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Missiles over Mandalore


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The situation in Africa has begun to deteriorate and we are still investigating the allegations of PRC involvement in the murder of hundreds of Mandalorian civilians. As they are only allegations, and many allegations do occur in a nation's lifetime, we will still honor our NAP as we do believe that it is more likely to have been a terrorist attack. With that said, we request your assistance in the off-chance that the UMS is attacked via staged forces in Douala.

-Lord Prefect Zemunda St. George

Top Secret: UMS

They will not be allowed to pass Douala, and don't worry, you have alright to investigate our involvment with Mandalore as we have nothing to do with it.

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BODY: We have been discussing the matter, and we believe that the Empire can help in peacekeeping operations. If requested by the aforementioned parties, we can deploy over 5,000 soldiers and 200 tanks to Mandalore, as well as usng the JES Sulieman to run naval patrols on Mandalore's sea coast.

Again, this is only if it is requested by all parties sent to. We will not send men if they are not welcome.


We will stand behind our African brothers in Mandalore, UMS and Nod. Libya will remove it's men.

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"Holy ****, has the entire world gone bloody insane?!"

OOC: Geeze, guys, no wonder we rarely see new RP'ers, with you all acting like, to put it politely, jerks. And not many of you even have good reasons.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: SpacingOutMan, how did you know they were my troops? Im just interested, Im not denying you did :v:

OOC: I have had a military presence in Mandalore since discussions started about the DMZ-factor of Mandalore. UMS said it would protect Mandalore, so people were ordered there. Also, the Mandalorian(?) guys have been cooperating with my intelligence to try and figure out who is who and what not. This is based under the assumption, though, that Nagato's people were able to identify your guys as Libyan. If not, then I strongly apologize and my remarks toward Libya can be ignored entirely.

"We're being threatened for doing nothing besides argue with Mandalore?"

-HRH King James I

Argue all you like, but keep it in words, not missiles or war.

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Golekh finds this a childish display by power-hungry nations, including several who refuse to make peace with us with no good reason, especially as we only declared war to defend our friends and allies.

Let it be known that Golekh supports this nation, however as we are currently fighting a war with Furon we are unable to send aid at this time.

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Then obviously the statement made has nothing to do with you.

"Well, that's one less thing to worry about. Now all I have to worry about are the incoming deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians at the hands of Helzan's nuclear arsenal."

-HRH King James I

Edited by Drakedeath
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"Well, that's one less thing to worry about. Now all I have to worry about are the incoming deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians at the hands of Helzan's nuclear arsenal."

-HRH King James I

And if you were Mandalore, you would worry about being carpet bombed with various cruise missiles and air strikes, being ignored and laughed at by other people, and dealing with a purposely caused oil spill on your coastline.

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And if you were Mandalore, you would worry about being carpet bombed with various cruise missiles and air strikes, being ignored and laughed at by other people, and dealing with a purposely caused oil spill on your coastline.

"I don't think they're being ignored when their protectors are now threatening people, and a neutral North American nation is launching nukes at Tbilisi and Tokyo. As I said before, this is uncalled for. The oil spill was accidental; Caucasus Oil Company has lost a large amount of revenue in the oil, but it scared to send it's cleanup crews into the region."

-HRH King James I

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"I don't think they're being ignored when their protectors are now threatening people, and a neutral North American nation is launching nukes at Tbilisi and Tokyo. As I said before, this is uncalled for. The oil spill was accidental; Caucasus Oil Company has lost a large amount of revenue in the oil, but it scared to send it's cleanup crews into the region."

-HRH King James I

Why would they send a oil tanker to a nation that is eating dozens of cruise missiles? Target practice?

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OOC: I have had a military presence in Mandalore since discussions started about the DMZ-factor of Mandalore. UMS said it would protect Mandalore, so people were ordered there. Also, the Mandalorian(?) guys have been cooperating with my intelligence to try and figure out who is who and what not. This is based under the assumption, though, that Nagato's people were able to identify your guys as Libyan. If not, then I strongly apologize and my remarks toward Libya can be ignored entirely.

OOC:Eh, He can "discover" it was us, well at least they were Libyan. Its not like they would have made it far over the border in anycase.

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Why would they send a oil tanker to a nation that is eating dozens of cruise missiles? Target practice?

"It wasn't to Mandalore. It was to be shipped to the Grøenlandian Antarctic colony. The Red Sea is just a little bit faster than circling the opposite way around Africa."

-HRH King James I

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"I don't think they're being ignored when their protectors are now threatening people, and a neutral North American nation is launching nukes at Tbilisi and Tokyo. As I said before, this is uncalled for. The oil spill was accidental; Caucasus Oil Company has lost a large amount of revenue in the oil, but it scared to send it's cleanup crews into the region."

-HRH King James I

"For a nation that decries its innocence, Caucasia seems to be involved in a suprising number of international incidents. Oh, look, poor me..."

~Ronald Harvey, talk show host.

"I would also like to add that every time something like this happens, they go boo-hoo--like the little child King Drake seems to want to be."

~Ronald Harvey, Talk Show Host.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"I don't think they're being ignored when their protectors are now threatening people, and a neutral North American nation is launching nukes at Tbilisi and Tokyo. As I said before, this is uncalled for. The oil spill was accidental; Caucasus Oil Company has lost a large amount of revenue in the oil, but it scared to send it's cleanup crews into the region."

-HRH King James I

We have a simple solution for you: since Selenarctan ships are already in the area, we contain and clean up the spilled oil, transport it back to our facilities specifically designed to refine oil which has been exposed to salt water, and then we sell the oil back to you on the world market. In exchange, you don't lose any ships in Mandalore's no-ship zone and in the future, keep better track of your ships. Sound acceptable?

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We have a simple solution for you: since Selenarctan ships are already in the area, we contain and clean up the spilled oil, transport it back to our facilities specifically designed to refine oil which has been exposed to salt water, and then we sell the oil back to you on the world market. In exchange, you don't lose any ships in Mandalore's no-ship zone and in the future, keep better track of your ships. Sound acceptable?

"You can keep the oil. In exchange, we'll continue passing through the Red Sea, which is owned by Rebel Army and Novak, as we see fit."

-HRH King James I

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"You can keep the oil. In exchange, we'll continue passing through the Red Sea, which is owned by Rebel Army and Novak, as we see fit."

-HRH King James I

"If the oil spill affected Mandalore...you were in Mandalorian Waters. The Red Sea does not belong exclusively to the two nations you mention."

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"If the oil spill affected Mandalore...you were in Mandalorian Waters. The Red Sea does not belong exclusively to the two nations you mention."

"Right. But the fact that Mandalore has no military, and we are withdrawing our recognition of their sovereignty, negates their claim, in our opinion."

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"Right. But the fact that Mandalore has no military, and we are withdrawing our recognition of their sovereignty, negates their claim, in our opinion."

No. You are not to pass through our waters. Any Deuchland ships passing through our waters will be destroyed. Immediately. We've had enough. And as for your negating our claim....try me.

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No. You are not to pass through our waters. Any Deuchland ships passing through our waters will be destroyed. Immediately. We've had enough. And as for your negating our claim....try me.

Once more, you talk as if you are a nation with a military! Or even a soldier, at that! Quit cowering behind the UMS, if you're going to talk like that. Our best advice to the UMS is to get its puppet under control - bad things happen to those that speak out against the public.

And, if the Mandalorians had checked a map, they'd realize that they were speaking to Caucasia.

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