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Operation Chernorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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===Operation begins===


-Buryatian BA-774s in action

Buryatian missiles based in the mainland are set to target known military facilities inside Chernorussia. An initial volley of 20 V-09 Vishnu missiles is launched from Buryatia to hit Chernorussian military bases across the country. Almost simultaneously, the 200 BA-774s on the northern border open up a stunning volley as they bombard northern Chernorussia.

The ground troops do not advance into Chernorussian territory, but they remain on guard at the borders. The bombardment continues relentlessly stopping only as the BA-774s move to new firing positions along the Buryatian-Chernorussian border.

In the skies over Chernorussia 4 squadrons of MiG 31 Interceptors move in to neutralize air targets and provide cover for Buryatian bombers. 2 Squadrons of MiG 35s and 1 Squadron of Su-34s accompany the Interceptors. The fighters remain in high altitudes as the MiG 35s and Su-34s begin a series of precision strikes against Chernorussian Air defenses and military targets. Military bases, air defenses, missile sites and usable runways across Chernorussia are set as targets to be bombed.


-Buryatian MiGs in formation before crossing the border into Chernorussia

As the Interceptors and bombers start the intense bombing campaign, two A-50M Shmel AEW Aircraft take off from bases in southern Buryatia and watch for any enemy fighters. The first aircraft remains inside Buryatian airspace as close to the border as possible, taking advantage of its 250 km detection range. The second aircraft crosses into Chernorussian airspace, escorted by MiG 31s, giving the Buryatian military radar capabilities to detect aircraft in over 2/3 of Chernorussia’s airspace.

Two additional A-50’s are launched from Buryatia and ordered to move into position just south of Chernorussia to ensure that the Buryatian airforce had a full radar view of Chernorussian airspace not only from the patrolling MiG 31s, but also from AEW aircraft.

3 Buryatian Tu-160 bombers are launched to complement the bombardment even further.

===Buryatian military base===

All Buryatian Peacekeeping forces across Chernorussia immediately withdraw towards the Military base. As they withdraw, the forces at the base ready for action. All 100 of the attack helicopters are ordered into the air as the BA-774s open fire. The attack helicopters fly into Chernorussian airspace and attack columns of ground troops and tanks wherever they were located.

Unlike the troops at the northern border, once the bombardment began, the troops at the base pushed into Chernorussian territory with their T-90s. Any Chernorussian soldiers encountered would be fired upon.


Despite the heavy bombardment and the ground operations, the troops did everything in their power to minimize civilian casualties. After all, why should the citizens of a country suffer because of the actions of their government? The air bombardment and the ground assault would continue for at least 24 hours before any message was sent to the Chernorussian government. The communications blackout would continue until the reality of what occurred could sink in with the Chernorussian government.

As each bomber squadron completed its runs, they would return either to the aircraft carrier, or to bases in southern Buryatia to refuel and would be replaced by an auxiliary squadron until the refueling and rearmament process was completed.

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By the time the Buryatian bombardment had begun, the Chernorussian Scarab missile launchers had retailiated. The entire artillery line of Buryatia was being attacked. Bombers attacked the base, while fighters fought the enemy dogfighters. Meanwhile, in Starshiya Gorod, the outermost city in Chernorussia, heavy fighting between the invading Buryatians and the Chernorussians occured, the Chernorussians were not backing down an inch. Tanks and artillery relentlessly pounded the Buryatian invaders. Anti-Aircraft guns set up quickly prevented any air support from coming into Starshiya Gorod, while Buryatia's forces were being pounded by bombs dropped by Chernorussian Jets.

And in Novaya Sobor, Big Brother had just finished giving a patriotic and moralizing speech.

"We will not back down to this unjust invaders! You saw how they treated me at their 'talks'! You know what they think of you! Take up arms and defend your country!"

The crowd roared in appreciation, many of them heading to the nearest recruitment station.

Big Brother gave the order to have one of the Scarab launchers outfitted for nuclear payloads, and told his commanders to fire it if they felt it necessary...

Edited by Nagato the Great
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OOC: no posting losses for the enemy. Thats Godmodding. No taking zero casualties from an attack. That's also Godmodding. You have no navy IG so you have no RP navy. You have no nukes IG so you have no RP nukes.

In effect other than your propaganda announcement. All of that post is a godmode Nagato.

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OOC: no posting losses for the enemy. Thats Godmodding. No taking zero casualties from an attack. That's also Godmodding. You have no navy IG so you have no RP navy. You have no nukes IG so you have no RP nukes.

In effect other than your propaganda announcement. All of that post is a godmode Nagato.

OOC: never mentioned zero casualties. editted out navy and losses. nuke was propaganda, since anyone can tell i have no nukes if they look. if they don't...

