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Sargun II

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OOC: I look at it this way. If Ampa Sand and Hannibal defeat this "rebellion" then it is all good but if Sargun some how wins and claims the land then il just refuse to recongise it and continue to RP as if Ampa and Hannibal own the land. Regardless good luck Ampa and Hannibal.

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OOC: Im not getting involved in this Temper Tantrum. Its just going to turn into a OOC Fight, and the Guidelines are already being violated, as Kev has already pointed out, as well as Mudd. Im sorry to say Ampa, I agree with your ply, but your going to get bullied out of your spot on the map.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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"We will not keep our peacekeepers in your military barracks."

Your peacekeepers are an armed force are they not? Therefore by naming conventions they are stationed in a barracks. Our law prevents us stationing armed forces in civilian homes, and with our sparse infrastructure we cannot find other places to establish a camp for your peacekeepers.

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OOC: This is retarded, Sargun. It dosen't matter if they're inactive, and yes I know this is now an IC matter. But you could honestly handle it better than this. Don't expect a reply from Hannibal for a bit, he lives in Norway so it's a timezone difference.

OOC: Did he lock his nation, if not, Sargun can do this.

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Your peacekeepers are an armed force are they not? Therefore by naming conventions they are stationed in a barracks. Our law prevents us stationing armed forces in civilian homes, and with our sparse infrastructure we cannot find other places to establish a camp for your peacekeepers.

"They'll get by, by helping the humanitarian workers stay safe in the makeshift hospital."

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"They'll get by, by helping the humanitarian workers stay safe in the makeshift hospital."

That is acceptable. We shall move the temporary housing to the same location as the hospital. We feel this is more suitable and more agreeable. Once again, we thank you for the aid and help you are giving us.

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OOC: Kevz, that's not the point. Did he lock his nation? Yes or no?

OOC: If he isn't inactive he doesn't have to lock his nation.

Also her eyou go Sargun just for you. The guideline you broke:

If you want to claim an area already claimed, you must first work something out with the owner. This means you cannot start a rebellion in their territory, a terrorist group, etc. without their permission.

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OOC: If he isn't inactive he doesn't have to lock his nation.

Also her eyou go Sargun just for you. The guideline you broke:

If you want to claim an area already claimed, you must first work something out with the owner. This means you cannot start a rebellion in their territory, a terrorist group, etc. without their permission.

OOC: I did not start a rebellion in their territory. The rebellion was in my territory. I've already stated this. You didn't even read the freaking OP.

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Imperial Dispatch:

The Haruhiist Empire views this as a blatant invasion of sovereignty by this so called 'Carthage'. We believe before resorting to violent means, all nations should sit down and talk about the current situation. Although we will aid neither side and remain neutral, we advise that the rebellion consider diplomacy before bloodshed.

Signed in Haruhi's name,

Itsuki Koizumi

Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs

OOC: This is retarded, Sargun. It dosen't matter if they're inactive, and yes I know this is now an IC matter. But you could honestly handle it better than this. Don't expect a reply from Hannibal for a bit, he lives in Norway so it's a timezone difference.

We thank The Haruhiist Empire for your moral support. We are glad to see more and more nations choosing to defend the rights of citizens against those who would murder and kill them. Tyran is grateful for your support.

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OOC: I did not start a rebellion in their territory. The rebellion was in my territory. I've already stated this. You didn't even read the freaking OP.

OOC: Oh I mis read it. Sorry Sargun thought you were starting it in their land my bad. Please continue on again my apologies.

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The Imperial Union offers moral and military support for Carthage in it's mission to reunify it's lands.


5,000 Special Ops are being send to assist Carthage, these highly trained soldiers will act as a normal part of the armed forces and take orders from Allied Generals. They will arrive over the upcoming days.

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OOC: I did not start a rebellion in their territory. The rebellion was in my territory. I've already stated this. You didn't even read the freaking OP.

OOC: If it is in your country then Ampa doesnt need to worry then. Rebel in your own nation all you want.

and by your nation I mean Kingdom of Carthage WITHOUT overlapping borders on the Republic of Carthage and Tyran.

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The Imperial Union offers moral and military support for Carthage in it's mission to reunify it's lands.


