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Corporate Takeover!


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Matamoros, Mexico

She kept her back straight, and her eyes fixed to the words on the screen. She could not help but be nervous, there were maniacs with guns outside the station and maniacs with guns ready to sweep through the city at a moment's notice. There was a job to be done however, and she was the only reporter with the courage to stay in the kill zone. The camera man flashed her the okay sign, she was on air.

Good evening Mexico! I am your host, Vanessa Rodrigez, and this is Liberty Network with the truth.

She stopped to clear her throat, then shuffled some things around on her desk. It was something she often did when she was nervous, and her boss hated it.

In today's news, there was a suicide bombing at St. Mary's Church in Matamoros. Twelve were killed in the initial explosion, and twenty-three were killed during the raid on the church that took place after the explosives were detonated. What is left of the local authorities is calling this one of the worst massacres in the history of the city. Some say that the shooters were targeting Pedro Gonzalez, a drug lord that is suspected to have controlled a large percetage of the drug trade in the city of Matamoros.

And... in other news, there are rumors of Tahoe authorities constructing electric fences along their Calafornian borders. Could this mean that they've given up on retaking their Mexician posessions? Only time will...

The director gives her a cue, cutting her off. Some big news just came in, urgent news. She couldn't believe her eyes as she read it.

I'm just getting this in, apparently there are reports of an invasion. This can't be right... it seems that there are large groups of men dressed in civilian attire, and they're rapidly approaching the city of Matamoros. I'm also getting reports of armored convoys patroling the countryside, and of artillery barrages in the city. !@#$... uhh, is this real?

She stared at the director, he nodded. She sat there for a second, in disbelief.

Citizens of Mexico, this reporter is advising you the seek a bomb shelter. Or better yet, get out of the ci-"

An explosion rocked the station, knocking Vanessa out of her chair. She could say it was real now, she didn't need any more convincing. The lights flickered, the camera kept rolling, and Vanessa stayed on the floor.



Bagdad Beach, Matamoros Municipality.

Bagdad Beach was in absolute chaos in those first few hours, nobody knew what the hell was going on. While battleships and crusiers could be seen off on the horizon, almost half a day before the landings, nobody really took notice of them. Then the LCVPs started ramping up on the beach. It seemed as if there were hundreds of them, some were packed with heavily armed men in civilian clothing, others were packed with gun trucks. Amphibious APCs thundered across the beach as they hit land, rolling forward to lead the initial assault. The rebels and outlaws banded together to put up a fight, opening fire on the landing craft. The battle for Bagdad Beach had begun.

The ramp made a horrible screeching noise, and locked in place half way in It's descent. This caused much !@#$%*ing from the occupants. Then the not so subtle sound of bullets ricocheting off their LCVP silenced them. One man stepped forward, he was like everybody else in the boat. He was of African descent, with the same jet black jacket, tan cargo pants, and combat boots. Only he was ready to take the lead, and they were not. He unbuckled his cartridge belt and grabbed on to the ramp's ladder, a back up in case the ramp failed to function, and climbed off the boat landing in three feet of water. "Come on you cowards!" he yelled, as began moving toward land. The men responded with a hearty war cry, before disembarking.

All hell was breaking loose on the beach. The APCs were using their powerful 25mm chain gun to suppress the boardwalk, tearing the buildings and anybody unfortunate enough to be up there to pieces. Meanwhile, the Mexicans seemed to be coming out of the sand itself. It did not surprise him, the briefing said that everybody and their mother was armed, if you weren't you wouldn't last long in this lawless land. The African pressed on, finally reaching land with bullets impacting to his left and right. He sprinted toward one of the life guard shacks for cover. Then he watched carefully, he watched as his fellow Soldiers were getting dropped in the water by enemy fire and he tried to figure out where the shots were coming from.

A man climbed over the ramp, only to get shot in the chest and fall back into the boat. The shot entered from the direct front, which meant it was coming from the boardwalk. The African popped the corner and observed. There were hundreds of flashes coming from the boardwalk, but one caught the African's attention. A muzzle flash from the third story window of a hotel, it was a sniper. Several men from the boat joined him in his hiding place. "Whats the plan Ali!?" one of them asked. "What makes you think I have a plan," he responded. "Well," the other man said, "you're the acting squad leader now, everybody else is dead." Ali grinned, then he pointed toward the column of APCs advancing up the beach. "We're going to use those LAVs as cover," he said, before pointing toward the hotel, "to move up to the hotel and clear it." The men nodded.

