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North Atlantic Security Treaty


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"Our people share a common dream, where we can make a world where economic prosperity can exist, and where we can be free from the governments whom would cause our nations harm. Today, I believe that we are making the first steps to ensure that the dream becomes a reality, with the North Atlantic Security Treaty. It's contents contain clauses that will intiate an unprecedented economic partnership, aswell as a security clause that will ensure that any aggression by the Tahoe Republic against my nation or a nation in the Dragon Bloc, will be met with massive retaliation. It is my hope that this will ensure regional peace in North America." ~Walter Oates

North Atlantic Security Treaty

1. A limited mutual defensive pact will be established against the Tahoe Republic. In the event of war, full military transit will be granted to all signatories of this treaty.

2. A committe will be established for the exploration of the possible advantages and disadvantages of further military cooperation.

3. Signatories of this treaty agree to allow the free flow of capital financing between their respective nations in terms of private investment and ownership.

4. Signatories of this treaty pledge to co-operate in scientific research and development.

5. Signatories of this treaty agree to free trade.

6. Signatories of this treaty agree to return any citizen that flees the Corpocratic Federation of North America, to his/her respective province. At the expense of the Corpocratic Federation of North America.

7. Signatories of this treaty agree to criminal extradition.

8. This treaty may be canceled anytime with a 24 hours Notice.

Signatories: Corpocratic Federation of North America, Nations of the Dragon Empire.
Edited by Oates
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The Church condemns this. Tahoe is not looking to expand, but to bring order to an anarchist state. They should be applauded for their action. We also frown upon Oates. You can't just automatically make an MDP against a country just for bringing order. If you oppose, talk it out.

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The Church condemns this. Tahoe is not looking to expand, but to bring order to an anarchist state. They should be applauded for their action. We also frown upon Oates. You can't just automatically make an MDP against a country just for bringing order. If you oppose, talk it out.

OOC: If you're suggesting that I just pulled this out of nowhere, its an agreement that I've made with the Dragon Empire about four days ago. I've been w/o internet for four days, so now I'm posting this.


In a public statement to the people of Mexico regarding the Church's protest to the NASTY treaty, Walter Oates said this, "talking will not provide security to the nations of the world, and it will most certainly not secure our economic growth. No, with regimes like the Tahoe Republic we don't need religion and talk, we need action."

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"You surely understand little of Tahoe's relationship with Texas. For decades, the Reich (OOC: What Texas was under Otto - Amerikasomething Reich) stood alongside Tahoe and their leaders and people very often collaborated and helped with each other - it is only fitting that either party would assist the other when law and order fell apart.

We see this as an unwarranted act of provocation from the Corporation towards Tahoe, while throwing around the weight of the Dragon Empire. No genuinely North American nation would mean to threaten or harm the other."

Edited by V The King
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"You surely understand little of Tahoe's relationship with Texas. For decades, the Reich (OOC: What Texas was under Otto - Amerikasomething Reich) stood alongside Tahoe and their leaders and people very often collaborated and helped with each other - it is only fitting that either party would assist the other when law and order fell apart.

We see this as an unwarranted act of provocation from the Corporation towards Tahoe, while throwing around the weight of the Dragon Empire. No genuinely North American nation would mean to threaten or harm the other."

"And we're not going to mention Ardoria and Xaristan, or Tahoe and the USA, or Arizona and Tahoe, or Arizona and the Reich, or Canada and the rest of the north, or the USNA and Canada, or Rebel Virginia in General. Nope. North America has always been peaceful. Kumbaya to our little brown brothers."

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"We laugh at this feeble attempt to 'contain' the Tahoe Republic, which is our ally. They generously granted you independence, and this is how you repay them?

Oh, and since the Tahoe Republic is our ally, any provocative action against Tahoe will be treated as such against New England, and we WILL defend the Tahoe Republic from attack if needed be."

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"You surely understand little of Tahoe's relationship with Texas. For decades, the Reich (OOC: What Texas was under Otto - Amerikasomething Reich) stood alongside Tahoe and their leaders and people very often collaborated and helped with each other - it is only fitting that either party would assist the other when law and order fell apart.

We see this as an unwarranted act of provocation from the Corporation towards Tahoe, while throwing around the weight of the Dragon Empire. No genuinely North American nation would mean to threaten or harm the other."

"We do not trust the Tahoe Republic's "good intentions," and we will not sit by and twidle our thumbs while North America burns. All military regimes start like this, first they invade to "provide stability to the region," next thing you know they'll be invading my country to "liberate" my citizens from my "oppresive" government. No, if our North America brothers will not protect us, we will seek protection elsewhere."