5,000 Special Ops are being send to assist Carthage, these highly trained soldiers will act as a normal part of the armed forces and take orders from Allied Generals. They will arrive over the upcoming days.

The Imperial Union has just announced it gives moral support to those who murder children and $%&@ young girls. We ask that you retract this before your own national image corrodes to match the bloody and violent reputation of the rampaging hordes you support.

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OOC: Oh I mis read it. Sorry Sargun thought you were starting it in their land my bad. Please continue on again my apologies.

OOC: No problem.

The Imperial Union offers moral and military support for Carthage in it's mission to reunify it's lands.


5,000 Special Ops are being send to assist Carthage, these highly trained soldiers will act as a normal part of the armed forces and take orders from Allied Generals. They will arrive over the upcoming days.

Carthage gladly accepts international support. We are not alone in our wish to unify our people.

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The Imperial Union has just announced it gives moral support to those who murder children and $%&@ young girls. We ask that you retract this before your own national image corrodes to match the bloody and violent reputation of the rampaging hordes you support.

"You accuse this nation that is unstable with horrible, unprovable crimes. Are you insane, when you have humanitarians helping you?"

OOC: Dude...what the hell?

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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OOC: If it is in your country then Ampa doesnt need to worry then. Rebel in your own nation all you want.

and by your nation I mean Kingdom of Carthage WITHOUT overlapping borders on the Republic of Carthage and Tyran.

OOC: I rebelled in my own nation, and the forces then spilled into Carthage and Tyran.

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"You accuse this nation that is unstable with horrible, unprovable crimes. Are you insane, when you have humanitarians helping you?"

Nation? These 'Carthaginians' are no more than violent warlords seeking to expand their pockets and harems. Unstable? Very, these bandits and brigands have been moving across the lands raping and killing like some obscene swarm of locusts. Horrible? Yes. Unprovable? No. These massacres and gang rapes occurred in lands that the 'Carthaginian' warbands were passing through at the time they occurred when the only armed forces in the area were said warbands. Insane? No. We simply want to spread the word of the atrocities these forces are committing.

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*Private Response to Tyran*

While we are flattered that you would turn your military over to us, we feel that you should keep control of your military for the purpose of protecting your government. While international forces are capable of protecting your citizens' lives, we cannot protect your government, as we shall maintain a strictly neutral stance in this issue.


The Dutch National Guard Troops dispatched to Morocco have docked in Casablanca and are currently moving to establish a perimeter around the city. The city is to be protected because of its high civilian population, and it is hoped that military actions will take place outside of the city. However, if fighting comes into the city, Dutch troops will ensure the safety of civilians only and remain uninvolved in general warfare.

Another half of the National Guard have moved outside of the city, to the north, and are working to establish working and operable refugee camps, with supplies which they brought with them to Morocco.

The National Guard will be there strictly for the purpose of protecting citizens and protecting Dutch investigation teams.

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The Kingdom of Carthage has gone from a quick diplomatic solution with Norway to all out war with its neighbors. This war is very unnecessary, coexisting with your neighbors can be very rewarding.

A diplomatic solution that assumed our nation does not exist and indeed that 'Carthage' held our lands. This is a clear show of their intents to absorb us, and as seen from news footage of the leftovers from their rapes and mass killings, it will be neither peaceful nor even survivable.

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Nation? These 'Carthaginians' are no more than violent warlords seeking to expand their pockets and harems. Unstable? Very, these bandits and brigands have been moving across the lands raping and killing like some obscene swarm of locusts. Horrible? Yes. Unprovable? No. These massacres and gang rapes occurred in lands that the 'Carthaginian' warbands were passing through at the time they occurred when the only armed forces in the area were said warbands. Insane? No. We simply want to spread the word of the atrocities these forces are committing.

"You have no proof, I have given orders to the contrary, and we are not bandits, brigands and violent warlords. A highly esteemed international observer has already pointed out that Tyran has lied to slander us. We are conducting as clean a war as can be - tactical strikes against military installations, disruption of military equipment, and allowing of humanitarian peacekeepers and aid. I am done talking."

With little resistance, sixty thousand troops continued to press into Tyran.

OOC: You still have to fight back, you know.

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