Ali pumped his arm up and down vertically, it was their hand and arm signal to sprint. He jumped off the shack's stairwell and started sprinting for the APCs. His men followed him every step of the way. He reached the nearest APC and started to follow it for cover, they were cruising at a steady 3mph. The weak armor on the APCs did not prevent the 7.62 rounds from cutting through it like butter. Ali was not surprised when the APC in front of him came to a sudden halt, with the crew inside screaming, "driver down!" He switched APCs, running toward the next one, which was about a tenth of a mile to his left. His team followed this one for a quarter of a mile, before it suddenly exploded, killing the entire crew aswell as one of Ali's men. This time however, they were close enough to make a break for the beach, Ali gave the sprinting signal again.

He and his men raced up the boardwalk, passing a badly vandilized McDonalds and theatre. One of Ali's men, the one who told him he was in charge, caught a stray bullet in the chest as they were running up a set of stairs. Ali turned back around and threw the man over his shoulder, before running through enemy fire to get to the street. The remaining three took cover behind an old curro stand, Ali laid the man down and said, "one of you stay here and tend to him, the other comes with me into that hotel." One of the men hesitated, the other did not, "I will go with you Ali!" Ali grinned, the man who volunteered was the youngest man in his platoon, Nelson Zuma. "Then let's go boy!"

The two sprinted across the street and into the hotel lobby. It was derelict, and looted. Graffeti was sprayed every inch of the hotel's walls, many of which appeared to be gang signs. Zuma pointed to a boarded up door, with a skull flanked by a rifle and machete sprayed on the wall ajacent to it. Ali nodded and motioned for Zuma to take point. Zuma was the squad's breacher, it was his specialty. He approached the door and switched out his Ak47 for a sludge hammer, which he used to destroy the door and reveal a staircase that lead directly to the third floor. Ali pushed past him and cautiously scaled the stairway, they'd made enough noise to wake the dead and the sniper probably knew they were coming. Zuma followed closely behind and they slowly reached the third floor.

Ali could hear shots coming from a room just down the hall, the sniper had not heard them after all. He motioned for Zuma to take the right side of the door, while he took the left. Zuma hugged the wall, with all but his leg out of the doorway. Zuma looked Ali in the eye, Ali nodded and Zuma delivered a powerful donkey kick on the door, opening it and scaring the !@#$ out of the sniper. Ali stormed in, with his Ak47 up, and put four rounds in his chest. Ali walked up to the window and threw a jump rope with a glow stick tied to each end over the window sill, this showed that the building had been secured. He then patted Zuma on the back and said, "job well done, I'm sure the rest of the platoon will get up here soon and then we can link up with them."

That day, the mercenaries captured Bagdad beach and the surronding area with minimal losses. Once they broke through the intial resistance, the rebels were on the constant retreat, avoiding a direct confrontation with the mercenary army.



Matamoros, Mexico

Bagdad Beach had fallen twelve hours ago, but the people of Matamoros were already in a state of complete panic. Rumors of Soldiers that dressed in civilian clothing and killed without prejudice frightened the people, almost as much as the notion that they might fall back under control of the Tahoe regime. Nobody knew who these mysterious war fighters were. They were of many different nationalities, many were African and East European, and some were even South American. This made it all the more difficult to mount a meaningful resistance against the invaders, invaders that had already started penetrating the City's borders.

Ali and Zuma were once again in the middle of a !@#$ storm. Night time was fast approaching, and they'd been in combat since they landed in the morning. Instead of rest, they were told they were to take part in another mission. This time they'd have the honor of capturing the biggest prize in Matamoros, the Municipal Palace. They'd be launching a direct assault against the palace with 1st Squad, while 2nd established several overwatch positions in the buildings overlooking the court yard. 3rd would be in reserve, ready to replace 1st or 2nd should something go wrong. The palace was positioned at a fork in the road, with a road going out in all four magnetic directions. Ali's squad would be advancing up the eastern street, toward the palace. The plan was in motion, the men were already moving to their locations.

