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Tech Raiding


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Where have you explained this 20 times? I see zero (0) mentions in this thread so far.

Also, as an aside, I know more about the game mechanics of CN than almost all other people and odds are you are not one of those few people.

In this thread, 0, you are right. In the other threads, I explained plenty of times. Let's do this one more time:

I didn't have a harbor because the two resources I need are coal and goal. There are eight people in black who have those two together. An improvement can help as much as a different trade - specially when I am going for military.

Both of you be quiet you are acting like babies! :P

He started it! :o

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Everyone has to actually participate in the "knowing what's going on" though because there are a lot of people who I've "worked" with who haven't really gotten it at all, and there is nothing I can do to tell them to STOP NUKING AT 12:01 GAMETIME EVERY DAY. /karmawarrant

Maybe you should tell them to stop it! :awesome:

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Wow, I take back everything I said about it being impossible to find gold and coal. I mass messaged everyone with gold and coal and actually got a trade offer! I guess that's what happens when you actually try to do something... o.o

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This is why I said you guys shouldn't take him so seriously...

But a worthy attempt at being scholarly Ender :P

This thread gives me the desire to tech raid again, I think after I finish the backcollection I've yet to start for my 6 month anniversary I may take a more active approach at that again. It's one of the better parts of this game. But in that same aspect, TE can really quench the thirst for war.

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How do you know what my alliance does and doesnt allow?

And i didnt ask if I should Tech raid, i asked how to go about it. Just answer the question. K thanks


We at The Brain are overjoyed with your interest in Strategic and Creative Resource Allocation Management. In response to your query regarding the practice known as "tech raiding," we are pleased to present The Brain's guide.

The Brain's Guide to Strategic and Creative Resource Allocation Management

Gaining prosperity in three easy steps!

-By- Xiao Weng, Mouth of The Brain and Shiftless Layabout

Step One

The key to any successful resource allocation is manpower. Contrary to standard land battles in which one is attempting to destroy as much of the enemy's infrastructure as possible, a resource allocation requires speed and stealth. To this effect, you must minimize your standing army. Not only will this cause your agents to move quicker in the night to allocate those resources you so desire, those you are allocating will not even expect such a small force and will not be ready for it!

Think about it. We've all seen the heroes of film and game: Rambo, James Bond, the Pink Panther, Dr. Claw(Wait, he's not a hero? Well he's my hero). All of these people are able to inflict a great deal of damage working alone because large security forces simply do not expect it.

Step Two

You have your security force prepared, now it is time to equip them. Again, contrary to a standard land battle in which you want your soldiers equipped with the latest in high-tech gadgetry, we are aiming for resource allocation! The holder of the 'leased' equipment has all the high-tech gadgetry, and as such your personnel do not require a large budget in order to accomplish their goal. Ensure your national treasury is minimal as we at The Brain are certain you have much more important things to spend those funds on for your people and you do not want your personnel taking a laser pistol along to reallocate a crate of cannonballs.

Such an action will get your people hungry for reallocation. The knowledge of no budget and a future of same will cause them to take anything and everything that isn't nailed down. If your nation doesn't have interior plumbing or electricity, chances are you'll have the fixtures and wiring for it when they get back! Progress!

Step Three

Your men are now prepared. You must choose the richest country you can possibly find. Standard land battles call for an assault on a nation weaker than your own to maximize odds of success. However, such nations have no spoils and as a result are simply destroyed. Mere destruction is not what is called for, so choose a country near the top of the rankings. These behemoths of industry have everything you desire: Huge tracts of unspoiled land, hovercars and space rockets, and enough drachma to fill a marble tower so you may dive into it while wearing a top hat.

"But Xiao!" you say. "This war program that all nations use in order to declare war will not allow me to partake of such a feast!" That is because you have not properly 'paved the way' for resource allocation. All you must do in order to initiate the allocation process is make a thread upon the national communication system known as the Open World Forum. Tell them to sell their tracts of land and gadgetry to the highest bidder. Heap snide insults upon them to throw them off their game. Throw widely public tantrums to get your way.

