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The Queendom of Australia

Sarah Tintagyl

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Lady Hannah Asgeirsson sat alone in a large dressing room inside of Darwin Cathedral, for the first time in a long time her palms were sweating and she was shaking. Things just weren't the way she was used to, instead of a pristine military uniform as she was used to, instead of a long white frock coat, instead of gold epaulets on her shoulders and black boots on her feet, she looked completely different now. The Potentate was no dressed in a flowing white gown with a few aboriginal designs running down the gown as well as trappings of Promised Lander and Hanseatic culture, she was now the avatar of both cultures, the linking of two great nations who had spend years together becoming more than allies, becoming more than friends and in a political way, it was almost like a marriage and Hannah was bride and groom and the crown that she would receive today would be the ring. But was Australia ready? Was the world ready? She believed so. Since the Fall of the First Commonwealth, the continent had been gripped in nearly constant turmoil, the Hansa had made massive reforms to stabilize their lands, as the same with the Promised Landers and in the face of rebellion and government chaos. Out of this turmoil, the friendship between the Hansa and Promised Land had only grown stronger and with the world continuing to centralize into their respected hegemonies and with Australia falling behind due to their division, it was time for a new destiny to be born.

"You know I would have never believed that I would be sitting here in a million years. I mean, my family was poor Sarah, we never had anything. This is..." Hannah sighed and looked out the window at the sunlight shining in from outside. It made an explosion of blues, greens, and reds, on the floor of the dressing room, the stain glass painting the two leaders like human jewels. "...incredible."

"None of us ever would have imagined things like this Hannah." Sarah smiled. "But that is how the world works and whatever we must do to advance our countries and our peoples. Remember, what I told you when you took the Oath as First Knight of the Commonwealth, a ruler, a leader, their duty is first to their people, then to the world, then to themselves. You have done great things for the Commonwealth and you will do great things for the Australia. There is no one else on this earth that is fit for the crown on that altar."

"But the world, they love you, not me. I'll never be Sarah Tintagyl."

"You can never be Sarah Tintagyl." Sarah chuckled and Hannah turned her head in sorrow, it was only picked up by the fair fingers of the Lady Protector. "You know why? Because you aren't Sarah Tintagyl. You're Hannah Asgeirsson and I want you to be her, why in God's name would you want to be Sarah Tintagyl? Trust me, you'll have your admirers after this and you'll have those that hate you, and tons more of in-betweens. But you know what Hannah." Sarah turned her head, as emerald met sapphire. "You've done something that I wish I did a long time ago."

"What's that?"

"Free the Hansa."

The white haired general smiled and a small tear fell from her eye. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for having a friend like you Your Ladyship." Hannah bowed her head.

"And we would all be lost without you as well...Your Highness." Sarah smirked and knelt down in front of her friend. "God save the Queen."

Hannah jumped from the chair as the two women embraced tightly, both with tears in their eyes. Their destinies entwined with the Hansa, with Australia and indeed it was almost humorous, Uberstein should be proud. A Finn had been Empress of Japan and had built one of the greatest and benevolent Pacific Empire to grace the world and had freed him from the grip of the European Reich. Now, another Finn was to become Queen of the greater portion of Australia. The ancestors of Scandinavia would be proud that her children had spread around the earth so far.

A knock on the great wooden door brought the girls apart as they stared as Loew, the chamberlain walked in. The bulging man, looking extremely humorous in a black tuxedo and the chamberlain's medallion hanging from his neck. "I am sorry to disturb Your Ladyships, but the congregation is ready to proceed."

"Very well." Hannah said walking down towards the door before Sarah stopped her.

"Remember, don't yield to the !@#$%^&* like I did. You're stronger than them."


The great wooden doors of Darwin Cathedral opened wide as the congregation of Hanseatic, Promised Lander, and the world elite looked back at the isle at the young Hanseatic general, looking down at the marble altar with damp eyes. As Hannah began to walk down the center isle, a beautiful blue velvet carpet ran to where the Bishop of Darwin representing both nations', the symphony began to play the new national anthem that would serve the new Queendom. Hannah continued to walk, her entire body shaking from the pressure of seeing hundred of eyes baring down on her from all sides. These would be the eyes that would judge her for the next ten, twenty, thirty, forty years or more, this would the world that judged her and she would have to judge in turn. With every step she took, closer to the crown that she would receive, the stronger her steps became knowing full well her promise to Subtleknifewielder and to Westley Davies that a new age of prosperity would come to the continent. Perhaps not the rest of the world, but for Australia.