Ali's squad bounded down the street, using abandoned cars as cover. One would move, while another covered. Ali had twelve men in all, divided among three teams. They were halfway down the street before they started taking fire from a second story window to their left. The men instantly opened fire on the window, supressing the shooter. When the shooter tried to pop out for another shot, he caught a bullet in the face. "First team," Ali yelled, "clear that building!" Four men stacked on the door, before bursting through it and clearing it room by room. Several minutes passed before Ali heard somebody yell, "four coming out!"

They continued down the street, meeting no resistance. They reached the gates of the palace, it was an eerie sight. There were dozens of abandoned cars parked out infront of the gate. Ali motioned for Zuma's team to breach the gate. Zuma moved forward, navigating through the maze of cars with his already prepared C4 charge. One man posted up on each corner, while the third escorted Zuma. Zuma reached the gate and began setting the charge.


The ground underneath Zuma exploded, along with every single car infront of the gate. The explosion was massive, and a sight to behold. Ali could not take his eyes of it. When the smoke cleared, Ali could see that Zuma's team had been completly whiped out. He kept his cool, taking the lead into the court yard. He used the wreckage to cover his movements into the building. Strangely enough, he did not take any fire on the way in. He assumed that the IED must have been left behind by whoever used to control the compound, as way of saying "$%&@ you" to the invaders. It did not take long for his team to reach the unsecured palace. They moved inside and cleared it. They found nothing.

"Three Bravo, this is One Bravo, over."

"Send it."

"We've secured the palace, but we have four KIA and there could be more IEDs in the area, over."

"Roger that One Bravo, we'll move in to reinforce you, out."

Ali put the radio back in his cartridge belt and yelled, "First Team establish an overwatch position over the courtyard, Third Team I want you to provide rear security!" The men rogered up, Ali went with First Team. He went up to the third floor, inside the governor's office. From there, he could see the entire court yard.

Thirty minutes passed before Ali caught sight of 3rd Squad. Everything was quiet, they bounded into the court yard just as his squad had. Except as they crossed the court yard, they recieved heavy machine gun fire from the south and west. Ali's squad opened fire, as 3rd Platoon hit the deck. Ali could hear fire coming from his east, it was 2nd Squad. Despite the efforts of 1st and 2nd, every single member of 3rd was killed. Ali screamed in fustration, before running down to the lobby and grabbing his forward observer, "call for fire on the south and west buildings!" he screamed. "They're coming in from the back!" one of his men screamed.

Ali moved towards Team Three's position, just as another rebel came through a back door. Ali shot him dead, with a single well placed round. Then one of them rolled a grenade inside the room, right next to Ali. One of his men threw his body on it, killing him and bursting Ali's ear drums. Several more rebels rushed through the door, only to be cut down by a bleeding Ali. He let out a vicious war cry, before pulling the pin on his own grenade and chucking it outside the door. It explodes, and the men outside scream. Ali fixes a bayonet on his Ak47 and rushes outside, in a frenzy. He discovers two dead men and two wounded men right outside the door. He viciously drives the bayonet into the first man's throat, killing him. The second man begs for mercy, Ali spits on him before stabbing him right in the heart.

He feels somebody grabbing him from behind, and starts fighting back. He takes a punch right to the face, knocking him out. He's pulled back into the building by his men, as the artillery strike hits and the gun fire goes silent. The battle for the Municipal Palace ends, and the city of Matamoros fell by morning.



50 Miles Above Matamoros, Mexico

The man behind the chaos, Walter Oates, was flying fifty miles above the carnage. It had only been two days since the invasion began, but Mr. Oates wasted no time in flying into HIS new city. He was more afraid of the Assembly than some petty criminals on the ground. At that very moment, he preparing for the speech he was going to have to give to the Assembly after this operation came to a conclusion. Walter Oates was the mastermind behind the Assembly of North American Corporations, or ANAC for short. He envisioned a country in which there were no rules for corporations to play by, and where they could make unlimited profit. Of course, to make it work there would need to be a harmony between the many corporations that occupied this land, otherwise there would be chaos. Thus, he established the ANAC, with his vast financial resources he managed to convince some of the world's most powerful corporations that his vision could become a reality. With the support of these corporations, he recieved not only economic power, but martial power too.

