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Athens Announcement

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The funniest thing of all is that all this argument is completely pointless. TSI and Athens obviously aren't friends, and have been suspicious of each other for a couple of months – the treaty being cancelled is in the best interests of both and both should be happy about it. Really, all this arguing does is make both sides look bad ... and those in neither alliance who are trying to drive into one side or the other based on their own agendas look even worse.

Were there no pointless arguing in CN, this place would be completely empty. Let 'em have their fun.

Edited by Aurion
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Unlike you lot, we're pretty open about our intentions, and dont try hide behind petty excuses like "How was I supposed to know my anonymous source was wrong without fact-checking beforehand?"

Please. And don't even try and drag my alliance into this, that's just petty of you.

You have quite the history of taking shots at Sparta out of the blue in unrelated discussions. We've become quite used to your attacks to be honest. We understand and accept that with a high ranking the world, people will come after us for whatever reason.

However, you can't attack somebody at every opportunity and not expect them to hit back. Get used to people coming after you, Chron. The more you do it to them, the more people will respond in kind.

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You have quite the history of taking shots at Sparta out of the blue in unrelated discussions. We've become quite used to your attacks to be honest. We understand and accept that with a high ranking the world, people will come after us for whatever reason.

However, you can't attack somebody at every opportunity and not expect them to hit back. Get used to people coming after you, Chron. The more you do it to them, the more people will respond in kind.

Why does this sound Hegemonic to me?

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You have quite the history of taking shots at Sparta out of the blue in unrelated discussions. We've become quite used to your attacks to be honest. We understand and accept that with a high ranking the world, people will come after us for whatever reason.

However, you can't attack somebody at every opportunity and not expect them to hit back. Get used to people coming after you, Chron. The more you do it to them, the more people will respond in kind.

I am not the NSO.

You plan on coming for me, come for me, don't use my alliance as an excuse for the fact I call you guys (Rarely Sparta, so that's an absurd exaggeration) out for your "fake debating".

It's not your ranking in the world that makes me come for Londo, or you, or Bob, or Bilrow, Hyperion. It's your attempts to try and spin this situation into something it's not; anything more than absolute !@#$%^&*. Or anyone who does that in general. Remember? I made a declaration of war against Fake Debating some time ago, you arent anymore special than anyone else who tries that nonsense.

If you want to come for me, then come.

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Probably because of former Hegemony alliances' incessant need to paint former Karma alliances as "just like Hegemony". ;)

Are you going to provide proof to counter my post, or are you going to do what you've been doing this whole thread, ignore it, and hope no one else catches on that you don't happen to have any?

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Probably because of former Hegemony alliances' incessant need to paint former Karma alliances as "just like Hegemony". ;)

And Londo I apologized to Sparta, not you. What you did to TSI is hegemonic. I mean going after an alliance about something with very little evidence? Didnt that start the Karma War when NPO did that to Ordo Verde? Just saying.

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It just sounds like your coming off saying something like "Yea were big so don't talk smack"

I don't know, im sure your not like that, so I apologize.

Ya, we're big, but we're not ones to try to shut up people who talk crap on us. It's part of the game. However, they can't expect to talk smack without expecting a response from us.

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Ya, we're big, but we're not ones to try to shut up people who talk crap on us. It's part of the game. However, they can't expect to talk smack without expecting a response from us.

Im awaiting a serious response to me, rather than an unrelated insult to my alliance.

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And Londo I apologized to Sparta, not you. What you did to TSI is hegemonic. I mean going after an alliance about something with very little evidence? Didnt that start the Karma War when NPO did that to Ordo Verde? Just saying.

They didn't go after TSI. They canceled a treaty and stated their reasoning. That's hardly an offensive action. On the contrary, I'd argue it was good for both parties.

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Yes I misread that post. To you Hyperion I sincerally apologize.

Yes, he was saying that apparently he possesses powers of communication capable of making me shake in fear or something. Not martial force against my comrades.