"But Xiao!" you say. "All the other users are laughing at me!" That is because they secretly want to be you. They fear what they do not understand, and they fear what they can become! Rest assured that when your target sells his resources for you to allocate, they will look at each other and nod behind their communication screens and say, "That one has what it takes."


Thank you for your interest in The Brain's Guide to Strategic and Creative Resource Allocation Management. Remember our words when you sit upon your tower of gold, wielding your death ray. For those just starting on the path to 'tech raiding,' remember - S.C.R.A.M.!

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Ohh Boy, I see our newest acquisition decided to attention whore a little.

Never mind him, hypnotherapy is currently being implemented to our newest neuron, he will be taught the ways of The Brain & hopefully he understands that outbursts such as his is only expected from me in public.

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Wow, I take back everything I said about it being impossible to find gold and coal. I mass messaged everyone with gold and coal and actually got a trade offer! I guess that's what happens when you actually try to do something... o.o

Congratulations on getting a harbor. Well done. The 7 bonus resource set you currently have truly is terrible. Especially for someone who has posted in multiple threads saying he doesn't purchase infrastructure. But you probably already know that. I realize that 7 bonus resources looks really cool, but they are pretty worthless to your stated goals of saving lots of money for your war chest and wonders apparently. A far better set would be one that maximized income.

Wow, I got through that entire post without being sarcastic. I'm so proud of myself.

edit: ...ok, there was one sarcastic comment...

Edited by phillip110
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Congratulations on getting a harbor. Well done. The 7 bonus resource set you currently have truly is terrible. Especially for someone who has posted in multiple threads saying he doesn't purchase infrastructure. But you probably already know that. I realize that 7 bonus resources looks really cool, but they are pretty worthless to your stated goals of saving lots of money for your war chest and wonders apparently. A far better set would be one that maximized income.

Wow, I got through that entire post without being sarcastic. I'm so proud of myself.

edit: ...ok, there was one sarcastic comment...

I decided to grow because I need my alliance to hit 50k NS for our next announcement. Got a problem with that? (And a 7 BR is the way to go - specially one that reduces to cost of tech.)

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I decided to grow because I need my alliance to hit 50k NS for our next announcement. Got a problem with that? (And a 7 BR is the way to go - specially one that reduces to cost of tech.)

It's actually better to have something like a 3BR, since the increased income makes up for the cost of tech saved.

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It's actually better to have something like a 3BR, since the increased income makes up for the cost of tech saved.

This 7BR decreases bills, increases population and taxes, among other things (most important being much lower cost in infrastructure). I don't see the problem with it.

Edited by Emperor Stranger
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This 7BR decreases bills, increases population and taxes, among other things (most important being much lower cost in infrastructure). I don't see the problem with it.

... and the beauty of this game is that there isn't anything wrong with it if that's the way you want to play. I'm not being condescending here, just trying to not have this turn into "Nation Building Advice Specifically Targeted at Emperor Stranger From People That Can't Stand the Way He Runs His Nation."

Anyway, tech raiding... if you don't like it, join a big enough alliance that forbids it, so you don't get it either way.

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ChairmanHal's Raiding Guide

Third Edition, November 2009

1. Raiding is a business proposition. You must invest time and money into it and there can be substantial risk for generous rewards. Some can and do lose money...a lot of money.

2. Never use first strike air, CMs or navy if your intention is merely to snag some quick tech, land. Quad attack and peace out. If you plan a more extensive raid, only use air, CMs or navy to soften up a target. GAs should be almost exclusively how you inflict damage. Yes, there is art involved as well as science and few absolutes in terms of attack techniques.

3. Always "PM for Peace" then keep your word. Even if the target comments on the mating habits of your mother before offering/accepting peace.