Of course, pleasing hundreds of corporations is not an easy task. Walter Oates had recently been elected to the Board of Directors for the third time, but the support he recieved was a sharp decline from the support he had in previous years. He'd have to accelerate his plans if he ever wanted to create his corporate paradise, and the chaos in Mexico was his golden ticket. Of course, it was chaos that he personally funded. It didn't take much, all he had to do was equip and fund a few rebel organizations. Of course, he had a contract with Tahoe, he'd have to turn the land over to them after the ANAC's private army captured it. But he did not plan on honoring that contract.

"Mr. Oates," his pilot yelled, "we're preparing for landing at the Municipal Palace!"

Oates' body guard offered him a flak jacket and kevlar, Oates pushed it away saying, "if somebody wants to try and kill me, I want to give them a decent chance."

The helicoptor began its descent. The men on the ground began directing the helicoptor, as it touched down in the court yard. Oates and his body guard stepped off the helicoptor, Oates took a look around. "We'll need to get that gate fixed and those cars cleared out of here," he said while pointing to the debris created by the IED. His body guard rushes him inside the palace, where they come face to face with Ali. Oates extends his hand to Ali saying, "I've heard the stories about you, good work Soldier." Ali firmly shakes his hand, "I'm just doing what I'm paid to do, Sir."

Oates laughs and asks, "I'd like it if you escort me to the governor's office." Ali nods and leads him up a flight of stairs to the third floor, down a hall and into the office. Oates walks in and observes the worn down room, he's obviously not amused by it. "You're good my friend," he says to Ali, "you and your men are free to rejoin your company." Ali nods and walks off. As soon as Ali leaves the room Oates yells at his body guard, "get somebody to clean this !@#$ hole up, if I'm going live here it better look presentable!"



Mexico City, Mexico

Migeul Alvarez had his face in the concrete, the explosions and gunfire were a little too much for even a veteran reporter like himself. His camera man yelled, "we're rolling Migeul, say something!"

Migeul started speaking, in a shaky voice. "We're here in Xalapa, where the invaders have begun an assault on the city. It looks like the rebels have banded together to resist the invasion, but this is only slowing them down. They've already taken half the city and-," an explosion rocks the street where Migeul is taking cover. Another direct hit kills his camera man and damages the camera, Migeul's last words are heard live, "oh God, please help me, $%&@!"

Meanwhile, in Mexico City, Vanessa Rodrigez is the anchor woman. The camera cuts back to her, she has a look of shock on her face, it is forced. After so much loss, Migeul's death does not phase her, but its good to act like it does for the camera.

As you can see, the invaders have begun seperate landing operations in the south. While the invaders have been bogged down in the city of Xalapa, they've managed to consolidate their position in the state of Tamaulipas. All resistance has been crushed in the region, and there are rumors of military supplies being rapidly brought into the region for an upcoming offensive against north-eastern Mexico. This reporter can only hope that the men and women of Mexico can gather enough courage to continue resisting these invaders, whom we still do not know the identities of. This reporter feels that this is an illegal war, prosecuted against the-"

The director yells, "stick to the script Vanessa!" She continues.

Mexican people by the Tahoe regime. There have been human rights abuses by these men that the Tahoe regime refuses to accept responsibility for! Do you think the people of Mexico are stupid!? We know whats going on, and we won't let this go unpunished! I beg you, the people of Mexico to-

The director is red in the face, he screams, "get this !@#$%* off the air!"

resist this fascist invasion! Resist! Do not let these !@#$%^&* win!

Several security guards rush Vanessa, as the screen cuts for several minutes. Video feed is restored, with Vanessa being replaced by the director.

We apologize for our estranged reporter, Vanessa Rodrigez, her views do not in any way-



Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Ali sat in the back of the APC, with his Ak47 resting on It's muzzle. He'd traded out his civilian clothing for war gear, as did the rest of his squad, whom were packed into the APC like sardines. He was wearing a ruck sack, filled with valuable supplies and ammo he'd need for the field. They were going to war once again, this time however they'd be spared the city warfare. They were on a mission to clear out a suspected insurgent stronghold in the Huasteca mountains. It would be an easy mission, as the rebels were not expected to put up much of a fight. Years of fighting in Europe had however, made Ali aware of just how hard an "easy" mission could be.

