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Fall Bayern

Mergerberger II

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"So war breaks out in Europe once again, and all because of an overreaction. Do they do not realize that they aggressively attacked a peaceful nation that never had any aggressive intentions? Sad.

It seems that history is repeating itself over again, and these that fail to learn from it is doomed to repeat it. Sad."

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"There have been tyrants who have started with 'peaceful' words and 'mild, unoffensive' claims who have escalated to much worse. Recognition of a threat early and its early elimination is a more assured method of ensuring survival. I'm sure my allies have terms in mind that will.. reduce this threat."

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"There have been tyrants who have started with 'peaceful' words and 'mild, unoffensive' claims who have escalated to much worse. Recognition of a threat early and its early elimination is a more assured method of ensuring survival. I'm sure my allies have terms in mind that will.. reduce this threat."

“The only reason you and your allies are attacking the peaceful Holy Roman Empire is that you are fearful of a supposed ‘threat’, only because Nordland (we assume that's what you mean by 'tyrants', but if not, we're using that as an example) did that and that long time ago. And so in your fear, you attacked a peaceful nation just because they were “similar” to Nordland and so you aggressively attacked in an attempt to alleviate your mistaken fear. Thus, we reiterate our point that these that fail to learn from history is doomed to repeat it.”

Edited by JEDCJT
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"Lets get a couple things straight...

1. The Empire never feared Nordland. We saw it for what it was.

2. We do not fear a repeat of Nordland, it'd only make us stronger in Asia.

3. The Tyrant of this state.. responsible only for ITS actions and being held only accountable for those actions.. started the war with his excessively belligerent claims.

Stop trying to spin the facts jack."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The timing of this conflict is somewhat inconvenient considering the entirety of Procinctia’s armed forces are currently deployed on holiday in the Republic of Finland, couldn’t Europe’s next major conflict wait four more months?

Procinctia has little right to intervene in internal European affairs, and maintains neutrality in the current European war, however, ClearWater International PMCs currently contracted to provide force protection for vacationing soldiers will be providing immediate military assistance to the Republic of Finland’s operations long enough to secure a Procinctian withdrawal.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Procinctia European Deployments

Procinctia Military (on vacation)

Procinctia Volunteer Militia (led by Isara Gunther): 583

Procinctia Armed Forces (led by Commodore Issorartuyok): 167

Edy Detachment (led by Edy Nelson): 6

ClearWater International private military company force protection for Procinctia’s vacationing armed forces

5,000 mercenary soldiers

5 Centurion Tanks

10 MiG-15

500 Transport Trucks

50 Jeeps

Maliburton corporation was also hired for additional logistical assistance

Edited by Generalissimo
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“The only reason you and your allies are attacking the peaceful Holy Roman Empire is that you are fearful of a supposed ‘threat’, only because Nordland (we assume that's what you mean by 'tyrants', but if not, we're using that as an example) did that and that long time ago. And so in your fear, you attacked a peaceful nation just because they were “similar” to Nordland and so you aggressively attacked in an attempt to alleviate your mistaken fear. Thus, we reiterate our point that these that fail to learn from history is doomed to repeat it.”

That is not our reason for war. I, for one, do not fear Nordland and never did, not like most of the world.

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The Tahoe Republic condemns this attack in the strongest terms. While the Bavarians, or Holy Roman Empire as they are now calling themselves, acted foolishly in stating they wished to reunify the old Holy Roman Empire, they specifically declared their peaceful intentions. And the Europeans respond with a preemptive strike on a massive scale?

That only compounds the foolishness, which as we stress, was caused in the first place by the Bavarians being foolish. We understand our friends in the Commonwealth having a concern over encroachments on their sovereignty, specifically the Hungarian affair, and certainly the European nations are wise to be wary of a country that declares its intention to own all of central Europe. If an American nation declared they were going to unite the continent under one banner, we would be wary too. But preemptive war is not the answer, not now.

Edited by Emperor Mudd
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“The only reason you and your allies are attacking the peaceful Holy Roman Empire is that you are fearful of a supposed ‘threat’, only because Nordland (we assume that's what you mean by 'tyrants', but if not, we're using that as an example) did that and that long time ago. And so in your fear, you attacked a peaceful nation just because they were “similar” to Nordland and so you aggressively attacked in an attempt to alleviate your mistaken fear. Thus, we reiterate our point that these that fail to learn from history is doomed to repeat it.”

"Zargathia agrees with the Polish Republic, and will not recognize this imaginary casus belli half of Europe appears to have against the HRE all of a sudden. We are shocked to hear that the nations of Europe judge and try a man without a crime having been committed and claiming their actions to be justified to quell their own consciences."

"Three thousand troops will be sent into the HRE under the banner of the White Cross, for the purposes of war relief. They will answer to none of the parties present, and should they be attacked despite their designations they will return fire. Again, we do not recognize this unjust war and, by extension, the battles that are part of it."

*** Classified ***

3,000 troops skilled in guerilla warfare will infiltrate into the HRE, to set up emergency hospitals and soup kitchens for the HRE population. Wounded soldiers of either side will be cared for as well, though they will be kept from rejoining their old units until the fighting has ended, effectively using them as hostages.

