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O Horizonte Resplandecente

Sarah Tintagyl

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Lisboa, Portugal

Terra Annabella Aio sat on the stone wall that looked out to the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean and sighed. All around her were flags, banners, even windsocks of green and red with a gold trim on the outside. The sixteen year old felt that she should be happy, the whole country was happy, but she felt isolated alone at the dock. Indeed the times were changing, in Europe and around the world and with the wave of liberalism and free thought sweeping through the continents it was only natural that the Portuguese people, having lived under Welsh and then Scottish rule for what seemed to be an eternity could finally relish true independence. The problem was that in itself, self-rule, self-rule in a country that was already divided in itself, everyone knew it and honestly, they did a piss-poor job of trying to hide it. Turning her head from the glistening water she looked up at the square of the city and the massive palace that dominated the vista, her father, Casimiro, the Patriarch of the Aio Family was already in there, probably buttering up the King before his speech to the nation and to the world announcing Portuguese Independence, along with her father there was most likely, the Patriarchs of the other great familes, the Vechimas, and the Malagrias. It was almost revolting just thinking about it, she had heard her father discussing it at one of the balls held in Lisboa before independence had been secured. That the Aio's would have the strongest grasp on Portuguese foreign and internal policy.

She turned back to the horizon and put her head in her hands. "At least with the Scottish they didn't have to influence the entire country, they just influenced the towns." Terra knew why she was so miserable and it wasn't all because of the new changes, it was that now her family was going to take not only a spotlight in regional and local politics, but now, world politics, or at least the workings on the Iberian Peninsula. "I swear, if father once tries to put me on television, I'm going to scream so loud." She said to herself pounding the sandy ground with her fist before twirling her finger through her blond hair, set in curls for the occasion which made her even more annoyed.

"Terra?" Said a voice from behind her. She turned to see her older brother. Marco Aio, destined to be the King's Undersecretary of Finance walking down the street towards her. "You realize that the ceremony is about to start. Father and mother will both go absolutely insane if you aren't up there. They spent how much money on your dress?"

"I didn't ask for it. I had a dress picked out, but no, god forbid I wear something other than the colors of the flag today."

"Have some patriotism, Portugal as a country hasn't existed for how long? Centuries?"

"Si, I guess you're right. But that doesn't make me what do go anymore than you're trying to make me."

Marco laughed and reached down and took her hand. Their eyes both sparkled, the lovely jade of the Aio Family and Terra's eyes were especially beautiful. "You're going to make a man very happy one day Terra."

"As happy as you are with Rosa?"

Marco sighed at the thought. "No, not like Rosa at all." He shook his head trying to get rid of the thought of his arranged wife of the Malagria Family and instead thought of his mistress Julia, immediately bringing a smile back to his face. "Anyways. Come, mother will be waiting in the box for us." Terra smiled back and getting up off the ground dusted herself off before accompanying her brother up towards the square and to where the Aio's private booth was, away from the undesirables on the street.


Joao Aviz sat looking at himself in the mirror and couldn't stop smiling. It was about time that the Scottish recognize the desire for Portuguese independence, but when it had come time to name an heir to the throne that for so long had sat abandoned, he hadn't be totally sure that he would be the one to get the spot. But that wasn't important now, the Council had decided that he was best fit for the role of King as his bloodline going back hundreds of years to the ancient rulers of the Kingdom. His room on the balcony looking outside at Lisboa was immaculate. Fine linen drapes imported from the Dragon Empire, bottles of wine acquired from around the world, and small treasures graced the top of ebony furniture. A sword belonging to a Welsh officer, a luger made in Old Nordland, and his robes made of the finest fur caught in snowy steppes of what was once Vaule. "To have all these nice things." He smiled. "And that not even being the start of it. Its good to be the King."

Around his room paced three other gentlemen in black suits, not body guards or retainers, but those three men who had done their best to secure his seat of power; the Patriarchs of the Old Families of Portugal, Casimiro Aio, Silvio Vechima, and Raul Malagria. Joao wasted no time in understanding that those three were easily smarter than he was, but he was shrewd himself and hadn't risen to become the most powerful member of the Aviz Family because of his good looks. For now they could have their fun, but when the time came, he would be in control of Portugal. Not them, not the Council, him.

Casimiro looked through the curtains at the square below. "The ceremony has begun Your Majesty. I believe it is time." Searching through his pockets he pulled out a small envelope and handed it to Joao. "A letter from the Scottish Ambassador, of what Portugal is to uphold to retain independence."

"A trifling matter." Added Silvio. "Containing that idiotic nation near Valencia I trust, about that damn wall?"