The LAV took a sharp turn to the left, tossing the men inside. They were going off road now, deeper into the mountains. One of his men yelled, "some of you new guys are about to get your !@#$ pushed in!" Ali slapped the back of his head telling him, "if anybody dies, I'll push your !@#$ in!" The new guys laughed, the older guys just shook their heads. They started going up hill, making the ride very uncomfortable. "When is this hill going to end," somebody said. The driver yelled to Ali, "we're coming up on the objective now, as soon as we reach the crest we're going to dismount!"

They hit the crest, and the LAV came to a halt. The vehicle started making a humming sound as the ramp came down. Ali's squad dismounted and set up a defensive position around the LAV. Ali was the last one out, he took a knee 50m away from the LAV with Team One. The area was dead silent, they were fully alert and ready for the enemy, but the enemy did not come. Ali let his Ak47 hang from his body as he pulled out his map and compass, they'd need to go east.

Then a familiar sound killed the silence. Not one, but three RPG-7s ripped through the air and hit the LAV. Then the machine guns opened fire from the east, killing everybody on the right side of LAV in a matter of seconds. Ali roared, "move your @#$%, get some cover!" Ali and his four remaining men took cover behind what was left of the LAV. He pulled out his map again and looked for an alternative route. There was one, but they'd have to go through a narrow pass that ran along the cliff face. It would lead straight to the objective. Ali spoke to his men, "I want you to keep their fire fixed on you, while I go around and try to flank." They were going to protest this order, but Ali ran out from behind cover, drawing their fire away from the LAV. His men used this opportunity to return fire.

One of the men hopped inside the LAV and mounted his RPK on a hole in the LAV's armored. He started supressing, the others started bounding forward up the hill. Meanwhile, Ali was sprinting along the cliff face. It was all uphill, and the 90 degree weather did not make it any easier. The urgency of the situation kept him moving however, if he messed this up he'd have four more bodies to deal with. He reached the top, close enough to the objective to see what the rebels had built up in the mountains. They'd constructed several machine gun positions in the mountain face, expertly camoflauged and equipped with .50 caliber machine guns. Ali carefully moved up to the bunkers, trying to avoid detection. One of them spots him, and begins to turn the gun to open fire. Ali raises his Ak47 and shoots at the machinegunners, instead hitting the .50 cal and disabling it. The other gun turns, before a grenade lands in the bunker and kills them all. Ali hits the deck and opens fire on the remaining bunker, killing one of the men before his team reaches the top and rushes the bunker.

Ali and his men cheer, as the remaining insurgent is gutted by one of the men's bayonets. Ali jumps into the bunker and says, "search this area throughly, I'll bet they're hiding something here." They begin the search. One of them stumbles upon a trap door and calls for Ali, he comes up to it and pushes him away. He pulls out a service pistol, holding it in one hand with his other hand on the handle. "Back away," he says. He opens the trap door, revealing a hole in the ground that leads into a secret room. He pulls out a red lens flashlight and jumps into the hole. He takes a couple steps before he hears a click from underneath him.


All his men hear is an explosion, followed by a scream as the cave collapses in on itself.



Matamoros, Mexico

The Municipal Palace had been completly restored to It's former glory. Not only that, but Walter Oates was hosting the latest ANAC meeting there, where he would hold his victory speech. He'd mysteriously ordered his armies to halt all offensive operations after carving out a chunk of Mexico's eastern states. Now he was ready to reveal his business plan. He stepped down the grand stair case in the dining room, toward his guests of honor, the ANAC representatives. He began his speech.

My dear friends, I hope you like what I've done with the place. You may be aware of the fact that our armies control a large portion of Mexico now, and you may be wondering why I've halted the advance. Well, I'll tell you why. As of now, we're in an interesting position. Mexico is in chaos, nobody really has any control over it, the Tahoe military is not present in the region anymore. They're preparing for an offensive into Mexico, which is supposed to liberate their protectorate from the cruel oppression of a bunch of misfits and criminals.

Oates started laughing.

But how could they ever hope to do that, if they need us to rescue them from a bunch of Mexican renegades? No, I propose that we end the contract with them, and claim the land we've aquired as our own. We'll make Mexico a corporate paradise, with nothing restricting growth.

He was bursting with excitement, he started raising his voice.

