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A Dispatch from the Mushroom Kingdom


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I speak my mind just like MK does, however I do not bring qualifications into anything as an opinion doesn't need qualifications whatsoever. Furthermore, I wasn't disrespectful about it, I merely stated an opinion. I am glad you have your utmost faith in him. Right, this is where I ask about qualifications and whatnot.

You know, it's really no fun when somebody is unable to pick up on the subtle nuances of a carefully crafted snide reply. *Sigh*

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Ejay posts his opinion and friendly criticism and you take it as a slap to the face. I'm sorry, I guess he should have just stopped at the hailing?

Ejay can defend his own posts, but thanks for playing. You can put your stakes in the bucket on your way out.

I speak my mind just like MK does, however I do not bring qualifications into anything as an opinion doesn't need qualifications whatsoever. Furthermore, I wasn't disrespectful about it, I merely stated an opinion. I am glad you have your utmost faith in him. Right, this is where I ask about qualifications and whatnot.

Good luck MT.

Tamer: You call that a slap?

I called it a velvet slap.

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It's really not a stretch of imagination to think that there is a slight chance of Slayer99 being.... Slayer99. Connecting the dots might involve a bit of outside-the-box thinking, but the names do seem a tad bit similar.

<Slayer99[TPF]> For the record...and you can quote me. I will NEVER play CN again. The only reason I pop on IRC is to say hello to old friends

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<Slayer99[TPF]> For the record...and you can quote me. I will NEVER play CN again. The only reason I pop on IRC is to say hello to old friends

Ok... but that still doesn't make connecting Slayer99 to Slayer99 a tinfoil-hat theory.

And I don't know who else here is feigning horror at MT being head of FA, but I, like lepoopoo am genuinely worried about LUE 2.0's future while MT is in charge of anything more than a lemonade stand. He doesn't even know how to arrange his boats in Battleships.

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It's really not a stretch of imagination to think that there is a slight chance of Slayer99 being.... Slayer99. Connecting the dots might involve a bit of outside-the-box thinking, but the names do seem a tad bit similar.

hizzy, I guess because I spoke with Slayer shortly after this nation was created, and he assured me it was not of his doing, allusions to the contrary seem a bit paranoid to me. I can however see how someone on the outside looking in could connect these particular dots.

I look lovely in tinfoil, thank you. Though I do have a great track record of telling it like it is, taking the inevitable jabs, and watching with a smile when I see it come clear to others later.

Would you be interested in my screen shot of Slayer reading the high gov part of the forum after his nation went the way of the Do-Do Bird and after the ruler Slayer was 'gone'? Nah, I didn't think so ... you all ready knew that.

For the record, I believe Slayer was an outstanding world personality/leader and he earned my respect for doing what he did with such abandon and skill.

I can only hope he makes the scene again.

Oh, ... so, uh, is TPF sending mean notes to the Slayer99 'ghost'?

My best wishes to the Mushroom Kingdom ...

and, believe it or not ... damn near every member of TPF.

No jab, just a clarification.

I have no doubt he pops on and reads the forums from time to time, he was root admin up until about 3 weeks ago when he transferred that over to me. I have kept his access intact just in case I manage to delete myself again and need it fixed.....no secret conspiracy, just me covering my arse.

Slayboy 2.0, don't hold your breath.

We have indeed been in contact with the "ghost", seems many folks have...he is a bit overwhelmed but is in a TPF trade circle and sells us some tech, so we cut him some slack.....kinder, gentler and all that.

Question: When, since the Codex was instituted have Gremlins taken reparations in an offensive war?

edit: and congrats to MT and MK. :)

I never stated that Gramlins have taken reparations after an offensive war, merely that TPF should have its own vaguely worded, easily circumvented, ambiguous codex, regarding reparations, allowing us to claim our so rightly deserve piece of the moral high ground. Surely there is room up there for others.

Ok... but that still doesn't make connecting Slayer99 to Slayer99 a tinfoil-hat theory.

