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Kotka Rapture


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This is a Molakian News Network Special Report

Earlier today, police responded to several men trying to attack several gay couples in downtown Kotka. Police have noticed an increase in violence against same sex couples ever since the Tsarina revealed her relations with another woman, and the Church condemned it.

Lt. Kharkov of the Kotka Police was quoted as saying:

I dont know whats going on. Kotka and molakia as a whole have been very Liberal in terms of Domestic Policy. We have very few issues when it comes to Same Sex Couples and the like.

Several members of the Church of Kotka, Molakia's biggest Christian group, have been arrested for posting threatening messages about the Tsarina. They are to be charged with "Conspiracy to commit violence against the Crown".

In other news......


Kotka, Molakia

Church of Molakia Building


"IT IS TIME THE HEATHENS FELT THE PURIFYING FLAME OF GOD!" A churchgoer exclaims, to the crowds delight.

"MAKE THEM BURN!" several say in unison.


Fire Island Street

Downtown Kotka

A LGBT parade marches down the street in support for the Tsarina and those around the world. Hundreds of people are either marching or standing on the sides. At the front of the Parade is a Large float with the Imperial Symbol on it, along with a dozen or so people.

A large truck pulls out of an alleyway, smashing into the sit of the float. Upon impact, it explodes, killing those on the float and wounding many.

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"As backwards as ever. Nothing new. Angry slavs murdering Gays. Do they try hard to be stupid or is it just that they drink so much?"

"Next country's news..."

OOC: Before you all get upset, keep in mind that there are probably more gays in Molakia then christians. Martens, remove that comment. Seriously bro?

Total Pop (with 100x)= 3,338,100

Apx 5% of population is christian =166,905

Edited by Comrade
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Today in Dublin, President DeSchaine met with Archbishop Casey to discuss the happenings in Kotka. The following statement was made by the president and archbishop.

"We find it to be outrageous that human beings can do this to one another. It is reprehensible that anyone dare think they a right to force their beliefs on another person. Should the Tsarina want help with anything, Taeunas stands ready to assist."

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This unfortunate incident is a deplorable case of the evils of organised religion. It is a clear demonstration of why it is well past time for the world at large to move beyond religion. The primitive need for spiritutal guidance from imaginary, make-believe characters of fiction has no place in the elightened world today.
Wooooot they got pwned! I'm telling you, we need to do that sort of thing more often, send them faithless dutch boys to hell!

A government spokesperson declined to comment on the news reports coming out of Molakia.

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OOC: Before you all get upset, keep in mind that there are probably more gays in Molakia then christians. Martens, remove that comment. Seriously bro?

Total Pop (with 100x)= 3,338,100

Apx 5% of population is christian =166,905

OOC: Wait...you're saying your gay population is more than 5%?

We care not for the opinions of some Orthodox Heathen group. Molakian Christians are willing do to what is necessary for the good of the soul of our nation!

Unknown Priest in Church of Molakia

IC: In committing such violence against your fellow man, you are not sending a positive message to the rest of the world. This is not being the light that shines in the darkness. Jesus himself associated with those society considered outcasts of the time--prostitutes, tax collectors, and Gentiles, and did not forve them in any way to take his views.

~Christian Coalition

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Thousands of people in Arctica's largest urban centers - Oceana, Antananarivo, Toamasina - gathered to march in a combined gay pride parade and protest against the Church of Molakia, and suppression of gay rights in general (whether it be by religious or government authority). There were some arrests for vandalism of church property but the protest remained mostly peaceful. Footage of the protests was televised.

A government official commented on the happenings in Molakia. "To find a group of people so intolerant as to drive a truck full of explosives into a parade has stunned many people here, being free from such fears in their own lives. Being a homosexual myself, I and my family are deeply offended by the terrorist attacks in Kotka." The man's last word came out a little choked. He sniffed and cleared his throat. "The government of Arctica extends its condolences to the friends and families of the deceased, and is especially troubled that the float chosen for the cowardly attack was one bearing the imperial symbol of Molakia.

We hope that the government and the gay community in Molakia can recover from this dastardly attack on the lives of their countrymen."

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OOC: Molakia has a christian population of 5%, or apx 166,000 people.


Kotka, Molakia

Kotka Airforce Base

Several Imperial Guard Soldiers tell a simple delivery truck to stop. As the men approach the truck, a shot rings out from a sniper, killing one soldier and forcing the other into cover. The Delivery Truck smashes through the gate and moves tword the Hangers. The base goes to red alert and attacks the truck, but it is too late. The Truck explodes, setting off a chain reaction from the munitions and fuel stored in the hangar.

