used to everything lately being about TPF and/or it's allies....

My apologies. Please, carry on.

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Until the war is over and IRON still hasn't come in, I don't think you can really troll them. Hell, TPF may have even asked their allies not to come in (post mhawks thread). Shocking, I know.

Hell, everyone knows that we will *never* go to war. We're infra-hugger, see?

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Ummm... Oh, I guess I'm just so used to everything lately being about TPF and/or it's allies....

My apologies. Please, carry on.

It's quite all right. I know how a war against TPF would make you think threads about TPF's allies would actually be about TPF and its allies.

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