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Dranagg in the Netherlands


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OOC: coordinates 140 w 80 S are the on the Ross Ice Self. Don't play foolish and mapless all the time.

OOC: Stop trying to pull a fast one. 80 S 140 W is not on the Ross Ice Shelf. You were hit, or another Antartic Nation was hit.

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OOC: For clarification, Ill get the Document I signed with Reeki allowing Technology, Military, and Intellegence Sharing on both our parts.

While I Shark for it, Reeki could you post this confirmation that our MDP/Talks allowed this?

Edit: I keep searching CAU and pact but cant find it. Reeki, just post confirmation.

Also, I wont RP any more movements from the Nuclear Missile Coords/Launch until Confirmation and Tahsirs, and Sarguns response.

OOC: Sorry, been talking to my dad. And yes, when I revealed the M16A1 to Kreig, I upped the NAP to an MDP.

Kreig, found the original NAP thread for you, we haven't made the MDP public yet, remember?


IC: ***Secret***

"Confirm, missile has hit, missile has hit. Golly, look at that explosion!"

Edited by N Reeki
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OOC: How is it godmodding to say a giant-$@! nuke knocked some ice off Antarctica? He's not going to conquer Europe with the Ebil Floating Glacier.

OOC. Because he clearly pretended that his country was actually never really hit and only the ice was knocked off. A nuclear explosion over a country does more damage then that.

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OOC. Because he clearly pretended that his country was actually never really hit and only the ice was knocked off. A nuclear explosion over a country does more damage then that.

OOC: oh you hit Dranagg. In an empty, uninhabitated place where ice flows about 100 meters per year into a dangerous ice shelf. Considering I have about 4 million square miles of Antarctica. You've not done much.

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OOC: He's Antarctica. He's only ice.

OOC. That makes me wonder how he can have a country on something that is only ice. Sure then he doesn't have the resources and the manpower to put up an army- based on this location only.

As he cannot be touched then.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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OOC. That makes me wonder how he can have a country on something that is only ice. Sure then he doesn't have the resources and the manpower to put up an army- based on this location only.

As he cannot be touched then.

OOC: If you want to argue realism, how does Austria have a million soldiers? How does Kitex live in Antarctica? How do so many armed soldiers fit into the Netherlands? Location doesn't matter.

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"The failsafe was turned on?"

"Sir, it was.. it wasn't me."

"Where's it headed?"

"...the Netherlands."


OOC: I was afk, dont try this without me responding at least >.>


IC: Krieg forces who have had full control over guidance systems will quickly make a mad rush and will temporally halt and redirect the missile in orbit. The Krieg Guidance operators will make sure the Missile is set for the Highly concentrated Dranagg population.

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OOC: I don't have to have your permission for anything.

I consider failsafe to be: * “A device that will provide its intended function upon loss of power.” (2007 NFPA-80)

By that, if the device is compromised I am capable of changing it once and then letting it go. From then on it is incapable of being changed again. Your men can't do anything. I uploaded my own failsafe and my tech > yours.

@Uberstein: I didn't go the way you're thinking, at this point the only european SDI it passes through will be scotland.. but they don't have one

IC: The men would find that the guidance operators had no permissions and no ability to change the direction of the missile.

Edited by Sargun
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OOC: So it has to pass from new zealand, though all of Europe's SDI's, and hit the Netherlands? good luck there.

OOC: Please post in OOC thread.. I made it for a reason.. however like I said I RP'd having FULL Failsafe control over the Missiles so this couldnt happen, so its cool, yo.

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OOC: I don't have to have your permission for anything.

I consider failsafe to be: * “A device that will provide its intended function upon loss of power.” (2007 NFPA-80)

By that, if the device is compromised I am capable of changing it once and then letting it go. From then on it is incapable of being changed again. Your men can't do anything.

IC: The men would find that the guidance operators had no permissions and no ability to change the direction of the missile.

OOC: ...... This is shenanigans. I had full Failsafe control blah, Im not going to go into it. This is the glory of an unplanned war. So far EVERYONE Including me has contriubuted OOC Gargon and IC madness to make a big chaotic mess of fail. This thread should be closed. I dont want to play the NO U game, its going to end up in OOC derailement and fighting.

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OOC: ...... This is shenanigans. I had full Failsafe control blah, Im not going to go into it. This is the glory of an unplanned war. So far EVERYONE Including me has contriubuted OOC Gargon and IC madness to make a big chaotic mess of fail. This thread should be closed. I dont want to play the NO U game, its going to end up in OOC derailement and fighting.

OOC: I only accepted a computerized uplink. More importantly, I had my own failsafe which is much more powerful than yours by tech standards. It was activated, it can't be changed. :wub:

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OOC: I only accepted a computerized uplink. More importantly, I had my own failsafe which is much more powerful than yours by tech standards. It was activated, it can't be changed. :wub:

OOC: You didnt RP it. Once again, this thread needs to be closed. The only way Im going to contiune this is if we all sit down and plan it out and set guidelines.

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OOC: You didnt RP it. Once again, this thread needs to be closed. The only way Im going to contiune this is if we all sit down and plan it out and set guidelines.

OOC: Yes, I did. Right after I accepted your computerized uplink (not your failsafe, by the way) I put on a monitoring failsafe. don't try to BS out of it.

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OOC: You didnt RP it. Once again, this thread needs to be closed. The only way Im going to contiune this is if we all sit down and plan it out and set guidelines.

OOC: You can't close this thread. You can however leave the war.

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