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Need an alliance


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hi all,

im kinda a new player on this game, so excuse me for being somewhat lacking.

Anyway, to the point, i need an alliance.

The alliance im in basically is very boring, there has been no activity at all at least for 1month, and it talks about dull things, none of which suites me as a player. :blink:

Im looking for an active alliance, since im an active player, and currently playing on a different empire building game which requires a log in at least everyday - so im not a person who sits around doing nothing. however, currently in game im 2800 strength, but i dont want that account due to poor resources, so i will start fresh with my new alliance, so i can get the best resources (furs and gold currently)

The alliance must respect minor members, something which ticks me off is that the alliance im in, is run by 6 high players, and there is no interaction with the minor members at all.

Generally this post is to get a feel of what alliances are out there and manual searching does not help at all, as you dont know where to send a recruit message to.


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hey you should join KoTC. We don't just push little guys out of the way because, well they're little. We let every member have their say. We're also one of the more active small alliances in the game and have a protecter in LoSS. We also have a great community.

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Hello my friend, I've sent you a PM.

Good luck with your shopping, but might I suggest not just looking for the person offering the biggest payday to you for joining? There are many alliances that don't wish to just buy members nor need to buy members when people are more than willing to join to experience the community rather than the cash reward.

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Hello my friend, I've sent you a PM.

Good luck with your shopping, but might I suggest not just looking for the person offering the biggest payday to you for joining? There are many alliances that don't wish to just buy members nor need to buy members when people are more than willing to join to experience the community rather than the cash reward.

Join this guy. You won't regret it. He's leading two alliances at the same time, and yet he still has time to work with his members. Not many leaders can say the same.

Edited by Hyperion321
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Hello my friend, I've sent you a PM.

Good luck with your shopping, but might I suggest not just looking for the person offering the biggest payday to you for joining? There are many alliances that don't wish to just buy members nor need to buy members when people are more than willing to join to experience the community rather than the cash reward.

yeah i understand, thats why i said in my recruit thread, they must be able to help nations like me who struggle and the alliance must respect minor players.

the alliance i was with, did not do this.

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Join this guy. You won't regret it. He's leading two alliances at the same time, and yet he still has time to work with his members. Not many leaders can say the same.

You're too kind Hyp :P Thanks man, appreciate the words.

yeah i understand, thats why i said in my recruit thread, they must be able to help nations like me who struggle and the alliance must respect minor players.

the alliance i was with, did not do this.

Well, if you find yourself interested in Asgaard, come on over and have a chat. We have an interview process for new members so you can get to know both Asgaard and we can get to know you prior to full acceptance. If you meet our type of player then we'll do our best to get you grow as long as you cooperate with us too. A little respect our way and we'll give you respect back (I'm a big believer in that philosophy)

We also have many friends, as Hyp can prove :P

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Join Global Security Alliance GSA

there are government Positions open if you are interested

Are you looking for a chance to move up the ranks fast?

Do you want to grow your nation through tech, donation and aid deals?

If you answered yes to these questions then maybe the Global Security Alliance (GSA) is for you.

The GSA is an alliance of mixed color.

We don't require our members to be on a particular team.

This allows them to trade with whomever they wish.

As of now the GSA is offer a 2 million sign on bonus.

In closing the GSA would like to wish you all the best, and we do hope you find the alliance that is right for you.

Please feel free to stop by our forums and check us out today. www.cngsa.net


OWF POST: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...0&start=100


Pres Vishtany

Prime Minister

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Hey Cromwell.

I highly encourage you to join my alliance, Tetris. We are a green team alliance with a Tetris/arcade theme (obviously :P ). We like to hang out on our forums and irc and have several very active members. Our upper government is very experienced and we are always available to help you out or just to BS. We also encourage tech dealing to encourage rapid nation growth. Aside from this, we like to hold arcade tournaments in which one can win free cash and tech. Our most recent tournament, for example was a Tetris tournament, in which the winner received $6 million and 100 tech.

If you want to get into alliance government, we allow plenty of opportunity. Every government position is elected except for the Game Developer position, the leader of the alliance.

Anyway, it seems you want an alliance with a great community, well, our community is exactly what we pride ourselves on.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me here, in-game, or on IRC at #tetris on coldfront.

Links of Interest:

Tetris Forums

Tetris Wiki

Tetris Recruitment Thread

EDIT: oops

Edited by USMC123
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