"We laugh at this feeble attempt to 'contain' the Tahoe Republic, which is our ally. They generously granted you independence, and this is how you repay them?

Oh, and since the Tahoe Republic is our ally, any provocative action against Tahoe will be treated as such against New England, and we WILL defend the Tahoe Republic from attack if needed be."

"We regret that a fellow North American nation would not only support the illegal invasion of Texas, but also threaten a peaceful nation such as the Corpocratic Federation of North America."

Edited by Oates
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"We do not trust the Tahoe Republic's "good intentions," and we will not sit by and twidle our thumbs while North America burns. All military regimes start like this, first they invade to "provide stability to the region," next thing you know they'll be invading my country to "liberate" my citizens from my "oppresive" government. No, if our North America brothers will not protect us, we will seek protection elsewhere."

"First of all, why do you distrust the Tahoe Republic? Next, Tahoe is not a military regime at all, as you so allege. They are a federal republic comprised of sovereign states. Thirdly, why would they invade you, considering that they recently granted you independence out of their protectorate?"

"We regret that a fellow North American nation would not only support the illegal invasion of Texas, but also threaten a peaceful nation such as the Corpocratic Federation of North America."

"It was NOT an illegal invasion of the Amerikasomething Reich (Texas). As Viniland pointed out, both Tahoe and the Reich has had ties for a long time, long before your nation was formed. Lastly, you threatened the Tahoe Republic by attempting to establish a treaty directed against the Tahoe Republic, which is our friend and ally."

Edited by JEDCJT
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"We condemn this attempt to oppress the Tahoe Republic. We personally believe that Tahoe's actions in Texas were done in good faith; anarchy was falling over the region and Tahoe obviously did the right thing; annex the area as a protectorate in order to return stability to Texas. Like New England has stated, the "invasion" was not illegal, nor did it negatively affect the local population of Texas. We are disgusted to find out that a North American nation will actually attack Tahoe via the Dragon Empire.

Since Tahoe (along with Viniland) was indirectly involved in the independence of Disparu, we shall also stand by them even if we do not have any treaties with them."

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"First of all, why do you distrust the Tahoe Republic? Next, Tahoe is not a military regime at all, as you so allege. They are a federal republic comprised of sovereign states. Thirdly, why would they invade you, considering that they recently granted you independence out of their protectorate?"

"It was NOT an illegal invasion of the Amerikasomething Reich (Texas). As Viniland pointed out, both Tahoe and the Reich has had ties for a long time, long before your nation was formed. Lastly, you threatened the Tahoe Republic by attempting to establish a treaty directed against the Tahoe Republic, which is our friend and ally."

"While we appreciate the Tahoe Republics lack of intervention in our government's establishment, we will not overlook the situation in Texas. Before, the Tahoe Republic only shared a border to our east and this was through a proxy state. Now the Tahoe Republic has completly encircled my nation, and we as a people no longer feel safe having them as a neighbor. Tahoe is a military power, and it will use that power again, it has already shown that it will invade any region that it deems to be "unstable." We can not let a power like that go unchecked."

"In regards to the invasion of Texas, I view it as an illegal war, because I like all peace loving world leaders view unprovoked wars as illegal ones. Now, no matter what the previous relations were between the two nations, you can not dispute the fact that the Tahoe Republic invaded Texas without provocation. It is not a war of liberation, because they've taken complete control of Texas and I can ensure you that they will not be leaving any time soon."

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"And we're not going to mention Ardoria and Xaristan, or Tahoe and the USA, or Arizona and Tahoe, or Arizona and the Reich, or Canada and the rest of the north, or the USNA and Canada, or Rebel Virginia in General. Nope. North America has always been peaceful. Kumbaya to our little brown brothers."

"None of the examples mentioned ever cared much about stability in the continent as a whole and instead sought their own agenda of expansionism at the cost of sovereign nations - hardly "genuine" North American nations. What is the point you're trying to make?"

"We do not trust the Tahoe Republic's "good intentions," and we will not sit by and twidle our thumbs while North America burns. All military regimes start like this, first they invade to "provide stability to the region," next thing you know they'll be invading my country to "liberate" my citizens from my "oppresive" government. No, if our North America brothers will not protect us, we will seek protection elsewhere."

"North America is not burning. Tahoe is not a "military regime". They are moving troops into an allied, friendly state that fell into anarchy and are restoring order. There is no reason to feel unsafe."

Edited by V The King
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"It matters not whether the nation is expansionist; there is no stability ideal to make a nation specifically North American. Were that the case, a nation like Promised Land would qualify for a true North American status even though not being anywhere nearby geographically.

If none of the examples mentioned never cared about continental stability, do you not include Tahoe in said category? Furthermore, Canada had done much for the continent in the time it was a bastion of civilization.

