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Declaration of Solidarity

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the commies have been in Orange since forever.

there is a large strong leftist alliance in the game that united most of whatever was around in the area and whoever makes little spin-offs, re-foundations of ancient groups, etc is just screwing it up for everyone.

there's LSF in Pink, and INT in orange.

and all other groups are just annoying buggers who won't unite behind the common banner because they want to do their own little thing and feel oh-so-special, because that has worked out so well in the past.

that is all.

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the commies have been in Orange since forever.

there is a large strong leftist alliance in the game that united most of whatever was around in the area and whoever makes little spin-offs, re-foundations of ancient groups, etc is just screwing it up for everyone.

there's LSF in Pink, and INT in orange.

and all other groups are just annoying buggers who won't unite behind the common banner because they want to do their own little thing and feel oh-so-special, because that has worked out so well in the past.

that is all.

Funny how you have such a low opinion of us yet your alliance comes to us quite offten for tech deals. lol

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Veni, I stand beside you as a comrade through the heaviest fighting and the harshest struggle. Don't pull that antiquated "Leftism In One Alliance" crap, with the LSF as some kind of special example. Freedom of choice is something you should consider looking into.

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Well. This thread was losing steam after being bashed for eighteen pages you post something that will keep it going longer. After losing the first eighteen it would seem you'd want this nightmare to be over....what do you do? Fan the flames......your logic never ceases to amaze me. Also, you'll have to do much better then a silly in-game pm.

That is what you think, we think this is a win win for us.

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the commies have been in Orange since forever.

there is a large strong leftist alliance in the game that united most of whatever was around in the area and whoever makes little spin-offs, re-foundations of ancient groups, etc is just screwing it up for everyone.

there's LSF in Pink, and INT in orange.

and all other groups are just annoying buggers who won't unite behind the common banner because they want to do their own little thing and feel oh-so-special, because that has worked out so well in the past.

that is all.

I know you long enough and this why i wonder what caused this sudden change of mind. And i want second Velkens question, cause i dont seem to remember MK diplomats throwing out these kind of sentences at our forums when making tech deals.

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You know you've been playing CN too long when...

...you think it is possible to "lose" or "win" pages of a thread.

Well, I've been here for three years so....yes, I've been here for too long.

Still sending messages to our members? Well let me go draft some up to. Two can play it at that game. ;)

Lovely, if your members are incapable of distinguishing of which orders they should follow then your clearly having issues with reaching them.

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It's not about what our members do, its about what we feel like doing. I mean is their a problem if we stoup down to your ways?

I don't do it personally, that's just my viewpoint. Also, if you believe your stouping down then the fault is yours for knowingly doing so.

Oh, and nothing gets real until wars happen. So to say that its getting real on red is to say its going to get violent.

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Funny how you have such a low opinion of us yet your alliance comes to us quite offten for tech deals. lol

i am not in ODN. are you reffering to ODN? because i don't think MK buys from you. and how is that even related to my opinon on the CN left? since when do i run any alliance's tech department?

Veni, I stand beside you as a comrade through the heaviest fighting and the harshest struggle. Don't pull that antiquated "Leftism In One Alliance" crap, with the LSF as some kind of special example. Freedom of choice is something you should consider looking into.

LSF is ancient, and INT is partially a splinter from the LSF. which is why LSF is special.

people who come in and make their own alliances despite the presence of INT for no good reason are, as i said, screwing it up for everyone.

I know you long enough and this why i wonder what caused this sudden change of mind. And i want second Velkens question, cause i dont seem to remember MK diplomats throwing out these kind of sentences at our forums when making tech deals.

this is what i've always thought about leftism in CN :huh:

also i am pretty sure he thinks i am in ODN.

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