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Was peace desired?


Are you happy with the outcome of the STA/Kronos crisis?  

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That would have been a stupid reason for war, and if every small scale thing turned into a war, well this game would get even more boring after a while. People stay in this game waiting for the next war, however with out that waiting period, it just wouldn't be as exciting. People are still picking up and rebuilding from the karma war. Give it time people and have patience. It will happen.

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I am aware of this.. I just thought that TOP had more class than this.

Although of course I'm not judging an entire alliance based on one member's faults, otherwise I'd be hating on all of RoK, which I can't do due to Hoo being there :)

I hardly think this thread was distastefully done.  He just asked your opinion and even complimented both your alliance and Kronos.  I don't really see how this can be conceived as a fault.

To each his own.

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That would have been a stupid reason for war, and if every small scale thing turned into a war, well this game would get even more boring after a while. People stay in this game waiting for the next war, however with out that waiting period, it just wouldn't be as exciting. People are still picking up and rebuilding from the karma war. Give it time people and have patience. It will happen.

The problem is that "rebuilding" is a bit of a misnomer, people can never really make up for the lost time. The problem is that it takes literally years to build up a nation to the top level, and the amount of time that is keeps growing. There's literally no way that anyone can catch up with the Citadel alliances in terms of upper ranks unless Citadel just implodes. The time people spend building back up to the upper ranks after the war, the people that didn't get knocked down spend just raising the threshold for what the upper ranks are. Even the closest alliances in terms of nukes/competence to Citadel, like MK, FOK, and NpO, are unlikely to ever be able to compete with Citadel in the top ranks.

It's very difficult for a game with no hard ceiling to maintain itself as both a war game and a long-term building game. The competent ones that don't fight often or lose wars just get too far ahead.

Edited by Azaghul
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The problem is that "rebuilding" is a bit of a misnomer, people can never really make up for the lost time. The problem is that it takes literally years to build up a nation to the top level, and the amount of time that is keeps growing. There's literally no way that anyone can catch up with the Citadel alliances in terms of upper ranks unless Citadel just implodes. The time people spend building back up to the upper ranks after the war, the people that didn't get knocked down spend just raising the threshold for what the upper ranks are. Even the closest alliances in terms of nukes/competence to Citadel, like MK, FOK, and NpO, are unlikely to ever be able to compete with Citadel in the top ranks.

It's very difficult for a game with no hard ceiling to maintain itself as both a war game and a long-term building game. The competent ones that don't fight often or lose wars just get too far ahead.

It is inevitable, the process of a nation , alliance, bloc or whatever getting to the top will always sow the seeds of its eventual downfall.

Exactly the same things were said about Pacifica's lead being unassailable before the karma war, and look what happened there. Every thing that rises, also falls.

Edited by Prime minister Johns
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It is inevitable, the process of a nation , alliance, bloc or whatever getting to the top will always sow the seeds of its eventual downfall.

Exactly the same things were said about Pacifica's lead being unassailable before the karma war, and look what happened there. Every thing that rises, also falls.

NPO's lead was political, not in its nations. NPO's nation spread and military/economic organization was average. Once it lost that political advantage, which was founded on an ultimately unstable practice of allying to dozens of alliances and actively seeking dominance, it was vulnerable. Citadel only really needs all of its handful of internal members to dominate the top ranks, and given its generally pacifistic nature it's unlikely it will make the same mistakes NPO did.

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The issue between STA and Kronos was pretty boring in my opinion. A war would be nice sooner or later, but personally I'd much rather it stem from something that is interesting.

There are many post within this thread that basically mirror your opinion (STA's reasoning are unwarranted, irrelevant, or just meaningless). So I will respond to your post, but it's also directed to people on Bob with the same mind set.

Say I attacked the leader of your alliance when going rogue. But in the mean time I had STA members fill all my war slots (supposedly with understanding to only take land and tech, but do no real damage). Your leaders asked STA Government to cease all offences wars with me, so your alliance can defend its leader. STA says SORRY but this is your problem and there in nothing we can do on our end to help you out. Within a week another member of STA supposedly uncoordinated with me attacks your leader yet again. This time you are told "we can get the two offensive nations to call off there attacks, but there is nothing we can do about the nation attacking you"?!?!? In the mean time STA is signing a treaty (with an alliance that has tried to destroy you in the past). This can be taken one of two ways. Business as usual or posturing for war. Now add in a peaceful resolution (with many compromising on your alliances part) by a mediator that ended up being a SLAP in the face to your alliance. Now I fill any Alliance in this situation has a very valid CB for war.

Also I want to give a big thanks to to our Friends in Frostbite (New Polar Order and New Sith Order), Mushroom Kingdom, Nueva Vida, Vanguard, and the countless other that gave us support!!! STA is truly grateful to have great Friends here on Planet Bob. I try to stay away from the over used salute but this is very much deserved o7

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Well yeah but you could always just quit and go rogue. B)

Some of us want long term fun. If I didn't spend 3 years on my POS nation, I would probably do just that and wash my hands from the game. But the history, and politics/friends I have gained far outweigh a month of rogue wars.

With that said, I wanted this war until peace was obtained, and then was happy peace was obtained. Figure that one out ;P

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I am aware of this.. I just thought that TOP had more class than this.

Although of course I'm not judging an entire alliance based on one member's faults, otherwise I'd be hating on all of RoK, which I can't do due to Hoo being there :)

I'm discussing this from an OOC perspective, as best as I can. IC I agree with you and your alliance leader.

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Some of us want long term fun. If I didn't spend 3 years on my POS nation, I would probably do just that and wash my hands from the game. But the history, and politics/friends I have gained far outweigh a month of rogue wars.

It is a long-term game, yes. And far more interesting this way IMHOP.

It may be that the majority of *posters* are slavering for war, but the majority of players rarely, if ever, post here. I suspect the true majority of players either dont care at all or are quite happy that this was resolved peacefully, and that this would be the general rule in any such incidents.

On the other hand the typical poster, as opposed to player, may well have become so addicted to the drama llama that they find peaceful solutions undesirable.

I suggest that rather than going back to the bad old days when pointless beatdowns out of boredom were the order of the day, we should develop a duelling tradition again. "Tech raiding" back in the days of >< and such was the closest thing I have seen yet in CN, but even then when they tried to do it that way, the field was still clearly unequal as the unaligned is fatally handicapped.

There is another issue here as well, in that negotiating on IRC and carefully controlling who witnesses everything, while frightfully effective in certain ways, does really dramatically reduce the number of people who get to enjoy the story. This is probably the biggest challenge for CN going forwards. People that are on IRC a lot love it, and it works for them, so they have no reason to turn it off. But in using it we make the game less interesting for other players. I cannot think of a solution for that one. :(

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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