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Operation Chernorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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"The point remains that until your government can confirm the source of their information as being in the public domain, then it can be considered espionage. From your address to the AUP, I quote:

You expect us to believe that a photograph mysteriously appeared in the public domain and found its way into the possession of your Minister? That is extremely farfetched. Your tone during the conference also arouses suspicion. Is that the general manner in which Chernorsusia's government addresses the leaders of foreign nations and their representatives?"-FM Onatopp

The two soldiers simultaneously place their rifles on the ground, kneel, attach the bayonets to the rifles then return to their standing positions.

OOC: ah, i forgot...i thought i edited out that part about the photograph...

IC: "That is far enough." Big Brother started walking for the door. "I am leaving."

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The two soldiers move into position in front of the door and cross their rifles, bayonet upwards, blocking the exit. Two other soldiers move to either side of the door. Without missing a beat, Buryatia's Foreign Minister responds:

"I'm afraid that we aren't quite finished with this conference. We intend to get to the bottom of this incident no matter if it takes all night, all week, or all year"

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The two soldiers move into position in front of the door and cross their rifles, bayonet upwards, blocking the exit. Two other soldiers move to either side of the door. Without missing a beat, Buryatia's Foreign Minister responds:

"I'm afraid that we aren't quite finished with this conference. We intend to get to the bottom of this incident no matter if it takes all night, all week, or all year"

Big Brother suddenly pulled out his phone, pressed a button on it, and returned it to his pocket.

"And at the moment Chernorussian soldiers are on their way here to secure my safe leave from this base. If you don't want this to turn bloody, you will allow me to leave."

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Buryatia's Foreign Minister simply smiled and replied:

"You are currently being investigated for what may have been an incident of government sponsored espionage. You have yet to conclusively provide evidence that the information presented to the AUP was not obtained through illegal means. Secondly, this base is sovereign territory of the United Kingdom of Buryatia. Therefore I strongly urge you not to invade Buryatia, because if you do the government of Buryatia will respond with everything at our disposal.

There are two options available, you can either sit down and discuss this situation in a civilized manner and attempt to reach both an understanding of what transpired and a resolution, or you can add to the existing case of espionage and couple it with an act of aggression. The choice is yours."


The base moves to DEFCON 2. Two Aircraft carriers and a Submarine based nearby set course for the base.

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OOC: I thought Buryatia does not involve in politics of nations emerging from its protectorates and grant them full sovereignty? Question is OOC because I don't know if the thread and conversation is classified or not.

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Buryatia's Foreign Minister simply smiled and replied:

"You are currently being investigated for what may have been an incident of government sponsored espionage. You have yet to conclusively provide evidence that the information presented to the AUP was not obtained through illegal means. Secondly, this base is sovereign territory of the United Kingdom of Buryatia. Therefore I strongly urge you not to invade Buryatia, because if you do the government of Buryatia will respond with everything at our disposal.

There are two options available, you can either sit down and discuss this situation in a civilized manner and attempt to reach both an understanding of what transpired and a resolution, or you can add to the existing case of espionage and couple it with an act of aggression. The choice is yours."


The base moves to DEFCON 2. Two Aircraft carriers and a Submarine based nearby set course for the base.

"The act of aggresion is yours. You are preventing me from leaving this base, thus violating my rights. Do you think you can command me? It is impossible to discuss anything civilly when you have guards armed with bayonets standing before me. I assure you, as soon as I leave your actions will be made public. My soldiers will try to sort this out civilly, but if you continue to refuse to allow me to leave there may be unneeded violence." Big Brother moved forward, glaring at the soldiers. "Your actions are simply...barbaric. Be assured that I will not be making any more visits to Buryatia. Now, release me before my troops arrive and complicate things."

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OOC: Thread is entirely classified. I'm involved because 1) I'm an observer to the AUP (where the evidence of possible espionage was presented), 2) Under the Independence Agreement I still have peacekeepers in Chernorussia, 3) If the tensions resulted in a conflict between the Haruhiist Empire and Chernorussia, guess who is going to have to intervene in the aftermath and guess who's peacekeepers are sitting ducks.

Chernorussia is sovereign, as per the agreement. However due to the possibility of Buryatia being involved either due to enforcing the Zhukov Doctrine, or if a conflict develops, I've decided to head that off and get the conference going before the situation deteriorates.


