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Sargun II

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A diplomatic solution that assumed our nation does not exist and indeed that 'Carthage' held our lands. This is a clear show of their intents to absorb us, and as seen from news footage of the leftovers from their rapes and mass killings, it will be neither peaceful nor even survivable.

"There are only lies coming from the government of Tyran." stated a pro-Carthagian reporter.

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GM Stuff: Ampa, you can't ninja switch pics. The original one will be the only one that actually was posted/holds merit, etc. As for the claims of massacres and %$&@, I'm just going to assume it's propaganda or that you yourself are doing it, as Sargun has not posted that his forces are doing anything of the sort.

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*Private Response to Tyran*

While we are flattered that you would turn your military over to us, we feel that you should keep control of your military for the purpose of protecting your government. While international forces are capable of protecting your citizens' lives, we cannot protect your government, as we shall maintain a strictly neutral stance in this issue.

That is indeed a much better solution when you place it that way. We are very grateful for your peacekeeping presence and the aid you are bringing. You shall find our troops glad to have you by their side. They joint to protect the people of this land, their families, friends, and fellow citizen. We feel they will be bolstered by your peacekeepers helping them achieve this.


The Dutch National Guard Troops dispatched to Morocco have docked in Casablanca and are currently moving to establish a perimeter around the city. The city is to be protected because of its high civilian population, and it is hoped that military actions will take place outside of the city. However, if fighting comes into the city, Dutch troops will ensure the safety of civilians only and remain uninvolved in general warfare.

Another half of the National Guard have moved outside of the city, to the north, and are working to establish working and operable refugee camps, with supplies which they brought with them to Morocco.

The National Guard will be there strictly for the purpose of protecting citizens and protecting Dutch investigation teams.

The National Guard Troops would be met with members of the Tyran defence force, who would help them in these objectives as well as help with the interaction with the citizens of Tyran and smooth along the integration of the peacekeepers into their role.

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GM Stuff: Ampa, you can't ninja switch pics. The original one will be the only one that actually was posted/holds merit, etc. As for the claims of massacres and %$&@, I'm just going to assume it's propaganda or that you yourself are doing it, as Sargun has not posted that his forces are doing anything of the sort.

OOC: I would like the other game moderator, the one that does not have an in character stake in this to take and give all rulings.

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OOC: Lavo has no in-character stake in this.

IC: With no resistance, troops continue to march straight through Tyran. Casualties were at a minimum as Tyran defense forces have yet to launch any sort of operation against them. Border towns were quickly secured and peacekeepers were granted unrestricted access. Air control was complete dominance, and the carrier battle groups in the Mediterranean started to near Krieg.

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"We personally sympathize for Morocco and Republic of Carthage, however we will not interfere in African affairs. As such, you have our support and well wishes but we will not send troops at this time."

Thank you. Another nation determined to support the right cause and not bloody butchers.

OOC: Lavo has no in-character stake in this.

IC: With no resistance, troops continue to march straight through Tyran. Casualties were at a minimum as Tyran defense forces have yet to launch any sort of operation against them. Border towns were quickly secured and peacekeepers were granted unrestricted access. Air control was complete dominance, and the carrier battle groups in the Mediterranean started to near Krieg.

OOC: Apart from that he granted you his protectorate and so endorses your nation, and ignored that he gave me part of the area he gave to you, I see no in character stake.

IC: The actual lack of infrastructure in Tyran meant that the towns captured were little more than farmers groupings of less than a dozen homes. Inbetween the border and the capital of Al-Tyran there were man of these yet the number of people in them was relatively small.

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OOC: He granted you his protectorate and thus endorses your nation. He did not ignore that he gave you the part he gave to me: Stig did not accurately update the map and thus I claimed it. Lavo had nothing to do with this.

IC: The amount of people captured was small - but it mattered little. The farmers were being confined to their homes under guard, and thus the food supply of Tyran was being strangled. Massive amount of troops were marching across: armored units were swiftly going ahead, overpowering whatever resistance they could have had (or so the Carthaginians believed). Strategic strikes on military bases across the country were still going strong.

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OOC: Lavo has no in-character stake in this.

IC: With no resistance, troops continue to march straight through Tyran. Casualties were at a minimum as Tyran defense forces have yet to launch any sort of operation against them. Border towns were quickly secured and peacekeepers were granted unrestricted access. Air control was complete dominance, and the carrier battle groups in the Mediterranean started to near Krieg.

