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WOLF surrenders to JR, TPF DoW on Fark and LE


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I must say that I didn't expect this. But all the same, WOLF has loads of anarchied nations on their hands.

Although I must say it doesn't seem as if WOLF has surrendered. There are still loads of wars and I haven't seen a bunch of peace declared. Due to the fact JR made wars individually (as a group.) on certain alliances, it makes sense if those alliances surrender to respective foes.

Edited by Gondor
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Although I must say it doesn't seem as if WOLF has surrendered. There are still loads of wars and I haven't seen a bunch of peace declared. Due to the fact JR made wars individually (as a group.) on certain alliances, it makes sense if those alliances surrender to respective foes.

Well, to be fair, the surrender of WOLF was not that long ago and this being TE, communication is not exactly to a high standard, especially between battlefield foes. Even after a surrender, it would take an amount of time for peace to be achieved on the battlefield.

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Well, to be fair, the surrender of WOLF was not that long ago and this being TE, communication is not exactly to a high standard, especially between battlefield foes. Even after a surrender, it would take an amount of time for peace to be achieved on the battlefield.

True, just expected there to be a few at least. But I get your point.

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No big deal if WOLF alliances continue to act in a cohesive manner without the WOLF treaty. Another coalition would probably form up and the next war wouldn't end so quickly.

Congratulations on surrendering so quickly.

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Hey ClashPoint,

Simple facts for you to look at...

1. All the alliance that have attacked Noticed the matchups...

Take the big 2:

RE - Harmful RE

Harmful has had beef with RE since round 5 when RE became the first to attack Harmful after we canceled our treaties (Yes Tibs no rules said we had a NAP but even GDA gave us respect from the past). My members haven't forgotten this. They still tell me today that they felt back stabbed.

finally i get to troll you!

seriously? MHA complaining about being stabbed in teh back? you've got to be !@#$ting me. From where i stand you guys don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to whining about back stabbers.

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All this post says is that WOLF dissolved, not what the individual nations of what was WOLF are now going to do. Since the dissolving of WOLF is what JR wanted then JR should disband. If they do not then that shows the stripes of the Tiger. This decision was made by having a majority of alliances fall apart, leave WOLF, or be blitzed out of existence. If you want allies from WOLF to stop being friends, that wasn't part of the deal and never was. Now it's on JR to keep THEIR word, failing to do so would be admitting that JR was not after the dissolving of WOLF to begin with.

If you thought you could come here and dictate how other people play then good for you, each ally, just like it always was WOLF or no WOLF, has the right to fight as they see fit. However listen closely here, JR has opened a door that should never have been opened. You curbstomped a bunch of smaller alliances, JR's formation wasn't for cooperation or protection it was simply to smash WOLF. Well now that WOLF is gone we'll see what happens won't we? I think the true legacy of JR will be that nothing is out of bounds now, that the strong may prey upon the weak with impunity, and with no consequence. To dictate how people must play the game was never a part of WOLF, true WOLF dictated how you could NOT play, you couldn't with the existence of WOLF, curbstomp another Alliance without consequence, now all that has changed. JR's true legacy will be that TE has become more vicious. You have chosen to dictate how people play the game, or face annihilation.

That's the legacy of JR, as nothing more than a group determined to dictate to others how to play, we'll see what that brings to TE now. Personally I think it would have been better with some amount of control. That's just me though, I now call on every JR nation to do as they said they would. Peace out with those who wish peace, post their DoW's for those who do not wish it, and dissolve your Coalition. Those of us who choose to carry on the fight are not doing it for WOLF any more, they are doing it for their alliances. And those alliances who choose to fight, will continue to fight. JR however has no purpose any longer, you accomplished your one and only stated goal.

I'm very curious to see the JR dissolovement thread, we held up our end of the deal, prove you are willing to hold up yours.

Oh and Emperor Stranger, Fight Club was never a member of WOLF, you personally were let in to our room as a courtesy when you were a member of Orbit Black, when you became discourteous I banned you. That's all there is to it. You once championed WOLF as often as anyone, WOLF however was never about getting your way, stop making back handed insults because you couldn't handle the consequences of your actions.

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Since JR is not a formal bloc, we don't "dissolve" for the record.

But yes Gab, any alliances wishing peace so contact myself or the respective alliances they are involved with. As TPF and RE feel they don't want it, then that's their choice as sovereign alliances.

so what will happen with JR now?

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so what will happen with JR now?

Were all going to go grab a beer on your alliances dime, then part our wars. Meet up once in a while for some beers, again, on your alliances dime, and again part our ways. Repeat this about 6 more times.