Joao laughed and tossed the letter onto a table. "I anticipated that, along with the Scottish desire to keep their nuclear weapons in Lisboa. Added protection if you really think about it gentlemen." He paused hearing the national anthem beginning to play from outside of the balcony. "My friends, I believe it is time to announce to the world of our existence. If you would retire to your booths we can begin, truly." The Patriarchs bowed and quickly left the room as Joao looked on at the sunlight shining through the glass doors leading to the brown stone looking out at the Atlantic in the distance. The same sparkling sea that had caught Terra's eyes moments prior. "Ah the sea, it calls out to our ancestors."

Stepping out of the doors, Joao was greeted by cheers and cries of great magnitude as he lifted his hands into the air and smiled.


My people of Lisboa, my people of Portugal, my friends of the world. Today is a great day, today is the day when a nation first steeped in the strength of the centuries gone before us can come and bring the riches of Europe to our gates once again. I am, Joao Aviz, of the Aviz Royal Family and I come to announce to the world of Portuguese Independence from our Scottish overseers. For the longest time, Wales and then Scotland had taken care of our people. Helped us mature, helped us grow and prosper and now we are indeed ready to set out on forging our own destiny. As such we welcome the world to come and join us for our journey as a people and as a nation and look for recognition as a sovereign nation from all our neighbors.

My people, the Portugal of today is strong, it is modern, and it is resourceful and we should be proud as a people to finally receive the responsibility of self-rule as such. Be proud to belong to a rising star, like our ancestors who navigated the great oceans of the world. One day, the people of the world over will come to recognize Portugal as that same shining star, leading by example, resourcefulness, and thoughtfulness. In addition, as a people who will never forget where they owe their thanks and support, we will support the Kingdom of Scotland in anyway shape or form and as such, our first battalions of Portuguese soldiers have been dispatched to help maintain the wall maintained by Scotland on the Krieg border. In the coming days, a Portuguese army will be created as well as merchant fleet to bring our goods to our neighbors and their treasures to us.

My people, today is a bright day for Portugal, so long as we continue to look towards the shimmering stars that blaze the path in front of us.

As dusk approached, the North Star could be seen above Lisboa, Terra looked up her jade eyes, glimmering. She just hoped that everyone could see the same star.

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IC: General Eisner, still in the Netherlands, asks "Can we stop by for supplies on the way home?"

Faustino Malagria, the son of Raul and the Minister of Foreign Affairs looked at the letters already pouring in. Coming across Eisner's letter he smiled as he took out his quill and jotted down on paper.

"We look forward to your visit General. Though I will have to inquire on your state of affairs when you arrive in Lisboa or any other cities on the coast."

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Furon welcomes Portugal to the world stage, but seeing as how you're close to Europe, geographically at this point, we must ask the question:

What are your views on Fascism?


Our thanks to Furon to welcoming our people onto the world stage. I will not beat around the bush that this country is opposed to fascism in the world as we only see war coming from the ideology. However we see this with many ideologies. Portugal is a neutral country and will not involve itself extensively in foreign affairs besides trade and economics. If fascism desires to exist then it may, but so long as I am King of this country, it will not come within our borders.


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Scotland proudly welcomes the Kingdom of Portugal to world, and is more than happy to relinquish control of the territory to ensure the independence of the Portuguese people. We are most pleased that you will continue to maintain the Hibernian Wall as a containment procedure against the rogue Krieg state.

Should Portugal ever need anything from the Scottish, all they must do is but ask.

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Our thanks to Furon to welcoming our people onto the world stage. I will not beat around the bush that this country is opposed to fascism in the world as we only see war coming from the ideology. However we see this with many ideologies. Portugal is a neutral country and will not involve itself extensively in foreign affairs besides trade and economics. If fascism desires to exist then it may, but so long as I am King of this country, it will not come within our borders.


An extremely good position, in our eyes. Once more, Furon welcomes you, and we wish you the best of luck with the Fascists to your north-east. Arkvoodle be with you.

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Scotland proudly welcomes the Kingdom of Portugal to world, and is more than happy to relinquish control of the territory to ensure the independence of the Portuguese people. We are most pleased that you will continue to maintain the Hibernian Wall as a containment procedure against the rogue Krieg state.

Should Portugal ever need anything from the Scottish, all they must do is but ask.

We shall never ever forget where we owe our thanks for help and survival in these trying times. Portugal will always be there for Scotland and we will always welcome Scottish help in our land. Likewise, if Scotland would ever need help, they have everything our country can offer.


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On behalf of Dragon Empire, we welcome Portugal to the world stage. May your people live in peace and prosperity.

Our people have nothing but good things to hear as part of our histories of Asia at the Dragon Empire's push for stability and prosperity in Asia so we are overjoyed to hear of a welcoming from Asia.

-Joao VI

France welcome Portugal's reemergence as a member of the international order, and hope to establish closer ties with our newfound neighbour in Western Europe.