Reaching the altar, the girl looked up at the elderly bishop as he smiled down at her. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Today begins a new journey for our people under God. Today, we have gathered together in Darwin, the new capital of a new country, to pay our respect to Australia and what our gracious leaders have done to make her beauty unmatched in the world. There is no man or woman that can deny the Australian right for greatness, however this young woman kneeling in front of me has deemed herself worthy of creating a crown, a crown that will carry our people into a new age." The bishop turned and picked up a silver tiara. "General Hannah Asgeirsson, of the Hanseatic Commonwealth are you prepared to do everything in your power, including lay down your life in defense of Australia, in service to this Queendom that bares your title?"

"I am Your Excellency."

"Are you prepared to advance Australia into a new age of dawning prosperity, her people to rejoice of her beauty restored?"

"I am Your Excellency."

Slowly he lowed the tiara until it touched her white hair and then turned once more to take a silver scepter and placed in her hand.

"Then may I present to our congregation and to the world. Queen Hannah I, Queen of the Queendom of Australia."

A thunderous applause erupted as the Queen stood from the stairs near the altar and turned to face the crowd. She swallowed and took a deep breath, as she cleared her throat. "My people of Australia and my neighbors in the world. This is the second time I have come before you as a woman that has been humbled by the responsibility that you have placed under me. Today we have birthed anew. The peoples of Promised Land and the Hansa have long been the best allies, willing to fall so that the other may continue to living. Today, we cement this alliance by destroying our borders forever and taking in each other, not only as friends and neighbors, but as true national brothers and sisters, as true Australians. We maintain friendly relations with our neighbors on the continent and across the world. We have made this Queendom to provide stability to our region and will continue to work to make Australia the center of peace that it has always been. The treaties that Promised Land has committed too will be honored and the treaties that the Hansa has committed to will be honored.

"I only pray you will continue to honor us as you have in the past. To the Hansa, we have weathered more than most nations have and ever will. To Promised Land, there is no other people that I would rather dedicate myself to and to the world, we stand as we always have, as a voice of peace and reason in the chaos."

Taking a breath, she turned to the marble staircase again in spotting a familiar figure. Anthony Harlem. "And in accordance with the new government, by the power vested in my by the Australian people. I hereby name my most trusted friend and adviser, Mr. Anthony Harlem, to the rank of Grand Duke of the Queendom." She turned to the altar in with fingers fair took the golden medal from the velvet case and pinned it on his chest. "There is no one that I would trust more with this position Anthony. Thank you." She said embracing him tightly. "Help me like you helped Sarah."

And in the congregation the Lady Protector smiled. Australia would be safe once again.

OOC: Able to be commented on, you're more than welcome to say that you had a representative in the Cathedral.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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The Yuktobanian Union supports will continue to support the Queendom of Australia as we had with its former constiuent states.

OOC: Also saves the matter of ambassadors, which I need to recheck.....again....

EDIT: PM Reznov will be there, I'll make an appearance at the cathedral later on.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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Kachyuri was wacthing the new's and his eye started to twicth, then he looks at his desk and head bang it repeatedly.

"Why.....has....the....world.....gone .....insane!!!!!!!.

All of his associates near him just back away.

Edited by lutai
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The Federation of Pravus Ingruo watches this change in Australia with interest. Hopefully Queen Asgeirsson can rule over the continent with peace and prosperity as Lady Protector Tintagyl did before her. We wish you the best of luck.


In his study, Tom Dobbs tapped out a quick message to David Atkinson.

Keep a weather eye out, Davey, especially about the Queen. Something is afoot. I do not know what yet, but keep yourself and the rest of the Knights safe.


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"To the nations so far who have wished us well, I thank you with open arms and assure you that Australia, will, like Promised Land, and the Hansa before it will do nothing but strive for greatness, respect, and cooperation with the rest of the world. In addition, to answer the questions that have been posed to us. Of course, the rights of the Promised Land surrender to the Allied Forces in the Dragon War will be honored, Australia has no desire, want, or thought of involving itself in American affairs. You have always kept to yourselves, we shall do the same. As to trade rights, there would be no reason why trade would be hindered between the Americas, speaking to the Imperium of course, and the East Asia Region. Our goal is to build prosperity between the regions, not confine it. Naturally, if need be, we are open to talks to push diplomatic relations."

