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Announcement from the desk of the custodial engineer third class


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Then why was the attack on me labeled a tech raid? And in such a tech raid, I was attacked by spies twice, air attacked, and CNed?

Sorry.. your convoluted view fails.

Your not helping your case, in most wars people put things such as "tech raid" or "improving foreign relations".

We raided. 2 GAs then peace

You declared war(hitting unrelated members), which Kronos then responded with full attacks

You are making it really hard for me to defend you

Have fun in bill lock and glowing green

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Now why did TheZoo get a protectorate? To prevent themselves from being raided.

So basically RLMMO had sex without a condom.

Analogy GOONS are an STD, RLMMO is a boy who just had sex without a condom and now has gonorrhea.

TheZoo actually bought a condom (Valhalla) and they can have sex without containing gonorrhea.

It's a preventative. Yes my analogy is stupid, but simple :P

To use you analogy - not using protection should not be a bad thing. And they are paying the consequences for it and all I can do is put my hands up to them and congratulate them for it.

They might ceast to exist due to this in their current form but hey, that will say more about Kronos and Nu GOONS than them. I will always remember them, as brave fools who stood up for what they believed it. What was right. I congratulate them on this

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To use you analogy - not using protection should not be a bad thing. And they are paying the consequences for it and all I can do is put my hands up to them and congratulate them for it.

They might ceast to exist due to this in their current form but hey, that will say more about Kronos and Nu GOONS than them. I will always remember them, as brave fools who stood up for what they believed it. What was right. I congratulate them on this

Well in the end of the analogy I left out what RLMMO is doing to their own body to remove the GOONS, but I think you can fill it in yourself.

PS: You wont, remember them, you'll only remember this article.

Edit: Last I checked STDs weren't fun, but who am I to argue that point of view.

Edited by Tick1
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Now why did TheZoo get a protectorate? To prevent themselves from being raided.

So basically RLMMO had sex without a condom (DoE without a treaty).

Analogy GOONS are an STD, RLMMO is a boy who just had sex without a condom and now has gonorrhea.

TheZoo actually bought a condom (Valhalla) and they can have sex without containing gonorrhea.

It's a preventative. Yes my analogy is stupid, but simple :P

Sorry for calling the GOONS an STD. :o

No worries , me and STDS are friends. I enjoy one about every 5 or 6 months.

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Game is stale anyhow, somone declared on me and I get respond...shrug....not like i am actually paying to play this.

There are alot of great people I have come to know via this e-peen fest of a game, Khyber, El Hefe, and the rest of rare person that I can have a rational and enlighten discussion with, take care and see you on the other side. (P.s. Khyber: I am still in remission)

The leadership of the Gorn Commando have enjoyed our stay admist you pink skinned people. Your medical tech in fixing our leader is most appreciated and we will be sending you large stocks of banana pudding (at least we are told by the hydrans that you al love this stuff).

good luck with your egos and e-peens.

Seloth...aka zearth.

Hit me up any time mate and enjoy your exit. /o

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Now why did TheZoo get a protectorate? To prevent themselves from being raided.

So basically RLMMO had sex without a condom (DoE without a treaty).

Analogy GOONS are an STD, RLMMO is a boy who just had sex without a condom and now has gonorrhea.

TheZoo actually bought a condom (Valhalla) and they can have sex without containing gonorrhea.

It's a preventative. Yes my analogy is stupid, but simple :P

Sorry for calling the GOONS an STD. :o

Actually the proper analogy would be that an RLMMO member was raped without a condom and now has the clap and a fetus (named Trig) growing more and more retarded by the day. Therefore, in a fit of rage, our family members attacked anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists.

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Actually the proper analogy would be that an RLMMO member was raped without a condom and now has the clap and a fetus (named Trig) growing more and more retarded by the day. Therefore, in a fit of rage, our family members attacked anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists.

How? Your DoE is the sex. Not actually being raided. Also you might want to edit your last post. :P Just a quick FYI.