We thank France and knowing that you are part of the Iberian Alliance, we hope that in the future Portugal can call itself a member of that illustrious pact of brotherhood.

-Joao VI

The Republic of Finland welcomes Portugal and recognises it's independance.

A bottle of expensive Finnish Vodka has been sent as a gift.

My thanks to the Finnish people and an extra thanks for the vodka, though we have few cold nights hear on the Atlantic coast, I am positive that it will come in handy for those long nights ahead.

-Joao VI

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"Viniland is very happy to see Portugal re-emerging, particularly considering Portuguese culture and language are deeply rooted into Vinilandese society and play a pivotal role in our daily lives. We will most certainly extend our diplomatic ties at once."

My friend, we look at Scotland as a caring mother, but it is to Viniland that we see our brothers and our sisters, our true fathers and our true mothers. There is nothing that makes this King happier than to know one of the great centers of Portuguese culture outside of Europe recognizes us as a nation, we hope for strong ties in the coming months and years. God Speed.

-Joao VI

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The Empire ordered a boquet of Flowers and a card that said "Welcome to the world stage, we would be happy to get to know eachother as soon as we quell some minor Fascist Scum in our country. Best of luck,

-Emperor Colerich Krieg, Emperor of the Krieg Empire."

A knock on Joao's personal study that looked over the ocean came in the evening after the speech as Faustino Malagria walked in holding a bouquet of flowers and a letter. "Your Majesty." He nodded to the flowers. "Krieg."

Joao chuckled. "Ah, the people that the Scottish told us to look out for."

"They want to welcome us to the world stage."

"And they shall, but as per with Scotland, we are not going to rush into things with them. After all, we are helping to maintain the wall that surrounds them."

"And our response?"

"Tell them thank you and we hope to see them reform from their prior ways of Fascism that has hurt their country so much in the past."

"Very well Your Majesty."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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OOC: Krieg, don't take it so badly, when I was the Ubersteinian Empire I was everyone's crazy scapegoat. Subtle claims that his people told horror stories about Uberstein snatching children and using them for slave labor or something.

Good times, good times. :awesome:


OOCly It kinda fits my nation. Any Killzone player would know what Im talking about, since Krieg is modeled after Helghan.

An oppressed people, who seek not necessarily a Fascist, but Authoritarian leader to lead their nation to glory, away from the Tyranny and away from the slander.. I'm going to take it and run with the idea, Its really neat how Im being responded to as the ISA on Vekta did to Helghast :P

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President Maria Eiguren of Euzkadi extends the warmest congratulations to the people of Portugal on the re-emergence as an independent nation. Furthermore the Basque people of Euzkadi are happy to see another indigenous Iberian ethnic group reassert itself.

Therefore the Republic of Euzkadi formally recognizes the sovereignty of Portugal, President Eiguren will also be prepared to meet with the Portuguese Monarch in Lisbon to engage in talks on expansion of cooperation between the two Iberian nations.

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Sverige welcomes and recognizes Portugals independence. We will send an ambassador as soon as possible.

I thank the people of Sverige for their recognition and anxiously await the arrival of your ambassador in Lisboa.

-Joao VI

Her Imperial Highness Nadine Audrey Peacecraft requests permission to visit once and discuss International Politics and possible trade relations with a nation so close to our own roots.

Your Highness, it would be my pleasure and my honor for you to grace my palace. In the coming days, I hope to open the palace to all foreign guests to come to mutual agreements, at that time I will send you a letter hoping and waiting for your arrival.

-Joao VI

President Maria Eiguren of Euzkadi extends the warmest congratulations to the people of Portugal on the re-emergence as an independent nation. Furthermore the Basque people of Euzkadi are happy to see another indigenous Iberian ethnic group reassert itself.

Therefore the Republic of Euzkadi formally recognizes the sovereignty of Portugal, President Eiguren will also be prepared to meet with the Portuguese Monarch in Lisbon to engage in talks on expansion of cooperation between the two Iberian nations.

As with France, the recognition from our neighbors is what matters most to us. Euzkadi is a nation that I and my people have read on and looked up to since its founding and we will most likely continue to do so as your people and mine work to further stabilize the Iberian Peninsula. I have recently told the Empress of the Imperial Union of South America that in the coming days I will open the doors of my palace to all that require audience, there I hope President Eiguren will be able to grace me with his presence so that we may begin to work on Portuguese-Euzkadian cooperation and trade right as soon as possible.

-Joao VI

"Austria welcomes Portugal back to the world stage.

A barrel of our best beer has been sent as gift."

I thank Austria for the warm welcome and the gift, the Hapsburg line once graced out people with their wise and admirable rule. I wish to have great ties with your people in the future and will drink much to your health.

-Joao VI

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