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"Tell the people of Texas that North America is not burning, I dare you. If the Tahoe Republic should attack the Corpocratic Federation of North America, we will fight back with the full military force of Mexico. And I can ensure you that our allies will support us too. However, if Tahoe's intentions are truely pure, they will leave Texas and stop bullying It's neighbors into keeping with It's own agenda. And should the people of Texas seek independence from their oppresive neighbors, the people of Mexico shall be there to support them."

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"It matters not whether the nation is expansionist; there is no stability ideal to make a nation specifically North American. Were that the case, a nation like Promised Land would qualify for a true North American status even though not being anywhere nearby geographically.

"If they embrace the values of continental co-operation, peace and stability then we might as well say they have "North American" values. Said values are ambiguous and has our biases, but for us those are basically values that nations should hold."

If none of the examples mentioned never cared about continental stability, do you not include Tahoe in said category? Furthermore, Canada had done much for the continent in the time it was a bastion of civilization.

"Of which Canada do you speak of? There was the most recent one (the one we were referring to) that occupied Manitoba and the Northwest, yet never sought co-operation and silently fell into anarchy. On the other hand, there was the one that largely occupied Quebéc as well as nearby territories and extensively assisted the continent and humanity as a whole through scientific progress and peace - which all of us ought to be thankful for and embraced the ideal North American values."

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"Tell the people of Texas that North America is not burning, I dare you. If the Tahoe Republic should attack the Corpocratic Federation of North America, we will fight back with the full military force of Mexico. And I can ensure you that our allies will support us too. However, if Tahoe's intentions are truely pure, they will leave Texas and stop bullying It's neighbors into keeping with It's own agenda. And should the people of Texas seek independence from their oppresive neighbors, the people of Mexico shall be there to support them."

"Texas is burning, surely, but nowhere else in North America. Stop with your paranoia and sensationalism. We get it, you're scared to death for a feeble reason and will not stop talking until a nuclear missile deals with the source of your unfounded fears.

"Texas is in a state of disarray because at the time there was no one to guarantee security in the area and civil war ensued. Tahoe's intervention is preventing the combat from spilling into neighboring nations and guaranteeing it will come to and end - or would you have liked for there to be a high risk of some thousands of men erratically drifting inside your border and wrecking havoc?"

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"Texas is burning, surely, but nowhere else in North America. Stop with your paranoia and sensationalism. We get it, you're scared to death for a feeble reason and will not stop talking until a nuclear missile deals with the source of your unfounded fears.

"Texas is in a state of disarray because at the time there was no one to guarantee security in the area and civil war ensued. Tahoe's intervention is preventing the combat from spilling into neighboring nations and guaranteeing it will come to and end - or would you have liked for there to be a high risk of some thousands of men erratically drifting inside your border and wrecking havoc?"

"We welcome the people of Texas into our borders. We will provide them with jobs, food, and shelter. As opposed to death and destruction, which is what the Tahoe Republic offers them. We regret that you would side with the aggressors in this war, but that is your choice. My government has not, and will not threaten the soverignty of any of It's neighbors, including the Tahoe Republic. The mutual defensive pact is simply there to protect us from future attacks by Tahoe, whom we believe to still be bitter about losing a portion of It's Mexican territories.

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"We welcome the people of Texas into our borders. We will provide them with jobs, food, and shelter. As opposed to death and destruction, which is what the Tahoe Republic offers them."

"Whatever point we made went way over your head. Are you even reading?"

"We regret that you would side with the aggressors in this war, but that is your choice. My government has not, and will not threaten the soverignty of any of It's neighbors, including the Tahoe Republic. The mutual defensive pact is simply there to protect us from future attacks by Tahoe, whom we believe to still be bitter about losing a portion of It's Mexican territories.

"If they were bitter about "losing Mexico" (which they have not lusted for - actually, they have never owned the territory, by the way), they'd actually be as aggressive as you're making them out to be."

"Rather than keep bickering, we'll just leave at that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Tahoe will not come for you and wants to peacefully co-exist as much as you want to."

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Clearly the Dragon Empire is exploiting subversive elements in Mexico to achieve some sort of political power. What designs they have on North America we do not know, only that the CFNA has fallen under their influence.

I will warn you right now, however. We freely allowed the CFNA to establish a government in a part of our Mexican protectorate. That alone shows our magnanimity. Do not throw away the great freedom we have given you. Already the erratic and agressive behavior shown here is a clear warning bell that something nefarious is afoot. We are not going to invade you, not unless you continue to show aggressive behavior and make attempts to move troops towards the Texas border. The fragile situation in Texas will only be inflamed by such actions.