"The act of aggresion is yours. You are preventing me from leaving this base, thus violating my rights. Do you think you can command me? It is impossible to discuss anything civilly when you have guards armed with bayonets standing before me. I assure you, as soon as I leave your actions will be made public. My soldiers will try to sort this out civilly, but if you continue to refuse to allow me to leave there may be unneeded violence." Big Brother moved forward, glaring at the soldiers. "Your actions are simply...barbaric. Be assured that I will not be making any more visits to Buryatia. Now, release me before my troops arrive and complicate things."

"Again you are incorrect. And the guards in question have done nothing to threaten you. Now let us sit back and discus this situation, or we will simply wait for your troops to 'complicate' things. It should be noted that I do not appreciate being threatened. Once again, you still have the opportunity to sit down and work this situation out. The question is, will you take that opportunity, or will you have your military attack the sovereign territory of another nation?"

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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OOC: Thread is entirely classified. I'm involved because 1) I'm an observer to the AUP (where the evidence of possible espionage was presented), 2) Under the Independence Agreement I still have peacekeepers in Chernorussia, 3) If the tensions resulted in a conflict between the Haruhiist Empire and Chernorussia, guess who is going to have to intervene in the aftermath and guess who's peacekeepers are sitting ducks.

Chernorussia is sovereign, as per the agreement. However due to the possibility of Buryatia being involved either due to enforcing the Zhukov Doctrine, or if a conflict develops, I've decided to head that off and get the conference going before the situation deteriorates.

OOC: i have no idea what you're talking about...are you releasing Big Brother or not?

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"The act of aggresion is yours. You are preventing me from leaving this base, thus violating my rights. Do you think you can command me? It is impossible to discuss anything civilly when you have guards armed with bayonets standing before me. I assure you, as soon as I leave your actions will be made public. My soldiers will try to sort this out civilly, but if you continue to refuse to allow me to leave there may be unneeded violence." Big Brother moved forward, glaring at the soldiers. "Your actions are simply...barbaric. Be assured that I will not be making any more visits to Buryatia. Now, release me before my troops arrive and complicate things."
OOC: i have no idea what you're talking about...are you releasing Big Brother or not?

OOC: That statement was an answer to Cochin's question. Secondly, I doubt I'll release him in light of a direct threat after all the espionage allegation alone is a valid CB for a war. If it can be proven.

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OOC: That statement was an answer to Cochin's question. Secondly, I doubt I'll release him in light of a direct threat after all the espionage allegation alone is a valid CB for a war. If it can be proven.

OOC: i didn't see Cochin's post. and considering Buryatia's soldiers are forcing him to stay there and refusing to allow him to leave, i think his actions are most justified. well, back to IC.

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"Again you are incorrect. And the guards in question have done nothing to threaten you. Now let us sit back and discus this situation, or we will simply wait for your troops to 'complicate' things. It should be noted that I do not appreciate being threatened. Once again, you still have the opportunity to sit down and work this situation out. The question is, will you take that opportunity, or will you have your military attack the sovereign territory of another nation?"

"Your troops have done much to threaten me. They decided that fixing their bayonets to their rifles would be a good idea. They barred my way when i attempted to leave. I am not your prisoner, Buryatian. And I might have you know that I doubt the community of the world will agree with you if any confrontations turn violent." He did not sit down. "I will resume talks only, and only in Chernorussia."

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"As yet again you refuse to counter the espionage allegations, it seems that they are likely to be true. So as this directly affects the Haruhiist Empire I ask Vice-Empress Hayashi if, given the explosive situation as well as the conduct of the leader of Chernorussia's government if she would be willing to continue negotiations inside Chernorussia, under the guard of Buryatian peacekeepers. We understand that with both sides holding others prisoner that it would pose a threat to your safety. However if you decide against taking this option, Buryatia is prepared to discuss a new approach to the situation with you, Vice-Empress."-FM Onatopp

Five of the soldiers leave the room, as the two blocking the door $@ their rifles.

Turning to the Chernorussian leader, the Foreign Minister replies:

"You may leave. However realize that the very minute you walk out that door their will be serious consequences."

The soldiers move to the side to allow the Chernorussian leader to exit.

