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A Message to the World


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A trio of haggard, gaunt men wearing the tattered remains of once-proud uniforms of the elite Golekhi Imperial Knights stood before a camera. Ten Carthaginian soldiers with canvas hoods over their heads knelt on the dirt floor. The leader of the Imperial Knights stepped forward, rubbing his rough beard. Then he turned and looked at the camera.

" Citizens of the world. We were once soldiers. The cowardly Carthaginians feared our strength and power, so they attempted to starve us out. Only a few of us survived, but it is more than enough to make this land ungovernable, and kick the foreign imperialists from our land. You can take our land, and you can take our lives, but you cannot take our spirit! You cannot take that which makes us human! We will not lie down and go quietly into the dark! We will drag Crathage with us, kicking and screaming into a never ending insurgency that no number of troops can dislodge. We will fight for our people!"

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OOC: So you can account for every single Carthage soldier, without a single one being captured?

I'm guessing you didn't agree to this before hand, and although I don't like people doing this any more than you do, but he can still do this. None of us are entitled to control every single soldier and every single citizen of ours, so why not?

EDIT: To clear up the control part, as in it would be hard to stop a group of insurgants/terrorists/whatever-you-wish-to-call-them from capturing a few troops. Besides, why give up this chance to dirty up an enemy?

Edited by JerreyRough
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OOC: So you can account for every single Carthage soldier, without a single one being captured?

I'm guessing you didn't agree to this before hand, and although I don't like people doing this any more than you do, but he can still do this. None of us are entitled to control every single soldier and every single citizen of ours, so why not?

OOC: Actually we are. Sargun decides if HIS soldiers get captured or killed.

Edited by Centurius
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OOC: Actually we are. Sargun decides if HIS soldiers get captured or killed.

OOC: Hmph. It is entirely possible for them to be captured in a war zone. But, if you guys just want to fight it OOC, well, can't stop that. All I'm asking is for more than one single word, but some more reasoning for it, some explaining for why he just said "no" and why he won't use this to further IC events (i.e. dirtying the name of their regime).

But, alas, this is Sargun. So I won't bother with further posts.

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How this is "No"

1. How did they get captured? Soldiers have this nasty habit of shooting people that fight and try to capture them.

2. Where did this happen?

3. How were only 10 soldiers involved?

4. Its Sargun's troops, one of the stricter guidelines is you don't RP other people's stuff without their permission.

5. ????

6. Profit.

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How this is "No"

1. How did they get captured? Soldiers have this nasty habit of shooting people that fight and try to capture them.

2. Where did this happen?

3. How were only 10 soldiers involved?

4. Its Sargun's troops, one of the stricter guidelines is you don't RP other people's stuff without their permission.

5. ????

6. Profit.


1-3: No one said they all had to be captured at the same time in the same place. They could have been spread out, one or two at a time. Ambushes are an interesting tactic too...

4: Not arguing, as that is true.

5-6: :lol1:

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OOC: Actually we are. Sargun decides if HIS soldiers get captured or killed.

OOC: That's a load of rubbish. If 800k men charge against 1 man, the person who controls said man can say "HE DID NOT DIE HE FOUGHT THEM ALL OFF". Come on, it's ten men.

Let's be realistic, please. Oh woops, this is CNRP. How silly of me! ^_^

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OOC: That's a load of rubbish. If 800k men charge against 1 man, the person who controls said man can say "HE DID NOT DIE HE FOUGHT THEM ALL OFF". Come on, it's ten men.

Let's be realistic, please. Oh woops, this is CNRP. How silly of me! ^_^

OOC: Yeah it's cnrp we don't use a system alone against the co-owner when we don't have all codes.

In such cases the soldier will die yes, common sense is applied in active situations. But then it's up to the one attacked deciding between death or capture. Not to forget such numbers were not the case in these wars.

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OOC: Yeah it's cnrp we don't use a system alone against the co-owner when we don't have all codes.