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1) You have no nuclear weapons

2) You have 200 tech and therefore according to the efficiency formula ......your technological efficiency is 1.0209, vs my 1.211. Therefore (1.211/1.0209)--> 1.18620825. Therefore my troops are 18.6% more efficient than the same number of Chernorussian troops

3) You can not RP damages to my forces nor can you suddenly totally overwhelm a technologically superior opponent.

4) Do not just say that bombers attacked the base. What type of bombers? How did they avoid the MiG 31s? What kind of tanks are you using? What kind of artillery? When did you deploy it into position? What type of AA Guns are you using? What type of missile is a scarab?

5) You have no navy at all in game, therefore you have no navy in CNRP

6) You have not RPd any damage to your nation from a massive onslaught by ICBMs, artillery, aircraft, Interceptors, and bombers. That is extremely unrealistic.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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1) You have no nuclear weapons

2) You have 200 tech and therefore according to the efficiency formula ......(# to be added in a bit)

3) You can not RP damages to my forces nor can you suddenly totally overwhelm a technologically superior opponent.

4) Do not just say that bombers attacked the base. What type of bombers? How did they avoid the MiG 31s? What kind of tanks are you using? What kind of artillery? When did you deploy it into position? What type of AA Guns are you using? What type of missile is a scarab?

5) You have no navy at all in game, therefore you have no navy in CNRP

6) You have not RPd any damage to your nation from a massive onslaught by ICBMs, artillery, aircraft, Interceptors, and bombers. That is extremely unrealistic.


1) already went over that


3) i never overwhelmed a technologically superior opponent

4) Tu-160 bombers, they were guarded by Tu-28's which is how they got past most of your MiGs. I am using T-90 type tanks. The kind of artillery was already stated. We deployed before you attacked. The AAs are SA-2 Guidelines. The Scarab is the NATO reporting name for the Tochka missile.

5) went over that

6) well you didn't either just now?

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OOC: I never RPd the damage either. I RP the bombing, you RP the damage my bombing caused and then your retaliation. Then I RP the damage your retaliation caused, and so on.

Secondly, the T-90 was introduced in 1995 and is therefore not cold war technology and is therefore out of your tech range. It is also interesting to note that none of this equipment was included in your factbook, or had its deployment RPed.

So I am expected to believe that a Tu-28 built in the 1960s could avoid detection by MiG 31s, MiG 35s, Su-34s, A-50s and Tu-160s?

The fact also remains that I fired 20 Ballistic missiles at several targets in your nation. Where was the damage from that?

You also did not include specific numbers of your troops attacking the base. And how they overcame ~9000 troops, tanks and attack helicopters

Next I didn't move my forces at the northern border into Chernorussia. I moved the forces at the base into Chernorussia.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: I never RPd the damage either. I RP the bombing, you RP the damage my bombing caused and then your retaliation. Then I RP the damage your retaliation caused, and so on.

Secondly, the T-90 was introduced in 1995 and is therefore not cold war technology and is therefore out of your tech range. It is also interesting to note that none of this equipment was included in your factbook, or had its deployment RPed.

So I am expected to believe that a Tu-28 built in the 1960s could avoid detection by MiG 31s, MiG 35s, Su-34s, A-50s and Tu-160s?

The fact also remains that I fired 20 Ballistic missiles at several targets in your nation. Where was the damage from that?

OOC: Oh? I assumed that considering the cold war continued until the break up of the USSR, the T-90 would fall under that category. But not important. If it's so important to you, T-84s then. as for factbook, i never made one...i didn't know it was required? as for avoid detection, they didn't, they fought the others. and the Tu-28 has been upgraded before. lastly, how do you know where these 'targets' are?

Edited by Nagato the Great
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OOC: How do I know where targets inside Chernorussia are? Maybe because after your independence I had peacekeepers in the country for an additional three months. They weren't just admiring the roses you know. It also helps that I have military satellites. I may not be able to locate all of yhe military installations, but it really does help.

The T-84 is still out of your technology range. And you didn't specify the number of aircraft used, where they counter attacked, etc.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: How do I know where targets inside Chernorussia are? Maybe because after your independence I had peacekeepers in the country for an additional three months. They weren't just admiring the roses you know.

The T-84 is still out of your technology range. And you didn't specify the number of aircraft used, where they counter attacked, etc.

OOC: i was never informed the peace-keepers would be inside the nation itself...i was under the impression they would stay in their base.

And how is it out of my tech range? you're not going to tell me the T-84 was created after the cold war? there were 2 squadron of Tu-160s, and 6 squadrons of Tu-28's defending them.