Tomorrow, we'll put it to a vote. If we end the contract, we'll found a new nation, a federation of corporations. The world's first corpocracy. The regions we control will be divided into a federal like system, with the most powerful corporations taking control of a region. They'll be free to make their own laws, and of course, they'll be free to enforce their own brand of justice. Then I propose we elect a Board of Directors to manage the nation's martial and foreign affairs. And from the Board of Directors we'll elect an executive. But I'd rather not bore you with the details.

Oates downed his glass of wine, and continued speaking.

We're entering a new age my friends, an age where money is God.

He descended the stair case, the crowd parted as he walked toward his private study.

I hope you enjoy the party my friends, I'll be in my study drafting our nation's constituion.

The war ended that day. Nobody outside of the ANAC really knew why until a week later, when Walter Oates went on live television with a statement. He stated that due to the Tahoe government defaulting on a payment, their deal was to be completly voided and the Mexican lands were to be seized to compensate for the ANAC's expenses. In the same statement, he announced the formation of a new government, which would manage the ANAC's possesions. He called it the Corpocratic Federation of North America.

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Mr. Oates, I have been watching your activity in taming Mexico and I am very impressed with your activity. I am Maelstrom Vortex, Chairman of the State of Dragonisia and current Triumvirate Adviser of the Dragon Empire. I have great interest in opening ties to your newly formed state.. including investing into the corporations which have formed the central backbone of your movement. Our goal would be partial ownership in order to help the Dragon Empire expand the domains of its influence abroad. If you are interested, I'd like to know the constraints upon our investment and how you would like to proceed in this area.

I believe a harmony could be found between your new Mexican Corpocracy and the Dragon Empire that will bring us both immense benefits. Undoubtedly there is a potential for immense synergy.



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OOC: Thank you all.

OOC: Wow. That was excellent and well done.

IC: The Aether Empire recognizes this new state, Tensor Industries would like to make a headquarters within, in order boost our over-all growth.

From: Walter Oates

To: The CEO of Tensor Industries.

As the acting Chairman of the Assembly, I would be glad to welcome Tensor Industries into the fold. Of course there are some terms that you must meet before this happens.

1) Your corporate headquarters must be located in North America, if it is not, the Assembly will gladly allow you to purchase property in CFNA territory.

2) You must aquire citizenship in the CFNA, and sign a waiver stating that you recognize and accept the laws of the land.

If you meet these terms, you will be inducted into the Assembly on probation status. Your vote will be halved for a period of time that the Assembly considers to be acceptable.

Mr. Oates, I have been watching your activity in taming Mexico and I am very impressed with your activity. I am Maelstrom Vortex, Chairman of the State of Dragonisia and current Triumvirate Adviser of the Dragon Empire. I have great interest in opening ties to your newly formed state.. including investing into the corporations which have formed the central backbone of your movement. Our goal would be partial ownership in order to help the Dragon Empire expand the domains of its influence abroad. If you are interested, I'd like to know the constraints upon our investment and how you would like to proceed in this area.

I believe a harmony could be found between your new Mexican Corpocracy and the Dragon Empire that will bring us both immense benefits. Undoubtedly there is a potential for immense synergy.



From: Walter Oates

To: Maelstrom Vortex

I welcome any diplomatic support from foreign nations. There is a war still raging in Mexico, and our relations with the Tahoe government are sub-standard to say the least. There is not much that I can do before our constituion is ratified, but I will create a committe with the sole purpose of finding meaningful ways for our two governments to interact.

Regarding investments. While I, as the chairman, represent the Assembly and government of the CFNA, I do not directly control the members of the Assembly. If you'd like to invest in one of the founding corporations, then you are free to enter into negociations with them. However, if you desire to invest directly in the state, then you can enter into negociations with me.

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We're interested in a 10% stake across the board in the individual corporations for our sovereign wealth fund, which we will talk with them individually as you have suggested. I am not certain whether influence with your state is able to be purchased or not, you'd have to advise me on that.. how it would be done, what could be gained from such investment. We're also definitely open to free trade, open markets, and the acquisition of some of your currency notes to provide some stability between our own currency and your state. We could also potentially benefit between a non aggression or mutual defense clause.