All in all, 20 people were killed, most of them soldiers in the Imperial Guard.


Imperial Palace

War Room


"Lady Romanov, it is not safe for you here. These terrorist will die to kill you...literally!" Garrus Exclaims, arguing with the Tsarina. In her arms is Katrina Zykova, laughing.


"Garrus....Remember who you are talking to...watch that tone mister! Thats your queen...and my woman!" Katrina adds, not able to stop laughing. Anna silences her with a playful slap.


"It is better to die for love then to live for cowardice. I will not leave this nation. What is the security situation at Kotka AFB?" Anna speaks, a very commanding tone in her voice.

"The base is on Lockdown, nothing is allowed near it without permission. Downtown Kotka is a mess, people are hiding. We are trying to do what we can to keep the terrorist down, but without stamping on the rights of the good ones."

"I See....Whats the plan of action?"

"We have two plans Queen. Operation Rapture is the most extreme: It involves removing the Church of Molakia, and by proxy the christian population of the nation, from our lands and bringing them somewhere else. Operation Eagle Fury involves Military Lockdowns and Counter Insurgency Operations in Church held Areas. I have...." Garrus says, being interrupted by a bomb going off a few blocks away.

Garrus' radio screams to life, noting that another Military Convoy has been hit with an IED.

Katrina looks at Anna with a worried face. Anna then looks at Garrus.

"Bring me my helmet and Body Armor. Its time to address the nation."

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"I was not aware of such issues, unless you mean the actions of the previous regime." -President Uberstein

The Tsarina is offered sanctuary in Finland if she views it as necessary.

Today in Dublin, President DeSchaine met with Archbishop Casey to discuss the happenings in Kotka. The following statement was made by the president and archbishop.

"We find it to be outrageous that human beings can do this to one another. It is reprehensible that anyone dare think they a right to force their beliefs on another person. Should the Tsarina want help with anything, Taeunas stands ready to assist."

We thank these nations for their support, but it will not be required. The Tsarina has stated her intent to fix this issue with her own hands should it come to it. No one Kills Molakia soldiers and civilians and lives to tell the tale.

Thousands of people in Arctica's largest urban centers - Oceana, Antananarivo, Toamasina - gathered to march in a combined gay pride parade and protest against the Church of Molakia, and suppression of gay rights in general (whether it be by religious or government authority). There were some arrests for vandalism of church property but the protest remained mostly peaceful. Footage of the protests was televised.

A government official commented on the happenings in Molakia. "To find a group of people so intolerant as to drive a truck full of explosives into a parade has stunned many people here, being free from such fears in their own lives. Being a homosexual myself, I and my family are deeply offended by the terrorist attacks in Kotka." The man's last word came out a little choked. He sniffed and cleared his throat. "The government of Arctica extends its condolences to the friends and families of the deceased, and is especially troubled that the float chosen for the cowardly attack was one bearing the imperial symbol of Molakia.

We hope that the government and the gay community in Molakia can recover from this dastardly attack on the lives of their countrymen."

The Imperial Symbol was the catalyst for the Mobilization for our Armed Forces. This was seen as a direct threat to the Royal Family. As for the gay community...patrols are being sent into the Downtown areas, a common area for homosexuals in our lands to hang out and live, but the convoys are being harassed and sometimes shot at.

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"We wish Molakia all speed in dealing with this menace. While the largest percentage of our population is Christian, we ourselves are proponents of freedom of religion, and we do not support the forcing of any worldview on others through violent means."

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“It’s the viewpoint of the Slavorussian Empire, that these false Christians may possibly pose a threat to the Royal Romanov bloodline of Molakia. At the current time we have the option to invoke Article 4 of the Romanov Pact, but we’re waiting for Molakian government to clarify the severity of the threat. At this time Slavorussian special forces are organizing and planning just incase their presence becomes necessary.” -Premier Medvedev

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Kotka, Molakia

Downtown District

Mall of Molakia

Several men in suits walk into the Mall of Molakia, Kotka's biggest shopping center. With them are several briefcases. The soldiers, who are checking more suspicious looking people in robes and the like, dismiss them as buisnessmen going to a meeting in one of the corporate offices.

They are wrong.