OOC: seriously?

IC: Radar stations pick up on enemy forces. They are advised to turn back immeditaly or we will hold no bares in retaliation.

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Thank you. Another nation determined to support the right cause and not bloody butchers.

OOC: Apart from that he granted you his protectorate and so endorses your nation, and ignored that he gave me part of the area he gave to you, I see no in character stake.

IC: The actual lack of infrastructure in Tyran meant that the towns captured were little more than farmers groupings of less than a dozen homes. Inbetween the border and the capital of Al-Tyran there were man of these yet the number of people in them was relatively small.

OOC: His rulings are in line with the established guidelines, YOU do not post what SOMEONE ELSE does.


We support a stable and efficient government that protects its own citizens.

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We second this, but wonder why you recently ignored our invitation to hold talks over a possible Free Trade/NAP.

ic: Foreign Affairs have been working to preserve relations with our allies after our recognition of the current government of Nordheim. Damage control in a manner of speaking.

ooc: when?

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OOC: His rulings are in line with the established guidelines, YOU do not post what SOMEONE ELSE does.


We support a stable and efficient government that protects its own citizens.


Thank you for the support. We are doing the best, and are evacuating people from their homes in the country side to Al-Tyran and refugee centers set up by international humanitarian efforts. Any attempt by our small defense force to offensively engage the hordes of pillagers streaming into our lands would be futile to suicidal. However, with your support we wish that we may make it out of this alive, unlike many people that have already crossed the path of these killers.

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No reply as of yet on the Carthage Battle cruisers nearing our borders.

Secret IC:

Sending request for all Allied nations to be ready incase our Soviergnty is threatened.

Cruise & Ballistic Missile weaponry will be used if we feel we are being attacked.

Public IC:

Currently All Krieg Military with the exception of a small detachment in Antarctica is residing within Krieg and are on a 24/7 Defense program schedule. they will be ready in case of an attack by sea.

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Thank you for the support. We are doing the best, and are evacuating people from their homes in the country side to Al-Tyran and refugee centers set up by international humanitarian efforts. Any attempt by our small defense force to offensively engage the hordes of pillagers streaming into our lands would be futile to suicidal. However, with your support we wish that we may make it out of this alive, unlike many people that have already crossed the path of these killers.

Hint, we support the Kingdom of Carthage not the loose band of liars.

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Hint, we support the Kingdom of Carthage not the loose band of liars.

Sorry. We mistook stable government for us, the one that was announced and lives in peace, not the one whose first act was to amass a group of cutthroats and killers and invade two sovereign nations.

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The Maritime Republic of J Andres has decided that this is the perfect opportunity to test its military effectiveness. President Richard Mercton has dispatched the ENTIRE J Andres military to the location.

Minister of War & Defense Joel Brunel then informed President Mercton that the first session of military training hasn't even started yet, so therefore J Andres has no standing military.

President Mercton was extremely impressed with the response time of the military, "How often can you say that you activated your entire military to the other side of the globe, and they managed to return in time for dinner? J Andres has the fastest military of any nation of the world! I am pleased with the progress our military has made in rearming itself."

The J Andres military has been recalled after a successful roll call.

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Sorry. We mistook stable government for us, the one that was announced and lives in peace, not the one whose first act was to amass a group of cutthroats and killers and invade two sovereign nations.

2 nations who never were independent on our books or that of international cartographers.

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Sorry. We mistook stable government for us, the one that was announced and lives in peace, not the one whose first act was to amass a group of cutthroats and killers and invade two sovereign nations.

Where have they invaded another nation? The CAU will not take loose claims and baseless "facts" as evidence.

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OOC: He did post a map claim, and did RP out an IC DoE. Just because the stig didn't have time to update the map/missed the claim when he was editing it (human error), it doesn't mean you should ignore someone completely. This is pointless.

IC: Annihilation has nothing to say on this 'war' except on how utterly pointless it is. We will pledge support to Tyran, as we know it is a Sovereign nation-state. However we are too far away to send soldiers, and it would not be in our best interests to do so.

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Where have they invaded another nation? The CAU will not take loose claims and baseless "facts" as evidence.

Well, if you look at the news, our announcements, their announcements, your own intelligence agencies, you will clearly see the fact that there are troops from Carthage invading Tyran.

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