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"As yet again you refuse to counter the espionage allegations, it seems that they are likely to be true. So as this directly affects the Haruhiist Empire I ask Vice-Empress Hayashi if, given the explosive situation as well as the conduct of the leader of Chernorussia's government if she would be willing to continue negotiations inside Chernorussia, under the guard of Buryatian peacekeepers. We understand that with both sides holding others prisoner that it would pose a threat to your safety. However if you decide against taking this option, Buryatia is prepared to discuss a new approach to the situation with you, Vice-Empress."-FM Onatopp

Five of the soldiers leave the room, as the two blocking the door $@ their rifles.

Turning to the Chernorussian leader, the Foreign Minister replies:

"You may leave. However realize that the very minute you walk out that door their will be serious consequences."

The soldiers move to the side to allow the Chernorussian leader to exit.

"Feh." he scoffed. "I will wait to hear this 'Vice-Empresses' decision. Then I will leave. As for serious consequenses...shall I take that as a threat?"

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While waiting for the response from the Vice-Empress, Buryatia's Foreign Minister takes out a piece of paper and begins to skim it line by line:

Chernorussian Sanctions

“In response to the espionage case against Chernorussia, and their governments refusal to reveal the source of the classified information, as well as the general belligerent tone of the leader of Chernorussia’s address to the AUP, the government of Buryatia hereby begins a period of sanctions against Chernorussia.

Article 1: Arms Embargo:

The government of Buryatia shall forbid, under penalty of prosecution, the trade of any arms, military equipment or technology with the state of Chernorussia. This applies to Buryatian companies, the government and any company that would need to transport the arms across Buryatian territory

Article 2: Persona non grata:

The government of Buryatia hereby rescinds the diplomatic credentials of all Chernorussian Diplomats and expels them from Buryatia with immediate effect. Chernorussian diplomats are not allowed into the sovereign territory of Buryatia as a final destination or as a transit point to any other country. Those in violation of this Article shall be temporarily detained.

Article 3: Travel Ban:

The government of Buryatia shall bar any citizen of Chernorussia from travelling to Buryatia, and will also bar any citizen of Buryatia from travelling to Chernorussia.

Article 4: Financial Ban:

The government of Buryatia will not permit the transfer of any funds to Chernorussia, and has ordered that any funds held by the Chernorussian government, or Chernorussian citizens in Buryatia are to be frozen until they can be investigated in detail

Article 5: Transit ban:

Effective immediately, Chernorussian civilian aircraft are barred from entering Buryatian airspace

Article 6: No fly zone

The government of Buryatia declares that any aircraft that flies over the Buryatian military base in Chernorussia, and is determined to be a military threat, shall be shot down.

Article 7: Trade boycott

The government of Buryatia seals the border with Chernorussia in order to prevent trade. Humanitarian supplies, once searched by the Buryatian military will be permitted through the border.

Article 8: Base deployment

As the leader of Chernorussia has directly threatened the safety of the Buryatian Naval and Military Base, we will be sending reinforcements to the base and will be reassessing the feasibility of the continued presence of 3,000 Buryatian peacekeepers in the territory.

Article 9: Duration

These sanctions shall remain in effect and be periodically modified, until the government of Chernorussia has given concrete proof that the espionage allegations against them are false.

She combed through the draft carefully, and meticulously before adding her signature in the top right hand corner.

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Sakuya looked calm throughout this whole discussion, and decided to firmly display her reserve.

"Consider your offer answer, with a yes"

Haruhi wouldn't care, but she knew it would be better to get this worked out, and get these spies dealt with.

Edited by Elrich von Richt
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“It appears that this meeting has more or less reached its conclusion”-FM Onatopp

Turning to Big Brother, Buryatia’s Foreign Minister gives him a small card and tells him:

“Show that to security on your way out. When you are ready to select a meeting venue inside Chernorussia, let the Buryatian Foreign Ministry know so that we can take the necessary steps.”-FM Onatopp

Two of the armed soldiers move towards Big Brother to escort him from the building. He would be extensively searched before being permitted to leave the base to ensure that he did not carry anything of military value from the base as he left.

As Big brother moved towards the exit, the newest division of Buryatian Soldiers had just arrived on the base.

Turning to the Vice-Empress, Buryatia’s Foreign Minister hands her a copy of the proposed sanctions and replies:

“Should the negotiations fail to yield a result, then we propose the following sanctions be enacted against Chernorussia. I know it may seem pessimistic of me to not presume the possibility of a diplomatic breakthrough, but it is customary for us to consider all possible outcomes.