These men walk into the store/cafe/hangout know to be frequented by Harvey Skim, Molakia's most well known proponent of LGBT rights, and human rights in general. The men all take seats in one corner of the room and wait.

Several minutes later, Mr. Skim walks in with his entourage and is greeted by the Suits. The first man walks up and offers his hand.


"Greetings Mr. Skim. I am Boris Vladimov, Leader of the Brotherhood of Mol. We have come to provide you with protection. We need to move now, to the food court. I know, it sounds odd, but we need to loose the assasins following you." He says, ushering the Man along.

The reach the food court several minutes later, and move in and out of the crowd. In the middle of the court is an under construction Kiosk for Cell phones. It is boarded up with plywood to prevent peaking from citizens. Kane and some soldiers walk off to secure the perimeter, while the others walk amongst the crowd.


In a few minutes, 200 people would be dead as a massive explosion is set off from said kiosk. The Brotherhood of Mol soldiers, Mr Skim and many others are among the dead. Boris Vladimov is rushed from the scene for security issues.

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"The government of PRC does not support homosexuals, but nonetheless the killings by this crazed church is much worse, and as such it is why we follow atheism in the PRC, no worries about "religious" issues coming up and mental fanatics going around and killing people in the name of this "lord". A small gay parade took place at the Red Square in Jinan earlier today to support their "kind" from being killed in Molakia."

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Imperial Square

Kotka, Molakia

Tsarina Anna Romanov and her lover/ Vice Royal of Molakia Katrina Zykova take the stage in the middle of the Imperial Square in the heart of Kotka. In a security box around the Area, several hundred troops patrol the edges of the zone with Tanks, Helicopters and various arms. The deeper you get, the more troops and security there was. Over 1000 Troops are packed into this area to protect the queen.

Several Hundred civilians show up for an address to the nation from the Tsarina. Most of the crowd supports her, but a few Church of Molakia members enter, holding signs denouncing the Tsarina and her "Illness".

The Queen steps up to the microphone, her love in tow.


"Soldiers and civilians of the Kingdom! I come here in defiance of the church!" She yells, to applause and shouting.

"No chuch can tell me who I love, If it is love or tell me anything! I love this woman, and she loves me! I will not cower in fear from a few thousand radicals, when a nation of Millions supports me!"

The crowd goes wild, the few Church of Molakia members staying silent.

"As if you could not tell...Molakia is in chaos. Nordic Rebels still roam around the Highlands, Terrorist have claimed the lives of hundreds in this city...BUT NO LONGER! TODAY IS THE DAY MOLAKIA BECOMES A POWER OF EUROPE!"

Even the soldiers cannot help themselves. They too erupt into applause.

"I am here to announce the beginning of Operation Rapture. This sad military operation must be done to ensure the security of the Crown and the nation. Starting next week, All members of the Church of Molakia are to be deported to...well any nation that will accept them. You may say, how can the liberal Molakia do this? Simple: Security. We cannot have Terrorist roam about our lands, denying others their freedom to express their love for another. I regret having to do this....but it is needed! The world will condemn us, but do we care? NO!"

The crowd responds in unison, reflecting the general attitude of Molakia: We care not for your opinions.

"SECONDLY! Molakia today announces a new order in Europe! Today, we announce the Romanov Doctrine! Molakia, our glorious Kingdom, reserves the right to attack and eliminate any group deemed a threat to Human Rights, Civil Rights or general Voxbaggery! No longer will fascist roam free and $%&@ mother europa! MOLAKIA WILL TRIUMPH, WITH OUR ALLY JUSTICE AND OUR SISTER FREEDOM!"

The Crowd explodes, with the Molakians Full of Pride and a sense of purpose. Katrina looks at Anna and smiles. They kiss passionately as 4 F1 Fighters fly overhead to bomb a Church of Molakia Weapons Depot.

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DeSchaine sighed as he watched the broadcast. "Well, there goes that. And they were one of the... er... less abnormal... nations."

**Public Statement**

Taeunas will take in any refugees wanting to come here. However, they will be put on a watch list. We do not condone the forceable removal of people from their homes, but we also do not abide by terrorism.

We say this to the Tsarina: This act has put you on the same level as those from Italica. You rail on about them and then turn around and act like them. Wonderful way to do diplomacy. Once upon a time, we trusted you. You were a nation of lunatics, but you were lunatics that kept your word. No longer.

Its a sad day when one such as you falls from grace.

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