Edited by Tick1
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Now why did TheZoo get a protectorate? To prevent themselves from being raided.

So basically RLMMO had sex without a condom (DoE without a treaty).

Analogy GOONS are an STD, RLMMO is a boy who just had sex without a condom and now has gonorrhea.

TheZoo actually bought a condom (Valhalla) and they can have sex without containing gonorrhea.

It's a preventative. Yes my analogy is stupid, but simple :P

Sorry for calling the GOONS an STD. :o

I think you mean goonorrhea :smug:

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Actually the proper analogy would be that an RLMMO member was raped without a condom and now has the clap and a fetus (named Trig) growing more and more retarded by the day. Therefore, in a fit of rage, our family members attacked anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists.

why would you rage about this? :colbert: Having the clap and a fetus named trig sells books yo! Could have been rich... :facepalm:

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Actually the proper analogy would be that an RLMMO member was raped without a condom and now has the clap and a fetus (named Trig) growing more and more retarded by the day. Therefore, in a fit of rage, our family members attacked anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists.

Yes but maybe if your member wasn't wearing such provocative tech...

Edit: On a more serious note, however, in your analogy it would stand that in "a fit of rage", your family members would actually have gone around raping "anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists", as an attack has incurred an attack in kind. So, all you are doing is escalating the situation in a ridiculous manner.

Edited by ktarthan
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Yes but maybe if your member wasn't wearing such provocative tech...

Edit: On a more serious note, however, in your analogy it would stand that in "a fit of rage", your family members would actually have gone around raping "anyone in sight directly affiliatied with these diseased rapists", as an attack has incurred an attack in kind. So, all you are doing is escalating the situation in a ridiculous manner.

typical...blame the member for how they are dressed for your lack of tech raiding control......you humans are silly

Edited by zearth
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You realize they actually had no one that could attack the tech raiders due to their small size and your targeting of their largest nation. But yes, they attacked the entire alliance due to being attacked by a tech raider.

Nizzle, get some NS mate, I want to have it out with you mate.

I'm working on the NS! That's why I'm techraiding!

Maybe after all of this we will be closer to each other :D

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Clearly RLMMO should have went to the raiders and accepted a token sum of cash to allow their soveriegnty to be stomped all over. After all, this is the "accepted practice" on this planet. Every time any situation arises on this planet, people rush into the discussion seeking to wrap everything up to into a nice neat little package as to how it should be dealt with. I, for one, applaud this course of action by RLMMO. Entities outside of RLMMO have no business whatsoever imposing their "standards" on RLMMO, or anyone else for that matter. It is not a stretch, nor an unreasonable conclusion, in the eyes of RLMMO, given who the raiding alliances were, that they would be summarily dismissed. It seems reasonable to me, that RLMMO believed that so long as they fell into the raiding alliances' "accepted" size to be ok for raids, that more raids would be in their future. I believe that RLMMO felt that this was the only logical course of action. Of course, most people won't bother to take an impartial look at it, because, they did not follow the "standards." And, we all know, that "standards" are a must.

Watching all of the boasting of the military prowess by the side that has numbers almost Hegemonomical-like on their side, is both classy and reminiscent...which is a good thing...it is always good to remind the world of why things happen as they do. That being said, carry on with your war.

Final note, to all of those people using ROFL, or LMMAO..Or any of the other disrespectful twistings on RLMMO's name, show just a little bit of class and respect. You are neither cute, nor funny.

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Clearly RLMMO should have went to the raiders and accepted a token sum of cash to allow their soveriegnty to be stomped all over. After all, this is the "accepted practice" on this planet. Every time any situation arises on this planet, people rush into the discussion seeking to wrap everything up to into a nice neat little package as to how it should be dealt with. I, for one, applaud this course of action by RLMMO. Entities outside of RLMMO have no business whatsoever imposing their "standards" on RLMMO, or anyone else for that matter. It is not a stretch, nor an unreasonable conclusion, in the eyes of RLMMO, given who the raiding alliances were, that they would be summarily dismissed. It seems reasonable to me, that RLMMO believed that so long as they fell into the raiding alliances' "accepted" size to be ok for raids, that more raids would be in their future. I believe that RLMMO felt that this was the only logical course of action. Of course, most people won't bother to take an impartial look at it, because, they did not follow the "standards." And, we all know, that "standards" are a must.