And Gabryal, you can say JR is trying to dictate how the game is played all you want, but everyone said this about WOLF when WOLF was created, you guys then asked everyone to do something about it. Complaining that someone did something about it and ruined the game is just ridiculous. You guys ALL begged us to do something about it, and now you guys are !@#$%*ing and moaning that someone hit you guys. Really?

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Look, I don't see the need to link to the multiple threads where members of WOLF uttered the dreaded cliche' "do something about it"

You guys even went as far as doing the math for us in one thread, justifying that this "super bloc" could be match by gathering enough people to combat it. You asked for a war, you got your war. Next time take precaution when you say "do something about it". In TE most people tend to do something about stuff here. Not sure when TE turned hippy....

I could care less what happens to this bloc or the coalition that formed to beat it. All I want is for TE to go back to the good ol' days of round 2 and 3. I am starting to get the feeling that this will never happen judging by the amount of poo slinging and sadfacing being created on the forums lately.

I haven't got any notice that the AA in the bloc that we attacked have surrendered at all. So I'll go back into my cave. I've got some tech to steal.

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So, if WOLF is done, the alliances inside would have to contact me in-game and display their willingless to openly leave such an administration and then we can begin discussing surrender terms.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm being yelled at...

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All I want is for TE to go back to the good ol' days of round 2 and 3. I am starting to get the feeling that this will never happen judging by the amount of poo slinging and sadfacing being created on the forums lately.

I remember quite a bit of poo slinging and bloc formation in Round 2 and 3. Remember IDIOT vs GENIUS and Murder Inc vs Judgment? Drama is good for TE.

Edited by JimKongIl
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The conditions of the war JR started was that JR would dissolve as soon as WOLF was gone, if you are saying that JR will not dissolve until the fighting stops, then that was never part of your original conditions.

To my knowledge no alliance has ever forced another to dissolve their organization, alliance, whatever you want to call it. I did say yes "do something about it" I didn't say "Yes force us to play your way". That is in effect what has happened here, whether or not I like it is irrelevant, you got what you wanted. If JR doesn't dissolve as they said they would once WOLF had, then I see that JR has lied, we have reverted back to our original alliances and will war with the alliances that we wish to, JR shouldn't have anything to do with it anymore. If they do then that is what it is, but it puts paid on all the nonsense of that JR has been saying about whether they are a BLOC or not. If you want to continue this curbstomp that's fine, we lost, you had your DoW's in the original post, now all that's being done is carrying out those DoW's against the specific alliances that attacked us. If JR is going to declare that JR exists as a unified bloc for any amount of time past WOLF's end, then we've been lied to. JR should honorably disband upon receiving the notice that WOLF is gone, no terms were mentioned in your DoW's except that WOLF disband. I've already sent you a message saying WOLF is disbanded in game lone wolf, what more do you want? I've unset our chat room, I'll be removing WOLF's website when I have time to do it, what more do you want? TPF hasn't DoW'd JR, we've DoW'd the nations that attacked us, if you are going to continue to say JR exists as long as it's members are fighting then JR is far worse than WOLF ever was, it's a curbstomp Bloc, and rightly should always be remembered as such.

You have TPF's confirmation that WOLF is removed, and that TPF has left it, there will be no further terms other than the ones you requested earlier, it's one thing to beat an opponent, quite another to humiliate them.

I await your response.

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Were all going to go grab a beer on your alliances dime, then part our wars. Meet up once in a while for some beers, again, on your alliances dime, and again part our ways. Repeat this about 6 more times.

And Gabryal, you can say JR is trying to dictate how the game is played all you want, but everyone said this about WOLF when WOLF was created, you guys then asked everyone to do something about it. Complaining that someone did something about it and ruined the game is just ridiculous. You guys ALL begged us to do something about it, and now you guys are !@#$%*ing and moaning that someone hit you guys. Really?

Responded to this in the post above.

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Just as a sidenote: SWAT holds no grudges with TF. Our war with them is out of support for our friends with MHA, not some beef from previous rounds (have we ever even fought TF before? I havne't been around for every round). As for as we're concerned, they're just a group of people we declared war on. No bad blood. No arguments. Nuthin.

I'm actually glad that we got assigned to them. They're hitting us back just as hard as we're hitting them. It's refreshingly fun.


No TF fought with SWAT a few rounds ago (or was it last round, I forget), but we all choose our own paths. I'm really only posting because of the little pang of pride I felt at your last sentence ^_^

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