If we were bitter about losing part of our protectorate, you would have already ceased to exist. Is there any power in the America's that could challenge us? No. So stop pretending to be a victim when you aren't one.

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If none of the examples mentioned never cared about continental stability, do you not include Tahoe in said category? Furthermore, Canada had done much for the continent in the time it was a bastion of civilization.
"Of which Canada do you speak of? There was the most recent one (the one we were referring to) that occupied Manitoba and the Northwest, yet never sought co-operation and silently fell into anarchy. On the other hand, there was the one that largely occupied Quebéc as well as nearby territories and extensively assisted the continent and humanity as a whole through scientific progress and peace - which all of us ought to be thankful for and embraced the ideal North American values."

OOC: Woo for soviet Canuckistan :awesome:


Sverige expresses its worry about the ring of nations and blocs gathering around the Dragon Empire. What are they so scared of?

"The Dragon Empire is scared of anyone who is capable of threatening them, which is why they try to destabilise the regions those nations are in, of course.

While not an American Nation, we do suggest to the CFNA to better their ties with Tahoe, for it surely is better having a friendly neighbour and a hostile nation in asia than a friendly nation in asia and a hostile neighbour?"

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If we were bitter about losing part of our protectorate, you would have already ceased to exist. Is there any power in the America's that could challenge us? No. So stop pretending to be a victim when you aren't one.

There is no power that needs to challenge you, considering the lack of Tahoe's territorial ambition.

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"We do not trust the Tahoe Republic's "good intentions," and we will not sit by and twidle our thumbs while North America burns. All military regimes start like this, first they invade to "provide stability to the region," next thing you know they'll be invading my country to "liberate" my citizens from my "oppresive" government. No, if our North America brothers will not protect us, we will seek protection elsewhere."

"We regret that a fellow North American nation would not only support the illegal invasion of Texas, but also threaten a peaceful nation such as the Corpocratic Federation of North America."

"Where exactly is America burning? I'm not seeing any riots or Molotovs being tossed around. It also appears that you have already seeked help elsewhere, via the Dragon Empire.

Illegal? Really? How was this illegal? If Tahoe had not swooped in to protect the reigon from anarchy, then maybe we would have. Would you have called our peacekeeping mission 'illegal' as well?"

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"Our people share a common dream, where we can make a world where economic prosperity can exist, and where we can be free from the governments whom would cause our nations harm. Today, I believe that we are making the first steps to ensure that the dream becomes a reality, with the North Atlantic Security Treaty. It's contents contain clauses that will intiate an unprecedented economic partnership, aswell as a security clause that will ensure that any aggression by the Tahoe Republic against my nation or a nation in the Dragon Bloc, will be met with massive retaliation. It is my hope that this will ensure regional peace in North America." ~Walter Oates

North Atlantic Security Treaty

The Empire affirms this treaty was ratified by our congress.

Maelstrom Vortex,

Triumvirate Executor of the Dragon Empire

On a different topic...

I've given the Texas issue a lot of time while I've been out.. and while I can understand the CFNA's concerns about Tahoe's influence given I was told of the reaction privately that Tahoe had to the possibility of the Empire establishing ties with Mexico.. I would rather see a peaceful resolution of this matter between these two states. However.. I would warn Tahoe.. we will not permit you to influence the foreign affairs of our ally. They have every right to conduct business with whom they wish without any intervention or meddling as a sovereign state over a sovereign people.

On the other hand, I would like to note to the CFNA that there is a historic precedent for Tahoe having a claim to Texas based with their relations to the people and the former regime that ruled that country. I think that Tahoe and Mexico should deepen relations and consider more in depth talks... on a peer basis versus an adversarial basis.. about how to delegate the controls of the new lands. Let us face this one fact. Texas was in Anarchy.. anyone stepping foot on that soil would be classified as an invader. The best way to handle the situation is to do so in an atmosphere of neighborly kindness and either share joint protectorate status over the region until a proper authority can assert itself representing the still sovereign people of Texas.. or neither state lay a hand on Texas.

Due Regards to Mr. Oates and Emperor Mudd,

Maelstrom Vortex

Triumvirate Executor


Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"The Empire shall stand by the CAU and Promised lands' comments, as we may not agree with Tahoe 100%, they did the absolute right thing to assure Texas' stability and order."

Secret to CAU:

Should violence erupt in America due to this ridiculous claim of illegal expansion, we will immediately deploy a counter-invasion force, as well as make use of our experimental ballistic missile weaponry. We suggest you contact the Tahoe Republic and establish ties.. This may also, I note, change our stance on Friendship and JTA with the Dragon Empire. This kind of Slander is not something we will have ANY part of.

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