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OOC: I clearly stated that not all of the peacekeepers had been withdrawn from your territory.

Independence Treaty

That states that the troops would still be in Chernorussian designated territory until a three month withdrawal deadline had passed.

Secondly, the number of remaining peacekeepers in Chernorussian territory at the time of the first conference is noted in the draft sanctions to be 3,000 peacekeepers. Here.

The deadline, and the initial withdrawal from Chernorussia of the first peacekeepers is mentioned here: Here.

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OOC: I clearly stated that not all of the peacekeepers had been withdrawn from your territory.

Independence Treaty

That states that the troops would still be in Chernorussian designated territory until a three month withdrawal deadline had passed.

Secondly, the number of remaining peacekeepers in Chernorussian territory at the time of the first conference is noted in the draft sanctions to be 3,000 peacekeepers. Here.

The deadline, and the initial withdrawal from Chernorussia of the first peacekeepers is mentioned here: Here.

So far our losses have been counted at 136 soldiers, 12 tanks, one Tu-160, 3 Tu-28s.

OOC: your turn. mind you they better be reasonable...

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ooc: Nagato, are those in CNRP#'s or CN IG #s'? If they're CNRP #'s, for the scale of the actions just taken.. that's.. a very understated casualty count. Just my opinion, but just thought you should know an objective observer's thoughts.

OOC: This and the T-84 according to Wikipedia is 1994 built. The Cold war ended in 1991, with the fall of USSR, not 1994, so the T- 84 is out your league. And I might be mistaken, but did RP these missiles existing in your nation before? Your nation is not even a week old, how the hell did it come up with such missiles so quickly? Just asking. Next thing casualties, 136 casualties seriously? He has higher fire power, and could trample you easy, should be at least minimum 500-750 casualties if you ask me.

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OOC: i was never informed the peace-keepers would be inside the nation itself...i was under the impression they would stay in their base.

And how is it out of my tech range? you're not going to tell me the T-84 was created after the cold war? there were 2 squadron of Tu-160s, and 6 squadrons of Tu-28's defending them.

So far our losses have been counted at 136 soldiers, 12 tanks, one Tu-160, 3 Tu-28s.

OOC: your turn. mind you they better be reasonable...

OOC: 1) How many soldiers did you attack the base with to overcome 9480 Soldiers, 300 Naval Units, 8 MiG 31s, 30 T-90s, 100 B52Zs and attack helicopters with only 136 casualties? Also keeping in mind that there was no mention whatsoever of tactics.

2) You can't use your planes as squadrons. You have to use them as individual planes as you are not at the tech level yet where 1 plane in game counts as 1 squadron

3) The damage from the Ballistic missiles, and the entire bombardment from the northern border, and the bombardment from the air, and the bombardment from the base, and the advance from the base could not, by any stretch of the imagination be only 136 soldiers and 12 tanks.

4) The air-to-air missile used with a Tu-28 has an operational range of either 2-15km, or 2-24km. While the standard armaments on my MiG-31s have an operational range of 90km or 170km respectively for the R-77 and 160km and 228km with the R-33. Meaning I can hit your Interceptors before they are in range to hit my Interceptors.

When your casualty numbers are adjusted, and the above questions answered, then I will post my damages.

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>>9480 Soldiers, 300 Naval Units, 8 MiG 31s, 30 T-90s, 100 B52Zs<<

Based on pure math, Nagato would lose:

11244 soldiers; 356 naval units, 9 or 10 TU-28s, 36 tanks and 119 B52Z-equivalents.

That's pure math of course. Good RP from his side will be able to lower his casualties. Bad RP should heighten them, especially if Azenquor does good RP.

That's the logical approach. Nagato, adjust your numbers or improve your RP, please.

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OOC: ack...i meant 1360 soldiers, which is enough. after all, combat has only just begun.

OOC: Do you mean that you attacked with 1360 soldiers or your casualties are 1360?

1) If that is your casualty count, the soldier count for your forces attacking the base is still missing

2) If that is your attacking soldier count, that would mean that 1,360 of your soldiers....attack 9,480 of my soldiers...

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OOC: Do you mean that you attacked with 1360 soldiers or your casualties are 1360?

1) If that is your casualty count, the soldier count for your forces attacking the base is still missing

2) If that is your attacking soldier count, that would mean that 1,360 of your soldiers....attack 9,480 of my soldiers...

Short Announcement:

All Haruhiist soldiers operating in Chernorussia have hereby had radio contact established with Buryatian soldiers for the duration of this conflict. This is to promote joint-unity among our forces.

Reports of Sakuya's rescue have also been noted, mainly due to Buryatian softening of targets across Chernorussia.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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