Once the meeting venue is selected, then we will hold the meeting there.”

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"The meeting will be held in Novaya Sobor." Big Brother said as he left. "In Victory Square Government Building. Bring no more than 4 guards each. And you." he looked at Sakuya. "Unless you bring back my Foreign Minister, you will not be allowed to join these talks."

Edited by Nagato the Great
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Buryatia's Foreign Minister immediately boards a Buryatian B-52Z helicopter (modded for the Diplomatic Corps) and heads to Novaya Sobor for the second stage of the meeting. She is clearly annoyed at the lack of a resolution to the situation, and changes her guard detail from 4 regular soldiers, to 4 Presidential Guard Elite Units.

During the flight, she sends a message back to Buryatia informing the government of the failed negotiations. As the chopper touches down, Dr. Onatopp waits patiently for the Chernorussians.

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Buryatia's Foreign Minister immediately boards a Buryatian B-52Z helicopter (modded for the Diplomatic Corps) and heads to Novaya Sobor for the second stage of the meeting. She is clearly annoyed at the lack of a resolution to the situation, and changes her guard detail from 4 regular soldiers, to 4 Presidential Guard Elite Units.

During the flight, she sends a message back to Buryatia informing the government of the failed negotiations. As the chopper touches down, Dr. Onatopp waits patiently for the Chernorussians.

8 soldiers walked towards the Buryatians, one of them considerably more decorated than the others.

"I am General Kharkov." he said, somewhat coldly to Onatopp. "Big Brother is waiting for you in the council room." As they walked there, Kharkov said in a quieter tone, "Be assured that, as much as we dislike it, we will treat you better than you treated him." at this, the other soldiers gave identical sneers.

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8 soldiers walked towards the Buryatians, one of them considerably more decorated than the others.

"I am General Kharkov." he said, somewhat coldly to Onatopp. "Big Brother is waiting for you in the council room." As they walked there, Kharkov said in a quieter tone, "Be assured that, as much as we dislike it, we will treat you better than you treated him." at this, the other soldiers gave identical sneers.

Foreign Minister Onatopp glanced up and down at General Kharkov and laughed. Flanked by 4 Buryatian soldiers, she replied:

"So you are what passes for a General in the Chernorussian military.....pity"-Onatopp

Dr. Onatopp walked towards the Council room.

***Classified Deployments***

Several C-130 aircraft land at the Buryatian Military base in Chernorussia ferrying in additional troops. The 2,352 soldiers already on base are augmented by an additional set of 7,000 soldiers and 300 Naval Units bringing the total number of soldiers deployed 9,652.

Additional units deploy 30 T-90B tanks and 100 B-52Z Attack helicopters to the base to reinforce the existing troops there. The BNS Olenyok (Submarine) and the BNS Zhukov (Aircraft Carrier) set course for the base to remain deployed to the base.

8 Buryatian Air Force MiG 31s are deployed to the base.


9352 Soldiers

300 Naval Units

8 MiG 31s

30 T-90s

100 B52Zs

1 Putin class aircraft carriers

1 Imperial Class Submarine

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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Two soldiers suddenly stepped in front of Onatopp, preventing her from going any further.

"Yet you are what passes for a minister in your Buryatia..." one of them snarled. "It does not make me pity...it merely disgusts me."

They moved aside, and gave the minister a slight shove into the council room. They did not allow the Buryatian troops inside, and meanwhile 4 more Chernorussian troops walked over to guard the doors as well.

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Foreign Minister Onatopp simply smiled, then pushed a button in the center of her pendant before entering the council room.

She then replied rather loudly: "I see that the undisciplined rabble that passes for your nation's army is rather welcoming. Your pathetic little attempts at intimidation are most amusing. So what do you have planned next?"

***Classified Deployments***

A single Buryatian Mi-24 with 13 Presidential Guard units takes off from the military base. Four Buryatian MiG 35 fighter jets take off from Buryatia and fly towards Chernorussian airspace.

At the Military High Command, officers watch Dr. Onatopp's heart rate and vital statistics, and watch the feed from the camera hidden on her jacket. They quickly make a note of the number of Chernorussian troops in the room and begin running scenarios to kill them without killing the Foreign Minister, or any member of the Haruhiist Delegation.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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