In such cases the soldier will die yes, common sense is applied in active situations. But then it's up to the one attacked deciding between death or capture. Not to forget such numbers were not the case in these wars.

OOC: Exactly, meaning that there is no doubt (if we use common sense) that at least 10 soldiers would have been captured. Besides, how can you choose if they are captured or not? If they were outnumbered, they could have been arrested and thus captured, not being able to commit suicide or fight to the death, as it were. Ultimately, it is up to the attacker if they spare their lives or not. Also, using common sense, it is likely a few, let's say.. ten perhaps? ...would surrender anyway.

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OOC: Exactly, meaning that there is no doubt (if we use common sense) that at least 10 soldiers would have been captured. Besides, how can you choose if they are captured or not? If they were outnumbered, they could have been arrested and thus captured, not being able to commit suicide or fight to the death, as it were. Ultimately, it is up to the attacker if they spare their lives or not. Also, using common sense, it is likely a few, let's say.. ten perhaps? ...would surrender anyway.

OOC: A Soldier can shoot until they are out of bullets keeping those alive is a tactical failure as you would lose several of your own for a single enemy. Not to forget most have knifes or a save last bullet for yourself policy. In all wars will have casualties but the attacker does not decide how many and in what way.

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OOC: A Soldier can shoot until they are out of bullets keeping those alive is a tactical failure as you would lose several of your own for a single enemy. Not to forget most have knifes or a save last bullet for yourself policy. In all wars will have casualties but the attacker does not decide how many and in what way.

OOC: As much as you're gonna hold this against me for doing I genuinely can't be bothered to argue on an online internet RP about something which is just ridiculous. My stance is clear, continue with your ridiculous 'rule' all you wish, but be warned, if I ever get in this scenario any time in the future, expect a lot of !@#$%*ing. <_<

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Whilst conflicting signals are coming out of this situation and the identification of the masked men is not certain it is defiantly proven that these people are proving to be very very annoying and if Carthage wishes we could dedicate some Helzan forces to hunting them down and eliminating thme to save them the hassle.

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OOC: Hmph. It is entirely possible for them to be captured in a war zone. But, if you guys just want to fight it OOC, well, can't stop that. All I'm asking is for more than one single word, but some more reasoning for it, some explaining for why he just said "no" and why he won't use this to further IC events (i.e. dirtying the name of their regime).

But, alas, this is Sargun. So I won't bother with further posts.

OOC: He said Carthaginian soldiers knelt to the ground. For one, he never explained how they got there. The only Carthaginian soldiers in the world are in Carthage and our protectorate, including the island of Socotra which is in the process of turning into a Novakian island. If this is indeed in the island of Socotra, it has been months (perhaps even close to a year) that his troops have been cut off of supplies and food and water. I did not myself say his troops were dead, and I never have. However, unless he has a yet-to-be-RP'd, hidden, undiscovered cache of unperishable food and water in Socotra, his troops would have died long ago.

Furthermore, if he had engaged any of my troops at any time, no matter how large or small, he is required to allow me a chance to respond and even if I do not I am still to be notified. He cannot just "capture" my soldiers. Period. That his troops are able to survive far longer than any human is capable of living without food, water or supplies is enough by itself to say no to this. That he RPs my soldiers without my permission is strike two. That he is doing this in my territory without telling me (after all, the only Carthaginian soldiers are in my land) is strike three.

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Furon has analyzed the video, and found that the stories do not match. Upon further snooping around, the inconsistencies added up, and we were able to come to the conclusion that in an attempt to garner sympathy, Golekh has used its citizens, citing them as Carthaginian soldiers, in order to turn the public image against Carthage.

Due to your recklessness and your willingness to endanger your civilians lives, as if they were nothing, infuriates Furon to no end.

As such, we have come to the conclusion regarding our war: Whatever plans we had for peace with you, are now off the table. You will get an end to your war, when Golekh no longer exists on the world map.

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