I am awaiting these "responses" you've hinted at, you fake.

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Are you going to provide proof to counter my post, or are you going to do what you've been doing this whole thread, ignore it, and hope no one else catches on that you don't happen to have any?

I posted our evidence already, I don't know why you are ignoring it. I am still convinced that you told mhawk the substance of our conversation, especially since it could not have been Mary who told mhawk (as you claimed)... at least not directly. Because 1) I never said anything like that around her, or showed NPO anything more than unfailing politeness and attempts to reconcile the rest of Karma with them in the peace negotiations. And because 2) A very trusted source told me that word had gotten to NPO of a very specific set of comments because I had been "running my mouth to people." Not because I had directly told NPO, or they had somehow deduced it.

And Londo I apologized to Sparta, not you. What you did to TSI is hegemonic. I mean going after an alliance about something with very little evidence? Didnt that start the Karma War when NPO did that to Ordo Verde? Just saying.

I did not "go after TSI". Athens canceled a treaty. There is no curbstomp going on.

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Im awaiting a serious response to me, rather than an unrelated insult to my alliance.

I'm sorry I took longer than three minutes to respond to you, master. It's not like I was busy writing another post or anything.

As for your point. I did come after you in the same way you have come after me in the past. I distinctly remember a post I made in which you and a few other NSO posters interpreted my opinion as that of Sparta's, and then promptly made a few "witty" posts talking about Sparta threatening you or whatever.

If you do not wish for me to bring your alliance into your opinions, do not do the same to me. As I said - you come after us. We come after you. It's how the world woks, my friend.

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I posted our evidence already, I don't know why you are ignoring it. I am still convinced that you told mhawk the substance of our conversation, especially since it could not have been Mary who told mhawk (as you claimed)... at least not directly. Because 1) I never said anything like that around her, or showed NPO anything more than unfailing politeness and attempts to reconcile the rest of Karma with them in the peace negotiations. And because 2) A very trusted source told me that word had gotten to NPO of a very specific set of comments because I had been "running my mouth to people." Not because I had directly told NPO, or they had somehow deduced it.

I did not "go after TSI". Athens canceled a treaty. There is no curbstomp going on.

You're slandering an alliance for you canceling a treaty. It's pretty clear that the cancellation was enough and understandable, but you getting in a potshot was unnecessary and pretty damn petty of you.


I'm sorry I took longer than three minutes to respond to you, master. It's not like I was busy writing another post or anything.

As for your point. I did come after you in the same way you have come after me in the past. I distinctly remember a post I made in which you and a few other NSO posters interpreted my opinion as that of Sparta's, and then promptly made a few "witty" posts talking about Sparta threatening you or whatever.

If you do not wish for me to bring your alliance into your opinions, do not do the same to me. As I said - you come after us. We come after you. It's how the world woks, my friend.

Come now, come now. Unlike you, Im not someone in any position of authority within the NSO. When you make an accusation, you do so with the weight of being involved in your alliance's decision making, and therefore share responsibility for whether or not those actions are mistaken.

If you can show examples of me stating that you making an unfounded, ignorant accusation was indicative of Sparta's own policy, then I will be happy to apologize for my hypocrisy, however.

However, here, I have not dragged any alliances into this mess. I have called out each person Ive responded to by name, not AA. So...

Come after me, then, rather than roundabout insults to my alliance, kiddo.

Edited by Chron
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There will be no Declaration of War tonight against TSI silly :P


But seriously, No. War against TSI was never discussed or even thought about. :)

Well, that's something at least.

It did make me raise an eyebrow when the exact expiry date was mentioned by Athens gov in this thread.

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Well, that's something at least.

It did make me raise an eyebrow when the exact expiry date was mentioned by Athens gov in this thread.

So when we mention the exact date when the treaty expires, people jump to conclusions that we plan to Declare on them? I see how it is ;_;

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