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"Unsurprising. My prediction were quite accurate. This comes to prove how opposing Nordland was pointless. And as I said also such wars happened and will continue to happen until Europe's subversive elements are removed. In the end, the people of Nordland will get what they want - under one banner or the other, under one political system or the other, with or without me, the Silver is in their hands and not for me to control. Yet perhaps I may have created a monster..."

"The Monster is still my son, however..."

"The eye of Berlin will always be watching anyway."

"It is time to rebuild Bifrost also. Yes. Only then a new Ragnarök may take place. Or perhaps on that premise we should avoid it..."

"What will Nordheim do? These men are not faithful to the Nordveg. They are not trustworthy...but panic-prone."

"We have no friends. We have only enemies. Maybe we will go some other time."

"Allowing Visari to control the Land once was enough. There will never be a second time. Will the world allow Nordheim to keep to itself? Unlikely. At least unless we cower and hide ourselves."

"Lasting peace will be achieved when the senile man from the north and his nation and colaborators are gone....only then...Bluodu min."


Martens was lost in his thoughts as he read the news.

"Am I an Einherjar or do the Valkyries refuse to pick me then? My people..."

"We will oppose. They do NOT respect our ways. Nor their own population. We will be the last Stronghold if we have to be. But if they do dispatch the Northern Madmen we would gladly assist...yes..."

"No...they will just gun for the Rus instead..."

"Stupid Bavarians. Always licking the boots of the Roman Invaders. Don't they realize that these beasts are doing them a favor. Such a disgrace. All they need to do now is learn Latin. Worshipping a culture that enslaved them! How unvolkisch! But the invaders are almost as bad and uncivilized. Nothing but a cardboard Panzer."

"I must relax. For I have time. Forever."

"Vodhan. Gib mï kentnis dhïn."

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Here's your war map. I'll upgrade it to a global map, should conflict expand into multiple continents.

Note: I won't update this post as the war develops, I'll simply keep posting new updates to the map in this thread.

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OOC: The Zargathians would be located in the major civilian centers. They would aid the local population with patrols, food and emergency shelters, as well as use military grade broadcasting equipment to help independant broadcasters send news reports to the international community.

Also, when i said they would fire back, they would do so with teargas grenades and rubber bullets unless facing a full assault.

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In accordance to the Peace Treaty between us and the former HRE- the Duchy of Bavaria all Dutch troops are being withdrawn for territorial defense and possible military actions in Finland. We would like to thank our valiant allies for their help and we hope that this help will continue in Finland.

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Libya wishes to know why anybody expected any better from a regime headed by members of the former Nordlandic Reich and its satellite states. We condemn this action.May you all rot in a dank basement before your remains are fed to animals.

Edit OOC: Grammar Fail. Also Razgriz I'll take mah tech now.

Edited by Marquis Chris 1
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Libya wishes to know why anybody expected any better from a regime headed by members of the former Nordlandic Reich and its satellite states. We condemn this actions and hope that all the nations involved in this aggressive action. May you all rot in a dank basement before your remains are fed to animals.

That is sick and twisted!!! How could you force that on those poor animals?

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Libya wishes to know why anybody expected any better from a regime headed by members of the former Nordlandic Reich and its satellite states. We condemn this action.May you all rot in a dank basement before your remains are fed to animals.

Edit OOC: Grammar Fail. Also Razgriz I'll take mah tech now.

OOC: Damn you Europeans!!! *Shakes his fist at all the combatants* Well Chris, I'm a man of my word, expect your 50 tech in the next few minutes.

EDIT: You have too many on at one time, either delete some or remind me via PM when you are able to accept.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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OOC: The Zargathians would be located in the major civilian centers. They would aid the local population with patrols, food and emergency shelters, as well as use military grade broadcasting equipment to help independant broadcasters send news reports to the international community.

Also, when i said they would fire back, they would do so with teargas grenades and rubber bullets unless facing a full assault.

OOC: How can you get into the area? There isn't a single sea (Koper blockade), land (bar the neutral Italy), or air (heavy fighting) route you can take. I'm calling shens on this.

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Andonian Humanitarian Aid organisations have begun sending aid to warzones. The Andonian military medical support forces will support Dragonisian troops in the field.

OOC: Mael, is this just Dragonisia doing its own thing, or is the whole Empire going to war?

ooc: The whole empire as part of the Eurasian Pact. Feel free to send a few troops to if you like, but I think we're already at more than necessary for this mission.

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OOC: How can you get into the area? There isn't a single sea (Koper blockade), land (bar the neutral Italy), or air (heavy fighting) route you can take. I'm calling shens on this.

OOC: Because they're operating under the White Cross flag. The Commonwealth is a signatory as well, and would be obliged to allow the Zargathians passage as per article III.

III. Humanitarian Workers

Every signatory is to commit medical and other infrastructure employees so as to help affected areas recover from the massive amount of loss that they have gone through. There is no set limit to the amount of doctors, nurses, priests, and engineers that can be set, other occupations may also be used if no listed in this document.

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***Classified to Dragonisia***

I thought that treaty didn't chain? That is in effect what you are doing by defending the aggressors.

***Classified to Promised Land ***

"Technically, given that claims were made against their lands, they are the defenders. Whether they were peaceful claims or not, they were claims against a sovereign domain."

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