And I don't know who else here is feigning horror at MT being head of FA, but I, like lepoopoo am genuinely worried about LUE 2.0's future while MT is in charge of anything more than a lemonade stand. He doesn't even know how to arrange his boats in Battleships.

I, for one, look forward to dealing with MT in a FA capacity. OBM and I have already begun renovations on the MK embassy to suit his particular, um, idiosyncrasies.

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I, for one, look forward to dealing with MT in a FA capacity. OBM and I have already begun renovations on the MK embassy to suit his particular, um, idiosyncrasies.

You made everything in pink and polka dot?

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There is space on the moral high ground for anyone who wants to occupy it, though you need a shield to block the things people throw at you. But it is not somewhere you get just by publishing a document (after all, almost every alliance in history has published at least informal posts saying they're in the right) – you have to act in a moral fashion. In the past, TPF has not (in my opinion, and presumably yours if you're saying we have the moral high ground) done so. If, next time you have the choice, you act in a moral fashion, people will look at you differently.

You are welcome to publish a document outlining the principles by which TPF conducts its affairs in war, or any other arena, although you can expect increased scrutiny of your future actions, people in foreign alliances trying to tell you what your own principles mean and outrage from alliances who don't agree with the way you do things. However, whether or not you have a Codex has very little to do with whether you are (and whether you are seen as being) on the moral high ground.

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Ejay can defend his own posts, but thanks for playing. You can put your stakes in the bucket on your way out.

I called it a velvet slap.

He's only speaking his mind, just as I could've said MT can defend himself.

And I apologize, I have no idea what a velvet slap is.

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He's only speaking his mind, just as I could've said MT can defend himself.

So you're saying that your comment was a slap to MT...

What are we arguing about?

On the issue of my word usage, Ill help define what I meant by "Velvet slap"

"Velvet" adj. 1 : having the character of velvet as in being soft or smooth.

"Slap" n. 2. An insult

Put the two together and you get "An insult having the character of velvet as in being soft or smooth" or " a smooth insult". I mean, I could have called it "a subtle punch to the gut" or "a delicate structuring with obvious signs of disapproval" but I really wanted to venture from the mundane and dabble in some literary inventiveness.

Edited by tamerlane
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I forget what this was all about but it says "A Dispatch from the Mushroom Kingdom" so I will just share out hugs and congratulations and hiope this fits with the occasion awesome-dance.gif

On the issue of my word usage, Ill help define what I meant by "Velvet slap"

"Velvet" adj. 1 : having the character of velvet as in being soft or smooth.

"Slap" n. 2. An insult

Put the two together and you get "An insult having the character of velvet as in being soft or smooth" or " a smooth insult". I mean, I could have called it "a subtle punch to the gut" or "a delicate structuring with obvious signs of disapproval" but I really wanted to venture from the mundane and dabble in some literary inventiveness.

I see your literary inventions and raise you a disambiguation :P

(will you help me write a essay next month please? It is in English and all. also sorry iof I caused any troubles...)

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So you're saying that your comment was a slap to MT...

What are we arguing about?

On the issue of my word usage, Ill help define what I meant by "Velvet slap"

"Velvet" adj. 1 : having the character of velvet as in being soft or smooth.

"Slap" n. 2. An insult

Put the two together and you get "An insult having the character of velvet as in being soft or smooth" or " a smooth insult". I mean, I could have called it "a subtle punch to the gut" or "a delicate structuring with obvious signs of disapproval" but I really wanted to venture from the mundane and dabble in some literary inventiveness.

No, your inferring it was. I am merely stating if MT felt as though it were, he could have presented himself. But no, someone else did. Which is fine because we as humans form and present opinions. It's when one criticizes the other for it when they do it themselves.

Swing and a miss. We are arguing over nothing, good observation.

As to your definition, thanks for the clarification.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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No, your inferring it was.

There is no need for inference, the writing is on the wall. "Much respect to MK, BUT it'll be interesting seeing MT serving foreign affairs."



