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AUP - General Congress

Elrich von Richt

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Not really wanting to announce state secrets in an open Congress, Amyante scribbled something on a note and handed that to Kagami instead.


"Zargathia has eighty thousand troops and five hundred tanks. Of those, a minimum of thirty five thousand are required for national security. There's an additional twenty thousand in the National Guard, but these are mostly civilians and draft recruits. Then, there's some five thousand on ongoing White Cross missions, and another ten thousand currently in war games with both the Dragon Empire and the PRC. Which would leave some five to ten thousand troops, or pretty much what we offered to send."

Edited by Amyante
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Korsunsky watched the note pass to Kagami almost suspiciously, while Nagato rolled his eyes until Korsunsky kicked him under the table. Korsunsky instead said "We also have a new request for some of our protectorate. this person who is requesting it also wants to join us."

OOC: go to map thread to see

Edited by Nagato the Great
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"Zargathia has no problem with Jefforia's request, especially given his intentions of joining the AUP. Such would make coordinating the transition easier, as well as help him get his diplomatic relations with Minilla Island started."

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"Did he? Quest only requested Java and Sumatra to our knowledge. This new nation requested Bali and the West Tunggara islands, which would be between Java and the East Tunggara Islands which were given to Minilla."

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"Hmm." Nagato said. "Even worse. Our lands are already getting sapped out of us. The new nation i can understand, but Quest has already been on the political scene before. Why give him the land he doesn't need?"

OOC: Lol, Quest has RP'ed before as different leaders, as a re-roll that doesn't count. I can also why should you have Antarctican lands you don't need?

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"Hmm." Nagato said. "Even worse. Our lands are already getting sapped out of us. The new nation i can understand, but Quest has already been on the political scene before. Why give him the land he doesn't need?"

OOC: Re-rolling doesn't mean I'm using older RP, I also replay don't by the name of Quest, my leader is named differently. Use appropriate characterization, ask if you don't know. Keep OOC knowledge about re-rolling to yourselves because re-rolling is a clean slate on the future, I however use previous history to explain the present.

Thank you very much.

Edited by Quest07
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"We will send Ambassador Vladimir Borens."

**In Tbilisi**

"God damn it, I don't want to go to Asia," Vladimir groaned.

"Shoulda thought about that before you stole my vodka," King Drake said, dragging him by his backpack to a plane.

"I said I'm sorry!"

"And I said you're going to Asia," Drake replied again, pulling Vladimir up the ramp to the plane.

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Tidus Wilhelm showed up at the talks some degree later. He let out a yawn and nodded to Crown Prince Vikram, "I've read the meeting notes. You've done very well here. I wanted to attend and note I personally endorse your works among this body along with Dragonisia and the sentiments therein. I do think we should see some stronger ties in Asia and if some sort of treaty were to be worked out between the AUP and the DE.. something without the ecological restraints of the old AU economic treaty.. it may be agreeable to the senate and something I'd strongly encourage everyone here to consider. Anyhow.. Maelstrom is very ill. I must get back to my state. I'm very glad that this summit was called and hope to see even more productive discussion come of it as has already resulted."

Tidus left a fruit basket as a token of Dragonisia's good will to the hard working diplomats who were probably working up a decent appetite.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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- "Zargathia would not be opposed to a treaty with the Dragon Empire. As a member of the Asian Union however we fail to see their environmental restrictions as 'restraints', rather encouraging nations to achieve progress in a more... environmentally sound manner. Progress is good, but not at the cost of everything."

Amyante turned to the other members of the AUP.

- "I believe a Non Aggression Pact would more than suffice to quell any fears that our two blocs would engage in mutual hostilities. Also, we would welcome the membership of Annihilation."

Edited by Amyante
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Imperial Dispatch:

The Haruhiist Empire would be more than happy to receive a delegate from Annihilation, and would be more than welcome to have them within the AUP's ranks.

Kagami simply turned to Amyante and answered back.

"I believe the NAP could be rather successful, if it leads to god knows what else, all the more benefit. It seems our organization is expanding however."

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OOC: was busy not having internet for two days so couldn't really read or respond to anything...

"About the joint defense you guys are organizing, Kivortistan can not take part in such a thing since we do not border anyone, but the Dragon Empire and there is a giant slab of land in the way. Regarding the Indonesian territory do what you think is best for it. As to what Amyante said about the environmental restrictions, the Conglomerate of Kivortistan does see such things as restraints and would never implement such policies for the leaders are more conscience about the safety of themselves before they worry about such matters. I say safety of themselves because we have formed only a few weeks ago and are a bit shaky as of this moment just because we are so young. About Relations with the Dragon Empire it would be better to settle them now than later, whether they be hostile actions or friendly (OOC: of course i would assume friendly) it is better to know what kind of a relationship we are pursuing immediately to send a clear message to the Dragon Empire and everyone in the AUP. That is all." said Vicktor Vitya.

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"If the leaders of Kivortistan do send an emissary don't be surprised if they don't come in person as they are very suspicious about other peoples intents and since they have been living with constant assassination attempts from one another before the unification. I will inform my leader about such an offer immediately" said Vitya walking towards a spacious area in the room to make a call from. After making the call Vitya said to Prince Vikram "Of course it will take a few hours before the message even gets to my leader since he doesn't allow anyone to call him so I have to call an insider who will deliver the message. But hopefully it won't take as long as i think it will."

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"That is okay, we understand that heads of state have certain reservations about going into other countries. In fact my uncle, the King of Cochin rarely goes anywhere outside Cochin. We shall be happy to welcome any plenipotentiary emissary you choose to send."

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"Promised Land wonders about the exact definition of 'Asia' according to this pact. We know we are unlikely to be inside whatever definition is set, being in Australia, but we wish to know if it would be acceptable for us to obtain an observer's seat."

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