Of what I've stated above, how far would you be comfortable in going? We've.. had some troubles with Tahoe in the past. Do not let them worry you to much. They like to rattle sabers a lot. I think it's to secure internal stability.

Regards and Best Wishes,


Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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From: Walter Oates

To: Maelstrom Vortex

We have no restrictions on the amount of shares you can buy in a member corporation, and we do not intend to create any. I personally feel that a free trade treat would be desirable. Also, if your nation has any undesirable citizens, we would gladly take them in to serve as cheap labor in the corporate paradise. Full transit treaties, along with a mutual defensive pact would be acceptable too. However, be advised that we intend to continue the advance into Mexico as soon as our constitution is ratified. Perhaps we could work toward a joint military adventure into the region?

To make things more convinent for you, I've included the names of the eight most prominent corporations in the Assembly.

MacroSoft Industries

Orange Inc.


Multi-National United



Standard Electric

Koaca Kola

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To: Malestrom Vortex

From: Walter Oates

While we are interested in conducting business with your nation, we have no interest in placing our territory under the laws of a foreign government. Our state was founded to escape the confines of government over corporations, not jump in the bed with one.

The Tahoe Republic welcomes this new regime to America but cautions it and the world that foreign meddling will not be tolerated.

Mr. Oates responded to this during a speech he was giving on international television saying, "the foreign policy of this government is not dominated by irrational politics and hatred between states, it is centered around one thing. That thing is money. We will accept all foreign investment, from all nations. Your money is good here."

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To: Malestrom Vortex

From: Walter Oates

While we are interested in conducting business with your nation, we have no interest in placing our territory under the laws of a foreign government. Our state was founded to escape the confines of government over corporations, not jump in the bed with one.

"Understood, we're voting on treaty options now in the Legislature."

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To: Malestrom Vortex

From: Walter Oates

While we are interested in conducting business with your nation, we have no interest in placing our territory under the laws of a foreign government. Our state was founded to escape the confines of government over corporations, not jump in the bed with one.

Mr. Oates responded to this during a speech he was giving on international television saying, "the foreign policy of this government is not dominated by irrational politics and hatred between states, it is centered around one thing. That thing is money. We will accept all foreign investment, from all nations. Your money is good here."

Microsoft Incorporated is interested in buying a controlling share of 33% in Orange, Inc. While the Apple Company is interested in buying at least 50% of MacroSoft. Both companies are competitors for the largest share of computer users in the world (Microsoft being the largest software company in the world) and both percieve their southern neighbors as potential competitors and business partners. The CEO's of Orange and Macrosoft are requested to reply to these offers, made publically at the San Francisco Stock Exchange.

Furthermore, the Tahoan Government is interested in contracting Standard Electric and WMB to provide various services within the Tahoan government.

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"The Imperial Sovereign Wealth fund seeks a 25% share in all the 8 major corporations. We'll be seeking to do more with the state shortly." The Dragon Empire Sovereign wealth Fund. uses a combination of futures, options, and a price war over the two corporations that Tahoe is after to drive market prices of the stock to ridiculous highs as the acquisitions begin. As the prices near record levels, the futures are then sold.. and the funds used to drive the prices even higher.. Tahoe was in an economic state of war with the Empire over Mexico.

A war its experts knew exactly how to win.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Microsoft Incorporated is interested in buying a controlling share of 33% in Orange, Inc. While the Apple Company is interested in buying at least 50% of MacroSoft. Both companies are competitors for the largest share of computer users in the world (Microsoft being the largest software company in the world) and both percieve their southern neighbors as potential competitors and business partners. The CEO's of Orange and Macrosoft are requested to reply to these offers, made publically at the San Francisco Stock Exchange.

Furthermore, the Tahoan Government is interested in contracting Standard Electric and WMB to provide various services within the Tahoan government.

To: CEOs of Apple and Microsoft

From: Mr. Oates

On behalf of MacroSoft and Orange Inc, I am happy to inform you that you've got yourself a deal. Transfer of assets will commence shortly.

"The Imperial Sovereign Wealth fund seeks a 25% share in all the 8 major corporations. We'll be seeking to do more with the state shortly."


From: Mr. Oates

On behalf of the corporations you purchased shares in, I'm happy to inform you that your deal is acceptable and transfer of assets will commence shortly.

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