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Grand Global Report, International Edition


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Greetings to Planet Bob! :)

The Grand Global Report has been an institution in the GGA for a long time, and gone through numerous incarnations. Recently, we've decided to launch an international edition of our humble newspaper, to share with the rest of the world. Although it can't include every detail of every thing that's arguably newsworthy, we hope that our combination of GGA and world news proves interesting and enlightening.


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Y'know GGA, as much as it's embarrassing sometimes to say I'm a former member (3 weeks) I still wish you the best. G'luck etc. The internall drama and humiliation you've gone through is more than enough in terms of reps for the things you've supported others in doing. Heck, I even helped with the !@#$%^&* that was the GATO war. :unsure:

Edited by Diomede
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Great read, but.... your favorite beer is Miller Light?
Indeed, that's a legit CB for craft beer fans. XD

What do you expect when an American starts a topic about "Favorite Beer".

I'll be sure to include some quality European brews in the next poll.

My personal favorite for a regular one is "Hertog Jan Pilsner" and the special brews are just too many to mention. B)

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What do you expect when an American starts a topic about "Favorite Beer".

I'll be sure to include some quality European brews in the next poll.

Them's fightin words! As an American with both a hatred for Miller Light (or anything Miller for that matter) and a love for truly excellent beer, I am offended by your stereotyping of Americans!

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Thanks to everyone who offered kind words. They're much appreciated. :)

We plan to keep putting this out. First we produce an internal one, then, a couple days later, release the international edition. It worked fairly well this time around, so that sounds like a good model, for now.

Monkeybum, I would love to give you a subscription, except I can't begin to imagine how I would do that. I'd happily post links on your forums, if you'd like.

As for the beer thing, well, after my guerilla tactics put Croonchy Stars to the top of the cereal list, I felt I should let the beer one proceed on a more standard course, rather than introducing beers that no one outside my immediate local area has heard of. ;)

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