-H.R.H Hannah Asgeirsson

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"#@$% freaking ^$#! stupid &*!$ lousy #%$^" Emperor Kintober let loose a stream of foul curses. He was late. Not only was he late, but he was late to one Hannah's coronation. All because there was some business to be taken care of between himself and Forseti Ty Eyvindsson in FRG. Of course, Kintober was not angry or resentful of either his detour or Eyvidsson. Sometimes things just had to take a higher priority. Unfortunately, he'd arrived just in time to have the doors closed in his face and the ceremony commence without him. Ah, well, things happened and Hannah would understand.

After waiting a few moments, the doors opened and Kintober fought his way through the throngs of statespersons, royalty, and high-ranking officials to get to where Hannah was. "Queen Asgeirsson! Queen Asgeirsson! Over here!" He called, hoping to get her attention.

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Luis paced eagerly in the ante-chamber. He'd staye dback, taking care of the countless details of the security detail...so much left unfinished, so much left undone...He plopped down into a chair and let himself snooze; there was nothing more he could do, and he was dangerously low on sleep.

*A short time later*

His dreams were full of the northern winter woods, the darkness of his travels...and then eclipsed by a plain of fire where a soft voice chanted his name.


"Luis, Wake up!

Luis shook his head and rubbed bleary eyes, opening them to the sight of Her Royal Highness Herself, still in her grand dress of State.


Luis felt his breath catch alittle. Even though he could clearly see the warrior beyond the Queen...that resplendent light that had been missing since Sarah's dissapearence seemed to have reappeared, shining in her face. He caught her hand, afraid to speak and break this radiance...but he had to speak before she broke it herself. Taking a knee, he pressed her palm to his head, bowed low.

"My Queen...You have finally fulfilled the dream of every loyal citizen of the Hansa, the dream we have all fought for and bled for. In this moment the darkness, war and misery are finally fulfilled to a better purpose...please, hear your servant. Do not push away this light that shines from you. You are not merely the stalwart General anymore...you are the Queen, both strong and beautiful, and your smile and words will carry this country even as your strength and authority has to this point. Embrace this Light, my Queen, and bring to your people an Empire of Light."

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Anthony dressed in his finest from head to toe, including a fancy pair of gloves, wondered, as he watched the ceremony, what Sarah was thinking right now. He wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she was watching, whether she was here or not. This ceremony might have have many present in person--but it was also being transmitted across the entirety of the new nation. He had no doubt that others around the world would be watching two, and not just the foreign delegates here.

Not a few eyes out there were damp with tears--this union was really only a mere formalization of a union that had long been in place. He had to admit, he himself had to rub away a trickle from his eyes.

There wasn't a sound from anyone else in the room as the bishop began his speech--the room to a man and woman had their attention focued solely on Hannah. And like her, unkowingly, his thoughts compared the ceremony to a wedding. A wedding long overdue.

Though he was still troubled by a few things, he was one of the first to begin clapping when the tiara was lowered onto her head.

And now the one moment he hadn't been so sure about. He wasn't comfortable being singled out of a crowd, but it was necessary--and he couldn't complain, as he had been the one to suggest it.

"And in accordance with the new government, by the power vested in my by the Australian people. I hereby name my most trusted friend and adviser, Mr. Anthony Harlem, to the rank of Grand Duke of the Queendom."

He breathed deeply as she, stepping forward as the new Queen retrieved the medal, then pinned it on his chest. He offered a shaky smile just before she embraced him.

"There is no one that I would trust more with this position Anthony. Thank you. Help me like you helped Sarah."

"I will--" he whispered into her ear. "--My Queen." When she released him, he took a step back and offered a full court bow.

The official Carthaginian declaration was that finally somebody had the balls to get rid of Promised Land.

Thank the !@#$@#$ Lord.

"Trust the Carthaginian's brutal honesty. Yes, someone finally replaced us..." a smiling Anthony Harlem would reply.

"An interesting development, but a mysterious one."

OOC: Where's Subtle?

OOC: Coming Cody...hopefully tomorrow...I thought he was going to be on again tonight :(

"Not so mysterious. This is a union that was long ago in place. This is really only a formality."

~Anthony Harlem, Grand Duke

OOC: Sorry, I ran out of time just as I made that last post yesterday.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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