1. On the contrary: the plan caused not prosperity but ruin.

2. Contrary to expectation; yet: She organized her work but accomplished very little. He is tired but happy.

3. Usage Problem Used to indicate an exception: No one but she saw the prowler.

4. With the exception that; except that.

That being said, you clearly disagree as per your own formation of the post. I called it a velvet slap, which it was. So we are arguing about nothing provided that you stop trying to pretend that I somehow pulled this all from some magic hat.

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There is no need for inference, the writing is on the wall. "Much respect to MK, BUT it'll be interesting seeing MT serving foreign affairs."

That being said, you clearly disagree as per your own formation of the post. I called it a velvet slap, which it was. So we are arguing about nothing provided that you stop trying to pretend that I somehow pulled this all from some magic hat.

I'll take the liberty to explain this. I can't believe I am taking the time to get into 'slapping'.

A 'velvet slap' is different from a slap, as YOU defined.

"So you're saying that your comment was a slap to MT..."

No. Not at all. When I used the word "Slap", you corrected me and said

"I called it a velvet slap." Clearly you separate the two in different categories, but failed when you tried saying "It is a slap" in the post I quoted. As stated, when I asked if you were serious if you considered my comment a slap, you corrected me and called it a velvet slap. Now you're accusing it of being a slap. I am using the terms YOU gave, make up your mind.

So no, I am not agreeing it was a full out slap to the face. You're trying to be technical with words, but you're screwing yourself up. A slap to the face isn't what I posted, I kept it clean to get my point across. I didn't rant or go into details, nor was I a dick about it. I am not disagreeing with the 'velvet slap' since I believe it is terrible wording, nearly anything can be considered a 'soft slap'

Person A: "Hey Johnny, I'm going to quit smoking"

Person B" "You said that last time Johnny and failed. I hope you can keep with it this time"

Soft slap. Oh God, person B is an extremely bad person now, right?

Now we are arguing with your own terms. Nice.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Now we are arguing with your own terms. Nice.

I must admit it is hard trying to argue whilst being nailed to a cross for the opinions of man so I must say, I enjoy my terms alot more. ;)

Forgive me for not being consistent with my accusation. yes, I meant velvet slap, soft slap, whatever. I figured that was reinforced at the ending of the post in question. Since you admit it was in line with my original argument that is, before I deigned into the realm of inconsistency , I guess that concludes this.

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I must admit it is hard trying to argue whilst being nailed to a cross for the opinions of man so I must say, I enjoy my terms alot more. ;)

Forgive me for not being consistent with my accusation. yes, I meant velvet slap, soft slap, whatever. I figured that was reinforced at the ending of the post in question. Since you admit it was in line with my original argument that is, before I deigned into the realm of inconsistency , I guess that concludes this.

I love you.

One day you'll understand.

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hizzy, I guess because I spoke with Slayer shortly after this nation was created, and he assured me it was not of his doing, allusions to the contrary seem a bit paranoid to me. I can however see how someone on the outside looking in could connect these particular dots.

No jab, just a clarification.

I have no doubt he pops on and reads the forums from time to time, he was root admin up until about 3 weeks ago when he transferred that over to me. I have kept his access intact just in case I manage to delete myself again and need it fixed.....no secret conspiracy, just me covering my arse.

Slayboy 2.0, don't hold your breath.

We have indeed been in contact with the "ghost", seems many folks have...he is a bit overwhelmed but is in a TPF trade circle and sells us some tech, so we cut him some slack.....kinder, gentler and all that.

I never stated that Gramlins have taken reparations after an offensive war, merely that TPF should have its own vaguely worded, easily circumvented, ambiguous codex, regarding reparations, allowing us to claim our so rightly deserve piece of the moral high ground. Surely there is room up there for others.

I, for one, look forward to dealing with MT in a FA capacity. OBM and I have already begun renovations on the MK embassy to suit his particular, um, idiosyncrasies.

Thank you for the candor, JBone. This post proves why I love you the mostest.

Regarding that velvet slap ... All definitions and clarifications posted so far make good sense, but I must admit to thinking it was an itsy bitsy kinky the first time I read it.

Mushroom Kingdom -- you all helped annihilate my nation but not one of you was rude or mean in PMs and I felt a sense of fun in the war with you. Cheers!

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