Watching all of the boasting of the military prowess by the side that has numbers almost Hegemonomical-like on their side, is both classy and reminiscent...which is a good thing...it is always good to remind the world of why things happen as they do. That being said, carry on with your war.

Final note, to all of those people using ROFL, or LMMAO..Or any of the other disrespectful twistings on RLMMO's name, show just a little bit of class and respect. You are neither cute, nor funny.

You realize you're in the alliance that full out tech raided a 30 man alliance right?

And I for one think the "ROFLMAO War" is a funny and cute name. Grow an ability to see humour.

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I like Athens and all but Rush Sykes you should just leave this thread while your semi ahead.

Edit- If for some strange reason people think that ROFL attacked GOONS/KRONOS because they believed they wouldnt recieve reps if asked for you are giving them way to much credit

I have seen no boasting. Laughing at an alliance launching an agressive war when their top nation has 4 days of bills isnt boasting

Edited by white majik
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Clearly RLMMO should have went to the raiders and accepted a token sum of cash to allow their soveriegnty to be stomped all over. After all, this is the "accepted practice" on this planet.

No, they obviously did better with blaming their own suicide charge on someone else.

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You realize you're in the alliance that full out tech raided a 30 man alliance right?

And I for one think the "ROFLMAO War" is a funny and cute name. Grow an ability to see humour.

Ol' Rush Sykes has been a naysayer of GOONS for quite a while....he took it upon himself to !@#$ up our Pro-Piracy act thread as well, while participating in the act of piracy himself. He is, indeed, the purest form of hypocrite.

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You realize you're in the alliance that full out tech raided a 30 man alliance right?

And I for one think the "ROFLMAO War" is a funny and cute name. Grow an ability to see humour.

I really dont need you telling me which alliance I am in, I am well aware of where I reside. I neither approved of, nor participated in that raid. I was not pleased at all that it happened, and have been outspoken about it ever since. So, your attempt to paint me with that brush, pretty much fails. My post had nothing to do with you raiding, or your right to raid. Feel free to continue raiding. My post was 100% about the logical conclusions that RLMMO made concerning those who were raiding him. If it were Athens raiding him, given our recent history, I would have no trouble accepting that SAME logical conclusion by them. I know sometimes is difficult to accept anything that isnt a mindless hail to your side, so let me be clear about this, my post was never intended as an attack on you, or your alliance, it was merely a not-so-far-fetched logical conclusion that RLMMO could have easily arrived at. Their reply, in that context, is the correct reply.

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I really dont need you telling me which alliance I am in, I am well aware of where I reside. I neither approved of, nor participated in that raid. I was not pleased at all that it happened, and have been outspoken about it ever since. So, your attempt to paint me with that brush, pretty much fails. My post had nothing to do with you raiding, or your right to raid. Feel free to continue raiding. My post was 100% about the logical conclusions that RLMMO made concerning those who were raiding him. If it were Athens raiding him, given our recent history, I would have no trouble accepting that SAME logical conclusion by them. I know sometimes is difficult to accept anything that isnt a mindless hail to your side, so let me be clear about this, my post was never intended as an attack on you, or your alliance, it was merely a not-so-far-fetched logical conclusion that RLMMO could have easily arrived at. Their reply, in that context, is the correct reply.

So you're saying if one member from Athens raided one member from Unprotected Micro Alliance X, it is one hundred percent acceptable for that raided alliance to declare war on Athens and proceed to declare wars against everyone but the one that committed the act of raiding? Without attempting to talk to see what was up?

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