4. Be professional. Don't resort to extortion ("I'll not attack you if you send me 50 tech right now"). Do not mock your target. Show mercy and respect. Never knowingly hit the same target twice.

5. If you decide to hit a target that is already being raided, communicate with your fellow raider--be as respectful and professional with them as you are with the target. Do not hit a target that someone else is raiding and blast away all the ground troops in two quick GAs. Avoid being the third guy raiding a target--that's what buzzards do.

6. Never become a reaver. Reavers are raiding scum that rape nations to death and don't care if they run people literally out of the game. People do not build nations for your consumption. You do not get "frags" in this game.

7. If your alliance forbids raiding, don't raid. If you have your heart set on being a raider, join an alliance that allows it and follow their rules for doing it.

8. Never under any circumstances fill your offensive slots with raid targets. It tells your alliance that you care more about raiding than whether or not you can be ready to attack a "real" enemy when called. Ideally you do no more than 1 raid at a time and peace out of all raids the moment it appears your alliance is heading to war. Your alliance will ask you to peace out of raids in that case anyway (if they are smart), but don't wait to be told.

9. If you are lucky, the day will come that dropping $3 mill for 100 tech is cheaper than raiding (I recognize that some people raid for land as much as tech and Rule #1 still applies). That is generally the day you should retire. If you are unlucky, you will pick at some point pick The Wrong Target . If you pick The Wrong Target , the guy who not only hands you your arse, but two of his buddies come in the reinforce the point, take your lumps like a man (and pray your alliance has a policy that prevents its raiding nations from being ganged up on). If you are ZIed, you may need to re-roll. Don't be "whiny kid who threw away his XBox controller because he lost at Halo 3". Re-roll.

10. Remember that raiding is supposed to: a) be fun, B) teach you something about how to fight conventional warfare, c) not bring dishonor to your alliance through raiding stupidly. If all that isn't all of true, don't do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I thought if I gave him bad advice, it would teach him not to raid. :lol1:

Bravo! Tech raiding may work for a few lucky raids, but in the end, look what happened to Hercalese the Great. He's well on his way to ZI and is sanctioned by almost every color.... Something to think about tech raiders!

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Bravo! Tech raiding may work for a few lucky raids, but in the end, look what happened to Hercalese the Great. He's well on his way to ZI and is sanctioned by almost every color.... Something to think about tech raiders!

Sorry, what?

He's not on his way to ZI/sanctioned for tech raids.

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Bravo! Tech raiding may work for a few lucky raids, but in the end, look what happened to Hercalese the Great. He's well on his way to ZI and is sanctioned by almost every color.... Something to think about tech raiders!

Bravo to your clear lack of knowledge in the situation!

To the OP: Just choose unaligned non nuclear nations and go to town :P In reality though there are morals to this seemingly immoral practice. MOP had some good guidelines I'll pull up if I can find them

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Bravo to your clear lack of knowledge in the situation!

To the OP: Just choose unaligned non nuclear nations and go to town :P In reality though there are morals to this seemingly immoral practice. MOP had some good guidelines I'll pull up if I can find them

Were these what you were talking about?

Kronos raiding guidelines

  • No raiding aa's larger than 15 members
  • No raiding protected aa's
  • Official approval necessary before any raid is launched
  • Peace must be sent after every set of attacks, only waived if within 15 minutes of update
  • No reraiding by the same member of any target without approval within 15 days by any Kronos member
  • Only ground attacks unless retaliated against. Step-up retaliations should be brought to government
  • Reparations always made/denied through government
  • No first-strike nuking without full council approval
  • Mandatory raid reports to be posted, including all exchanges between the two parties

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You shouldn't tech raid unless you enjoy getting the snot kicked out of you. ^_^

There are a lot of raiders which love it. Why else play a game in which the only meaningful in-game interaction is war? The economic is like watching paint dry except worse since you have to go blow on the paint once a month.

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