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Recognition of War


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Here's an abridged version of the time line which has lead to our current conflict:

1. UJA nation attacks inactive KoL nation (Ruler: Ezequiel) at 9/4/2009 6:57:40 PM CN Server time and is told by UJA gov to offer peace.

2. KoL comes to UJA IRC channel and makes threatening comments

[12:13] <Marcus[Koc][DoB]> and i dont know if Hisk told tito but we are protected by RE

[12:13] <Marcus[Koc][DoB]> and if no action is taken in 24 hours

[12:13] <Marcus[Koc][DoB]> i will talk to RE

[12:17] <Marcus[Koc][DoB]> dont take this as a warning

[12:17] <Marcus[Koc][DoB]> i just would like us to peace out in good terms

3. Marcus declares on the UJA nation.

4. Marcus asks for peace. Peace is offered to Marcus and Ezequiel by the UJA nation in question

5. 2 AI nations hit unrelated UJA nations, one with the reason "For the honor of AI"

6. UJA MoFA Tito talks to rhealhigh (Kol gov't member?)

[22:59] <rhealhigh> well, don't you got a good handle on your nations?

[22:59] <rhealhigh> We're kind of upset by it.

[23:00] <rhealhigh> i mean, we wont declare war

[23:00] <rhealhigh> but ya know, we're not very happy with that.

rhealhigh's comments throughout the conversation support the suggestion that they and AI were planning on attacking the UJA.

7. They claim Goldie refuses peace with this PM? He's just defending himself...

To: Itsuki sama From: goldielax25 Date: 9/7/2009 1:33:38 PM

Subject: rogue attacker

Message: hi im wondering why 2 members of your alliance decided to declare on me last night. im planning to have a couple of my friends declare on him in return to help me out in the fight, but im just running it by you so it doesnt need to escalate further.

8. KoL and AI DoW UJA Sept. 8th 1pm.

tl;dr Aeonic Imperium & Knights Of Lunaris have manifested a faux CB of war against the UJA and the UJA recognizes the state of war between our alliances and welcomes the challenge.

0/ Green

Edited by Rooman33
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For FYI purposes UJA- Planet Steve wars rarely have a CB, and when they do, they are often "faux". Not that you have to agree with that, but I just thought it should be pointed out...

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For FYI purposes UJA- Planet Steve wars rarely have a CB, and when they do, they are often "faux". Not that you have to agree with that, but I just thought it should be pointed out...

We perceive a difference between a "lulzy" CB and one filled with downright falsehoods. If you'll notice, our own CB against SDF was very unserious, but not laden with untruths. I think it's possible to keep one's integrity, reputation and honor and still have a good time in the spirit and tradition of Steve politics. .. but that's just my own take on the matter.

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For FYI purposes UJA- Planet Steve wars rarely have a CB, and when they do, they are often "faux". Not that you have to agree with that, but I just thought it should be pointed out...

Someone still owes me a box of cornflakes from past times... I'll have to take that up with those hounds at RE or TPF one of these days... :lol1:

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just to make it clear, we didn't try FA nor did we want to. We were in it for the war and the excitement

No, from our understanding at Black, FA was tried, UJA refused, so we attacked in DEFENSE. I've spoken to AI, KoL, and UJA, but I got the right information from someone in another alliance who tried helping end the UJA/KoL conflict. I'm disappointed in how this was handled.

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Someone still owes me a box of cornflakes from past times... I'll have to take that up with those hounds at RE or TPF one of these days... :lol1:

Actually we at Black confiscated many boxes from SOS Brigade and Aeonic Imperium. (Before we became friends) I was told by my informants that RE and TPF handed them out to their friends. Our scientist were working around the clock to make sure they were not poisoned. Sending them back tomorrow!

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No, from our understanding at Black, FA was tried, UJA refused, so we attacked in DEFENSE. I've spoken to AI, KoL, and UJA, but I got the right information from someone in another alliance who tried helping end the UJA/KoL conflict. I'm disappointed in how this was handled.

Well your understanding is incorrect. I explained what happened here and in the PU thread. Facts are stubborn things...

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